Thursday, October 12, 2023

NY Mayor Warning

A tool of the left has been bucking the party line a bit:

  • New Yorkers should not "underestimate" the threat from lone-wolf style terrorists who have been radicalized by Hamas online, warned New York Mayor Eric Adams, as the horror of the Israel-Palestine conflict continues to send shockwaves around the world.

    Speaking at a press conference, the Democrat may warned the city to be on guard, saying: "Don't underestimate lone wolves...people being radicalized online."

    He added that messaging social media sites - where Hamas has shared horrific footage of Saturday's attack on Israel - can motivate people to carry out similar attacks.

After spending years saying this same thing about Trump voters, even sane democrat voters aren't buying it any more. And the constant influx of illegals to New York Sanctuary City is jeopardizing democrat electoral chances, so he's forced into taking positions that might assist his political survival.

Someone is remembering Mumbai fifteen years ago?

  • The 2008 Mumbai attacks (also referred to as 26/11 attacks or 26 November attacks) were a series of terrorist attacks that took place in November 2008, when 10 members of Lashkar-e-Taiba, a militant Islamist organisation from Pakistan, carried out 12 coordinated shooting and bombing attacks lasting four days across Mumbai. The attacks, which drew widespread global condemnation, began on Wednesday 26 November and lasted until Saturday 29 November 2008. A total of 175 people died, including nine of the attackers, with more than 300 injured.

TEN gunmen, loose in Mumbai for FOUR days.

How many un-screened millions have come over the southern border under president potato? How many tens-of-thousands shipped to sanctuary shitholes? And the feebs are worried about whom again?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Moms protesting sexual content in their children's kindergarten class or people questioning the effectiveness of COVID shots are FAR more dangerous than armed terrorists. Our great President Joe Biden and all the military brass and intelligence agencies already told us that white supremacist MAGA people are the greatest threat we face.

Wait, you're not supposed to call them terrorists and you need to understand where they're coming from. That's what some clueless purple haired college girl said at the pro-Hamas rally anyway.

In all seriousness, however, you mention the Mumbai attacks.... how prepared is a major American city for a few van loads of gunmen intent on killing everything they see? How much you want to bet our law enforcement and intelligence services conveniently "miss" something big like what happened in Isreal this past weekend?

10/12/2023 12:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don’t go anywhere with crowds, go out early or late when there is less people. Be on alert!

10/12/2023 12:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Over 8 million illegal aliens have traversed the border since the pedo faux president “took office.”

Of those 8 million, 5.1 million are military aged males!

10/12/2023 01:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There’s a very interesting documentary on hbo about the Mumbai terror attacks (terror in Mumbai). Right now it seems that they’re really filling the U.S. up with as many uneducated people who can’t fend for themselves, for whatever nefarious reasons. It seems like the United States is the laughing stock of the world and can’t even control their borders. This will definitely help accelerate the disintegration of any remnants left of any national identity.

10/12/2023 01:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“NYPD orders all cops to report in uniform after ex-Hamas chief calls for global protests”.

10/12/2023 01:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope this doesn't happens, but if attacks do happen in Shitcago we will all be caught with our pants down. We will be overwhelmed especially with the short man power CPD has and the unwillingness (can't blame then) to do the job cause I'm not either. I'm glad I work in the hood actually, far away from downtown because that's where I believe an attack will happen.

10/12/2023 01:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been saying this for a while now and my gut feeling won't let go. I do think there will be attacks in our city soon. And nie I think that it will start at police station where the migrants are taking place. It's too much of a coincedence that they are being house there. Imagine how overwhelmed the rest of the city will be. It's scary.

10/12/2023 01:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember Mumbai.

Most of the fucking police were unarmed. The police that had guns had shitty Made in India revolvers shooting .32's or some other useless round. The police were going up against drugged out on meth so they could fight for 4 days straight suicide soldiers armed with full automatic AKs, grenades, bombs, and mines. So most of those police found a good place to hide. The butchers had a list of all the Jews and all the upscale hotels in Mumbai.

