Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Bold Criminals....Again

No where is safe:

  • Two suspects are in custody after they tried to carjack an on-duty Chicago police officer outside the city’s 311 headquarters on the Near West Side. Officers assigned to take police reports over the phone work at the facility.

    In a media statement that did not identify the victim as a Chicago police officer, CPD said the 37-year-old was sitting in his car in a parking lot in the 2100 block of West Lexington just before 9 p.m. Monday when two men approached him with handguns.

    After being forced from his car at gunpoint, the victim “runs into a nearby building and alerts CPD officers,” the police media statement said, without identifying the building as the city’s 311 call center.

    The hijackers got into the cop’s car but could not operate it, so they ran away. But they didn’t get far. Cops arrested them in the 800 block of South Oakley, according to a Chicago police report.

Of course, a largish number of the cops over on Lexington aren't allowed to carry guns due to "pending" issues. And the building isn't covered in identifying signage. This is probably one building that ought to have lot security at the very least.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The hijackers got into the cop’s car but could not operate it, so they ran away."

Manual Transmission for the win?

10/11/2023 12:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Dude don't give a fuck."

Crimesha, Evans, Dart, et. al Democrat Communists have Dude's back.

No where is safe, especially anywhere within City or Crook County Limits.

Israeli's are standing in line to get gun permits and guns. Realized after-the-fact that they should have all been armed and been able to deal with that bullshit when it presented itself.

America? What's our excuse? Fucking Democrats - endangering us all.

10/11/2023 12:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Manual transmission wins again.

Retarded criminals.

10/11/2023 12:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would have loved to be the officer robbed at gunpoint. I guarantee that I would be in custody, but considered a superhero by patriots.

10/11/2023 12:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess the cretins couldn't drive stick.
It's amazing they can operate a pistol.
Why do we allow people like this to run roughshod over our society ?

10/11/2023 01:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Coming soon… little birdie at FLOP chirping about Mayor Purple Gums BEGGING them to extend contract by 2 years til ‘27 to run concurrently with his term. BJ is TERRIFIED of what the DNC is gonna bring and wants to play nice so he’s offering sizeable raises and modifying the retention bonus to be more per year, for everyone not just those over 20 years otj and paying it thru’27. These talks and offers have all been initiated by the mayors office not FLOP. But JKitty has already been bragging that he’s gonna claim any victory as his doing and will announce how it was all his hard work at next weeks fop meeting.

10/11/2023 01:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just lucky no police officers got hurt…….

10/11/2023 02:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep in mind, many of those officers are on call back for medical issues forced to work and not physically capable to carry their weapon but they are.

10/11/2023 03:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Stay Safe said...

Thank God all our officers are safe. To bad Crimesha won't do sh*t. Signage or not, stealing or taking stuff that don't belong to you is a crime. Just not in crook County

10/11/2023 03:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally agree
A stripped officer doing security at the front entry door with no weapon is a disaster waiting to happen
FOP are u listening to this
Do something asap

10/11/2023 03:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good old fort triple "c" ( cripples, criminals, crazies ).

10/11/2023 04:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT: did I hear jb pritzker blame Donald Trump for breaking his windows???

10/11/2023 04:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can’t wait to see how much the city is in the hole today.
Keep housing and feeding them migrants!!!

10/11/2023 04:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There have been stolen catalytic converters and burglary to autos on several occasions in that lot. We were ablevto shake our fists in the air as we chased said offenders. A concealed carry license is a viable alternative.

10/11/2023 05:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad he’s safe. Not permitted to carry? Wonder if that will now change. The city is nuts.

10/11/2023 06:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wasn’t that dumb on my dumbest day

10/11/2023 06:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Light duty even if you carry... Technically can't take police action... Just ask the Sgts there they will tell you lock the door and call for assistance at the desk radio.

No joke

Well it is a joke.... But you understand

10/11/2023 07:02:00 AM  
Blogger rosco said...

How about move those officers (light duty) from callback to the district desks?
Put the house mice back on the street, on the beat.

10/11/2023 07:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Especially with everything going on right now in the world with all the illegals here I’m sure that building would be a target. Thankfully the police officer was not injured. They do everything because they know as we know they will never go to jail.

10/11/2023 07:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LT GE and another PO chased the offenders with no guns and helped catch these assholes.

10/11/2023 07:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A quick thinking PO started to close the metal gate on them to trap them in and they ran off.

10/11/2023 08:01:00 AM  
Blogger John D said...

Anytime you're in the city, you should be carrying whether or not you're "permitted to" by your job.

