Tuesday, December 05, 2023

Still Stealing Blog Content

Once again, the thieves over at Channel 7 stealing content because they're too lazy to do actual work:

Our posting went up 03 December 2023 at 12:01 AM....eighteen hours before

Our tipster posted in a comment 02 December 2023 at 05:27 PM....twenty-four hours before Channel 7 decided to steal the info.

We confess to using their content, but we credit them all by linking their stories and only using three paragraphs or so, so that people seek out the full story at their site where the actual work was done. 

Clicks generate income for those sites that need it for operations. We get nothing from referrals as we have never monetized this site (it is solely a hobby) but only ever sought acknowledgement and perhaps a small contribution to the Chaplains in recognition of our efforts. Ben Bradley at WGN was the only media person who ever sent them a few bucks as far as we know.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I’m surprised any Chicago news agency reports anything against the city or it’s politicians. That’s why voters are in the dark and most voters are clueless. When chicago is completely gone the politicians and the media can enjoy their work.

12/05/2023 12:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get the message out with rehired PO's who left CPD and returned. They got there seniority back and screwing others on bid selections and furlough picks.

12/05/2023 12:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off Topic, 006 District Gangster Disciple police officer being investigated.
Be The Change!

12/05/2023 01:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, they're consistent! What do you want out of that brain trust anyway?

12/05/2023 02:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ABC7, true or not, throw out a hat tip, even if it's "working the same story simultaneously."

And give the Chaplain fund a few bucks. It can pay off in unexpected ways.

12/05/2023 02:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Dick's Dad said...

A "hobby" that I'm sure requires more work than most people put into their regular jobs; but one that is greatly appreciated by your many fans!
Thank You!

12/05/2023 03:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look at this is she delusional?

Kim Foxx calls findings showing as many as 1 in 3 Black women in 2022 were victims of crime "jarring"

Could it be all crime’s not just against black women? You’re not doing your job protecting the innocent prosecuting the felons Kim come on it is clear, jb governor also culpable no cash bail letting criminals run free to murder maim constantly!

How empty is cook county jail? At least use the gated community for illegal migrants!

12/05/2023 05:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Surprised that Channel 7 didn’t start the report with ‘the MAGA supporting, racist, Chicago Police website is reporting…’
Stopped watching this station years ago. I don’t give them a second of advertising air time or clickbait.

12/05/2023 06:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This happened before they want to get real news as they are owned by the democratic party and have zero investigators to freely do the job. They want the truth but they cannot handle the truth!

12/05/2023 06:57:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

Any cards from Bloomingdales involved?

Now, kees me you fool!!!!

12/05/2023 07:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Because the media like the rest of the elitist here and everywhere hate da poleece

12/05/2023 08:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get the message out with rehired PO's who left CPD and returned. They got there seniority back and screwing others on bid selections and furlough picks.

12/05/2023 12:34:00 AM
You keep repeating this but at least they did not get the pension time back or so they say!

12/05/2023 08:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is anyone looking at Glen Brooks? He’s in charge of the department’s CAPS office. He also likes to go around telling officers what to do. He walks around with polos and jackets with a gold star on them pretending to be the police. When did we let civilians wear a Gold Star?

12/05/2023 08:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off Topic, 006 District Gangster Disciple police officer being investigated.
Be The Change!

We currently have blacks lives matter terrorists on the job. It’s legal these days. I welcome even bangers, not being sarcastic, as long as my checks clear and pension is still there in 4 years. Give them what they always wanted. Diversity is our strength! Crip, blood, latin king- we’re blue family under our current administration.

12/05/2023 08:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get the message out with rehired PO's who left CPD and returned. They got there seniority back and screwing others on bid selections and furlough picks.

Grieve it, if union drops your case then file EEOC. It’s a slam dunk against the union. Per contract seniority is lost upon resignation, termination, etc etc.

12/05/2023 08:22:00 AM  
Blogger John D said...

ABC7 Digital Team means they stalk the internet looking for information to steal while they sit at their computers and eat doughnuts.

12/05/2023 08:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Second City Cop blog administrators: you are doing a heroic job here, much appreciated.

12/05/2023 08:39:00 AM  
Blogger Prairiepolice said...

Porkie had a presser the other day to open a bridge in Quincy. Lots of tv reporters there and the print. Not one question was asked. Even Porkie said no questions? really? well i guess we will all go on with the rest of our day.

The media is gutless. Unless its jamming up the polece........ they are as soft as puppy shit.

12/05/2023 09:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dan Proft from AM 560 steals your content every day. I wake up and read the blog and then drive to work and listen to Dan Proft take your stories and use them as topics of discussion.

12/05/2023 10:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are any of these smash and grabs thieves stealing gift cards off the racks and donating them to the Southside priest?

12/05/2023 11:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OEMC about to fire up to 50 maybe more POLICE call takers/dispatchers/supervisors for the PPP loan scam. Can’t believe you people (or folks) put your trust in those sweat hog BEE•L•M types up there. I say Good but they’ll just hire more of the same eventually; Progressive police haters Community Sympathizers. Fire Operations side of OEMC? Squeaky clean and honest. I wonder why that is.

