Friday, August 04, 2023


Everyone reading knows what a "Social Contract" is?

  • A usually implicit agreement among the members of an organized society or between the governed and the government defining and limiting the rights and duties of each.
  • An implicit agreement or contract among members of a society that dictates things such as submission of individuals to rule of law and acceptable conduct.
  • An implicit agreement among people that results in the organization of society; individual surrenders liberty in return for protection.

That last one is important - because the below link shows what happens when the "protection" portion is withdrawn (defunding), over-penalized (suspension time) or just not there (understaffing):

Someone wiser than us said that the Law isn't there to protect the citizens - it's there to protect the lawbreakers from what the citizens would do to them if there weren't police around. When the Social Contract ceases to exist, you have people taking the Law into their own hands, to exact the Justice that used to be the job of the police, the courts and the State. 

You have, quite simply, vigilantes.

And we are cheering them on.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I could watch that 7-11 video a dozen times and still laugh every time. Greatest video I've seen in a long, long time.

8/04/2023 12:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yup, criminals seem to have forgotten that the Justice System was created to protect criminals from vigilantes.

Because vigilantes would occasionally get it wrong and exact justice against the wrong person.

But hey, the Justice System has decided to stop doing their job, so it's back to The People to handle things.

And oh yeah, The People don't have a real detailed "Use of Force Model" constraining them. Criminal pulled a knife and got riddled? Bled out before the wambulance showed up? Who did it? No idea. Come pick up the body please...

Pretty soon the word gets out: "Don't fuck with the Bodega or 7/11 - they ain't playin' up in der...".

About fucking time as far as I'm concerned...

8/04/2023 12:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The victims did not do enough.
That stick should’ve been shoved up his ass till it came out his mouth.

8/04/2023 12:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Should have used the baseball bat that Al Capone used in the untouchables movie.

8/04/2023 12:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Video of the year. That guy swung like a major leaguer. He almost clobbered his buddy ! Hilarious.

8/04/2023 12:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Box Chevy Phantom said:

Those who revel in the profligate
and altogether heedless showing of their @$$
to polite society, have no room to complain
when polite society decisively danks on
the offending @$$.

You see, there's that whole contract with
society thingy that the majority of us who
were raised right, strive to abide by.

We're all occupants of this madly spinning
cosmic mudball. The leftist loons who are
busily trying to undermine and upend every
good thing - do think that by convincing an
entire demographic subset that they're exempt
from accountability and culpability while
demanding that the peaceful and law-abiding
suspend credulity and adherence to decency.

8/04/2023 12:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The dude needs to improve his technique. You don't keep beating him with the broom stick. You can also stab him in the guts with the flush end too.

8/04/2023 01:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I fucking love this video…it makes me so happy!!!!
Great job!!! The libTARD democRATS can go fuck themselves!! We need more of this. Then it stops. Savages only understand violence

8/04/2023 01:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He was just out for some early reparations he be owed. The owner should have assisted him in gathering up his free items. That moron running the camera saying don't you have insurance should have been whacked a few times too.

8/04/2023 04:17:00 AM  
Blogger stash the polski guy said...

Great bed time story late yesterday. Slept like a baby.

8/04/2023 05:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I laughed my ass off when I saw this one. This is some real Mumbai street level shit. Good for them, cane that Motherfucker boys. Break out the canes and go all New Delhi on the savage.

8/04/2023 05:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8/04/2023 05:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tingly all over… that is

8/04/2023 05:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Sandbox Diplomat said...

Video of the year! Deliciously enjoyable and seriously funny. The Quickie Mart clerk is a national hero!

8/04/2023 06:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I worked with a guy from Africa. He said if you get caught stealing in the market you hope and pray the police come ASAP. Your health and bones depend on it.

8/04/2023 06:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great job the 7-11 workers did giving that 🐀 an ass beating

8/04/2023 06:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rangeland justice.

Expect more of it.

8/04/2023 07:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

After my 15 years on the job I realized that this is in fact true, the system is designed for the failure of society but in particular those societies that are less fortunate, THE POOR!!!! It has nothing to do with race, ethnic group oo language you speak but your economic status. A good friend of mine who is white grew up in the south that the first time he saw a black person in person was when his family drove to a retreat. He tells me that the hillbillies (per him) are worst than the blacks but will never make the news. Why? Because it does not make the narrative, the media oppresses minorities but victimized then mentally

8/04/2023 07:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kudos!!! Fuck these savages. Let's name that stick "Karma". LMAO, this video just made my day. I would have made that fat lazy ass motherfuker get up, and re-stock everything properly, in its place or get more of "Karma".

8/04/2023 07:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"We're all occupants of this madly spinning cosmic mudball".
LOL... So true and get more upside down everyday.

8/04/2023 08:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Time to inflict some paaaaaaain with the caaaaaaain!

8/04/2023 08:21:00 AM  
Blogger Prairiepolice said...

Blows to the large muscle mass just like they teach in PTI.

