Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Fata$$ Lies Again

And CWB is there to call him out:

  • Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker unloaded a whopper of a lie on Monday that would make even the Chicago Police Department’s boldest press relations executive blush.

    “Violent crime has been coming down [in Chicago], actually for three years, but in particular over the last year,” Pritzker said during an afternoon Q&A with Crain’s Chicago Business, according to The Center Square.

    “Shootings and murders have come down significantly,” Pritzker continued. “Again, it doesn’t make anyone feel safer to just hear a statistic; it will take some time, but that is something people should know.”

    “[The Chicago Police Department] publishes statistics where you can see where the problem areas are with car thefts and robberies and so on, but shootings and murders have come down significantly,” Pritzker said.

And CWB goes over the actual stats:

  • While the citywide numbers are bad — and definitely not down — some police districts are in even worse shape than Chicago overall.

    The Grand Central (25th) District is struggling with a 128% increase in robberies this year. Robberies are up 125% there compared to 2019. Murders in the district are up 50% from last year and up 60% compared to 2019.

    Robberies in the Shakespeare (14th) District are up 57% from last year. Compared to 2019, they’re up by 128%, that’s 198 cases, more than offsetting the five fewer homicides, 16 fewer sexual assaults, and one fewer aggravated battery.

    The Near West (12th) District has seen six fewer murders this year than in 2019. Unfortunately, it has experienced two more sexual assaults, 32 more aggravated batteries, and 453 more robberies.

Fatass is leaving out portions of the numbers to manipulate the numbers. CWB links directly to the CompStat numbers and breaks down where the increases are worst.

Porky's numbers are twisted so badly, they're screaming...screaming like the toilet seats in the governor's mansion.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes we know he’s full of shit but I have a question regarding the gun registration. I own an AR pistol which is on the banned list because of the stock and mag capacity. My wife being CPD could I just say it’s hers even though the transfer was in my name when. I bought it??? Either way I’m not registering it but just thought I would ask. Thanks, be safe and God bless!

11/29/2023 12:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of the toilet seats, maybe he didn't remove them from his mansion on purpose, but they fled in fear!!!

11/29/2023 12:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

like the toilet seats in the governor's mansion...

Like lardass can even get one ass cheek on one without crushing it....

Poster earlier said he shits in the bathtub....I believe that and a stick with a rag on it to wipe his ass, most of the time he don't.

That's my report.

11/29/2023 12:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aw you know maing, it's a decrease in the increase!

11/29/2023 12:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

JB Putsker will try and buy out the CWB Chicago. His fat @$$ throws his money around. He is nothing more than a dictator.

11/29/2023 01:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many rapes, robberies and assaults are not reported? Why bother?

It isn't like the CPD Is going to actually catch any of the criminals? Even if they do? Will Crimesha prosecute them if the perpetrators are POS? Ooops excuse me, POC? Every Criminal is a POS, no matter their skin tone.

11/29/2023 01:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep Voting Blue!

11/29/2023 02:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Policians lie.

ALL politicians lie.

ALL democrat politicians lie.

With few exceptions, ALL republican politicians lie.

With NO exceptions, ALL career politicians lie.

Our Republic's vulnerable point has always been democracy, the elections by votes, and, being no other better way, this is the default that is both blessing and bane.

We cannot have governments more honest, honorable and moral than the persons we elect and are on the ballot to be voted for.

Thus, the fervant striving of the dishonest, dishonorable, immorals to control the process of attaining ballot presence by candidates.

Annnnnnnd, thusly, why Trump is such a threat.

Anyone they want not, I want.

11/29/2023 02:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

good job Fatass. Now let's talk about race.

11/29/2023 03:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Governor is lying just like Biden and his press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, so is Mayor BLM Brandon, and many more. The problem is they come out with a script read it and if they do answer any questions they come from chosen shill reporters. And then bang the press conference is over. It’s so obvious that the majority of the reporters are the cheerleaders for the Democrat Party. And why are they like that? Because the journalism schools are loaded with far left professors who have indoctrinated their students with the radical left thinking.

All these politicians should be grilled like an attorney interrogating a witness on the stand. The politicians should be forced to prove what they say is true. Unfortunately too many low information voters believe what they say. And you can never embarrass the politicians as they have no shame whatsoever.

11/29/2023 03:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“Porky's numbers are twisted so badly, they're screaming...screaming like the toilet seats in the governor's mansion.”

I am envisioning seats and bowls being cracked on a regular basis!

11/29/2023 03:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And speaking of lies - BLM Brandon beezz fibbin again.

“Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson Blames City’s Illegal Immigrant Crisis on ‘Right Wing Extremism’ (VIDEO)
By Mike LaChance Nov. 28, 2023”

11/29/2023 04:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The idiots at the Governors Office, States Attorneys office, and Mayors Office all skew the numbers because they count robberies as merely property crime, not a violent crime even of weapons are involved or if someone is injured

11/29/2023 05:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

After so long one starts to believe their own lies delusional thinking comes to mind

11/29/2023 05:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Robberies and car jackings are what’s killing Chicago. That and the fact that your neighbors are increasingly likely to be fugly hipsters, speak no English, or have eye tattoos……..

11/29/2023 06:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anytime he opens his mouth, lies come flying out.FPOS!!!

11/29/2023 07:02:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

Illinois Governor Jelly Belly Pigster treats his office like a rich boy's toy.

11/29/2023 07:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shootings are down because Dude inc. is too busy with Robberies! The D-Unit is too slow to adjust it's focus worried about the homicide clearance rate that all other crime goes unnoticed that it's exploding !

11/29/2023 07:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So glad I retired and moved out of democRAT shithole away from porky pig and the rest of the lying liberals.

11/29/2023 07:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


So the pug-nosed mayor and over a dozen churches are collaborating to house illegal immigrants from police stations.

How "kindly and timely" of these friars / revruns to open their doors to their Christian congregation. All of a sudden, they must have been enlightened by their conscience, goodwill, vocation, and faith that they have to pony up with the Commie mayor at a press conference. Surely, the millions of dollars funneled to their struggling congregation has nothing to do with their new found "faith".

Just like Stupich and Pflakey, they need to be exposed and defunded.

11/29/2023 07:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He didn’t unload a whopper, he ate it and asked for 50 more. He was still hungry after. Fuck you Jaba!!!!

11/29/2023 07:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lying is all he knows and the lying media plays right along. I’ve never seen the amount of robberies and car jackings this year in my life. Every day the news stories are mind blowing of violent crimes but Pritzker says all is well. But hey, in his world things are great! He’s got 24/7 armed bodyguards.

11/29/2023 07:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dump CompStat, that would be a great start.

11/29/2023 07:41:00 AM  
Anonymous NavySealRanger12 said...

Make no mistake...this is going to be the Democratic strategy as we go forward into the election year. They learned well from the Covid crisis. Lie over and over and use "weasel words". Armed robbery and carjacking is no longer counted as a violent crime but a "property crime" (or "theft") to the Democrats. If a case report has more than one UCR code on it you only count one UCR code and one victim. Murder and shooting stats will only be compared to the all time high of 2020 going forward. Viola...violent crime is down!
But even a retard can read the graphs at Hey Jackass for the past decade. It's not uncommon anymore to generate 4 UCR codes on a single General Offense Case Report. Crime overall is getting worse and more spread out throughout the city and county.

11/29/2023 07:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11/29/2023 12:12:00 AM

Dont worry about that because nobody really gives a shit, FatAss is just pandering and posturing. Nobody is coming to your home or trying to enforce this horseshit. FJB< FBJ and fuck the rest of these filthy democrats everywhere.

11/29/2023 07:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fatso is just trying to cover his ass to hide the disaster that the safe-t act is turning into. If jumbo wasn't a trust fund baby he'd be in charge of putting the butter on the popcorn at the movie theater.

11/29/2023 08:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When the numbers get too high they just change the way things are counted. Example: 4 folks point guns at you, but DON’T say anything when they take your belongings is a theft not robbery. See how easy that was.

11/29/2023 08:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Wyatt Earp said...

This fat fucking tub of shit must think that all Chicagoans are brain fucking dead democrats with that bull shit that he’s spitting out of his lying ass mouth ! These commiecrats are a god dam virus that infect everything that they come in contact with ! These corrupt, evil mother fuckers are destroying America with there socialist communist agenda !

11/29/2023 08:46:00 AM  
Anonymous The Great Santini said...

When confronted with the discrepancy over the crime numbers, Gov. Pumpkin Head suggested that they settle the matter with a good old fashioned hotdog eating contest, just like he has always done growing up. When no one accepted his challenge, the governor reasoned to himself that, once again, he is right and everyone else is wrong. Case closed.

11/29/2023 09:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The comments are off the fucking chain lmfbo the truth hurts

11/29/2023 09:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Read years ago that the only two remotely reliable crime statistics are murder and auto theft.

Dead bodies tend to get noticed
People generally want their cars back.

11/29/2023 09:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Porky's numbers are twisted so badly, they're screaming...screaming like the toilet seats in the governor's mansion.


11/29/2023 10:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait until the DNC arrives next year. The democrats have no idea what they are in for. However, we Chicago Police Officers have not forgotten about how the democrats allowed a handful of grassroots anti-police organizations defund, dox (lucy Parsons Lab Project), and overrun us with training we will never use, not to mention a saf-t-act (Illinois black Caucus) that totally prevents us from protecting the public from criminals. When the DNC arrives, we will not forget how the department has prevented it’s members from taking 8 and 9 segment furloughs. We as the officers on the front lines will NOT do our jobs and will stand down, during the DNC. We will let the public and the criminals have at the democrats, how many secret service and FBI are there? You’re going to need a lot of them, because we will NOT be protecting any democrats! We will pull back (blocks away from the DNC), we will look away, we will not protect the most anti-American, anti-Police, groups of politicians and their supporters. This is already in the works, and the department won’t be able to do anything about it!

