Friday, October 13, 2023

Tracking Ammo Purchases

Interesting video about some new feature that retailers at gun shops have to input types and amounts of ammo you buy, along with accessories. They scan your FOID card - purportedly to make sure it's valid (no expiration dates any more) but more likely to track calibers bought against semi-autos you have (or haven't) registered.

(If the embedded video doesn't play, here's the link):

Police are exempt at the moment, but once in the system, well....let's just say government never destroys data collected. 

At some point, ISP might be ringing doorbells asking why you bought a thousand rounds of .223 when you don't own a AR pattern rifle....according to their database.

We're especially amused at the rumor in the video that Fatass will claim 70-to-80% compliance when in reality, it'll be around 10% or so based on other states that have tried this. It's a poor psy-op to convince you that you're the only lawbreaker around.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Citizens don’t have to register guns and stores don’t keep tabs of weapons purchased. If you’ve ever submitted an FTIP request with the ATF, it will only show a long gun or a short gun associated with the FOID. So what’s the point of keeping track of ammo purchased???

10/13/2023 12:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do we not all have “gun smith guys” ? We have “a guy” for everything else. Get connected, people (or folks) Get some friends build some rapport make contacts with people in high and low places.

10/13/2023 12:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If they come to your door to ask about your ammo, would that be considered a criminal investigation? Can you claim the 5th? Can you ask for the presence of an attorney? Can you just say, I'm not answering those questions?

What does the law say? Can they get a search warrant based on you buying certain ammunition? If they can, would that data collection then be considered a criminal investigation?

As EJ used to say, or something like this, there are many more questions but few answers.

10/13/2023 12:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Drive over the state lines and buy it there or order it from out of state. Fuck these Illinois commies!

10/13/2023 12:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When purchasing a firearm you don't have a choice. You will have to fill out a 4473 and get a background check.

When purchasing ammo or accessories for your firearm you DO have a choice. Go to a Cabelas or a gun show outside communist Illinois and pay cash.

In fact, you should be using cash and not cards as much as possible. That is, unless you're fine with the corporate ad agencies and big government tracking your purchases and spending habits.

10/13/2023 12:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Firearm Owner's Protection Act of 1986, a federal law passed by Congress and signed by President Reagan states that, upon passage of this law, no federal agency or state government agency (or subsidiary of a state, like a city or county) can create and maintain a gun registry.

So Illinois' registration requirement is a violation of the 1986 federal law.

No matter, Pritzker and the state legislature are above the law and can do whatever they want.

10/13/2023 12:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Na. Nice try. You are a fool if you think this is for safety, this is just a huge reach to physically disarm the complying patriotic Americans of this state. This is not going to hurt legit shithead criminals and gangbangers who run these guns up into the state.

Police can't defend you from the shitbirds. Fatass and his jungle feral voting base will be roaming the streets after they sign their promise to comply permission slip for the 100th time not to shoot and kill someone again to only make you their next victim.

Vigilantism will be something fatass is trying to curb in the name for his black and brown jungle ferals to roam the city and now suburbs to get their "silly things". There will be more Charles Bronson's out there and Paul Kerseys from Death Wish when it's all said and done.

10/13/2023 12:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is fatasses overreach to track not only your firearms, your ammo, and accessories so when the state deems you as a "criminal" guess who's knocking at your door? Na fuck off. You are a bigger fool if you are a LEO/Trooper and follow this dipshit law. Wait till the tables turn on the "officer who just followed orders" in a federal and civil court. Some 2A lawyer team/counsel will run a train on Fatass, the officer, and the state for when this patriot gets wrongly arrested.

10/13/2023 12:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Registration is for confiscation.
You can purchase ammunition out of state in person. Illinois is the only state with a foid.
We all just observed how well gun control worked out in Israel.
When a government fears the public...

10/13/2023 01:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is no possible way that the Illinois State NKVD would cross compare ammunition purchases with your registered or non registered scary "assault weapons."

No. That would never happen. That is something that only fascist or communist totalitarians would ever do.

Just like no US State would ever force its citizens to register their firearms.

10/13/2023 01:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are firearms stores setting up new locations off the freeways on the free state side of the Illinois borders yet?