Outstanding work

8/04/2023 08:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bring back the Hanging Tree

8/04/2023 08:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
After my 15 years on the job I realized that this is in fact true, the system is designed for the failure of society but in particular those societies that are less fortunate, THE POOR!!!! It has nothing to do with race, ethnic group oo language you speak but your economic status. A good friend of mine who is white grew up in the south that the first time he saw a black person in person was when his family drove to a retreat. He tells me that the hillbillies (per him) are worst than the blacks but will never make the news. Why? Because it does not make the narrative, the media oppresses minorities but victimized then mentally

8/04/2023 07:49:00 AM"

The media oppresses minorities? No, the media doesn't oppress minorities. The media sells the propaganda that they are told to by their controllers in government and the ruling oligarch class.

Want to know who the real oppressors are? Figure out those you can't criticize.

Media? LOL!

8/04/2023 08:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Typical. They usually go from offender to “victim” right away as soon as the police show up. “Man, why you locking me up?” “Man, these cuffs are too tight” (they’re not). Whine whine whine. You’re a big tough offender, stop acting like a little girl when you’re caught.

8/04/2023 08:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where is chicagos Zoro?

Zorro (Spanish pronunciation: [ˈsoro] or Spanish pronunciation: [ˈθoro], Spanish for 'fox') is a fictional character created in 1919 by American pulp writer Johnston McCulley, appearing in works set in the Pueblo of Los Angeles in Alta California.[1] He is typically portrayed as a dashing masked vigilante who defends the commoners and indigenous peoples of California against corrupt and tyrannical officials and other villains. His signature all-black costume includes a cape, a hat known as a sombrero cordobés, and a mask covering the upper half of his face.

8/04/2023 09:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Theres a aecond video of the aftermath on Instagram

Next comes a comic twist. As the narrator escorts him out, the limping thief asks, "Can I get a soda...please!" Even his documentarian and post-beating advocate finds the request preposterous: "What kind of sh*t you telling me? You do this sh*t and you want a soda? Get the fu*k out, man

8/04/2023 09:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dont forget to unmute it

8/04/2023 09:40:00 AM  
Blogger I Voted For Kamala said...

Real justice.

8/04/2023 09:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It’s good to see people stand up but in democratic run sewers the citizen defending their property will be the one prosecuted.

8/04/2023 10:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The smug entitlement of that ghetto rat is unreal. I wish after a few good cracks with that stick they would have both proceeded to punching that shitbag in his face until he stopped moving. I bet ol boy wont be "shopping' there anymore

8/04/2023 10:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bet that would be robber had some real nasty welts after that beating...Something to think about for days...that is better justice than anything the courts could deliver!

We need to begin "caning" in this country...Let them go free afterwards, but definitely cane them. Chicago Crime would see a reduction in the first year...It has worked in 3rd world countries and will work here.

People would buy tickets to public events like these. The victims could sit front row.

8/04/2023 10:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Box Chevy Phantom said:

Yeah. About that @$$-whoopin'...
A few things came to mind.

"Play stupid games, win stupid prizes."

"Live a stupid life, die a stupid death."

"Common sense ain't as common as it used to be."

"They even manage to kill the grass wherever they
go so they must have poison on their feet."

...Stuff that Gran'paw (1876 - 1962) was fond of saying.

The land of yellow and red clay has given rise
to plenty of home grown wit, wisdom and insight.

What is a society when some of those who live in it
and benefit greatly from it, claim to be so deeply
victimized as to be wholly unable to face their
internal wall and genuflect before it?

Heh... Leftists DO like to shove their intended
victims against a wall, especially if it's
bullet riddled. The useful lefty idiots whose
utility has expired, get shoved against a wall as well.

Of course they'll kick and scream because the wall
is meant solely for you deplorable, free-thinking
blue collar conservative churls and not for the
collectivists getting an overdue and well deserved
@$$-pocketful of just desserts.

"Wah! No! Not me! Not like this! Not with THEM!

The kicker is that THEY have and WILL continue
to blame and seek vengeance against the rest of
everybody else for THEIR "failure to launch."

8/04/2023 10:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

next time use a thicker stick

8/04/2023 10:30:00 AM  
Blogger DG in GA said...

So did the 7-11 employee end up being charged with assault? Considering that happened in NYC, that is what I expect to have happened. Not that I don’t believe he was completely justified in his actions. And what did the thief keep pulling out of his pants pocket? It wasn’t a gun, but it could have been a knife.

8/04/2023 10:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Turn Law & Order back on?

8/04/2023 10:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fun to watch, but a Louisville Slugger would have done a better job.

8/04/2023 01:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Old Wise Man said...

The was best thing I’ve seen in a long long time. Great work by 7-11 management.

8/04/2023 02:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where does one get One of these bitch ass Whipping sticks I was unable to find one on amazon

When is enough enough? These military style extended range assualt sticks need to be banned. No common sense background checks nothing. Lmfao

8/04/2023 03:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The narrator in thar video firsts aaks foa a piece of the proceeds " hey man can I get some swisher sweets cigarettos" then goes to owners " hey man just let them go theres nothing you van do, they aint gonna do have insurance..." then the narrator starts telling the store ownera to STOP. Dont do that dont grab him.

