Monday, August 07, 2023

Thanks Groot!

The Grift that keeps on Grifting:

  • A new 10-year agreement to keep the popular music festival, Lollapalooza, in Chicago was put together in days behind closed doors under the Lori Lightfoot administration.

    A CBS 2 analysis of revenue from past festivals and projections based on the revised Chicago Park District permit revealed a surprising possibility: The event could bring in less money for the Park District and taxpayers over the next decade.

    "When these things get done in the dark, it always ends up being a bad deal," said Ald. Brendan Reilly (42nd). Grant Park, where the fest is held, is located in his ward.

You the Hired Truck scandal? The parking meter "deal"?

The casino?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG! There is corruption in C(r)ook County?!?

How could that happen?

8/07/2023 12:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How much did Liddle Tricky Dicky steal from the parking meter scam sale?

8/07/2023 01:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lightintheloafers taking care of 9.5’s brother? Is he still connected to Lollapaduechza?

8/07/2023 01:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually the best lolla I’ve had to work in years. No real fence breaches, only one OD errr I mean heat exhaustion and a good number of thank yous and supportive comments.

8/07/2023 01:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So the agreement was done behind closed doors. So maybe the aldermen should call in the distinguished Harvard Fellow Lightfoot for some explaining.

“ In a June 1 Chicago Sun-Times article, Eric Andersen, director of the Senior Leadership Fellows Program, (Harvard University) noted that the School was interested in bringing Lightfoot on board as a Fellow because, “as mayor and as a leader she faced many pressing public health issues, most notable navigating the pandemic.” He added, “We believe our students will benefit from her experiences, insights, and knowledge of leadership decision-making.”

Surprisingly will not be lecturing the School of Economics. But the Medical School is interested in seeing that biggest thing she kept boasting about.

But not to worry her successor, “first we get the money” has a plan.

8/07/2023 02:48:00 AM  
Anonymous BridgeviewDad said...

Non-CPD here. Took my daughter to her first Lollapalooza this year. Clean, organized but expensive. Some creep-20s dark, smelled like Mary Jane- tried to talk to my 14 year olde then kept following us. This is the crowd now? Why? Tried following her into the porta-pot. I asked bike police and security for help but they pedaled away. Saw him again eating $25 corn dog laughing and trying to give beer to underage girls. C’mon guys could be your kids out there…

8/07/2023 03:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The way the crime stats are trending, chances are good few if any people with any actual money are going to be attending that thing...

ATF gets robbed in the wee hours downtown... Marshals got robbed outside the courthouse...

What chances does an average citizen have if that kind of crap is going on? You really need to have your head examined to go to a concert and get blitzed in a war zone...

8/07/2023 03:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bet Groot got her cut.

8/07/2023 05:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why MSM does not cry about this and people don't demand change is beyond me. I complain to my alderman just to get it on record.

8/07/2023 06:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here’s a head scratcher… I’ve heard from a few sources that Lori had a CPD security detail travel to Cambridge, Massachusetts to provide security for her. Hmmmm, how is a CPD security detail that is funded by tax dollars from the City of Chicago doing work for a former mayor out of state? Anyone else hear of this rumor? If true I hope Lori gets a big fat bill for these services.

8/07/2023 06:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why would you bring your 14 yr old to place like Lolla in the first place? Downtown yet? If this shit is going on, as a responsible father, you get out of there and take your kid home and keep her SAFE! Don't rely on police and everyone else to handle something you, as a father, supposedly a responsible adult, could have easily done. Was it really your daughter or YOU that wanted to go to Lolla?

8/07/2023 07:45:00 AM  
Blogger 6PapaBoner9 said...

“ In a June 1 Chicago Sun-Times article, Eric Andersen, director of the Senior Leadership Fellows Program, (Harvard University) noted that the School was interested in bringing Lightfoot on board as a Fellow…”

And what a Fellow!!! Biggest dick in Chicago on that fellow.

8/07/2023 08:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous BridgeviewDad said...

Non-CPD here. Took my daughter to her first Lollapalooza this year. Clean, organized but expensive. Some creep-20s dark, smelled like Mary Jane- tried to talk to my 14 year olde then kept following us. This is the crowd now? Why? Tried following her into the porta-pot. I asked bike police and security for help but they pedaled away. Saw him again eating $25 corn dog laughing and trying to give beer to underage girls. C’mon guys could be your kids out there…

8/07/2023 03:27:00 AM

You are actually surprised at the types at the concert?? Did you take a pic of the slimeball? Why would you take your kid there anyway. Think you'd know better.

