Sunday, August 06, 2023


This is a game changer to say the least and Bravo to the FOP for winning it:

  • Chicago Police officers recommended for firing or slapped with suspensions longer than a year will have the option of going around the Police Board and putting their fate in the hands of an independent arbitrator, thanks to a new ruling that Mayor Brandon Johnson called a “major setback” for reform.

    Independent Arbitrator Edwin H. Benn has handed down a ton of rulings over the years involving disciplinary cases against Chicago Police officers and firefighters. He has also decided many police and fire contracts that could not be hammered out at the bargaining table.

    This week’s ruling threatens to turn at least a portion of the disciplinary process on its ear and deprive the Police Board of one of its most powerful tools. That board’s nominees are recommended by a civilian oversight panel and chosen by the mayor.

    The decision will allow police officers accused of the most serious wrongdoing — and recommended for firings or suspensions longer than a year — to bypass the Police Board and take their cases to an independent arbitrator who could be more sympathetic to their arguments.

    Fraternal Order of Police President John Catanzara called it a “huge victory” for the rank-and-file.

We beg to differ - this is beyond "huge."


The Police Board answers to the mayor and is hopelessly political. COPA is corrupt in the extreme and nothing more than a railroad operation to hand out suspension days the way we hand out candy on Halloween and Easter combined. What was once a reprimand has turned into Thirty-Pending with no recourse for Officers to have a neutral party hear actual evidence and sworn testimony in their defense.

We have said it for years, before, during the blog and while on hiatus  - Police Officers are NOT above the Law, but neither should they be UNDER it. We deserve the exact same Due Process afforded to the assholes we lock-up.

Expect lawsuits to follow.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whether it's OPS or IPRA or COPA or even the police board they are nothing but a political head hunting party. It has nothing to do with professionalism or a fact based review of an officer's conduct. A huge win ????, I hope so.

8/06/2023 12:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What happened to Catanzara’s labor board case of union busting by the city trying to fire him while he is on leave of absence as the fop president?

8/06/2023 01:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bob Bartlett did the research and filed the lawsuit for the arbitration award against Copa . Is it surprising that Catanzara is taking credit for it ? No because that’s the person he is . If the FOP did not pull out of arbitration three plus years ago this would have been in place and a lot more cops would have been spared the Police Board . He’s got over half of the police department buffaloed over his bs . No Cola , and anything that turns bad he will blame someone else ! Paper jumper , thirty year vet with six honorable mentions and four police board cases ! Go get ‘em John !

8/06/2023 01:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats to the FOP for pursuing this.

“Mayor Brandon Johnson called a “major setback” for police reform.” What needs to be reformed is the corrupt political structure in Chicago. Brandon get off your can and stop fiddling while Rome burns!!!!

8/06/2023 01:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear Due Process are not just buzz words.

8/06/2023 01:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good ruling, surprising Benn threw us a bone. Maybe cuz he felt he owed us one after siding with Mayor Larry regarding mandating the jab before dude from k9 put the administration on blast over exemptions. Things got real quiet after that, funny how things change when you catch them dirty. What FOP needs to work on now is the bullshit suspensions from special employment that Jill and Alyson are handing out. Punishment in the months/thousands of $$$ for something that should be a SPAR. They’re making up their own rules and punishments when the contract already specifies how things are supposed to be done. COMPLETELY arbitrary. Needs to stop yesterday.

8/06/2023 02:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The city might have had a chance but the Police Board rulings are close to 100 percent against the officers. They have become a rubber stamp. It’s their own fault.

8/06/2023 04:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Nobody said...

No sir. When you asked for a job that gives you power over people, then you should be held to a higher standard, not trying to be anti police here. I'm not so stupid to not know that we need y'all, or understand y'all's job ain't no cake walk. I just don't like seeing the worst among your profession protected by that there thin blue line. And I'm sure most of your customers are assholes. And the customer is usually wrong in your line of work.

8/06/2023 06:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Woo hoo!!

8/06/2023 06:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anytime a progressive politician doesn’t like something, you know it’s a good thing for normal people.

8/06/2023 06:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That phrase, those 2 words should mean everything…..DUE PROCESS

8/06/2023 06:26:00 AM  
Blogger DG in GA said...

