Saturday, August 05, 2023

Pursuit Training

Someone mentioned this in the comment section, so....for your reading pleasure unidentified reader, we present this Blast from the Past:

Unless authorized by that lieutenant in 012 with balls as big as 16" Clinchers.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does this apply to foot pursuits too ????

8/05/2023 01:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe technology can help?

Some departments are equipping their patrol vehicles with a launcher that fires a tracker that sticks to a vehicle's rear end, and your ground and air assets can track them remotely. No need to drive at high speeds to keep the scumbag in sight.

Use something similar to prevent drive offs? They pull over, you put the tracker on the vehicle, and remove it when the stop is successfully concluded. If they bolt? Follow them safely at a distance.

You probably will have to change some state laws to make sure employing it is legal.
I am sure the progressive Democrats would support this safety measure.

8/05/2023 02:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes don’t do nuttin! Years ago they removed the sirens from the squad cars for awhile. Maybe they were trying to tell you something then.

8/05/2023 02:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It’s funny how the narrative is, “it’s the bosses that are stopping the chases.” It should be the coppers refusing to chase. How much official pursuit training does any one of us have? That one time we did a course with cones? The order puts everything on you. If a kid runs into the street and gets hit by the bad guys, it is your fault. This isn’t a bad boss thing. If anything, the bosses are trying to keep you out of trouble. Until the order changes and coppers get more protection (good luck with either of those two things happening in the next 35 years) no copper should be engaging in any vehicular pursuit. We have zero training in pursuits or high speed maneuvers. We have zero ways to stop a fleeing vehicle. We have nothing yet there are still fools who decide to chase because they think it’s grand theft auto. Just stop. If they wanted us to catch the criminals they’d send us to way better training in vehicle pursuits. If they wanted us to catch them, they’d give us protections in vehicular pursuits. They’ve done the opposite in both cases. Be smarter than this. It’s probably true the bosses are too afraid of pursuits but so should you be. You have no idea what’s going to happen and everything that does happen will be put on you, not the criminal.

And I’m saying this as someone who’s done pursuits. They end in crashes, cars breaking down, or them getting terminated. If they bail, it always turned into a foot pursuit and guess what? We now have foot pursuit restrictions that again put all of the blame on us. Be smarter. Don’t get caught up. The politicians want the criminals to get away. If they didn’t want that, they’d implement procedures, training, and legislation designed to protect officers. They have done the opposite. They have designed procedures, instituted a lack of training, and put forth legislation to attack every decision made by the officer in continuance of both vehicular and foot pursuits. If you hear someone pursuing a car, make a mental note that the copper is a stupid fool and try not to be on any of their scenes again. They have clearly shown a lack of foresight.

8/05/2023 02:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pursuit is something to do about critical race theory. One needs to be careful as to not mis-characterise our activities. Choose less aggressive words and phrases like bird-dogging or tailing or even better straggling. Problem solved we dont do pursuits we were straggling.

8/05/2023 04:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But will I still have to sit through all those hours of training :)

8/05/2023 04:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I still do it like it’s 2005.

8/05/2023 07:39:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

Good stuff.

8/05/2023 07:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My balls are Very small, but my BAT, well that's a long story.

8/05/2023 08:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let us consider the potentially positive ass specks of this:

1. No pursuit = punks get away

2. Punks get away = punks do more of the same

3. Punks doing more of the same = more of the sheep and rabbit and mice people get to be victims

4. More of the sheep and rabbit and mice people getting to be victims = more bleating, moaning, complaining, bitch ragging, clusterfucked cluckings, etc., which is quite annoying to the politicals

5. Annoyed politicals = BIG Smiley Face!


8/05/2023 09:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

New General order on call assignment: To be read at roll call for at least 1 week

Acknowledge receipt of call

Proceed to location





8/05/2023 10:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pls, the high jacking unit "task force" do it all day and they're held to the same directive. "These rules doesn't apply to me" sends them straight to COPA or even the Dirxen building listing assets, then they complain i was a hard charging "worker" and they fked me, "I'm lateraling whaaa". Stop drinking the merit kool-aid dumb dumbs, let the SDSC house mouses and the maintenance plagued, perfect weather only ph1 do all the heavy lifting, pro active street police has been eradicated over 5 years ago and nailed shut with the safety act and consent decree nails. WAKE UP.

8/05/2023 11:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The “tracker commenter” commenter is watching too many Hollywood police and war movies.

8/05/2023 12:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Yes don’t do nuttin! Years ago they removed the sirens from the squad cars for awhile. Maybe they were trying to tell you something then.

8/05/2023 02:36:00 AM
Can you tell us when this happened? You can't because it is bullshit

8/05/2023 12:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
It’s funny how the narrative is, “it’s the bosses that are stopping the chases.” It should be the coppers refusing to chase.

And I’m saying this as someone who’s done pursuits.

Be smarter. Don’t get caught up.