10/13/2023 01:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I didn't know any better, I would think that our government doesn't trust us anymore.

10/13/2023 01:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got four, uh five words, FROM MY DEAD COLD FINGERS......nough said goodnight.....hee hee ha ha HA HA HA......

10/13/2023 02:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Move to a gun friendly state.

10/13/2023 02:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sneaky fucking Democrats... communists, the lot of 'em...

10/13/2023 03:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can’t you just buy out of state?

10/13/2023 06:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is an infringement upon our rights. What happened to the country our Founding Fathers envisioned? Destroyed by liberals and the hordes of people from far away lands who do not share the same values as Americans do. In 1-2 generations, this nation will be kaput. The greatest nation in the history of the world will be destroyed from within.

10/13/2023 07:18:00 AM  
Blogger rosco said...

There are rifles in those calibers which are bolt action.
Thus, not required to be registered.

10/13/2023 07:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So if I buy .223 for my Remington 700 bolt gun..................

10/13/2023 07:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

buy out of state

10/13/2023 07:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reload your own ammo

10/13/2023 07:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I buy My ammo in Wisconsin it's a lot cheaper ad you don't have to show a FOID card.

10/13/2023 08:05:00 AM  
Blogger Jack Trumpblood said...

None of their business.

10/13/2023 08:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So I am guessing those bazooka missiles I purchased last week has put me on the list.
Calling Chuck’s to cancel my 30mm armor piercing rounds too.

10/13/2023 08:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Sgt. Saunders ( CPD RETIRED) said...

8:05, where in Wisconsin do you buy ammo?

10/13/2023 08:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Got a warrant? No? Please leave my property, and don't come back without one.

10/13/2023 08:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every single person with an FOID should buy a box of .223 ammo whether you need it or not. Keep them bogged down with keeping track of this stuff.

10/13/2023 10:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Anonymous Anonymous said...
There is no possible way that the Illinois State NKVD would cross compare ammunition purchases with your registered or non registered scary "assault weapons." No. That would never happen. That is something that only fascist or communist totalitarians would ever do.
Just like no US State would ever force its citizens to register their firearms.
10/13/2023 01:10:00 AM"

With our new command, you better believe ISP can and will! Meanwhile, patrol is getting shafted by our egomaniac colonel to fund his hit teams while actual patrol response times to communities outside of Chicago skyrocket. Grab the popcorn, it'll be an interesting time, I'll be watching from a few states over, wish you all the best and please stay safe. No arrest is worth losing everything you have for a stat.

10/13/2023 10:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The best is the gun unit that came knocking on my dads door who has dementia and wanted his guns. I told them they're secure dont worry about it.

10/13/2023 11:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The solution is simple. Buy your ammo on line in bulk. Better prices, usually free shipping.

10/13/2023 11:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10% compliance with the assault weapon registration....YEAH, RIGHT.

Current figures are about 1/4 of 1%. Fatass will be lucky if he gets 5%.

But Fatass will say 70% compliance to smokescreen the public over what a dismal failure the law is.

Confiscation is coming. They are just waiting for an 'Emergency'.

10/13/2023 11:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In 1-2 generations, this nation will be kaput. The greatest nation in the history of the world will be destroyed from within.

It's farther along than you think. It won't be 1 or 2 generations. It will be 1 or 2 election cycles. 2028 at the latest.

10/13/2023 11:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Back in 2005-6ish I received a call on my cell from CPD Detectives. They were looking to verify possession of a certain not so popular 9mm pistol of a type that was supposedly used to shoot a CPD officer. Looking back I doubt this story.

The detective knew I had this type of pistol as I had recently purchased an example and wanted to confirm I still had possession and that it was not sold or stolen and possibly used in the incident. Interestingly I purchased this pistol and another on the same day. Legally, from a LGS. Don’t EVER buy two firearms on the same day.

Well, after some number of discussions, and amazement that the CPD KNEW what I had purchased I allowed the detectives to come to my suburban home (no entry) and verify I still had possession of said pistol. Interestingly the female detective looked for my particular purchase information in a binder at least three inches thick.

Yeah. They were there because of multiple purchases on the same day. I’m sure of it. I was quite naive back then.