Whether or not this is a good thing kind of depends on who the “independent arbitrator” is, doesn’t it? What’s to stop BJ from appointing his own permanent arbitrator who has an axe to grind against the police and political masters to please?

Don’t get me wrong, I agree that the police deserve to be presumed innocent until proven guilty, and they deserve to have any punitive action decided by the most impartial judge possible. But in Chicago where it seems everything is political and definitely stacked against the police, what’s to stop the politicos from screwing this up too?

8/06/2023 07:18:00 AM  
Blogger 6PapaBoner9 said...

Chicago Police officers recommended for firing or slapped with suspensions longer than a year will have the option of going around the Police Board and putting their fate in the hands of an independent arbitrator, thanks to a new ruling that Mayor Brandon Johnson called a “major setback” for reform.

I’d like to extend a hearty “FUCK YOU” to mayor BJ.

How about you work on reforming your people, BJ? They’re a much bigger part of everything wrong with that city. You know it. They know it. Everybody knows it.

The first step towards recovery is admitting you have a problem, BJ. And the police ain’t the problem.

8/06/2023 08:27:00 AM  
Anonymous prairiepolice said...

He was my arbitrator 30 yrs ago when a shit head filed a compliant over a vehicle stop that got him 3 tickets. The COP got on the stand ( before there were BWC) and said he "imagined" how the stop went. Motorist when asked stated that I treated him no worse and slightly better than other officers who had stopped him. Edwin made the decision right after lunch in my favor.

We can expect the usual suspects, starting with teletubby decrying this decision.

8/06/2023 08:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

COPA lawyers are the weakest in their class that couldn’t get a real job out of Law school. .

8/06/2023 08:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"independent arbitrator" = Connected to the dept somehow someway

8/06/2023 09:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can see a lot of 364 day suspensions trying to be handed out

8/06/2023 09:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good Job J-Cat...You have clearly accomplished more than any FOP president in my long career. I want to personally thank you for actively going after what the members needed, and not backing down before the fight had even begun.

Keep up the good fight...

8/06/2023 09:42:00 AM  
Anonymous PaperJumper Is Correct said...

Anonymous said...
Bob Bartlett did the research and filed the lawsuit for the arbitration award against Copa . Is it surprising that Catanzara is taking credit for it ? No because that’s the person he is . If the FOP did not pull out of arbitration three plus years ago this would have been in place and a lot more cops would have been spared the Police Board . He’s got over half of the police department buffaloed over his bs . No Cola , and anything that turns bad he will blame someone else ! Paper jumper , thirty year vet with six honorable mentions and four police board cases ! Go get ‘em John !

8/06/2023 01:24:00 AM

100% TRUE.

J-Kitten did the same thing with the Covid religious exemptions. He pounded his chest at roll call visits while campaigning saying FOP was responsible for making that happen. HR was only approving our religious exemptions at a rate under 1% while every other city agency averaged 70%. A ton of legwork, research and FOIA requests proved the City was biased towards CPD. It got their attention and like magic they started approving our religious exemption requests. It was a huge win that benefitted thousands of coppers. Only problem with that was J-Kitty and FOP had nuthin to do with it. Glen Popela from K9 made that possible and gave it to the FOP and their lawyers to use. Yes, FOP jumped on GP’s paper bigtime. What else can you expect from John… He’s the smartest guy in the room, just ask him.

8/06/2023 09:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Talking about FOP lawyers watch out for the midget attorney Ralph Licari, he is a piece of garbage. He will act as if he has your best interest but he is working against you, he'll back stabbed you. An officer I know was advice by his doctor that he needed surgery but he was scared of such and this tool attorney suggested that he should get the surgery in order to be able to get disability. The tool attorney said otherwise there is no way we can win your case. Well, my friend did win and was awarded disability benefits without getting surgery. The one thing he did get was out side counsel and the FOP had to pay for his attorney. So if any one is represented by RAPLH LICARI the TOOL stay away from him. He will make you believe he is there to help you. He is just like the COPA attorneys, never had a real job.

8/06/2023 10:41:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

Keep the board out of it. Nice.

8/06/2023 10:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No sir. When you asked for a job that gives you power over people, then you should be held to a higher standard, not trying to be anti police here. I'm not so stupid to not know that we need y'all, or understand y'all's job ain't no cake walk. I just don't like seeing the worst among your profession protected by that there thin blue line. And I'm sure most of your customers are assholes. And the customer is usually wrong in your line of work.