10/11/2023 08:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The victim asked in a loud voice “hey can I get a report”
A load moan was heard from the building

10/11/2023 08:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every parking lot at every police station should have lot security, fences, gates, entry by ID card only. And, in some, security guards. Other big cities are doing this. Why is this city always so cheap when it comes to the working environment of its police officers? Maybe the commanders of these facilities should share the same facilities as the officers who work there to include washrooms.

10/11/2023 08:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Coming soon… little birdie at FLOP chirping about Mayor Purple Gums BEGGING them to extend contract by 2 years til ‘27 to run concurrently with his term. BJ is TERRIFIED of what the DNC is gonna bring and wants to play nice so he’s offering sizeable raises and modifying the retention bonus to be more per year, for everyone not just those over 20 years otj and paying it thru’27. These talks and offers have all been initiated by the mayors office not FLOP. But JKitty has already been bragging that he’s gonna claim any victory as his doing and will announce how it was all his hard work at next weeks fop meeting.

10/11/2023 01:27:00 AM

So you hate JC, but don't expect anybody to believe that MBJ has thought ahead about anything. Other than make appearances and pose for pictures, and dodging questions by spouting buzzword salads, he hasn't done anything.

10/11/2023 08:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Were guns recovered? Were they really armed? Did he or she run away from

10/11/2023 08:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Travis Bickle said...

Dip S#&t’s can’t drive stick. Ha Ha Ha Ha…

10/11/2023 09:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Instead of defunding the police we should be talking about defunding the State's Attorney office and the County Court system.

Since they're not prosecuting hardly anyone why do they need all that money?

Next look: Jail guards.

10/11/2023 09:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When are “WE” going to turn on our masters? I think the time is coming soon for some 1950’s, 60’s, and 70’s “outfit” justice!

10/11/2023 09:54:00 AM  
Blogger SpankDaddy said...

Sitting in cars is dangerous.

10/11/2023 10:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What exactly is the public supposed to do with these CPD warnings cower in fear inside our homes? WTF? Stop the bullshit

CPD issue warning after teen robs victims at gunpoint on Chicago's Northwest Side
MSN|2 hours ago
The victims said the gunman was a young male between 12 and 14 years old. He stands about five feet tall with an abnormality in his left eye.

10/11/2023 11:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Coming soon… little birdie at FLOP chirping about Mayor Purple Gums BEGGING them to extend contract by 2 years til ‘27 to run concurrently with his term. BJ is TERRIFIED of what the DNC is gonna bring and wants to play nice so he’s offering sizeable raises and modifying the retention bonus to be more per year, for everyone not just those over 20 years otj and paying it thru’27. These talks and offers have all been initiated by the mayors office not FLOP. But JKitty has already been bragging that he’s gonna claim any victory as his doing and will announce how it was all his hard work at next weeks fop meeting.

Makes sense…county renewed all their CBAs for that exact reason. 2 year extensions across the board, doc clerks police hell even tradesmen got extended. The DNC sure has a lot of the Ds worried

10/11/2023 11:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Acting commander Thelma Vega is unbelievably in over her head. Taken care of her ENTIRE career. Merit sgt who went directly to news affairs. Makes merit LT and day one goes DIRECTLY to CST. Two weeks after making Lt out of the academy and put right in a unit AND spending 4 years in a nice spot as a Sgt in News Affairs she is made an Acting Commander.. 2 weeks after making LT. ZERO DISTRICT EXPERIENCE. prior to making sgt she hid. One of her “sponsors” got her over to fugitive where she was a tag along with the other teams who actually went out and did work.. don’t worry, she loved to take credit for the big ones. It was always, cmon Thelma, you can take a ride with us to grab this guy we’ve been working on… I again have a bad feeling that it will continue and she will once again be taken care of and sent to a unit after this breaks up. Vega needs to do like everyone else did, sit in a district in the WC chair or be a field LT in the watch. How can you justify never doing a log as a sgt? Never handling a TRR as a sgt? Never handling a shooting as a sgt? Never dealing with a major incident? Never dealing with officer issues as a sgt??? Then make LT and never do a WOL log? Handle a TRR or use of force as a Lt? Never making decisions about a watch? Approve sheets? Calculate manpower for days off? No experience at all. Blind and clueless and I feel our brass will once again fail us and either promote her or insulate her in a nice spot. She’s in full blown panic mode visiting anyone she can now at 35th street trying to get a spot before all the spots are taken. Please put her on a watch..

10/11/2023 11:46:00 AM  
Blogger JustHereForThePaycheck said...