They know what you have.

10/13/2023 12:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FUCK Illinois!

It is NONE of their business under the 2nd Amendment!

Also, I'm leaving this shithole of a state as soon as I retire!

10/13/2023 12:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reloading is a satisfying hobby. In IL it is now a survival skill. Progressive presses can turn your basement into a personal ammunition factory.

10/13/2023 12:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is this new?

Went to renew my Carry Permit online last week. Before I could input new information, etc. a new "intercept" screen popped up, asking me to register any firearms I wanted to list with the ISP.

10/13/2023 01:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The democratic socialists yelping dogs in Springfield continue to $hyt on the public. Give them nothing.

10/13/2023 01:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don’t buy shit in Illinois go across the border to purchase ammunition, gasoline whatever it a lot cheaper just in taxes alone !

10/13/2023 01:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
buy out of state

10/13/2023 07:50:00 AM

Generally a good idea - plenty of online sellers that have great prices. The problem with more and more of them is that they will not ship to Crook County at all, regardless of being a LEO.

So you have to play that stupid game where a FOID-carryin' buddy living outside of the County orders and has it shipped to his house....


10/13/2023 01:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
The Firearm Owner's Protection Act of 1986, a federal law passed by Congress and signed by President Reagan states that, upon passage of this law, no federal agency or state government agency (or subsidiary of a state, like a city or county) can create and maintain a gun registry.

So Illinois' registration requirement is a violation of the 1986 federal law.

No matter, Pritzker and the state legislature are above the law and can do whatever they want.

10/13/2023 12:56:00 AM

Because it never costs the Democrat Communists who pass these laws anything to defend them against lawsuits, they engage in lawfare and concoct all manner of unconstitutional bullshit and then say "Fuck you, sue me!" to The People.

Then The People have to gather up their money and fight the good fight against these communist turds, all the while the commies are using The People's tax dollars against them!

I'd say that there should be a law where if the politicians concoct laws which are unconstitutional that THEY have to pay out of THEIR personal pockets for all of the court costs and legal fees, but you know communists...
One example besides the most recent one in this story:

* Lunatics running Highland Park passed an anti-handgun ordinance. They had to be registered, etc. In the decades that thing was on the books, perhaps 3 were actually registered. A few years ago, someone called the HP Cops to register, and they had no idea what the guy was talking about - they forgot the law was on the books!

When the IL Springfield Brain Trust created the Concealed Carry Act, it pre-empted all of the current laws on the books restricting handguns, etc...

So you'd think that Highland Park would repeal their anti-handgun ordinance eh? LOL. Nope. Even though the thing is unenforceable, they keep it on the books in case something happens and the CCL act is changed, etc... so to get it removed, one would have to sue that Communist bitch mayor Nancy Rotering and her band of council critters...

That's just one of many examples of the kind of scum and villainy we're dealing with here in Illinois... Hopefully one day it gets corrected through the ballot box, but I'm not holding my breath while I wait...

10/13/2023 02:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I mentioned this last week. YES, I just stopped by to see what .223 ammo costs. (I so miss my AR-47 it fell into a lake so I don’t have one no-more) anyway, I noticed they were scanning the FOID Cards. The clerk said that’s EXACTLY the reason. Why are you buying AR-15 ammo (I was just funnin above) if you’re not registered as having one???????? A 10 hour way around buying in Illinois. In Iowa there’s a place that has row after row of ammunition aisle after aisle of guns & equipment!!!! Farm & fleet in Iowa on highway 35 near Des Moines. Tons of ammo, great prices, nice people & best of all no youngins funnin & fuckin round. Your safe, your happy you even say Hi to other people you don’t know because it’s peaceful & you’re guard isn’t up constantly
Iowa utopia from Illinois sure beats Illinois’s stupid saying

10/13/2023 02:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damn boating accident!