I think it took the Indian Government about three of those days to un-fuck themselves and actually get trained and well armed troops or SWAT into Mumbai.

10/12/2023 03:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, isn't this a pickle.

Another fine mess you've gotten us into, ollie....

Paranoa runs deeper and deeper....

Is it safe?
Why, yes, it's safe, it's safe!!!

IS it safe?

It's safe, it's safe....

Is it SAFE?

No! No, it's not safe!!!

Is IT safe?

Jeez, fuck if I know.....

Is. It. Safe?

10/12/2023 03:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Terrorists will have free reign in NYFC. They may have 31 flavors of Law Enforcement Agencies, but 99.9% of the people are completely disarmed.

Add in a blackout and the folks deciding the whole city has a 100% Off Midnight Madness Sale, and it may take the 82nd and the Marines to restore order.

10/12/2023 04:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Needless to say Head on a swivel and heightened situational awareness given current conditions especially in deep Blueistan

10/12/2023 04:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Try that in a small town.

10/12/2023 04:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Terrorists,

May I suggest you start with the Hate has No Home Here signs.

10/12/2023 04:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God Save The Republic 🇺🇸🙏🏻

10/12/2023 06:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They are here to fight the white supremist. It's Trumps fault Afterall for closing/securing our border.

10/12/2023 06:46:00 AM  
Blogger stash the polski guy said...

Project and deflect. Marxists politicians do it well with help from media.

Blame those MAGA sympathizers.

10/12/2023 07:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Terrorists will have free reign in NYFC. They may have 31 flavors of Law Enforcement Agencies, but 99.9% of the people are completely disarmed.
Add in a blackout and the folks deciding the whole city has a 100% Off Midnight Madness Sale, and it may take the 82nd and the Marines to restore order.
10/12/2023 04:05:00 AM
And Joe ain't sending any Marines!
God Bless the CPD

10/12/2023 07:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tin man biden makes benedict arnold look like a saint. Normally I don't like to bad mouth the president of our country but in this guys case he forfeited the right for the benefit of the doubt.

10/12/2023 08:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chicago's pro Hamas Marxist ChicagoBLM just got the go signal

Hamas Calls for Global 'Day of Jihad' on Friday the 13th
1 day ago

The Palestinian Hamas terror group known as Hamas has called on Muslims worldwide to stage a "Day of Jihad," or holy war, on Friday, October 13th — coincidentally, a date that resonates with horror movies and the upcoming Halloween holiday.

10/12/2023 08:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Also remember, the guy who helped plan the Mumbai attack, and did on site surveillance in India before the attack, was a guy named David Coleman Headley. His real name was Daood Gilani. He changed his name to better help the Pakistani terrorist group Lakshar e Tayyiba carry out their reign of terror attacks around the world. He lived in Chicago, on Rockwell Ave. near Devon Ave., the entire time he was working with this terror group. His accomplice was Tahawwur Rana also from Chicago. Rana got fourteen year in prison and Headley/Gilani got thirty-five years in prison.

10/12/2023 08:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Q; Is diversity Israel's strength or Palestinians strength...Ukraine's strength or Russia's strength? Globalist multi-cultural bullshit failure

10/12/2023 08:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

People marching in the streets of Chicago with the "We Stand With {x}" signs should be given plane tickets to "x" so they can stand on the front lines of the m.i.c. wars

10/12/2023 08:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

democrats still believe the January 6th insurrection was the most horrific event in their lifetime......and amazingly the only person killed was a women who jumped over a doorway. she was unarmed, nothing happened to the moron who shot her.

