Thursday, August 03, 2023

Migrant Convoys

Political footballs with human lives:

  • Hundreds of immigrants staying at temporary shelters have been moved to North Side lakefront neighborhoods over the past few days.

    The change comes just as City Colleges campuses — where hundreds have been staying over the summer — prepare to reopen for the fall semester, and as Lollapalooza returns to Grant Park on Thursday.

    About 550 immigrants staying at Daley College on the South Side and at Wilbur Wright College on the Northwest Side were moved to the American Islamic College, in the 600 block of West Irving Park Road, according to the Office of Emergency Management and Communications.

    According to OEMC, more than 100 people staying at the 1st District police station in the South Loop, about two miles from Grant Park, were moved to the Broadway Armory Park Fieldhouse in Edgewater, a decision that was the subject of community pushback by some residents.

We drove through Edgewater the other day and the number of lawn and window signs that still declared "Defund the Police" was quite amazing. We can guess how they all voted recently....and they're giving the politicians "pushback"?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was downtown Monday night and the sidewalks surrounding the Inn of Chicago Hotel was loaded with Immigrants,So they still must be staying there.

8/03/2023 12:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Suck it, losers.

Defund Deez.

8/03/2023 12:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fake empathy ends where harsh reality begins.

8/03/2023 04:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

North east part of the city , 019, 020 & 024 now have 5 shelter sites open . No push back from these residents . Although south shore pushed back and the shelters opened up north .

8/03/2023 06:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hate has no home here, now be in before 7:30pm.

8/03/2023 07:25:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

The north side deserves them. After all, they want to defund the police and they voted for Brandon.

8/03/2023 07:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And this is what I tell people, play with the most insane idea of defunding the police you will see the dire most problems and consequences. I laughed by and drove away. Let them shoot each other, scream till their blue in the face, cry for their stupidity, they continue to vote and live by the woke idealism now they are feeling it. I show up to work for humor the woke idiots create and helping the decent people out, everything else is non-affecting now.

Reap what you sow Chicago, apparently the riots/COVID/violent crimes/nonstop shootings/gangs/lying political figures/voting woke/defund the police is what you deserve. The migrants are just another reason to laugh at the woke public for the whole "they are immigrants not illegals". Na, they came here illegally and don't plan to get citizenship and assimilate like the rest of the citizens who came here legally. Sorry but not sorry.

Remember code or paper. 7th and 22nd.

8/03/2023 08:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The liberals voted for the Democrats they are democratic. They are the problem and not the solution. Hopefully they get more and more right in their own neighborhoods move them into their homes. That’s what they should do move them in the City Hall. Plenty a room there a woman estate house moving into Pritzkers hotels move them into the governors mansion woman Pritzker‘s house. Why not on all the Democrats let them all taken it illegal. Criminals incredible.

8/03/2023 08:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

019, 020, 024, gotta love the fuckin libtards....let the trespassers keep on sucking up city resources and funds you idiots! Don't complain when your taxes go up and city services go down. If these so-loving citizens care so much about the migrants, then they should house about that for an idea?

8/03/2023 08:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone hear BJ's press conference on the migrants and picking the next top cop?? In BJ's words, he says that he will continue to FOLLOW THE LAW, on Chicago as a sanctuary City? What law? Its a City Council passed ordinance, something you can get rid of!! This douche of a Mayor is so clueless as to what the hell is going on in this City.

8/03/2023 08:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Liberal Hypocrisy. Remember the "undocumented immigrants" sent to Marthas Vineyard? Those oh so kind and caring rich white progressives immediately shipped out to a locked down camp on a military base in the middle of nowhere.

8/03/2023 09:03:00 AM  
Blogger DG in GA said...

Leftists will always push back when the bad stuff they support comes to THEIR neighborhood. Remember when Abbott sent 45 illegals to Martha’s Vineyard? Those young men were moved to a military base so fast it made their heads spin, all at the hands of the “oh, so compassionate” rich lefties who campaigned and voted for Bidumb. They love them some illegals, as long as said illegals don’t come within 20 miles of their backyards - unless they are on a riding mower.

8/03/2023 11:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Edgewater is so far left that in order to turn right one has to make 3 left turns.

8/03/2023 12:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Move them all up there…they voted for these policies

8/03/2023 01:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yea right!

The migrants will bring a lot of wealth with them, too!


8/03/2023 02:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When you lay down with dogs you wake up with fleas here’s hoping the people get what they voted for

8/03/2023 03:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BJ wants to make Madison ave Skid Row again.

Flophouses is what they use to call them. Now we have a mayor turning community parks into transient migrant flop houses. Nothing destroys a community more than transients.

Historic scenes of chicago's Skid Row with chicago PD on four cylinder motor cycles of the 1930's era scene of officers shown who's sole assignment was to pick up drunks off the sidewalks every single day. 1970 era paddy wagons etc..

The Joe Biden dream come true who wudda thought eh Skid Row returning

skid row madison ave chicago 1930s-1970s

8/03/2023 04:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many migrants will fit in the new Obama Library center?

There's a lot of beds with laundry services and kitchens and with bathrooms in every room at cook co jail. they wont have to sleep on the dirty floors

8/03/2023 04:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

there's a story up that in NYC a bunch of migrants were penned in by those wooden horses outside the migrant intake center and they all suddenly disappeared and supposedly know one knows where they went!!

Prolly those alien abduction crafts in the news

8/03/2023 04:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

we should start calling all the flophouses and trap houses "shelters" as its more politically correct. Like you know we don't have homeless people any more according to the liberals as they are un-housed not homeless

LaLaPaLOOTza is underway

NASA had a special DC-9 flying over chicago the other day to measure air quality they say. We were told it was at a safe low altitude of btwn 500 and 1,000 feet going over 200 mph. John Hancock and Sears tower are over a thousand feet so there's that.

wonder if the real mission was to fly fast under radar and dump those dead bats they found on the lakes shore or maybe scan the city for gas stoves and charcoal grill pollution so w get tickets and fines for not having a license to operate them under joes green new deal.

So flying a toy drone at 400 feet is a big safety deal but a DC-9 ripping at 200 mph at 500 feet is perfectly safe right? Let that sink in Any problems with that DC-9 do you think theres time to put it down in a safe unpopulated area when its at 500 feet? Not even Sully could do that

8/03/2023 05:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't see any "defund the police" signs in Edgewater. I do see lots of "hate has no home here" and "black lives matter" signs. Thus putting the "tard" in "libtard".

8/03/2023 07:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Old Wise Man said...

Be careful what you wish for , because you might just get it, libtards. Ha ha ha ha

8/03/2023 07:18:00 PM  

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