8/05/2023 02:49:00 AM

Listen up there young go-getters, this man speaks the truth! Until you've sat in that chair disclosing your assets you think this is all fun and games.

8/05/2023 12:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahahaha this is amazing and THANK YOU, SCC!

For everyone else, it's still TRUE. Let tech and air ops deal with it.

8/05/2023 12:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Yes don’t do nuttin! Years ago they removed the sirens from the squad cars for awhile. Maybe they were trying to tell you something then."

hahahaha... that's sooooooo CPD and I love it

-- Uh, boss, we need to trim some items from the budget, how about removing this item from the cars?


8/05/2023 01:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Maybe technology can help?

Some departments are equipping their patrol vehicles with a launcher that fires a tracker that sticks to a vehicle's rear end, and your ground and air assets can track them remotely. No need to drive at high speeds to keep the scumbag in sight.

Use something similar to prevent drive offs? They pull over, you put the tracker on the vehicle, and remove it when the stop is successfully concluded. If they bolt? Follow them safely at a distance.

You probably will have to change some state laws to make sure employing it is legal.
I am sure the progressive Democrats would support this safety measure."

To an extent, great idea, but often poorly used. WE have folks that can't use their radio, drive a car correctly, or keep a uniform clean. Dare I use an example of taser or OC spray? Getting everyone proficiently trained is a DREAM, I want it to happen, buuuuuuuut not likely. lol

8/05/2023 01:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Does this apply to foot pursuits too ????"

Why not? Those gumshoes will get 'em later! (meanwhile, the gumshoes are flooded with other cases and unable to respond as a result of paperwork drowning)

8/05/2023 01:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Maybe technology can help?

Some departments are equipping their patrol vehicles with a launcher that fires a tracker that sticks to a vehicle's rear end, and your ground and air assets can track them remotely. No need to drive at high speeds to keep the scumbag in sight.

Use something similar to prevent drive offs? They pull over, you put the tracker on the vehicle, and remove it when the stop is successfully concluded. If they bolt? Follow them safely at a distance.

You probably will have to change some state laws to make sure employing it is legal.
I am sure the progressive Democrats would support this safety measure.

Yeah then you track them to some shitty house or apartment on the south or west side where 20 people live in a two bedroom. And car belongs to mom, girlfriend, auntie, etc or is just stolen. All that technology won’t do shit to make a case.

8/05/2023 02:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Read the Sun Times today, pages 2 and 3. I know, I know it’s the Times but are 2 pretty good and interesting articles about Johnson and the FOP and president. One is about arbitrator Benns ruling that arbitration might supersede COLA ruling in firing and cases of at least a years suspension and other about the FOP president and Jonhson relationship particularly about a bill that was put off until the fall session regarding COLA and the 2 tier pensions

8/05/2023 02:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Talk about "Legends". I remember one night this asshole, while working with a recruit, started chasing a hot car. He put it on the radio and the SGT ordered him to cease and wait for him at that address and he "10-4's". So the SGT shows up at the address and theres no Kriv. SGT ask's him where is he and he replies "Im still chasing the car".

So again the SGT orders him to stop and wait for him. He shows up again and again no Kriv. When asked on the radio where the fuck is he he replies, "I'm still chasing the car". And again the SGT orders him to stop and wait and again he 10-4's.

So OTW to the new address this brain surgeon gets on the radio and say's he's still chasing the car only this time he's chasing E/B while in the W/B Lane of the Ike and somehow survives to reach an exit where he finally stops to wait for the SGT. This fucking balloon head kept getting caught in the strip clubs in 018 or cruising for the chocolate girls in the 30 sector.

""""Chicago — Prosecutors on Tuesday accused a newly-retired Chicago cop of successfully contesting dozens of traffic tickets since 2009 by falsely reporting that his girlfriend had stolen his car 44 different times.

But a review of city ticketing records by CWB Chicago found that Jeffrey Kriv actually won the dismissal of 70 tickets during those years while paying just 10 tickets.

Officials said Kriv retired from the force on January 20, days after he was stripped of his police powers due to the investigation into the ticket scam allegations.

The 70 dismissed tickets include red light violations, speed violations, and a variety of parking infractions, according to city ticketing records. Kriv didn’t pay any tickets between October 2019 and October 2022 while winning 16 dismissals, records show. The city’s data does not provide reasons for ticket dismissals.""""""""

I doubt I was the only one from 012 not surprised.

8/05/2023 03:38:00 PM  
Anonymous NavySealRanger12 said...

Spot on. It's like our annual Taser "qualification". The range instructors take us through the motions and tell us what we can't use them for. The ramifications seem to be worse for an officer improperly or mistakenly using them than the offender being Tazed. So you let that sink in and come to the conclusion " actually can't Taze anyone anymore." Even though you technically can but you need to do the mental gymnastics to complete the 12-step liability flowchart that they forced upon us. So let's make it easy: "Just No".
No is what this city give it to them and protect yourselves.

