Tuesday, October 03, 2023

Money Grab

Missed this back in early September. We're going to pick the important parts out of this article:

  • People who are upset about plans to lease the site of the former ABLA homes to the Chicago Fire Football Club gathered on Tuesday. The team wants to use the land as its new training facility, but some at Tuesday's gathering said the Chicago Housing Authority's decision to lease the land is just wrong.

    "CHA promised housing, affordable housing. We can't get that, because they are trying to build a soccer field, which we don't need," said Mary Williams, a public housing resident.

    [...] A coalition of public and affordable housing advocates has filed a lawsuit against the CHA, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and that agency's secretary in federal court. The group accuses the CHA of not following the proper procedures to determine if the land lease agreement violated any laws.

    "It's supposed to be for the public interest, and what's the best public use of that land? Soccer fields for a few, or housing for those who need it the most?" said Lugenia Burns Hope Center Executive Director Roderick Wilson.

Pardon our sarcasm, but the ABLA complex contributed nothing to the City of Chicago aside from adding to the homicide and shooting totals at the end of every year....and that went on for nearly fifty years. Little wonder the "best use" was determined to be a tax generating entity.

  • The Fire will finance the $80 million project and pump another $8 million into nearby CHA housing and community spaces.

    The coalition said when the original site was demolished, the CHA promised to replace many of the 3,500 units. So, far only 245 have been created.

The vast majority of those 3,500 units were empty for years. We seem to recall that when the CHA wanted to demolish the high rises, there were something like six occupants holding up the bulldozers and demolition crews. The minute the CHA had other apartments available for ABLA occupants, those people (or folks) bailed to get as far as possible from the 012 District ground zero.



Blogger JustHereForThePaycheck said...

Soccer fields + a surge of South American immigrants = jokes which write themselves.

10/03/2023 12:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh no no no. We posta git ah free stuff n we wants it naw.

10/03/2023 02:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Biggest mistake this city ever did was demolish the projects. All the shit was spread out all over the south and west sides giving us what we have now. Even the working class blacks in those neighborhoods will tell you the samr thing.

10/03/2023 02:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, tax generating instead of generations of tax sucking. Finally a good idea from the cha!!!

10/03/2023 02:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Talking about the 12th district what a place it used to be to work at, now it's a dump that its best to work in 5,6,or 7th district. Besides the obvious the 12th Dist. commander is dummee/clueless than a zack of rocks.

10/03/2023 03:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ABLA homes? We are still talking about the ABLA homes?

How about, !no Habla, Homes!

10/03/2023 04:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The CHA land the Chicago Fire wants isn't going to be a facility that'll benefit the current community in the Austin area, it'll benefit the gentifiers tearing up, building, and moving into the area.

How many parks or schools even offer soccer in the Austin area? That's 'Hoop Dreams' country.

The lack of CPS schools with soccer teams in Austin is the same reason the CTU's hypocritical president Stacy Davis Gates gave for her son enrolling at De La Salle HS because the CPS schools in Chatham didn't have soccer teams. It's not because they're all failing neighborhood ghetto schools like Harlan HS. 

Check out YIMBY Chicago for one of their almost daily posts about the flipping of Austin.

The neighborhood flip is one of the reasons why the Hispanic residents of Belmont-Cragin shot down the Chicago Fire facility at Hanson Park Stadium and fields. Plus, the Fire weren't guaranteeing jobs to their community or allowing enough green space for families to picnic and play free soccer in the parks there.

Speaking of Austin, former Austin HS hoopstar Armond Williams just got a 20-yr stretch aa je was one of three men charged with murdering a River North nightclub doorman in 2019.


Williams' Austin HS basketball coach was Frank Lollino, Jr., one of the CPS teachers and coaches featured in the Trib's Betrayed investigative series.

You have to love to hate CPS with their "he's not our problem anymore, he was your" attitude. The CPS OIG at the time of Lollino Jr.'s crap was the oft-mentioned and highly connected James Sullivan.


When Lollino was finally fired by CPS, he was pulling in $105,000 to be a PE teacher and after school DE instructor at Lane Tech HS as he was banned from coaching for CPS due to his prior two suspensions.

In the end, Lollino Jr.'s big mouth got him the axe from CPS. Once telling students talking about the game Twister that he only plays Naked Twister. And telling students to stop playing with his balls when they were kicking a soccer ball around.

