Friday, November 03, 2023

New "Racist" Law Proposed

Whom do they think this law is going to impact the most?

  • Chicago may soon deploy automated cameras to ticket drivers with loud mufflers.

    Under a proposed ordinance, cameras equipped with microphones would be placed in the downtown area so tickets could be sent to violators, possibly as soon at the New Year.

    The devices, similar to speed cameras, would be attached to light poles.

    Backers of the proposed pilot program hope to address the negative health effects associated with loud noises: high blood pressure, depression and even heart attacks.

    Critics of the proposal say the cameras will target people who can’t afford car repairs — and are really a cash grab by politicians.

Have these morons in the City Council never been downtown on a summer night when the car parades show up? 

Trust us, it's not that the car owner "can't afford" to fix a noisy muffler. Same with the biker....and a biker only has to put a piece of duct tape about six-inches long on a single identifiable feature to render any camera ticket un-mail-able.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lots of tickets when nascar returns.

11/03/2023 12:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope to Christ they do hit these morons that have loud mufflers with tickets. It's gotten waaaay beyond annoying with the noise being spewed on the streets. Mostly obnoxious latino punks and Euro-trash are the culprits.

11/03/2023 12:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Somehow BJ will have his administration exempt BIPOC.

11/03/2023 12:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off topic : was told today need a xerox of my Foid card for inspection? Is this a legal order? Why isn’t showing good enough? Who gets the xerox copy and how can we verify our information is secure?

11/03/2023 01:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can render all LPRs useless by covering up 2 or 3 numbers on a plate.

11/03/2023 01:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another pay to play program. Buy a load of electronic equipment from a vendor with the taxpayer’s money and then the vendor donates a percentage back to the Democrat Party.

And to think years back a $1.50 ice pick worked just as well.

11/03/2023 02:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's an easy bone to throw their constituents.
Can't do anything about crime, illegals or high taxes.
The racers making all the noise late at night will simply hide any identifiers.
They'll snag enough harley riders and muscle car drivers during the day to claim success.

11/03/2023 02:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like another scheme to take money from poor downtrodden minorities.

11/03/2023 04:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yet the same ‘poor’ car owners are able to afford expensive maintenance to make their mufflers louder.
When will these same cameras tickets the drivers that take over streets, perform donuts & leave tire tracks?
Can’t afford to pay a fine but they have gas money to drive into the Loop…

11/03/2023 05:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Forget mufflers how about loud music? How they can afford hopped up car sound systems when they ate on welfare. In fact how can they afford cars , insurance and gas.

11/03/2023 05:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now I'm just spit balling here but we could always go back to doing sound impounds... Naw, that would require proactive police work and we can't have that.

11/03/2023 05:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dollar Tree sells muffler repair kits.
Look In the Duck Tape and Clothes Hanger Section.
Problem Solved Mayor BJ & The Dragon.
For all youngsters out there, that was a old
cartoon show, just like Chicago is today.

11/03/2023 07:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This sounds like a great idea. I live in the River North area and the loud obnoxious muffler noises really impact the quality of life. My wife owns a yoga studio near by. When everyone is doing the yoga asanas or breathing meditation, it's very disturbing when a car with the super loud muffler drives around.

One other issue everyone is talking about is the large number of Mexican food street vendors around the Millennium Park area.

CPD you guys are great and we support you.

11/03/2023 07:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow!! you would think the city has enough BS going on, and they have time to even entertain such a DUMB idea. nothing ceases to amaze me here anymore.

11/03/2023 07:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

who is the winning contractor to implement this useless tool???
how many migrants wont be taken care of because of this waste of time and money?? sarcasm...
seriously, the city is fucked!!! you got a preliminary budget for next year based on predicted income??
you got mayor BJ going to Washington DC begging for 5 BILLION dollars. i cant even stop laughing

HOUSTON!! Chicago has a problem.....

11/03/2023 07:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here we go again with this racist crap the police are picking on law breakers.

11/03/2023 07:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How do you even prove which car had the loud exhaust? It's a little different than a photograph. And good luck fighting that ticket.

11/03/2023 07:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chicago has to have the dumbest politicians in the country.

11/03/2023 08:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They don't pay their speed cam tickets, why should they pay their noise tickets?