11/29/2023 10:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
“Porky's numbers are twisted so badly, they're screaming...screaming like the toilet seats in the governor's mansion.”

I am envisioning seats and bowls being cracked on a regular basis!

11/29/2023 03:51:00 AM

Bet his bathroom smells like a hobo's ass.....or police station lobby.

Think one those pressure crushing machines as his lardass sinks into it...along

...with the annual the shitters clog the scream.....

Better IDEA...remove toilets ...stand over hole just shit and move on like a animal..

After getting the gun, the grease cutting stuff he's coming for.

.get some.

11/29/2023 11:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
He didn’t unload a whopper, he ate it and asked for 50 more. He was still hungry after. Fuck you Jaba!!!!

11/29/2023 07:18:00 AM

Give him a break, he didn't get fries, shakes with them....Nothing....

the horror....

11/29/2023 11:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hundred dollar payoff....

How does he wipe his ass, his arms just don't reach...sorry for noticing .

Does he yell for troopers ...the butler....the illegal maids....his tranny brother ? Who HOW

11/29/2023 11:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who does psycho mentally challenged mayor blame for all his malfeasance? Nope not having a black wife and kids this:
Chicago mayor targets Lightfoot, 'right-wing extremism' for 'chaos' in Chicago

He definitely needs to resign, brandon you the governor the kimmy foxx refusing to do their jobs protecting lawful people has caused this! Wow! Brandon for your own sake gtfu!

11/29/2023 01:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

rauner was a rhino
fatboy is a progressive potus wanna be

11/29/2023 02:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson Is Supporting A Commission To Seek Reparations In The City’s 2024 Budget

In today’s Chicago City

Give till it hurts.

11/29/2023 04:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Yes we know he’s full of shit but I have a question regarding the gun registration. I own an AR pistol which is on the banned list because of the stock and mag capacity. My wife being CPD could I just say it’s hers even though the transfer was in my name when. I bought it??? Either way I’m not registering it but just thought I would ask. Thanks, be safe and God bless!

11/29/2023 12:12:00 AM

No you can’t but your gun is in another state, right? PS…fuck the dictator piggy! He only goes after honest citizens. Criminals are committing violent crimes over and over and he doesn’t even want them held passing his SAFETY act. Nothing ever happens to them. He doesn’t care because he has 24/7 armed bodyguards.

11/29/2023 05:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hundred dollar payoff....

How does he wipe his ass, his arms just don't reach...sorry for noticing .

Does he yell for troopers ...the butler....the illegal maids....his tranny brother ? Who HOW

11/29/2023 11:14:00 AM

He don't. He can't. Per his valet, at the end of each day, he just throws the drawers in the garbage. Fatass can afford to purchase 365+, even 730+ under-drawers a year if he needs two a day. Then just before hitting the sack, he sits in the oversized cattle-trough tub while reading the Wall Street Journal, followed by the butler patting his hugeness dry. Then, he might call the fake-wife MK in Florida to talk about running for President. Lather-Rinse-Repeat.

11/29/2023 07:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well… not don’t get me wrong… I hate fata%# more than the next guy buuttt. Homicides, shootings and carjackings are all down double digit percentages. Hard to believe.. I know. Burglaries are down about 3 percent.. I consider that flat and not exactly a win. Auto thefts citywide are up about 300 percent. Ok, shooting and homicides are fighting against record highs so at some point they have to be “down”… but carjackings way down.. success right!!!???!!??!!! Well take a peek at the auto thefts wayyy up. Why?? Ahhh, the Kia and Hyundai problems. Can steal it with a phone charger. Bad guys are going for the easy steal instead of Risky car jacking. Also, they are learning the police won’t and can’t chase for a stolen car.. car jacked car we can. So what’s happening now? Kia’s and Hyundais are in the middle of a massive recall to make sure they can’t be stolen anymore.. wanna guess what happens when they can’t be stolen anymore?? Bingo!!! Carjackings will go back up. Either way, TECHNICALLY fat boy is correct, MOST, but not all crime is down this year.. but it doesn’t mean he’s actually right…

11/29/2023 11:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is the over/under on Horse Teeth Brandon calling the suburban cops racists and right wing extemeists? When NONE OF THEM volunteer to come into the City and work for free for the DNC? When Guv Fatass can't spare any state troopers.

11/30/2023 07:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You would have to be a Democrat to actually believe anything they say.

11/30/2023 11:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

pritzker is living, eating proof that turds can break toilets.

12/03/2023 04:27:00 PM  

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