DEMOCRATS are evil, in fact they are just as bad as HAMAS

10/12/2023 08:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On her way to work one morning
Down the path alongside the lake
A tender-hearted woman saw a poor half-frozen snake
His pretty colored skin had been all frosted with the dew
"Oh well," she cried, "I'll take you in and I'll take care of you"
"Take me in, oh tender woman (come on in)
Take me in, for heaven's sake (come on in)
Take me in tender woman," sighed the snake

She wrapped him up all cozy in a coverture of silk
And then laid him by the fireside with some honey and some milk
Now she hurried home from work that night, as soon as she arrived
She found that pretty snake she'd taken in had been revived
"Take me in, oh tender woman (come on in)
Take me in, for heaven's sake (come on in)
Take me in, tender woman," sighed the snake

Now she clutched him to her bosom, "You're so beautiful," she cried
"But if I hadn't brought you in, by now you might have died"
Now she stroked his pretty skin again and then kissed and held him tight
But instead of saying thanks, that snake gave her a vicious bite (oh...)
"Take me in, oh tender woman (come on in)
Take me in, for heaven's sake (come on in)
Take me in, tender woman," sighed the snake

10/12/2023 08:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The attackers in Israel used paragliders, bulldozers, watercraft, drones and motorbikes to infiltrate the heavy fortified secured border fence to attack a sleeping nation. The modern day invaders into the U.S. paid illegal drug cartels to drop them off at an open border raking in billions of dollars for their criminal Racketeering and Corrupt Organization. No level of sophistication and no planning needed to infiltrate the U.S. Just cross the river and walk right in.

And then humanitarian nongovernmental non-profits paid for by taxpayers fed, clothed, arranged for “emergency” government assistance, equipped infiltrators with no cost upgraded cellular telephones and provided free transportation with no pesky, intrusive TSA screenings to a city near you. Marxists like anarchy and millions of potential invader protestors seeking justice for identified social injustices in their new homeland should not be overlooked as valuable potential brainwashed human assets for mass civil unrest.

The infa-traitors got a free ticket into the U.S. city of their choosing to wreak havoc across the U.S. at a later date. Sleeper cells they are called. Remember the 911 hijackers entered in legally on student and work visas. Their federal law violations overstaying federally issued visas did not draw attention from federal bureaucracies and federal law enforcers. No legal action was ever initiated against these soon to be homicidal terrorists that killed thousands of Americans.

The current infiltration was made by millions and there is no way to tell if their intentions are for a lifetime free ride of entitlements paid for by taxpayers with guaranteed voter rights or some leftist approved act of terrorism for international injustices of some sort. Asylum seekers they are called. Many from cultivated anti-American hotbeds of radical extremism across the globe nonetheless. It’s not if, but when some terrorist inspired act will cause death and destruction deep inside our unsecured borders. The seeds of destruction from within are being planted.

News reports indicate planning for the recent attacks inside Israel were in the making for over two years. Their disgusting murderous terrorists had to breach the iron fenced borders while our future terrorists got their unwashed feet wet cleansing them in the Rio Grande River. Next they are welcomed by federal officials who shower them with kindness after circumventing established immigration protocols. And giving them free stuff and immediate transportation to boot. And it will bite the American citizens right in the ass at a later date.

10/12/2023 08:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

According to the NY Post, the NYPD has ordered the entire department to report to work in uniform, no more plain clothes for the time being, due to threats from Hamas & its rotten & insane murderous supporters!

10/12/2023 08:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought Friday was the Islamic Sabbath?

Hamas leader Khalid Mashal who is safely ensconced in Qatar wants a day of violent attacks on the civilized world on Friday? It used to be the dangerous day in the Middle East was Saturday, the day after the hard core Islamic fanatics were fired up by the sermons in the mosque on Friday.

Also Saturday is the Jewish Sabbath day, so they were less ready and less alert to the Islamic attacks, just like the attacks last weekend.

10/12/2023 09:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The entire country should be outraged at the Joe Biden Administration! At the very beginning of the Biden Administration he failed to protect Americans. He left the border wide open, weakened our military, destroyed the police and lied and lied and lied about EVERYTHING! I don’t think he’s ever spoken the truth in his corrupt miserable life. I’m very worried that America will be hit by a massive terrorist attack. The only person to blame is Biden and the democrats. And if it happens expect the Biden Administration to lie and cover it up about where the attackers came from. The world is on fire! The damage and destruction Biden has done in 3 years is shocking!

10/12/2023 09:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My advice to the IL NG. Get ready to be deployed.