8/07/2023 08:27:00 AM  
Blogger 6PapaBoner9 said...

BridgeviewDad said...
Non-CPD here. Took my daughter to her first Lollapalooza this year. Clean, organized but expensive. Some creep-20s dark, smelled like Mary Jane- tried to talk to my 14 year olde then kept following us. This is the crowd now? Why? Tried following her into the porta-pot. I asked bike police and security for help but they pedaled away. Saw him again eating $25 corn dog laughing and trying to give beer to underage girls. C’mon guys could be your kids out there…

8/07/2023 03:27:00 AM

No, it would not be my kids out there. My kids are smarter than that. I raised them right.

And you’re obviously not too fucking bright… nor manly.

First, what did you fucking expect? People high at a concert!? Smelling like ‘Mary Jane’!!?? Say it ain’t so!! And the second dude said something out of pocket to your daughter and/or tried to follow her into the mobile shitter is when a DAD is supposed to handle business the way a man would. But you’re obviously soft to begin with…

As for the bike cops and security who ignored you… perhaps they were trying to tell you that it’s not their job to help raise your kid. Perhaps they were trying to tell you that you’re a moron for expecting things as you describe to NOT happen at a concert full of stoned losers. Perhaps they “pedaled away” towards something actually necessitating a police presence; dudes trying to talk to chicks at a concert and drinking beers with what you perceive are underage girls is not - I repeat, not - a police matter. But we’ll never know the reason they paid you no attention, now will we?

You personify “common sense ain’t too common”, amigo. Progressive Insurance makes commercials about guys like you.

Next customer, please…

8/07/2023 09:03:00 AM  
Anonymous NavySealRanger12 said...

@ 03:27 AM BridgeviewDad said...
Non-CPD here. Took my daughter to her first Lollapalooza this year. Clean, organized but expensive. Some creep-20s dark, smelled like Mary Jane- tried to talk to my 14 year olde then kept following us. This is the crowd now? Why? Tried following her into the porta-pot. I asked bike police and security for help but they pedaled away. Saw him again eating $25 corn dog laughing and trying to give beer to underage girls. C’mon guys could be your kids out there…

LOL They didn't pedal away but were looking for the offender: dark male in his 20s who identifies as "Mary Jane" and likes young girls and corn dogs. {Clown Emoji}

8/07/2023 09:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Here’s a head scratcher… I’ve heard from a few sources that Lori had a CPD security detail travel to Cambridge, Massachusetts to provide security for her. Hmmmm, how is a CPD security detail that is funded by tax dollars from the City of Chicago doing work for a former mayor out of state? Anyone else hear of this rumor? If true I hope Lori gets a big fat bill for these services.

8/07/2023 06:49:00 AM

Are fucking kidding me!!!! Sadly from past experience I’m sure it’s true. What a corrupt waste Chicago is. Why they hell does the worst mayor in American history still have taxpayers providing security for her entitled pampered elitist ass??? Hey media where are you? Do your job! If true, Lightfoot should not have a company car, drivers or any type of taxpayer security. She’s rich! This is nuts!

8/07/2023 10:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous BridgeviewDad said...
Non-CPD here. Took my daughter to her first Lollapalooza this year. Clean, organized but expensive. Some creep-20s dark, smelled like Mary Jane- tried to talk to my 14 year olde then kept following us. This is the crowd now? Why? Tried following her into the porta-pot. I asked bike police and security for help but they pedaled away. Saw him again eating $25 corn dog laughing and trying to give beer to underage girls. C’mon guys could be your kids out there…

To Bridgeview dad...
In just a few years your daughter will be going to Lollapalooza without you. I would worry more least she had a concerned father near her to make the right choices this time.

8/07/2023 11:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


8/07/2023 12:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of scumbag mayoral deals, rode thru the Skyway for the first time in a while. Wow is that expensive.

# OF AXLES PEAK TIMES 4am - 8pm OFF-PEAK TIMES 8pm - 4am
2 $6.60 $6.60
3 $23.10 $16.50
4 $30.80 $22.00
5 $38.50 $27.50
6 $46.20 $33.00
7 or more $53.90 $38.50

Huge revenue generator...gone. Thx Dick!