10/13/2023 02:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I mentioned this last week. YES, I just stopped by to see what .223 ammo costs. (I so miss my AR-47 it fell into a lake so I don’t have one no-more) anyway, I noticed they were scanning the FOID Cards. The clerk said that’s EXACTLY the reason. Why are you buying AR-15 ammo (I was just funnin above) if you’re not registered as having one???????? A 10 hour way around buying in Illinois. In Iowa there’s a place that has row after row of ammunition aisle after aisle of guns & equipment!!!! Farm & fleet in Iowa on highway 35 near Des Moines. Tons of ammo, great prices, nice people & best of all no youngins funnin & fuckin round. Your safe, your happy you even say Hi to other people you don’t know because it’s peaceful & you’re guard isn’t up constantly
Iowa utopia from Illinois sure beats Illinois’s stupid saying

10/13/2023 02:04:00 PM

Scheels in Iowa is also a great place for ammo. And if you go into Indiana make sure you go past Cabellas in Hammond. They ask for your ID and If its Il they want to see your FOID card.

10/13/2023 06:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The invasion by circumventing the borders in Israel by air, land and sea was possible due to the fact the civilian population of Israel is not armed for self-defense as one would believe. Only 2.6% of the civilian population has licenses for firearms. Those who possess firearms are limited to a handgun and a mere 50 rounds of ammunition. There have been dozens of terrorist attacks interrupted by civilians who took appropriate action to neutralize the threat at hand. An armed citizen is responds instantly while security forces respond in minutes. The massacre of unarmed civilians could have been immediately challenged even when faced with machine guns and rockets. When your border is overrun, a defenseless populace is at the mercy of the terrorist aggressors. Gun control policies in Israel worked so well and now over a thousand families are grieving the loss of loved ones. Pritzker Never Forget.

Fatso pritzker and those extreme leftists love control over defenseless,forced into compliance subjects. Jelly belly has a heavily armed private security force paid for by taxpayers for him and his family. This security force even travels with him out of state providing protection. So do many elected leaders who seek to leave you and your family vulnerable have armed security teams protecting them and their families. And lets not forget leftist prosecutors will make an example of you if you take action against armed criminals in defense of your life or property. Trust government for your safety and security. Pritzker exclaims "Trust Me"!

A database is a must for gun confiscation from law abiding patriotic Americans. The people of Israel were murdered en masse and could not put up a viable defense with lawfully possessed or readily accessible firearms. Remember gun control is an effective, proven policy which led to millions of citizens killed by their own tyrannical governments. Remember Israelis relied on technology to secure the border. That didn’t work as advertised. With our wide open border in the U.S., we have invited trouble with our own naivety and failure to identify actual threat assessments. Instead, we place our total trust in failed government officials like pritzker. An FOID card is now a government monitored credit card much like your Visa credit card history that identifies all your purchases. Criminals, tyrants and terrorists despise law abiding armed citizens and cite them as an occupational risk.

10/13/2023 06:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I buy My ammo in Wisconsin at farm and fleet and Walmart.

10/13/2023 06:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Anonymous Anonymous said...
Is this new?
Went to renew my Carry Permit online last week. Before I could input new information, etc. a new "intercept" screen popped up, asking me to register any firearms I wanted to list with the ISP.
10/13/2023 01:38:00 PM"

YES, absolutely it is new.. now be a good sheep and follow! ;) (ISP command and state politics)

10/13/2023 07:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Several years back before all this nonsense I tried to buy some ammo at the Cabellas across the border in Indiana. Wouldn't sell it to me because I wasn't a resident. This may have changed.

10/14/2023 12:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“The solution is simple. Buy your ammo on line in bulk. Better prices, usually free shipping.”

Where do you buy from?
I’ve tried several out of ILL gun shops/ammo dealers for simple 38+p and none would ship to cook county.
They all said it was illegal per cook country law.

The solution is simple, you are lying.

10/14/2023 12:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When you stop enforcing the shit lawz of politicals' concoction, stop blindly worshipping the god of fake law and order, stop whoring yourselves as the thugs whose profession is to impose the 90%+ of shit laws upon the peasants, then, maybe you can truly become the serve and protect professionals you once were.

10/14/2023 02:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off-topic but tangential:
Greg Bishop will still be on YouTube and still writes for Center Square, but will no longer be on the air at WMAY in Springfield.

I do not know the backstory.

10/14/2023 10:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

~The solution is simple, you are lying.

He's not lying. Do your own homework.