Anonymous said...
A quick thinking PO started to close the metal gate on them to trap them in and they ran off.

10/11/2023 08:01:00 AM

“Trap them in”??

You obviously never worked in the ghetto.

You kids crack me up ��

10/11/2023 12:12:00 PM  
Anonymous J. Backstabvich@541 said...

I find this quite worrisome. If they’re robbing on duty POs at the ARS, who’s to say they won’t target me when I meet the Uber Eats guy dropping off my 3rd lunch at FLOP HQ?! Time to start thinking a little more tactical.

Looks like I’ll have to stop using my magazine pouch to hold Snickers bars.

10/11/2023 01:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I totally agree
A stripped officer doing security at the front entry door with no weapon is a disaster waiting to happen
FOP are u listening to this
Do something asap

10/11/2023 03:40:00 AM

Having worked down there at the 311 Arkam Asylum, I can tell you that the officers that work the front desk security are light duty and carrying a firearm. They won't let the stripped officers do it. Now, what kind of shape those light duty officers are in and how effective they are at taking police action, if they have to, is another matter

10/11/2023 02:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The officer is fortunate that it turned out ok. They had a gun to this head and these 2 thugs had that zonked-out ghetto dead-eye look you see in the worst we come across...

10/11/2023 03:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Royal Flush said...

Responding to 11:34 AM: Makes sense…county renewed all their CBAs for that exact reason. 2 year extensions across the board, doc clerks police hell even tradesmen got extended. The DNC sure has a lot of the Ds worried

Not enough Dems I'm afraid. Those sellout Dem police chiefs and military sure...they're worried about a convention in Chicago...but the actual delegates think this city is a Democrat utopia. They think crime is overexaggerated and read the Conde Nast article saying Chicongo is the best city in America to visit. For all those that say there won't be leftists violently protesting at this DNC remember - they still want revenge for 1968 and Sleepy Joe just backed Israel 100% in a bloody and drawn out war against the oppressed Palestinians.

10/11/2023 04:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why do we allow people like this to run roughshod over our society ?

10/11/2023 01:03:00 AM

You speak of 'our society' as if it is a natural condition.

It ain't.

10/11/2023 04:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...the gunman was a young male between 12 and 14 years old. He stands about five feet tall with an abnormality in his left eye.

10/11/2023 11:29:00 AM


10/11/2023 04:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LT GE and another PO chased the offenders with no guns and helped catch these assholes
Signed; LT GE

10/11/2023 06:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


10/11/2023 06:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha! We should all take bets and keep track of where clout babies Zogg and Vega end up. Neither spent one day in a district after making Lt. Vega is clueless and Zogg is drinking the Kool aid because he knows he’s incompetent. Send them to us in the ghetto to see what they got.

10/11/2023 07:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT. Why does JC tell everyone he has a special report then tell everyone not to speculate. Either you going to give us a special report or not. Stop making promises you can’t deliver.

10/11/2023 07:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

70 Armed to the Teeth Cops stood outside Uvadle Texas classrooms for 90 minutes?

5 Armed Cops on Day patrol Duty From Newton PD Connecticut while Sandyhook school in session?

No Locking Cockpit Doors in the year 2001?

No Israeli Defense Force Strike Teams with Choppers & Bullets at a Moments Notice when a jackrabbit approaches the Gaza Perimeter?

Unarmed CPD gets Jacked in Dept Lot? Who thinks this be a Pattern? Go ahead add more Examples

10/11/2023 09:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BJ is defecating his drawers when he looks to next year's DNC nationwide shit show and all on his "watch". The slick talking, pointed head, socialist, bull shitting, snake oil salesman has his work cut out for him and his socialist stooges. Everything will take a back seat and all resources will focus on the big socialist clown show in August.

Take the money, bennies and run with it cause we now have BJ in his soiled undies needing our help. Hell, ask for more. If you don't take it, you still must be an unwilling participate in the clown show. Once the clown show is over, its back to being a second-class citizen and prime punching bag for the Dems and their criminal elements.

10/11/2023 10:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Ha! We should all take bets and keep track of where clout babies Zogg and Vega end up. Neither spent one day in a district after making Lt. Vega is clueless and Zogg is drinking the Kool aid because he knows he’s incompetent. Send them to us in the ghetto to see what they got."

This seems to be the norm. Area One Lt Aguilar was never sent to a district either. She has no Detective experience, she was never a Detective. Why is she at Area One? Because she was really close with Muhammad. Aguilar has been taken care of all her career. She fucks up she gets another spot. The bosses need to start giving these spots to qualified individuals and not their girlfriends.