12/05/2023 11:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Were I a fool, I would, indeed....


12/05/2023 11:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Responding to Anonymous @ 12:34 AM...

Get the message out with rehired PO's who left CPD and returned. They got there seniority back and screwing others on bid selections and furlough picks.

Why?! I'm one of those. Was working as a deputy in Florida but recently returned once I heard CPD was getting a 20% raise. I do half the work here I was doing down there and still get to keep my condo on the Gulf. No sunburns...no directing traffic outside a concert or flea market...and I get to make up and wear my own CPD "uniform". I'll pick my 7B and 13B and go on the medical next August. I've seen the pants-on-the-head-crayon-eating retards we've been hiring (and promoting) the last few years. Many will never consider leaving this job because they are too unqualified to work anywhere else. At least I tried. So don't hate the player hate the game.

12/05/2023 11:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It’s funny they channel 7 are now trying to steal the “TOYS For TOTS a program that the Marines reserve started in1947 claiming Disney started it went to the parade Sunday didn’t see no Disney out in the rain but County board president Bullwinkle was there trying to get more votes ha ha Semper Fi

12/05/2023 11:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

News can't be copyrighted. Of course, they have to use your info as they would a tip, and develop their own story from it. But, I imagine it's pretty easy for them to call the official in charge and get confirmation and maybe a few of the five Ws. That's why you see one channel break a story, then three other channels are covering it the next day. Anyway, if they don't just plagiarize the story, they're within their rights.

12/05/2023 02:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Get the message out with rehired PO's who left CPD and returned. They got there seniority back and screwing others on bid selections and furlough picks.

12/05/2023 12:34:00 AM

Do you have a specific instance where this happened?

12/05/2023 03:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1:53AM…….GDs pay into the pension too. Every penny counts.

12/05/2023 04:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Quit worrying about the news media. We all been around long enough and know what they are about. Worry about the politicians stealing everything that isn't nailed down. Worry about the goofs at the pension board that give you the bs when you ask questions. Then there's COPA making up orders as the wish and dealing out suspensions that are undeserving so they can appease the black and brown communities. Guys are salivating over the raises coming but the taxes are going to eat that right back up so the teachers pet can give it all to the undeserving illegal border crossers. Forget the news media bantering and concentrate on who the real thieves are.

12/05/2023 07:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone just gave Fadder Plhuckface a stack of gift cards they stole a while back. He Just held them too long.

12/05/2023 08:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ive heard and seen the same thing and know a re-hire coming back with their full senority!! Thats Bullshit, you officially retired and get your time back?? Thats not right. The rehires should be starting all over. After all, I guess getting your senority back is the ONLY way you'll get people to return from retirement to serve Shitcago.

12/05/2023 10:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Is anyone looking at Glen Brooks? He’s in charge of the department’s CAPS office. He also likes to go around telling officers what to do. He walks around with polos and jackets with a gold star on them pretending to be the police. When did we let civilians wear a Gold Star?

12/05/2023 08:18:00 AM

Every civilian director has one.

12/05/2023 10:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Following transport of turned in firearms to 006 the nicest handgun in the bunch “went missing” in the hands of a few tact officers, specifically one team known for “messing up”. Hearing the bosses fumbled the ball getting to the bottom of it the day it happened and instead allowed all officers involved to leave the district no searches conducted of their person or lockers so we all know that gun is gone forever. IAD is investigating. Keep lowering those hiring standards.

12/06/2023 01:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Get the message out with rehired PO's who left CPD and returned. They got there seniority back and screwing others on bid selections and furlough picks.

12/05/2023 12:34:00 AM

Do you have a specific instance where this happened?

12/05/2023 03:46:00 PM

Na they restarted to the bottom when they come back for bid selections and furlough picks. Stop being a retard and thinking a few hundred rehires max will affect your precious jerk off time at home.

12/06/2023 02:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11:44am. You sound like a clown. Self-admittedly, you came back because you couldn't deal with the structure and work other depts make you do. Now you feel back at home and able to act like the lazy pants-on-the-head-crayon-eating fools you talk about. At least you can leave your moms basement and head to your condo on the gulf during your furlough

12/06/2023 05:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3:46pm well theres one poster on this thread here that admitted he was one.

12/06/2023 05:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Ive heard and seen the same thing and know a re-hire coming back with their full senority!! Thats Bullshit, you officially retired and get your time back?? Thats not right. The rehires should be starting all over. After all, I guess getting your senority back is the ONLY way you'll get people to return from retirement to serve Shitcago.

12/05/2023 10:15:00 PM

Its bullshit because its not true.

12/06/2023 11:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Channel 7 and the blog should look I to how at that very same gun turn in a custom Glock goes missing in the hands of some two year, be the change, dread head, no business on tact, tact officers. Inventory bag ripped open and gun missing. Bosses of 006 specifically the over prompted commander and tact lt are doing nothing or saying nothing.

12/08/2023 12:20:00 AM  

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