Hopefully we are wrong, and this is simply the typical empty Arab bluster.

But if the worst does happen? We are going to need you fast. We are going to need you bad.

10/12/2023 09:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will the FBI, CIA, etc. classify BLM and all the other groups and people as terrorists and start watching them, after some of them celebrated and supported the attacks on Israel??? Or will they still focus on the mysterious “white supremacists” that no one has ever seen or know where they are? In my 30 years of policing and traveling working in security, I have never come across a white supremacist. Do they have a club house? Why haven’t we ever seen evidence of them? Not saying they don’t exist but when Biden says they are America’s biggest threat, he’s lying again and dividing again. Hey media…what do you think is a greater threat? Foreign Terrorists or White Supremacists? Hey media…how much money have you given to BLM over the years? How foolish do you all feel now?

10/12/2023 09:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Moms protesting sexual content in their children's kindergarten class or people questioning the effectiveness of COVID shots are FAR more dangerous than armed terrorists. Our great President Joe Biden and all the military brass and intelligence agencies already told us that white supremacist MAGA people are the greatest threat we face.

Wait, you're not supposed to call them terrorists and you need to understand where they're coming from. That's what some clueless purple haired college girl said at the pro-Hamas rally anyway.

In all seriousness, however, you mention the Mumbai attacks.... how prepared is a major American city for a few van loads of gunmen intent on killing everything they see? How much you want to bet our law enforcement and intelligence services conveniently "miss" something big like what happened in Isreal this past weekend?

10/12/2023 12:24:00 AM

EXACTLY!!! People, media, democrat voters please please wake up! We are being destroyed from within by Joe Biden and the democrats. It’s right there in front of us to see! This is not a bad dream. It’s happening. Our border is wide open. We don’t know who’s coming in. We can’t afford and handle the massive endless migration. Cities are being crushed financially and physically. Crime is out of control! Criminals are not being punished. We are in an emergency! The damage Biden and the democrats have done to us is unmeasurable. SOS!

10/12/2023 09:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HA. Anti NAZI BLM Chicago now promoting and standing with genocidal maniacs what a surprise

10/12/2023 09:46:00 AM  
Blogger SpankDaddy said...

A prediction of things to come.

10/12/2023 09:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone else recall that the individual who did location analysis for the attackers lived at Rockwell and Devon? Google it.

10/12/2023 09:49:00 AM  
Blogger rosco said...

Don't worry, it's all under control.
Illinois has an Assault style weapons ban. Along with a mandatory registration requirement. All is well.

10/12/2023 10:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Mr. Rogers said...

Ukraine got their ass kicked despite us giving them 100 billion dollars.
COVID was played out and no one is buying their bullshit.
So they want us to hate the Muslims again.
Fuck the CIA and FBI.

10/12/2023 10:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10/12/2023 11:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How much you want to bet our law enforcement and intelligence services conveniently "miss" something big like what happened in Isreal this past weekend?

10/12/2023 12:24:00 AM

Whoa there! Best and brightest I'm told (snicker) don't tell me I've been hoodwinked

10/12/2023 11:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

West Gate Shopping Mall Slaughter in Nairobi 2013 comes to mind.
Upscale Mall there turned into a bullet magnet brought to you

By the (MPO's)Mostly Peaceful Ones.

Saw'er a movie once where MPO's came across US south border &

Suicided Bombed a busy heartland store.
Sicario:Day of the Soldado

Eric Holder [2 Fast Furious] Iran Russia Chy'Na (Trump word)?

10/12/2023 12:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It has been said Iran is funding terrorism in the current Israeli attack. Remember in January 2016 when the Obama administration delivered pallets equivalent to 1.3 Billion dollars in Euros, Swiss Francs and other assorted currencies in a covert airlift to Iran in the middle of the night? This was a ransom payment for the release of four American prisoners being held in Iran. In 2016, Iran was the chief financier of the terrorist organization ISIS, an identified enemy of America.