Lollino, Jr. then bounced around other school districts in IL because he still maintained his teaching certificate as CPS was too cheap to have it revoked by the IL State Board of Education.


10/03/2023 04:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And if the Chicago Fire team offered to provide the ABLA site with affordable (free) housing for any of the illegal aliens, the residents would be in an uproar and start screaming ‘We don’t want them here! Send them back to Venezuela!’

10/03/2023 06:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Typical way the Democrats ruin absolutely everything then over here we’re seeing more and more of this Democrats being plundered by the same criminals they support this is wonderful. We need more like this;

Texas congressman Henry Cuellar carjacked at gunpoint in Washington, DC


10/03/2023 06:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gimme dat.

10/03/2023 06:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some good news, Rep Henry Cuellar, D-Texas, got carjacked by three armed masked males in DC.

10/03/2023 07:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here comes some more expect your taxes to skyrocket expect overtime all deployments to come back every last one canceled or not:


1250 per day 25 bus is every day on the way talk about an invasion that they are just letting happen. All of these people in charge are just letting this happen doing nothing about it incredible you talk about a bunch of cowards destroying the city and now somebody in the Joliet area took $9 million so they’re gonna be more than coming over there.

10/03/2023 07:52:00 AM  
Blogger DG in GA said...

Wow! I just read the article on the FoxNews website about Cuellar being carjacked. FoxNews identified the carjackers as “three armed black men dressed all in black.” Just out of curiosity I decided to check the leftstream media reports. CNN, NPR and the New York Times described them as “three assailants” or “three men,” no mention of race or how they were dressed. No wonder these crimes are never solved! The police apparently have no idea who they’re looking for out there - unless they read the Fox reports, that is.

10/03/2023 08:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why don’t they advocate to burn the tents next to the 12th district with the gangbanging migrants. Tents that are on CHA property.

10/03/2023 08:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How would luxury tents look there for our illegal brothers and sisters. We need more illegals not the Fire.

10/03/2023 08:24:00 AM  
Blogger rosco said...

Give those homes to the migrants....

10/03/2023 08:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Wyatt Earp said...

The dumb ass democrats that built the projects, and warehoused there democratic voters, are the same ass holes that tore them down spreading crime, and violence to other wise quiet, peaceful communities like a cancer !

10/03/2023 10:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah but who pushed through this project…alderman Ervin husband of the crooked city treasurer…keep lookin at this. Something smells bad from the politicians to the soccer club that has a history of failure and bad behavior

10/03/2023 11:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Here comes some more expect your taxes to skyrocket expect overtime all deployments to come back every last one canceled or not:


1250 per day 25 bus is every day on the way talk about an invasion that they are just letting happen. All of these people in charge are just letting this happen doing nothing about it incredible you talk about a bunch of cowards destroying the city and now somebody in the Joliet area took $9 million so they’re gonna be more than coming over there.

10/03/2023 07:52:00 AM

You'd think Evanston, Hyde Park, Highland Park, and all these woke municipalities would own up to their "hate has no place in our home, no one is illegal" woke idealism. Looks like Joliet took the lead on that one.

10/03/2023 12:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ABLA my balls!

10/03/2023 02:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The CHA wait list for a section 8 apartment is over 5 years and 25,000 people long all the while they have abandoned properties with squatters living inside.

CHA is another one of those Orwellian doublespeak labels. Like covid money it's a shoe box slush fund not too much different than the police pension fund to be robbed at will money transferred to favorite projects and politically connected friends of the apparatchik.

Big deal so $8 mil goes to replace some of the homes lost, Just exactly how far will that go...maybe build 16 houses LOL Watch out for the weasel words in these msm stories that are subject to interpretation whereas the commonly accepted definitions of the words differs and obfuscates the true meanings of intentions

10/03/2023 03:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mayor had a scared deer in the head lights look at that community meeting on the south side shelter for the migrants. Community said we don't want it here.

10/03/2023 03:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you just can't put 1,250 in a ten pound bag we're gonna need bigger tents

10/03/2023 03:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Arabs - 2, Venezuela - 0

cwbchicago has the story.

Illegal immigrant kids from Venezuela got beat with bats by some Arabs on the way home from school in Rogers Park. Alderman calls it a culture crime not a hate crime.

“When I use a word,’ Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.’

’The question is,’ said Alice, ‘whether you can make words mean so many different things.’