Policing gives me power over people? There is no power and People/folk do not give a flying f- about what any law enforcement officer has to say anymore. And I ain’t about to make the news to prove them otherwise. My partner and I used to care but times have changed and these days we only enforce mandatory arrests and provide reports. The only power I have comes in a form of bi-weekly monetary injections on the 7th and 22nd….. there was never any power back then and there will never be any. What you’re referring to is social contract and legitimacy.

8/06/2023 11:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i dont understand - what was the process before?

police board recommends firing

Superintendent disagrees

police board then looks at it again?

(if fired you could then court to court)

8/06/2023 11:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Congrats to the FOP for pursuing this.

“Mayor Brandon Johnson called a “major setback” for police reform.” What needs to be reformed is the corrupt political structure in Chicago. Brandon get off your can and stop fiddling while Rome burns!!!!

8/06/2023 01:37:00 AM


well BJ won't solve crime until he solves poverty and single-parent homes, apparently

he wants to get to the underlying causes, says he

he don't be believing you can arrest your way out of the problem, does that mean arrest won't solve everything, well, then yes I agree. But it is perhaps 90% of the solution, and that's pretty effective. Lots of impoverished 'groups' that don't carjack - but one can lose his career speaking too much of this, less we discover inherent 'differences' between 'population groups

e.g. look at all the super rich in China town - big carjacking crews, eh, BJ?

nothing these liberals believe or espouse stands up to scrutiny

8/06/2023 11:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you to Marty Prieb and the others from the past administration who filed this years ago and got this done for us. JCAT at least got us a new food trailer

8/06/2023 12:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Good ruling, surprising Benn threw us a bone. Maybe cuz he felt he owed us one after siding with Mayor Larry regarding mandating the jab before dude from k9 put the administration on blast over exemptions. Things got real quiet after that, funny how things change when you catch them dirty. What FOP needs to work on now is the bullshit suspensions from special employment that Jill and Alyson are handing out. Punishment in the months/thousands of $$$ for something that should be a SPAR. They’re making up their own rules and punishments when the contract already specifies how things are supposed to be done. COMPLETELY arbitrary. Needs to stop yesterday.

8/06/2023 02:16:00 AM

Yeah there’s something wrong over there. I got hit with a 3 month suspension for canceling to many times (but I called within the allowed time). I played their little game and wrote the to from explaining my absences were legit. They UPPED my suspension to 6 months. How the hell is that allowable? I work 6 days of special Emp a month. 6 x 6 = 36. So I get a 36 day suspension at time and a half (36 x 12 = 432 hours x $55@ hour = $23,760)!!! I heard they have their own made up discipline chart on how they punish people for diff infractions. Is this true? I can’t find it online anywhere in any of our GOs, SOs and ERs. How can that be when spec emp suspensions are laid out in our contract? Their little in house rule book overrules the contract?!! Anyone hear about this?? What say you fop?? I can be punitively punished to the tune of almost 24K for supposedly breaking rules CREATED by Jill Stevens and Allyson Johnson? Rules that are NOT agreed upon by FOP and NOT in our contract. And I’m just one of prob a couple hundred officers suspended for things that are (and were) a reprimand unless you really F’d up. We need a class action grievance on these assholes at spec Emp

8/06/2023 01:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stop me if I am wrong, but isn't an arbitrator mutually agreed too by both parties?
That means that the city signs off and agrees on the selection of an arbitrator and process. If the city signs off, how can they go to court on a decision they were part of.

8/06/2023 01:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations, officers.

"Mayor Brandon Johnson called a “major setback” for reform."
He forgot the word, "y'all." Idiot! In, way over his head!

8/06/2023 02:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad for the guys still OTJ to win one but I have to go back to my rookie days when the old timers told me "this job will stick it up your ass in a heart beat kid and you'd better learn that lesson now".

But I didn't. I thought it was all on the up and up. And finally, after my ass was wide enough to drive a Mack truck thru, I accepted the fact the system is only there to fuck you, "the exception are the sacred lambs". And this was back before video when we could still do police work, so imagine the high hard one waiting for you young kids if you ever go right when your supposed to go left.

Not to scare you mind you. And then you have the problem of one of these savages shooting at you so dont put yourself in that position.