In March 2023 communist China, Russian Federation U.S. election colluders and the terrorist sponsor Iran conducted joint military exercises in the Gulf of Oman. And don’t forget similar joint naval exercises by the three aligned nations in the Indian Ocean in September of 2022. China now gets lots of oil and natural gas from communist Russia and Axis of Evil Iran. Remember both Russian and Iranian economies collapsed when American black gold crude oil was abundant in world markets keeping prices low from an increased supply of American energy resources at market costs. That ended with day one of the current incompetent administration’s executive orders that were signed into law by Lunch Bucket Joe Biden cancelling the Keystone pipeline and so many advantageous American energy independence policies from the so called out of touch previous administration. The executive orders were both beneficial to and a major victory for Iran, Russia and China. The American economy and the tens of thousands of good paying unionized petroleum workers were the ultimate losers sacrificed for the Ukrainian war perpetrators, the uranium centrifuge spinning ayatollahs funding of middle east terrorism and a communist led China global trade partner that enriched the family of the highest office holder in the nation. And remember crooked Hillary's Uranium One deal with Russia before Putin interfered in U.S. elections?

Last month, Iran demanded 6 billion in frozen assets as a ransom for five Americans being held against their will. Scranton Joe’s behind the scenes handlers capitulated. Iran is identified as the top financier of the international brotherhood of murderers Hamas. Follow the money, the thawed monies, not the "official" spin and disinformation disseminated through the tainted media outlets.

Amtrak Joe's premature pullout in Afghanistan after decades of American sacrifices resulted in surrendered military grade weapons to the Taliban’s murdering terrorist associates included but was not limited to 358,530 assault rifles, 22,174 Humvees, 169 M113 armored personnel carriers with advanced weapon systems, 64,363 machine guns, 176 artillery pieces, 33 Blackhawk helicopters and 126,295 handguns. Will these abandoned arms surface in the current Middle East conflict costing untold lives in a similar tragic turn of events similar to the Obama regime’s failed Fast and Furious Operation? Or being identified in a future terrorist operation directed against American citizens and American interests?

10/12/2023 12:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All by design. The covid lockdowns went well. Anticipate martial law lockdowns when the inevitable happens. Gas and electric utility grids have been tested and found deficient. What better time to shut them down than mid winter? You WILL eat ze bugs!

10/12/2023 12:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let 'em "kill" each other. Let God sort it out.
But really, aren't the "terrorists" the mothers who don't want schools regendering their kids. Maybe the Catholics praying a Rosary? Maybe attending a Latin mass?
I guess everyone is a "terrorist" except BLM.
But remember, you had to get your shot. Not those coming over the border. Tuberculosis?
That's your problem, of course. You/I are not as intelligent as those "in the know."

You lock your car. You lock your house, but not your country?

10/12/2023 02:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Joe Biden will be the only person to blame if we are attacked. He’s the president! He’s the one who let the endless invasion at our border go on and on. He has weakened America. Joe Biden started going easy on Iran from the very beginning of his presidency. He’s given them so many goodies including allowing them to sell record amounts of oil. Joe Biden armed the terrorists in Afghanistan. Joe Biden has given our enemies strength. Joe Biden is the worst president in the history of America and will probably hold that spot for ever. Joe Biden says “climate change and white supremacy is our greatest threat.” Think about that statement. Insanity!

10/12/2023 02:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Dear Terrorists,

May I suggest you start with the Hate has No Home Here signs.

10/12/2023 04:30:00 AM

Yes! And the fools that were scammed by BLM with their stupid signs. They are the ones that elected these weak democrats that are destroying America and put us in this pickle.

10/12/2023 02:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Meanwhile cities find it hard to recruit new police officers despite lowering standards.

The Seattle Police Department has lost so many officers that it has dropped to staffing levels not seen since 1991, amid spiking crime. So what if some nut job(s) creates a terrorist crisis. The woke liberals continue to destroy but they are very seldom ever the victims of crime. Pity that.

10/12/2023 03:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man I just watched the trailer for invasion USA the old Chuck Norris movie 🤔👀

10/12/2023 04:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How much you want to bet our law enforcement and intelligence services conveniently "miss" something big like what happened in Isreal this past weekend?