’The question is,’ said Humpty Dumpty, ‘which is to be master — that’s all.”
― Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking Glass

10/03/2023 03:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I knew it! I thought that I saw the mayor putting $29.3 million on 25 red at the roulette table over at Bally's!

Bally's casino at Medinah Temple will 'secure Chicago's fiscally strong and vibrant future,' Johnson says

Chicago Sun-Times|3 hours ago

About three weeks after Illinois Gaming Board regulators let Bally's open the doors to gamblers, Johnson helped cut the ceremonial ribbon at Medinah, which is expected to take bets for the next three years while a bigger permanent spectacle is built in the River West neighborhood.

10/03/2023 03:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pritzker says Chicago could house asylum-seekers in unused buildings, not winter tent basecamps

The Obama Center is currently unused

10/03/2023 03:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Political Stunt >>>

Tensions flare between Chicago and White House over migrant crisis
CNN on MSN.com|10 hours ago
Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker and Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson confronted top White House officials late Sunday, demanding they take fast and concrete steps to address a migrant crisis they believe is about to reach a breaking point in the Windy City,

10/03/2023 03:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The city is banking on up to $50 million a year in tax revenue from Medinah Temple, which will serve as Bally’s temporary casino for three years

...and all that money that was to go towards city pensions and debt is already gone spent on the illegal immigrant migrants

10/03/2023 03:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't imagine anybody who lives there wants a bunch of losers coptering down into their neighborhood to cause even more trouble than they already got. I'd rather have a vacant lot than ABLA II or whatever it will be.

10/03/2023 04:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Send some illegals to Frankfort as they are getting that taste of chiraq in there formally "safe space,"


10/03/2023 04:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From an old time retiree: I was once assigned to 012 in the 1970's when shootings in the ABLA Homes projects were more of an hourly occurrence than a daily one. I responded to domestics from the same family on all 3 watches, and we always had to dodge bottles, garbage and rocks thrown while we were getting out of the squad cars. After several years of this, I transferred but not due to any hatred of the "jets". Most people who lived in the projects were actually pretty decent people and some of the issues they called about made more sense than the yuppie calls many years later. And I do think they have a point now in objecting to the Chicago Fire. Everybody has to live somewhere, they were promised a spot, and let's face it---if the promises are not honored, do you want them living next to you instead? As our illustrious mayor would say, let's not "demonize" people in order to make a point.

10/03/2023 05:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Send some illegals to Frankfort as they are getting that taste of chiraq in there formally "safe space,"

Don't remember Frankfort saying they were a sanctuary city. They will be out there soon enough cutting lawns anyway.

10/03/2023 06:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I knew it! I thought that I saw the mayor putting $29.3 million on 25 red at the roulette table over at Bally's!

He would never take that big a chance, he just put Outside bet on red.

10/03/2023 06:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Mt Greenwood Hillbilly said...

"Anonymous said...
Send some illegals to Frankfort as they are getting that taste of Chirac in there formally "safe space...10/03/2023 04:36:00 PM"

Been three years since I was over that way, but Frankfort and Lew Lenox were both getting a taste of gas station holdups and strongarm ATM robberies, which coincided with all those warehouses opening up on Laraway Rd.

10/03/2023 06:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just put a basket at each end of the field, and tell them, the concretes on back order.

10/03/2023 06:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Biggest mistake this city ever did was demolish the projects. All the shit was spread out all over the south and west sides giving us what we have now. Even the working class blacks in those neighborhoods will tell you the samr thing.

You don't know how many times in Chattham I was told, "the neighborhood was OK until THOSE people started moving in".

10/03/2023 07:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

At least the soccer field will attract a more desirable element of society. The neighborhood should be thankful.

10/03/2023 07:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The default is always, ALWAYS, graft.

Not one ever is less than primary purpose is graft.

The means, methods, and 'reasons' are never the prime puroise, always is graft.

Anything they propose that has no graft opportunity never is done, until graft can be infused in it.

Their prime, number one rule is: There MUST be GRAFT.

THIS is why they strive to be elected.

THIS is what they fight over, who gets the most graft.

Govern over, rule over, get the graft and then, get more graft.

Never allow the flim to block the clear view of the flam.

10/03/2023 08:06:00 PM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

Soccer. Run fast. Kick ball. Fall down. Pretend to be hurt. Get up. Run fast. Rinse and Repeat.

Now, kees me you fool!!!!

10/04/2023 03:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

send immigrants to north shore suburbs , not Frankfort

10/06/2023 02:24:00 PM  

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