8/06/2023 02:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Quick question. Does Benn’s one arbitration decision apply to all new cases. I hope so but don’t think the city is not going to stop this and weaken COLA and the Police Board. Just asking

8/06/2023 02:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got fucked by the police board and it totally fucked my police career of 24 years, and still follows me today. Glad others don't have to.suffer the lifelong sentence I am going thru.

8/06/2023 03:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Ligma Ballsack said...

Kids: this ruling isn’t unique. Benn granted us the same protections many other agencies have- no more, no less. This ruling means [working] coppers can now do their jobs, while knowing in the back of their heads that if they make an honest mistake, they’re getting an independent voice to be the final say on discipline- just like other agencies do.

Fuck Bartlett. Research? Did he research this before or after he slammed another officer to the media? Go home SWAT loser.

Show up at a meeting and thank these guys for getting this. Thank a rep or a board member. Thank Dan Gorman- he worked his ass off for this. Know your history: biggest FOP win in decades.

COPA did this to themselves. They carried water for the mayor and increased penalties by 10x times what it was before. What was a day suspension is 10-30, what was 29 days is now 365. If discipline was fair, proportionate, progressive and corrective- this wouldn’t have happened.


8/06/2023 05:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No sir. When you asked for a job that gives you power over people, then you should be held to a higher standard, not trying to be anti police here. I'm not so stupid to not know that we need y'all, or understand y'all's job ain't no cake walk. I just don't like seeing the worst among your profession protected by that there thin blue line. And I'm sure most of your customers are assholes. And the customer is usually wrong in your line of work.

8/06/2023 06:08:00 AM

I’m sure a nice person but incase you haven’t noticed nobody is applying to be the Police anymore.

The numbers of Officers are thousands down and good applicants are going to more conservative communities who both appreciate and respect the police.

So next you need help or your fighting for your life call antifa, blm or some liberals. I’m sure those groups do not exert power of people!

8/06/2023 06:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah… J-Kitty will claim it as all his own doing when people from the last regime did all the heavy lifting. This is a fact. But thanks for playing, JohnnyBoy. Let’s see how loud you get and how it plays out the first time the city ignores this part of our CBA just like they do with everything else.

8/06/2023 06:35:00 PM  
Blogger Tombstone courage said...

Is there a thin blue line in policing?
Is there a thin blue line in medicine, politics, banking, education, religion, entertainment, sports, law, engineering, arena football?

8/06/2023 06:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Nobody said...
No sir. When you asked for a job that gives you power over people, then you should be held to a higher standard, not trying to be anti police here. I'm not so stupid to not know that we need y'all, or understand y'all's job ain't no cake walk. I just don't like seeing the worst among your profession protected by that there thin blue line. And I'm sure most of your customers are assholes. And the customer is usually wrong in your line of work.

8/06/2023 06:08:00 AM

Sign up and show everyone how it’s done hotshot! Always hiring over here!

8/06/2023 07:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When will this idiot fianlly agree to the 12 week parental leave like all the other bargaining units already signed off on?

8/06/2023 08:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bob Bartlett did the research and filed the lawsuit for the arbitration award against Copa . Is it surprising that Catanzara is taking credit for it ?

What you’re saying is not true. Bartlett and Graham had garbage proposals submitted and JC ripped them down and restarted negotiations from the beginning. JC had this all along when he took office. Now, go back to your mom’s basement and eat your meatloaf before it gets cold. Don’t forget, your mom also did your laundry for you so make sure you repay her with a nice back rub!

8/06/2023 09:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ben didn’t throw us anything . This was a court ruling four years ago . Because Catanzara purposely pulled out of arbitration numerous cops had to face the Police Board . He didn’t have a choice ! Didn’t this guy say we would have the Cola in March ? Now it’s November ! Heard they are gonna add another field rep for 160 k .

8/06/2023 09:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No sir. When you asked for a job that gives you power over people, then you should be held to a higher standard, not trying to be anti police here. I'm not so stupid to not know that we need y'all, or understand y'all's job ain't no cake walk. I just don't like seeing the worst among your profession protected by that there thin blue line. And I'm sure most of your customers are assholes. And the customer is usually wrong in your line of work.

8/06/2023 06:08:00 AM

I had a huge post about how you don't understand, nor the insanity on the horizon.

I'll leave you with this.