10/12/2023 12:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It wasn't a manual transmission, they just couldn't figure out the electronic shifter.

10/12/2023 01:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once the clown show is over, its back to being a second-class citizen and prime punching bag for the Dems and their criminal elements.

10/11/2023 10:06:00 PM

You know it! It's like being on date with an Escort or whore([employee] truly no judgement). You [employer] negotiate expectations and price and if an agreement is reached, there is the actual exchange of X for Y and all should be happy. But, after the deed is done, (rarely) you are not inviting the Escort or whore "second class citizen' to the dinner party with family and friends or hellos & hugs when seeing each other out and about around town.

So no shame for reaching for the moon in this instance John. We all know the what and why we are being courted for;
As always: negotiate HIGH and f*ck'em

10/12/2023 05:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perfect post "ROSCOE", but your suggestion makes too much sense so the shitty wont consider it.

10/12/2023 08:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn’t there a security gate on Laflin? Where was the Security Guard?

10/12/2023 09:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Acting commander Thelma Vega is unbelievably in over her head. Taken care of her ENTIRE career. Merit sgt who went directly to news affairs. Makes merit LT and day one goes DIRECTLY to CST. Two weeks after making Lt out of the academy and put right in a unit AND spending 4 years in a nice spot as a Sgt in News Affairs she is made an Acting Commander.. 2 weeks after making LT. ZERO DISTRICT EXPERIENCE. prior to making sgt she hid. One of her “sponsors” got her over to fugitive where she was a tag along with the other teams who actually went out and did work.. don’t worry, she loved to take credit for the big ones. It was always, cmon Thelma, you can take a ride with us to grab this guy we’ve been working on… I again have a bad feeling that it will continue and she will once again be taken care of and sent to a unit after this breaks up. Vega needs to do like everyone else did, sit in a district in the WC chair or be a field LT in the watch. How can you justify never doing a log as a sgt? Never handling a TRR as a sgt? Never handling a shooting as a sgt? Never dealing with a major incident? Never dealing with officer issues as a sgt??? Then make LT and never do a WOL log? Handle a TRR or use of force as a Lt? Never making decisions about a watch? Approve sheets? Calculate manpower for days off? No experience at all. Blind and clueless and I feel our brass will once again fail us and either promote her or insulate her in a nice spot. She’s in full blown panic mode visiting anyone she can now at 35th street trying to get a spot before all the spots are taken. Please put her on a watch..

10/11/2023 11:46:00 AM

The Lt shit is true, the Sgt shit is 50/50. Thelma made Sgt off the list, you can look it up on the Admin Messages. Search “pre-service” and all the promotion lists are there. She worked in 010 as a Sgt for 2ish years, half of which was on the medical. Banished to midnights after the bosses who believed she was awesome, due to her looks, became upset she was on extended medical with a knee injury but was seen on social media dancing in Europe or some shit. After a few months on midnights was put on days and in few weeks was in New Affairs.

10/12/2023 11:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about move those officers (light duty) from callback to the district desks?
Put the house mice back on the street, on the beat.

10/11/2023 07:19:00 AM
It's called a bid you dumb bitch! Now go get some blue cards & tell your mom I'll be over later

10/12/2023 04:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vega likes to wear her fruit salad

10/12/2023 06:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A quick thinking PO started to close the metal gate on them to trap them in and they ran off.

10/11/2023 08:01:00 AM

“Trap them in”??

You obviously never worked in the ghetto.

You kids crack me up ��

10/11/2023 12:12:00 PM
If it wasn’t for that quick thinking po those guys woulda been in the freaking wind not that it matters anyway I’m sure they’re back on the streets car jacking robbing or murdering as we speak.

10/12/2023 08:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Lt shit is true, the Sgt shit is 50/50. Thelma made Sgt off the list, you can look it up on the Admin Messages. Search “pre-service” and all the promotion lists are there. She worked in 010 as a Sgt for 2ish years, half of which was on the medical. Banished to midnights after the bosses who believed she was awesome, due to her looks, became upset she was on extended medical with a knee injury but was seen on social media dancing in Europe or some shit. After a few months on midnights was put on days and in few weeks was in New Affairs.

The above is mostly true, but when she worked with us in fugitive she was a hard worker and was not a go-along jump in the car for credit person at all, she actually worked hard. Can’t take that away from her. They absolutely should’ve sent her to a district when she made Lt. To learn her job. That lack of knowledge of her job will hurt her.

10/13/2023 01:08:00 AM  

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