Per IDF soldiers interviews. At any given moment there’s always 10-20 AH-64’s on stand by close to Gaza. Somehow it took 8 hours to deploy them. Yeah someone really wanted these haji’s to succeed as they did.

10/12/2023 04:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
It has been said Iran is funding terrorism in the current Israeli attack. Remember in January 2016 when the Obama administration delivered pallets equivalent to 1.3 Billion dollars in Euros, Swiss Francs and other assorted currencies in a covert airlift to Iran in the middle of the night? This was a ransom payment for the release of four American prisoners being held in Iran. In 2016, Iran was the chief financier of the terrorist organization ISIS, an identified enemy of America.

In March 2023 communist China, Russian Federation U.S. election colluders and the terrorist sponsor Iran conducted joint military exercises in the Gulf of Oman. And don’t forget similar joint naval exercises by the three aligned nations in the Indian Ocean in September of 2022. China now gets lots of oil and natural gas from communist Russia and Axis of Evil Iran. Remember both Russian and Iranian economies collapsed when American black gold crude oil was abundant in world markets keeping prices low from an increased supply of American energy resources at market costs. That ended with day one of the current incompetent administration’s executive orders that were signed into law by Lunch Bucket Joe Biden cancelling the Keystone pipeline and so many advantageous American energy independence policies from the so called out of touch previous administration. The executive orders were both beneficial to and a major victory for Iran, Russia and China. The American economy and the tens of thousands of good paying unionized petroleum workers were the ultimate losers sacrificed for the Ukrainian war perpetrators, the uranium centrifuge spinning ayatollahs funding of middle east terrorism and a communist led China global trade partner that enriched the family of the highest office holder in the nation. And remember crooked Hillary's Uranium One deal with Russia before Putin interfered in U.S. elections?

Last month, Iran demanded 6 billion in frozen assets as a ransom for five Americans being held against their will. Scranton Joe’s behind the scenes handlers capitulated. Iran is identified as the top financier of the international brotherhood of murderers Hamas. Follow the money, the thawed monies, not the "official" spin and disinformation disseminated through the tainted media outlets.

Amtrak Joe's premature pullout in Afghanistan after decades of American sacrifices resulted in surrendered military grade weapons to the Taliban’s murdering terrorist associates included but was not limited to 358,530 assault rifles, 22,174 Humvees, 169 M113 armored personnel carriers with advanced weapon systems, 64,363 machine guns, 176 artillery pieces, 33 Blackhawk helicopters and 126,295 handguns. Will these abandoned arms surface in the current Middle East conflict costing untold lives in a similar tragic turn of events similar to the Obama regime’s failed Fast and Furious Operation? Or being identified in a future terrorist operation directed against American citizens and American interests?

10/12/2023 12:30:00 PM"

The 6 billion in frozen assets were held in a South Korea bank during the Trump administration. The Pedo Prez authorized transfer of those funds to a bank in Qatar. While those covering their tracks may state that money was transferred to Qatar. not Iran. Does anyone with two working brain cells not believe Iran didn't have a 6 billion line of credit from the Qatar bank? LOL.

Qatar is the financial hub of the Muslim Brotherhood. They are the umbrella organization of Islamic terror regimes.

10/12/2023 06:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Extend version of the meeting in Galewood. These folks aren't taking this bullshit from the Mayor.

10/12/2023 06:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even heard him, Schwarzenegger knows Democrats are pieces of shit that ruin everything:

10/12/2023 06:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The 13th is also day the Taylor Swift concert movie starts. Theatres will be sold out and full of young girls. Be very hiligent and well armed if your going to the show.

10/12/2023 07:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Muslims are talking about reprisals tomorrow all over the world
Seems the black community in America many condone, the slaughter of the woman and children in Israel. Maybe the Jews should start rethinking their approval of Democratic blacks and there antics

10/12/2023 09:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Almost all the number 1 seeds have been knocked out of the playoffs. I'm rooting for Arizona Diamondbacks. 🥱

10/12/2023 09:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Manchester Arena bombing [Ariana Grande concert 2017]
Bataclan theatre Attack on 1500 concert goers Paris 2015

Swarm attacks possible under JB & Biden Admins?

