Thursday, November 30, 2023

Heroes Honored

An event that hasn't taken place in a few years:

  • Most people would call it heroism when police officers don’t let the threat of being shot stop them from trying to protect others, or firefighters crawl through a burning home to save a toddler.

    But the men and women honored Wednesday with the city’s top awards for police and fire department bravery modestly pinned it on good training.

    Still, one firefighter acknowledged that saving a child was “awesome. I’ll carry that with me forever.”

    After a four-year hiatus begun during COVID-19, Mayor Brandon Johnson presented the Carter Harrison and Lambert Tree awards to six police officers and firefighters. It’s unclear why the ceremony hasn’t resumed until now, but Chicago Police Supt. Larry Snelling thanked the mayor for reviving it.

It wasn't held because (A) none of the heroes wanted to be seen with Groot, who hated them anyway and (B) City Hall is full of gutless politicians who were required to follow the narrative that COVID was a killer disease (with a 99% survival rate....unless you had comorbidities) and everyone had to stay home without jobs (unless you were an aldercreature with a fancy restaurant).

In any event, a number of awards were handed out and much applause was given to cops and firefighters. Congratulations to all.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

What did DJ China’s husband do to deserve the award again? I forget.

11/30/2023 12:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The politicians pat you on the back whilst they pick your pockets and slip a nasty finger or two up your ass.

11/30/2023 12:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't blame anyone that did not want to associate their heroism with Groot.

11/30/2023 04:24:00 AM  
Blogger Was that a SPEEDBUMP?! said...

And of course, our beloved Rabbi was there to greet and congratulate them. It was a nice ceremony for our first responders.

11/30/2023 04:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was not held because the midget was a vindictive bitch.

11/30/2023 07:17:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

Too bad Mayor BJ was there.

11/30/2023 08:22:00 AM  
Anonymous The Great Santini said...

Rumor has it that Mayor BJ wanted to give himself the Carter Harrison and the Lambert Tree awards for his accomplishing the CTU/socialist agenda so far;
let criminals run rampant (check), demonize and demoralize police, (check), destroy the city economy (check), waste tax dollars (check), stick it to whitie (check), blame MAGA for everything wrong (check), give teachers ridiculous contract (check), pretend there is nothing wrong with black culture (check), pretend Biden is sane and competent (check).

Supposedly it took six months for Guidice to make him understand what the awards are actually for. Mayor BJ still doesn't totally understand, but he just went along to show he's a team player.

11/30/2023 09:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My old man was a rookie cop and came upon a burning house in Harvey back in '74. Rescued two kids. I still have the award someplace.

11/30/2023 09:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the rumor FD was told is that root didn't want to give to police any sort of award or good press so she wasn't seen as being to friendly towards the police

11/30/2023 09:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It wasn't held because (A) none of the heroes wanted to be seen with Groot, who hated them anyway and (B) City Hall is full of gutless politicians who were required to follow the narrative that COVID was a killer disease (with a 99% survival rate....unless you had comorbidities) and everyone had to stay home without jobs (unless you were an aldercreature with a fancy restaurant).

Amen brother...

11/30/2023 12:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was cancelled because no one in their right mind wanted to be around so rancid and evil a bitch as Lori Lightfoot. Hated, reviled, despised, and spit on by everyone who ever met her. It had nothing to do with her being black, short, a lesbian, or female and everything to do with her Napoleonic Complex - never willing to listen to any other points of view. So glad she's gone, but in true Chicago fashion, we ended up with something even WORSE!

11/30/2023 02:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fabulous. Congrats. Though, I'm surprised anyone wants to be seen with little bj aka blowie.
Be blessed everyone
Thanks for standing up. You're all heroes

11/30/2023 07:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ann Sathers is a fancy restaurant?

11/30/2023 08:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But they want to be seen with clown? Congrats....send it in the mail.

11/30/2023 11:49:00 PM  

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