10/14/2023 11:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off topic;
Does the new gun registration law pertain to Police and retired police? I have not seen anything in writing exempting us from the registration process. No,I wouldn't register anyway. Just asking

10/14/2023 05:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
“The solution is simple. Buy your ammo on line in bulk. Better prices, usually free shipping.”

Where do you buy from?
I’ve tried several out of ILL gun shops/ammo dealers for simple 38+p and none would ship to cook county.
They all said it was illegal per cook country law.

The solution is simple, you are lying.

10/14/2023 12:57:00 AM
Any Unincorporated areas in Cook Co that share a zip code with an incorporated municipality
In Cook or Kane or Will or Dupage counties most Ammo co.Firearm parts co will as a POLICY
NOT LAW will not ship to non FFLs in these Zips. Because Cook passed ordinance affecting
Unincorporated & Non-Home Rule. It’s just easier for Companies to avoid legal liability if
Address turns out to be unincorporated etc.
Lincolnwood IL zip Buds will ship ammunition to homes as that zip seems not on their lists
UPS Fed ex usps also have odd policies

Dude not really fibbing ya, it’s more like guidelines.
The US Constitution considered a dishrag in Cook IL & IL Gov
And they wipe their asses with US Flag cause that action protected by
1st amendment…Go figure these morlocks out?

10/14/2023 10:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off topic;
Does the new gun registration law pertain to Police and retired police? I have not seen anything in writing exempting us from the registration process. No,I wouldn't register anyway. Just asking

10/14/2023 05:06:00 PM
Yes must register any personal “grandfathered” item. If 15 years or more of service & retired in “Good Standing “
A such retired LEO may also legally purchase previously banned items and parts which then must be registered.
This be one of the many exceptions in the Unconstitutional Law passed Jan 2023
These Exceptions create a second class citizen which be totally against the Constitution and Founders Intent.

10/14/2023 10:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great sales online from large retailers like sportsmans guide. Free shipping and 9mm for .22 each etc. Deliver right to your door outside crook County. Consumables. Just say you used it up on the range or supplied your 149 man security detail. Why drive outta state that stuffs heavy let FedEx bring it to your porch......or a friends

10/15/2023 12:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10/14/2023 02:55:00 AM

Years ago I would have said your an asshole but after seeing the way some coppers trated people during the covid bs, school board bs, fbi bs I can see your point. Sad but true.

10/15/2023 08:18:00 AM  
Blogger rosco said...

But aren't assault rifles illegal in Chicago? Even once you retire you cannot own that carbine you had for work within city limits.

10/15/2023 12:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

>Where do you buy from?

Nice try Putzker!

10/15/2023 05:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogger rosco said...
But aren't assault rifles illegal in Chicago? Even once you retire you cannot own that carbine you had for work within city limits.

Rosco ; in 2013 when US Supreme ruled a on Conceal Carry
The IL state gave counties and home rule municipalities a
10 day “objection filing “ period to file ordinances pertaining
To possession of items (lasers AR/AK s pistols’) etc within
Their boundaries for more than 24 hours (safe passage rule).
One could buy an AK with a Chicago address, A G17 with Oak
Park home AR with Highland Park mansion A 15 Round Sega
Shotgun with a Condo in Aurora Same in Unicorporated Cook
As examples.
You just can’t keep them past 24 hours in the above ( technically)

The new registration requirements will incriminate those in such
Ordnance control as of 2013.

That’s the real trick bag even if ban to be ruled Unconstitutional
Everywhere in IL goes back to “Normal “ but those if registered and
Registration upheld will have legal headaches running against the
2013 ordnances.
Look what Deerfield did well outside of the 10 day filing some 8 years

In Nam one would funnel Charlie by booby trapping jumping him from
A bad kill box to a Worse one.

Gotta tip your cap to the barristers from Oak Park & Highland Park
So now with Hamas Russia Iran & Cartels on the march they may be
Second guessing the entanglements they placed on the 2nd Right

But they support BLM Chicago, Pacify those that advocate for
Sharia laws & Legally Skim from the Ukraine kitty.
What could go wrong? Ha

10/15/2023 10:15:00 PM  

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