8/05/2023 05:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is not a single White shirt in e tire CPD with any Balls. Not one they all bought and paid for their current rank and are busy saving up for next bump up the ladder.

8/05/2023 06:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pls, the high jacking unit "task force" do it all day and they're held to the same directive. "These rules doesn't apply to me" sends them straight to COPA or even the Dirxen building listing assets, then they complain i was a hard charging "worker" and they fked me, "I'm lateraling whaaa". Stop drinking the merit kool-aid dumb dumbs, let the SDSC house mouses and the maintenance plagued, perfect weather only ph1 do all the heavy lifting, pro active street police has been eradicated over 5 years ago and nailed shut with the safety act and consent decree nails. WAKE UP.

Sir! You better stop with this unsolicited advice. I like the pace my seniority is going up. And for all the real task force operators- don't listen to this man's advice. He has no idea what he's talking about. You look pretty badass riding 4 deep in those Ford F-150's chasing dude all over the city. City and I appreciate it very much, keep up the good work!

8/05/2023 08:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If u drive very cautiously, do the speed limit or slower in bad weather or heavy traffic, even when responding to in progress emergencies, you can 19-B or P just about everything when you get there. And only go if dispatched or other Coppers calling for help. Beat them totally legally at their own game. Soon the citizens will be begging for the police, and for change to leadership and policies. Stay Safe ALWAYS.

8/05/2023 08:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And enough with the "just saw a car traveling at a high rate of speed, we're not following squad." Guess what you just put yourself out there on radio and GPS. Even if you keep going the other way, and they crash, hit someone, etc its going to be on you. So please just quit it. Not worth it.

8/05/2023 09:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
It’s funny how the narrative is, “it’s the bosses that are stopping the chases.” It should be the coppers refusing to chase. How much official pursuit training does any one of us have? That one time we did a course with cones? The order puts everything on you. If a kid runs into the street and gets hit by the bad guys, it is your fault. This isn’t a bad boss thing. If anything, the bosses are trying to keep you out of trouble. Until the order changes and coppers get more protection (good luck with either of those two things happening in the next 35 years) no copper should be engaging in any vehicular pursuit. We have zero training in pursuits or high speed maneuvers. We have zero ways to stop a fleeing vehicle. We have nothing yet there are still fools who decide to chase because they think it’s grand theft auto. Just stop. If they wanted us to catch the criminals they’d send us to way better training in vehicle pursuits. If they wanted us to catch them, they’d give us protections in vehicular pursuits. They’ve done the opposite in both cases. Be smarter than this. It’s probably true the bosses are too afraid of pursuits but so should you be. You have no idea what’s going to happen and everything that does happen will be put on you, not the criminal.

And I’m saying this as someone who’s done pursuits. They end in crashes, cars breaking down, or them getting terminated. If they bail, it always turned into a foot pursuit and guess what? We now have foot pursuit restrictions that again put all of the blame on us. Be smarter. Don’t get caught up. The politicians want the criminals to get away. If they didn’t want that, they’d implement procedures, training, and legislation designed to protect officers. They have done the opposite. They have designed procedures, instituted a lack of training, and put forth legislation to attack every decision made by the officer in continuance of both vehicular and foot pursuits. If you hear someone pursuing a car, make a mental note that the copper is a stupid fool and try not to be on any of their scenes again. They have clearly shown a lack of foresight.

8/05/2023 02:49:00 AM

You could have saved yourself all that typing. The order says “the individual officer pursuing is the only one responsible.” The balancing test is on the pursuit vehicle. PERIOD! Bosses terminate to save your ass! And I’m not defending bosses and I never was one. When you get sued and deposed the order will be mentioned countless times and so will all your eLearning. You are on record knowing this. Protect yourself

8/05/2023 09:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When you go to an ice skating rink there are signs hanging all over the place that say " skate at your own risk, we assume no liability ". Remove skate and replace it with police and hang that sign up in every roll call room.

8/06/2023 12:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@ 03:38 PM Anonymous said...

Talk about "Legends". I remember one night this asshole, while working with a recruit, started chasing a hot car. He put it on the radio and the SGT ordered him to cease and wait for him at that address and he "10-4's". So the SGT shows up at the address and theres no Kriv. SGT ask's him where is he and he replies "Im still chasing the car"...
Yeah, Kriv was a "legend" all right {snicker}. You'd be surprised how many young naive officers idolized the guy (and still do) for all the OT and DUI awards he got over the years. A supervisor's worst nightmare and a miserable tour of duty for his partner. A mediocre police officer at best and a certified nut job at worst who was protected from someone very very powerful. Maybe that will come out once his criminal case gets closer to trial...

8/06/2023 06:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8/05/2023 08:18:00 PM

Perfectly stated.

8/06/2023 08:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Pls, the high jacking unit "task force" do it all day and they're held to the same directive ...
They're not all CPD so no they're not.

8/06/2023 08:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No vehicle pursuits AND no foot pursuits


8/06/2023 09:45:00 AM  

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