The elites of our nation, sold you out, and us included. They have security & safety. All this reform is about money. Making it for them, and not spending it on taxes. All this "reform" is a sham, in not wanting to pay for public safety. They undermined it using progressive politicians over the past 15 years to basically not raise taxes.

8/07/2023 12:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was an award by a court decision . Please name me what this guy has done in four years ? The last election was a complete sham . 2,150 ballots sitting at the post office which JRat knew about . He booted 1,200 retired cops from the voting roles . He kicked Graham out of the Union about a camera that had no audio . Go wash your hands and get me a Cola

8/07/2023 12:09:00 AM  
Anonymous J. Backstabvich@541 said...

One thing is unequivocally true. I had absolutely zero to do with anything. I do the bare minimum and ride coattails.

8/07/2023 12:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"No sir. When you asked for a job that gives you power over people, then you should be held to a higher standard, not trying to be anti police here. I'm not so stupid to not know that we need y'all, or understand y'all's job ain't no cake walk. I just don't like seeing the worst among your profession protected by that there thin blue line. And I'm sure most of your customers are assholes. And the customer is usually wrong in your line of work."

"There should be a special contempt for those who sit in safety and comfort, second guessing at their leisure the split second decisions that a Police Officer had to make at the risk of their own lives."

8/07/2023 03:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Am I the only person on this department who noticed or cared that before the FOP election it was promised to us that Cannabis was imminently being taken off random drug? Not a word has been mentioned about it since John won the election. Broken promises.

8/07/2023 06:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Am I the only person on this department who noticed or cared that before the FOP election it was promised to us that Cannabis was imminently being taken off random drug? Not a word has been mentioned about it since John won the election. Broken promises.

8/07/2023 06:00:00 AM


Take it easy Cheech

8/07/2023 07:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like how catanzara shits comments off his YouTube videos also. Can't take criticism

8/07/2023 10:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Am I the only person on this department who noticed or cared that before the FOP election it was promised to us that Cannabis was imminently being taken off random drug? Not a word has been mentioned about it since John won the election. Broken promises.

8/07/2023 06:00:00 AM

That’s a bad idea. With the scum CPD is forced to hire many of these fools would be high as a kite while patrolling. No way to differentiate if they smoked on their days off or just before or during work.

8/07/2023 10:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cmon FOP…Let’s get medical coverage for officers who max out at 29 and a day at any age.

8/07/2023 01:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I beg to differ, the fraternal organization known as the FOP should have never ever, ever, agreed to suspended officers for longer than a year. It's insane, there was nothing wrong with 30day suspensions. one-year suspensions punish the entire officer's family. Remember discipline is supposed to teach, not punish.

8/07/2023 04:12:00 PM  
Blogger Chuck Salvatore said...

This is a real big victory for the men and woman of the Chicago Police Department and a VERY BIG SHOUT OUT SHOULD GO TO Marty Prieb, the former Vice-President of FOP WHO DID THE VAST MAJORITY OF THE HEAVY WORK ON THIS RULING. I know that there are people who will beat their breast and take credit for this ruling. Some have been mentioned above, however, Prieb pushed the attorneys to work on the case. If anyone does not believe me just ask the attorneys who handled this case. Thanks Marty. It is a dam shame that other people are taking the credit for things you did when you were the Vice-President.

8/07/2023 04:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cmon FOP…Let’s get medical coverage for officers who max out at 29 and a day at any age.

8/07/2023 01:02:00 PM


Lost it in the PBPA arbitration a few years ago.

95 year old arbitrator George Rommel stated it would be bad for the pension if more young members retired. (Especially if they live as long as he is!)
The dude graduated Harvard Law in 1954.

8/07/2023 07:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“Blogger Chuck Salvatore said...
This is a real big victory for the men and woman of the Chicago Police Department and a VERY BIG SHOUT OUT SHOULD GO TO Marty Prieb, the former Vice-President of FOP WHO DID THE VAST MAJORITY OF THE HEAVY WORK ON THIS RULING. I know that there are people who will beat their breast and take credit for this ruling. Some have been mentioned above, however, Prieb pushed the attorneys to work on the case. If anyone does not believe me just ask the attorneys who handled this case. Thanks Marty. It is a dam shame that other people are taking the credit for things you did when you were the Vice-President.”