8/07/2023 01:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Non-cop here. A small-business owner told me that the city has been sending out letters, offering grants "no strings attached" to open businesses downtown.

What could possibly go wrong?

8/07/2023 01:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

why does any former chicago politician receive police security detail when Chicago neighborhoods are short police officers

8/07/2023 01:39:00 PM  
Blogger SpankDaddy said...

The only good thing about this festival is that somehow the women try to wear as little clothing as possible. SpankDaddy.

8/07/2023 03:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I could not believe some of the police officers working that detail with long braids ~ they looked so messy & so unprofessional

8/07/2023 03:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Here’s a head scratcher… I’ve heard from a few sources that Lori had a CPD security detail travel to Cambridge, Massachusetts to provide security for her. Hmmmm, how is a CPD security detail that is funded by tax dollars from the City of Chicago doing work for a former mayor out of state? Anyone else hear of this rumor? If true I hope Lori gets a big fat bill for these services.

8/07/2023 06:49:00 AM

Are fucking kidding me!!!! Sadly from past experience I’m sure it’s true. What a corrupt waste Chicago is. Why they hell does the worst mayor in American history still have taxpayers providing security for her entitled pampered elitist ass??? Hey media where are you? Do your job! If true, Lightfoot should not have a company car, drivers or any type of taxpayer security. She’s rich! This is nuts!

8/07/2023 10:47:00 AM

Can anyone in 014 confirm if Lightfoot is still getting free taxpayer funded security at her house? Does she still have a company car and drivers bodyguarding her?

8/07/2023 05:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous BridgeviewDad said...
Non-CPD here. Took my daughter to her first Lollapalooza this year. Clean, organized but expensive. Some creep-20s dark, smelled like Mary Jane- tried to talk to my 14 year olde then kept following us. This is the crowd now? Why? Tried following her into the porta-pot. I asked bike police and security for help but they pedaled away. Saw him again eating $25 corn dog laughing and trying to give beer to underage girls. C’mon guys could be your kids out there…


That reminds me of a former very creepy cop from 025 back in the 90's.

He would follow every 14 year old girl around Mozart Park.
What a dirty creep.

8/07/2023 06:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bridgeview Dad said...
Non-CPD here. Took my daughter to her first Lollapalooza this year . . . I asked bike police and security for help but they pedaled away . - . C’mon guys could be your kids out there…


NO. My family is not allowed in this shit-hole city Pal.
That's why I moved them to McHenry County.
How many of those kids that were there will vote republican?

What do you want the police to do with a guy who is guilty of being a piece of shit CREEP?
Sounds like he is eligible to be a democrat politician to me.

8/07/2023 06:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


8/07/2023 09:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bridgeview Dad, I think you've learned a valuable lesson. I would not take my child to a concert like that if I don't think I can protect her. I would not rely on security or the police because things can go bad and be over in an instant. Police and security mostly pick up the pieces after everything is done. Nobody is helping you so be ready to help yourself. Sorry, that goes for life in general.

8/07/2023 11:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can anyone in 014 confirm if Lightfoot is still getting free taxpayer funded security at her house? Does she still have a company car and drivers bodyguarding her?

8/07/2023 05:34:00 PM

Take a drive by and check it out.

8/08/2023 03:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Take a drive by and check it out.

8/08/2023 03:25:00 PM

Take a flying leap off an exceptionally high precipice and hope your parachute opens.

8/08/2023 06:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bridgeview Dad said...
Non-CPD here. Took my daughter to her first Lollapalooza this year . . . I asked bike police and security for help but they pedaled away . - . C’mon guys could be your kids out there…


NO. My family is not allowed in this shit-hole city Pal.
That's why I moved them to McHenry County.
How many of those kids that were there will vote republican?

What do you want the police to do with a guy who is guilty of being a piece of shit CREEP?
Sounds like he is eligible to be a democrat politician to me.

Text book definition of irresponsible parent and victim. You read the blog so you’re aware of the state the city is in and still risk bringing your family to Looolalpaloouza. Why not plan a Safari adventure.. you can pet a wild 500# Lion and take selfies with the kitty for instantgram. It’ll be great. African TV reported lion on human attacks are down so it’s perfectly safe.

8/09/2023 11:16:00 AM  

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