11/03/2023 08:01:00 AM  
Blogger Jack Trumpblood said...

Will it work for their crappy music also?

11/03/2023 08:36:00 AM  
Blogger stash the polski guy said...

is this about motorists running around with lost or misplaced catalysts?

11/03/2023 08:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

an article by attorneys in today's Sun-Times. It blasts the police for being racist for stopping black motorists for minor , non-moving, traffic violations such as broken tail lights, no vehicle registration etc. They want new laws to put a stop to this as it clearly is racist and a pretext to search for contraband as the police do not write citations. I do know that some West Coast cities have this type of law in place. So, pretty soon, no one will repair their car or buy current license plates. How nice. I say give the city and the liberals what they want. Just do not engage in any traffic stops and do not write citations. Let it all go. Or do the opposite, write everyone.

11/03/2023 08:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This will go the way of the too many parking tickets in black neighborhoods. Same thing racist.

11/03/2023 09:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Loud car noise ruins an evening of white wine spritzers!

11/03/2023 09:19:00 AM  
Blogger rosco said...

Just stick one of those cardboard dealer name plates over your plate. McGrath Honda, Elmhurst Toyota, Golfmill Ford, etc.....

11/03/2023 11:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just put Roe Conn from the sheriffs office on this. He and the rest of the “Data Driven Strategies initiative” can burn another couple million tax dollars on “solutions”

11/03/2023 11:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oak Park virtue signalling pussies out at 100 illegals.

11/03/2023 12:45:00 PM  
Blogger John D said...

You know none of these devices will be put in the neighborhoods with the highest shooting totals, for obvious reasons.

11/03/2023 12:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This sounds like a great idea. I live in the River North area and the loud obnoxious muffler noises really impact the quality of life. My wife owns a yoga studio near by. When everyone is doing the yoga asanas or breathing meditation, it's very disturbing when a car with the super loud muffler drives around.

One other issue everyone is talking about is the large number of Mexican food street vendors around the Millennium Park area.

CPD you guys are great and we support you.

11/03/2023 07:17:00 AM

I suppose you figured that a sarcasm warning was not needed on this one.

Or that this accurately represents the sincere authenticity of your deepest deep thinkings.

Which, not ironically at all, makes the sarcasm sparkle.

Chuckles the Clown could do no better.

U buy taco, gringo?

Is goooood.......

11/03/2023 01:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Off topic : was told today need a xerox of my Foid card for inspection? Is this a legal order? Why isn’t showing good enough? Who gets the xerox copy and how can we verify our information is secure?

11/03/2023 01:29:00 AM

It sounds like the person asking doesn't know how to run them on the computer and get a printout.

11/03/2023 01:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The attack on the police goes on and on Truth or propaganda who knows the media has a war on the police.

11/03/2023 03:04:00 PM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

Nothing can ruin an evening with me and my white wine spritzers.

I have my ways.

Now, kees me you fool!!!!

11/03/2023 03:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only question I have is ... which alder critter or CTU Manager's Brother in Law is part of selling this great new, racist system?

11/03/2023 03:28:00 PM  
Blogger Paddlefoot said...

This was done before, back in the '60's. CPD had a unit with mics set up on tripods and would chase and write. Mostly got trucks and cycles. Don't recall why it went away.

11/03/2023 03:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...I found this on a previous thread
Anonymous Patrick J . Murray said...
I did work in the City Council for eight years and when something needed to be addressed I knew that if I brought it out I was gonna be transferred out . Fast forward years later and I was along with Bob Bartlett in charge of legal defense . The FOP had an attorney who represented three officers in criminal proceedings . All three had something in common they were found guilty and went to jail . Now I am at a crossroads do I keep silent and do nothing or make changes and ultimately risk being voted out of office . I did the latter because unlike far too many people who were elected to office it’s easier to get along and go along . I argued with Lori Lightfoot and pointed out to her and the entire City Council what was wrong with the Police Board and her progressive agenda .
The majority of people who get elected are because they are infamous or well liked and not because of their qualifications . Most people who don’t know make their decision on you based on what other people tell them . When my time at FOP ended I stayed on and passed on all that I had learned to the persons who took my place . In three years I mediated over two hundred cases saving officers from having to go before a Police Board which as we know isn’t police friendly . I make no apologies for what I did because the FOP legal defense is one of the best in the country because of Bob Bartlett and I . Greg Bella once told me that when persons running against you can’t attack you for what you have done they attack you personally . I still help out police officers seeking assistance four years later !