Or just a good reason to destroy US Constitution along
with Unalienable Rights of the Legal Citizens.

10/12/2023 11:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Must be a coincidence that majority of these illegal invaders are men of military age. Studying police operations, shift changes etc…

Total coincidence. Nothing to see here. Honestly, I wouldn’t even worry about it.

10/13/2023 12:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our woke military compared to these HUMUS fighters. That is a good movie to watch, our military in general is a joke, thanks to our leaders, our boys and girls in the present are more worried about their cellphones loosing internet than actually being real soldiers. It's said but true. I'm in my early 50's and I guaranty you that my fat-ass is better prepared to deal with these HUMUS than these young men and women in our armed services today. Old school marine, Semper Fi....."

10/13/2023 02:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I've been saying this for a while now and my gut feeling won't let go. I do think there will be attacks in our city soon. And nie I think that it will start at police station where the migrants are taking place. It's too much of a coincedence that they are being house there. Imagine how overwhelmed the rest of the city will be. It's scary.

You hit it brother, who's to say that a certain number of these young males all of a sudden at the same time kill and take over all the district stations in the city, the city would be up for grabs, man this is scary. To all brothers and sisters in blue especially inside house mouses, WATCH YOUR SIX around the stations.....

10/13/2023 03:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Schwarzenegger knows Democrats are pieces of shit that ruin everything...

Oh the same RINO that called anti-vaxers schmucks and said screw your freedom for not wanting to strap a dirty diaper to your face??? Well he's a piece of shit too.

10/13/2023 05:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Muslims are talking about reprisals tomorrow all over the world
Seems the black community in America many condone, the slaughter of the woman and children in Israel. Maybe the Jews should start rethinking their approval of Democratic blacks and there antics

10/12/2023 09:15:00 PM

Where are you getting that from? I haven’t seen the black community support Hamas. In fact it’s just the opposite. The black community is on to the scam of BLM and they are fed up with all the illegal immigrants. Many are disgusted by BLMs poster of the terrorist paragliding with the Hamas flag. it’s dumb white people that supported BLM the most. Hopefully they won’t give money to their scam anymore.

10/13/2023 08:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Schwarzenegger knows Democrats are pieces of shit that ruin everything...

Oh the same RINO that called anti-vaxers schmucks and said screw your freedom for not wanting to strap a dirty diaper to your face??? Well he's a piece of shit too.

10/13/2023 05:59:00 AM

The mask has slipped and now we see Arnolds face, it is the face of a Nazi. Fuck my freedoms Arnold? That didn’t end well for Hitler either.

10/13/2023 10:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Terrifying. Here's to hope our intel and law enforcement/security is actually doing their job. Oh wait, I'm one of them, and I know everyone's swamped, overworked, understaffed, and miserable.

10/13/2023 01:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

New York Fire Department is handing out vacate orders to overcrowded migrant shelters in NYC.

Why isn't CFD doing the same thing here?

10/13/2023 02:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Muslims are talking about reprisals tomorrow all over the world
Seems the black community in America many condone, the slaughter of the woman and children in Israel. Maybe the Jews should start rethinking their approval of Democratic blacks and there antics

10/12/2023 09:15:00 PM
Where did you get "the black community in America" condones this from? Did you speak to someone who represents all black people here? or are you saying blm represents all black people? Now maybe you'll read this and see how stupid you sound!! I guess you represent all the idiots in America

10/13/2023 07:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Our woke military compared to these HUMUS fighters. That is a good movie to watch, our military in general is a joke, thanks to our leaders, our boys and girls in the present are more worried about their cellphones loosing internet than actually being real soldiers. It's said but true. I'm in my early 50's and I guaranty you that my fat-ass is better prepared to deal with these HUMUS than these young men and women in our armed services today. Old school marine, Semper Fi....."

10/13/2023 02:55:00 AM

Similar to the current state of our police department.

Old school army

10/13/2023 09:06:00 PM  

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