That's what we here in chicago call a community organizer violence interruptor. Mayor Brandon Johnsons yellow vested posse.

The issurection of the Chicago 7/11 ,by a raciats mob of around 500 black kids should not be called a hate crime tho how dare anyone call the offenders baby al capones. Really not smart enuff. I mean who is shaking down store owners for protection money so the store doesnt get trashed.

Did al capone Have community organizer violence interrupters asking for a Friend.

8/04/2023 04:03:00 PM  
Blogger Prairiepolice said...

the store manager let him go without calling the cops he did and i am not making this up, asked for beverage before he left

8/04/2023 04:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are DOOMED as a society.

8/04/2023 07:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

After my 15 years on the job I realized that this is in fact true, the system is designed for the failure of society but in particular those societies that are less fortunate, THE POOR!!!! It has nothing to do with race, ethnic group oo language you speak but your economic status. A good friend of mine who is white grew up in the south that the first time he saw a black person in person was when his family drove to a retreat. He tells me that the hillbillies (per him) are worst than the blacks but will never make the news. Why? Because it does not make the narrative, the media oppresses minorities but victimized then mentally

8/04/2023 07:49:00 AM

I've known some real 'hillbillies' and the difference is hillbillies don't tolerate stupid shit and have no problem taking care of their own- meaning D
Do not EVER bring unwanted attention and if unwanted attention comes around.. . Well, neither can be found

8/04/2023 07:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Regulators mount up.

8/04/2023 07:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know what "cockles" are but that warms the cockles of my heart...

8/04/2023 08:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was the store clerk fully certified ( 8hr classroom training) in using a deadly weapon? Certified by e-learning? Yearly re-certification? Any Trr's completed? Why didn't his partner stop him from using excessive force?? Any De-Escalation? These questions need to be answered before CRAPA ( I mean COPA) shows up! Recruit this guy for CPD. ASAP! This 7-11 ass whooper will be the new poster model for JOIN US...BE THE CHANGE!!

8/04/2023 09:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did al capone Have community organizer violence interrupters asking for a Friend.

8/04/2023 04:03:00 PM

He sure did. They were known as the Thompson Family.

8/04/2023 10:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only hope to restoring order in this City would be to bring in that pissed off Burmese General from the Rambo movie and his platoon of jungle soldiers armed with bamboo switches and claymores. Even then, Chicago may be too far gone.

8/04/2023 11:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kim Foxx has a warrant already out for the clerk. I feel better watching this video on repeat. Indian justice served on a silver plater. 19F. You can't depend on the POLICE powers anymore.

8/04/2023 11:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Back, Sir!

8/05/2023 01:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

absolutely worth watching

8/05/2023 08:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A good fucking caning is what all of BJ’s little bastards ghetto thugs really all need. And then send them back to the toilets from where they crawled back from. These animals don’t understand anything else.

8/05/2023 08:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

After my 15 years on the job I realized that this is in fact true, the system is designed for the failure of society but in particular those societies that are less fortunate, THE POOR!!!! It has nothing to do with race, ethnic group oo language you speak but your economic status. A good friend of mine who is white grew up in the south that the first time he saw a black person in person was when his family drove to a retreat. He tells me that the hillbillies (per him) are worst than the blacks but will never make the news. Why? Because it does not make the narrative, the media oppresses minorities but victimized then mentally

Show me a "hillbilly" area that averages 30-50 people shot every weekend...or maybe one where they're carjacking and robbing on a daily basis...I'll wait.

8/05/2023 09:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I don't know what "cockles" are but that warms the cockles of my heart..."

MAYBE in the sub cockles... we'll never know!!

8/05/2023 01:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This just in....... brooms (and anything broom-related) are now banned! Please review your ILCS and city/county ordinance books for the proper UUW section to write.


8/05/2023 01:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"""It has nothing to do with race, ethnic group oo language you speak but your economic status. A good friend of mine who is white grew up in the south that the first time he saw a black person in person was when his family drove to a retreat. He tells me that the hillbillies (per him) are worst than the blacks but will never make the news. Why? Because it does not make the narrative, the media oppresses minorities but victimized then mentally"""

The fuck reality you living in ? The Twilight Zone? I spent many years in the south and I never saw any "white" Hillbillys pulling this kind of shit. If anything the hillbillys would be swinging the stick.

But I hope you feel better at least with your stupid ass characterization of an alternate reality. A nice made up story, I enjoyed it. Now we can all hold hands as we dance around the Marula Tree singing "Give Peace a chance".

8/05/2023 03:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

By “hillybilly” are you referring to a predominantly poor white area where these types of crimes are being committed? There are none.

8/05/2023 06:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fucking scumbag! Savage!

8/06/2023 04:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awesome!! I only wish the store owner put 2 in his head

8/06/2023 06:22:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

What's a marula tree?

Now, kees me you fool!!!!

8/06/2023 06:52:00 AM  

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