Pat Murray

10/31/2023 12:19:00 AM

Hey meat head why did you fire Cathy Moore? What time did you show up for work every day? 1030? The go to lunch at the Palace at 1230? Come back at 1345? Then go work at your job at Red Top Parking at the United Center at 1500? Why did Kevin take the day off when you planned to fire Cathy? Because he was a coward? Why did Kevin have to put up the extra camera? Because you were selling confidential stuff off his desk? How about the Catanzara group release her from the non disclosure agreement you made her sign in reference to everything but her work on CR#’s? Why did you play her a settlement fee? Was it so you could hire Critters?

Patrick J . Murray said...

I did work in the City Council for eight years and when something needed to be addressed I knew that if I brought it out I was gonna be transferred out .

You sold your soul for eight years by your own words. You can never be trusted!

11/03/2023 04:32:22 PM

11/03/2023 04:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The victims who had their catalytic converter stolen will be re-victimized again

11/03/2023 05:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(OT) just saw a few buses with Durango flashing lights going sb on 55 musf of just dumped more illegal criminals thanks cowardly Brandon jb and democrat crew!

11/03/2023 05:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just put Roe Conn from the sheriffs office on this. He and the rest of the “Data Driven Strategies initiative” can burn another couple million tax dollars on “solutions”

Liberal Roe Conn can't find a radio job anymore so his buddy Dart gives him a new position with a pension. Its good to have friends.

11/03/2023 06:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good Do same in suburbs too. Taxpaying Residents sick and tired of this bullshit too.

11/03/2023 08:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good. Tired of the windows of my residence shaking and the deafening noise, especially all summer long with motorcycles blasting by with no mufflers. I can hear these things over 4 blocks away.

11/03/2023 08:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will this device be equipped with a race identifier? We certainly don't want to ticket black or brown vehicle owners.

11/03/2023 11:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Read and imagine the implications this creates.

11/03/2023 11:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You want peace and quiet?

Move next to a cemetary.

Bonus on this is the short trip for your move to your final resting place.

11/04/2023 06:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Oak Park virtue signalling pussies out at 100 illegals.

11/03/2023 12:45:00 PM
Liberal oak park should take a few thousand of the illegal criminals “hate has no home here” and ll the lgtqabcrtopu signs!

11/04/2023 06:25:00 AM  
Blogger rosco said...

A simple wrist rocket sling shot works against these...

11/04/2023 09:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I always thought the city was dumb for dismantling the impound program for loud stereos just because PO's were making too much money in OT for appearing at a hearing. That program had to be the most successful in city history. Everyone made money, including the city, until the city wanted more and cut the officers out of the loop. I worked with officers that impounded at least one car a day. Back then it was about 700 dollars a cut. They could easily charge over 1000 today.

11/04/2023 09:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Old school says.....
Patrick J . Murray said...
I did work in the City Council for eight years and when something needed to be addressed I knew that if I brought it out I was gonna be transferred out. I argued with Lori Lightfoot and pointed out to her and the entire City Council what was wrong with the Police Board and her progressive agenda.


So after eight years working for the devil they knew you pretty well?

Didn't Lori on an open mic say: "here comes that FOP Clown?"

After talking about Kevin Graham like a dog (poodle) for years now you're best pals? You and Ag u liar with Graham are like the three stooges. Mo, Larry, Curly cheese..

11/04/2023 10:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A tape or covered license plate!? CALL THE SOS police and ISP! lol

11/04/2023 11:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So after eight years working for the devil they knew you pretty well?

Didn't Lori on an open mic say: "here comes that FOP Clown?"

After talking about Kevin Graham like a dog (poodle) for years now you're best pals? You and Ag u liar with Graham are like the three stooges. Mo, Larry, Curly cheese..

11/04/2023 10:02:00 AM

Too funny! Curly/Gragam, Mo/Ag u Liar. Larry/Murry!

11/05/2023 10:12:00 AM  

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