Marty didn’t have a damn thing to do with this. When he wasn’t playing with his 3 cats he’d work on northwestern law students trying to overturn convictions. Remember, Marty refused to transition new administration when he lost 2020 election…instead, he packed his crap up and stormed off like a bitter child. Now, stop polishing Marty’s knob and go back to your mom’s basement. The meatloaf is ready and she just finished drawing you up a nice warm bath!

8/07/2023 09:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That’s a bad idea. With the scum CPD is forced to hire many of these fools would be high as a kite while patrolling. No way to differentiate if they smoked on their days off or just before or during work.

8/07/2023 10:58:00 AM

Plenty of guys I served with got tired of having pills shoved in their faces from the VA with no real treatment plans. A lot of them switched over to cannabis and stopped the meds. They’ve seen huge improvements in quality of life. If the department put some thought into it they could draft a good policy on it but that’ll never happen.

8/07/2023 09:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That’s a bad idea. With the scum CPD is forced to hire many of these fools would be high as a kite while patrolling. No way to differentiate if they smoked on their days off or just before or during work.

Agree on that...but it's a sinking ship anyway...we might as well all be having fun.

8/08/2023 03:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Blaster said...

We are with you, JCat.
For Chicago.
For Freedom.
Hold the line.

8/08/2023 08:39:00 AM  
Blogger Chuck Salvatore said...

This is a response to Post 8/7/2023 09:24:00 PM
You state in your response to me that Marty didn't have a dam thing to do with this. You state that when Mary wasn't playing with his 3 cats, he worked on northwestern law students trying to overturn convictions. You went on to say that Marty refused to transition the new administration when he lost the 2020 election. Instead, he packed his crap and stormed of like a bitter child. You ended your post by saying that I should stop polishing Marty's know and go back to your Mon's basement. the meatloaf is ready, and she just finished drawing you up a nice warm bath.

This post says a lot about you. First of all, I signed my name to my post, you signed your post as Anonymous, why? What is the reason why you don't identify yourself? In my post I said anyone should ask the attorneys who worked on the case if Marty was the driving force. Did You? You state that all Marty did was to work on Northwestern Law Students to overturn convictions. Yes, he did. My question to you: did you do anything to help Marty stop this Wrongful Convictions Movement where former Homicide Detectives were falsely accused of misconduct? Yes, I agree with you that Marty walked away from the transition. I said it then, I will say it now, Marty was wrong, he shouldn't have done that. I told him to his face he was wrong. Now as far as the last two lines in your post, REALLY? Those two lines in addition to signing your post with anonymous speaks volumes on what kind of person you are. In closing I am going to make you an offer. I will meet you ANY PLACE, ANY TIME, IN ANY ALLEY TO DISCUSS THIS MATTER WITH YOU. You know my name, Chuck Salvatore, I live around 183 and Wolf Rd, Orland Park Il. My phone #is 773-677-8855, and my email address is Contact me and lets get together. I am betting you DON'T HAVE THE BALLS TO IDENTIFY YOURSELF OR CONTACT ME. PROVE ME WRONG ANONYMOUS.

8/08/2023 01:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chuck Salvatore:

When you’re done dropping cat litter off at Marty’s apartment, please drive careful to Orland Park. Your mom says that you are using too much data on her cellular plan helping Marty with his groundbreaking reporting. The meatloaf is cold but it should make a nice casserole by tomorrow. Plus, she may be putting you on your own plan but don’t worry, the basement is still free for you! Now, get back down there before she grounds you!

8/08/2023 08:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In closing I am going to make you an offer. I will meet you ANY PLACE, ANY TIME, IN ANY ALLEY TO DISCUSS THIS MATTER WITH YOU. You know my name, Chuck Salvatore, I live around 183 and Wolf Rd, Orland Park Il. My phone #is 773-677-8855, and my email address is Contact me and lets get together. I am betting you DON'T HAVE THE BALLS TO IDENTIFY YOURSELF OR CONTACT ME. PROVE ME WRONG ANONYMOUS.

8/08/2023 01:40:00 PM

I can unequivocally say the anonymous author you seek to meet to air grievances is none other than fop grievance committee co-chair (i know.. ironic) J. Backstabvich. He’s the same putz always posting anonymously telling people who call him out to eat meatloaf in moms basement and similar stupid shit. He’s about as transparent as the Mississippi, ain’t that right JJ??.

8/08/2023 09:20:00 PM  

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