Monday, December 04, 2023

Renegade Government

If you would like an in-depth bit of reading (in two parts) about how Illinois government is circumventing the legal process via unelected police-hating activists, The Contrarian has a pair of articles up:

And as usual, the evil assholes behind all of this are using the bogeyman of Burge and CPD detectives:

  • In a courtroom far enough away from Chicago to be somewhat legitimate, two courageous attorneys presented a legal theory questioning whether the government of the State of Illinois continues to function under the authority of the United States Constitution.

    Attorneys Maria McCarthy and Fabio Valentini have called into question whether the three branches of government in Illinois are undermined by political radicals in violation of the Constitution. The argument advanced by McCarthy and Valentini in a Will County courtroom is a powerful message that they not only believe their client, Kriston Kato, is innocent of charges Kato coerced confessions from murder suspects over his long and storied career as a Chicago Police detective, but the legal panel that led to many of the allegations against Kato was the result of the Illinois General Assembly (IGA) creating an illegal commission.

    In a motion on behalf of Kato, McCarthy and Valentini posed the pointed question of whether Illinois abandoned a constitutional government framework with the creation of a little-known state agency, the Illinois Torture Inquiry and Relief Commission (TIRC), which granted the authority of unelected commissioners the right to overturn criminal convictions in Chicago.

The article gets deep into the details, asking pointedly why there is an appeals process if the governors can just appoint social justice warriors to refer cases back to courts and expose taxpayers to massive liabilities tens of years later after victims have died, detectives have retired and memories have faded.

Go read it all.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

The default qualities of all human concocted laws, to impede clarity and induce confusions, holds true today as it has for all of human history.

No more tangled webs of deceptions has ever been spun than those weaved by the law concocters.

The innate impotency of what are merely words is imbued with the potencies of violence, implied, threatened and applied, by, none other than law enforcers.

To enforce the natural laws is an honor.

To impose the concocted human contrived to confuse, deceive, manipulate and exploit is a shame.

12/04/2023 12:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The ILLINOIS Supreme Court will find nothing wrong with this commission. Whether SCOTUS decides to interfere four or five years down the road is an important question. The current US Supreme Court usually defers to the state court on State Constitutional issues.

12/04/2023 01:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just can’t believe JB Pritzker was re-elected to a second term. He should have been voted out.

12/04/2023 03:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

....and the band played on.

12/04/2023 03:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like anything will come of this.

Now, let's talk about getting these assault machine guns off the streets......

12/04/2023 03:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is much bigger then you can imagine

12/04/2023 05:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The cops went on trial in the OJ case, the cops somehow lost. The cops went on trial in the Rodney king case. The cops won (rightfully btw), but the city lost. Lesson? Burn the cops not the city.

12/04/2023 06:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Preib as a writer is top notch.

Watch Murder in the Park about the Anthony Porter case. He was let go and the Norhtwestern team got some other guy to confess. Well .. that confession was ALL FUCKED UP. But ... the other did indeed confess. HOWEVER .. watch the Netflix special. Anthony Ported absolutely committed this crime. PORTER was known by all in his neighborhood and he was feared by everyone because he was nuts. Many people saw (if i remember correctly - it might have been only a couple of people) PORTER commit the murder.

There is no question about it - Ported did the murders.

Great special - worth watching.

12/04/2023 08:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Preib has been harping on this good for him. He's about the only person in the universe doing it.

12/04/2023 08:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The last sitting governor to be ousted by vote was Quinn. Why was a democrat governor in a blue state ousted by vote and Rauner put in? Quinn tried to fuck current state employees pensions and refused to negotiate fair contracts. Supreme court took care of the existing pensions but did rule you can make tier 2 for new employees. Quinn got voted out then rauner tried to make us Indiana in terms of pay so he got voted out. Pritzker gave 2 very good contracts to the state employees so guess why he is still here. To get pritzker out either 1. he goes on his own to a fed position, 2. he commits a criminal act and is prosecuted or 3. we vote him out (highly unlikely).

12/04/2023 08:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Money! Easy money for crooked, connected lawyers! Does anyone really believe that the members of the Torture Commission aren't sharing, under the table, in the massive shakedown payments with the usual gaggle of slimeball scum sucking attorneys?

12/04/2023 09:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This will sound trite but thanks to Marty for keeping this alive. Some of you dismiss his articles without even realizing they are so relevant today.
Today when a crime is committed, a suspect is arrested, charged and the case goes before a judge, it pretty much takes a miracle
The odds are against the arresting officer and detectives to testify in court. COPA starts off by tainting the arrest, accusing officers of violating any,all,imaginary rules. Its disgusting, dangerous and meant to put the officers on trial instead of the criminal. Its happens so often that no one blinks an eye. Bring your fop atty w you to copa and they agree its jacked up but do very little to help you or try to stop this unending practice of demonizing the copper immediately This Burge effect is alive and well. I dont have answers but it seems getting attys that are willing to go up against Foxx, copa, CPD, basically anyone claiming to want justice would be a good start. Our fop attys are so intertwined and will not go against the grain cuz they want to continue getting that paycheck, so they will play nice w copa at your expense. We need someone at fop that actually gives a shit about our Officers and their ability to do their job.

12/04/2023 09:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not long ago, Gov. Pumpkin Head woke up groggy from his third food coma of the day and took a brontosaurus sized dump (his only exercise for the day). Then, feel really good about himself and with about two seconds of thought, just decided to invent this commission. He proceeded to follow that by stuffing his face with three cans of Cheese Wiz and four bags of nachos. And then the serenity of yet another food coma. It's good to be the governor.

12/04/2023 09:53:00 AM  
Blogger Mark Felt said...

Show me the man and I will show you the crime. This commission is like the Soviet secret police.

12/04/2023 10:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I just can’t believe JB Pritzker was re-elected to a second term. He should have been voted out.

12/04/2023 03:20:00 AM

They steal elections, that is why they are trying to force unconstitutional crap down our throats, they don’t have to worry about a pissed off electorate.

12/04/2023 10:32:00 AM  
Blogger Ludlow Peaswatter said...

Does anyone know why FBI special agent Gregory Wynn, who’s part of their sex crimes unit was involved early in the investigation with Jesse smolett? I understand there was a search warrant, #19 F W 553 was obtained for Juicy’s iCloud account having to do with child trafficking. This was forwarded to the FBI. I no longer have access to sources to look up the search warrant number. I think it would be interesting to find out what that Warrant was looking for.

12/04/2023 11:40:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

Kato still scares me.

Now, kees me you fool!!!!

12/04/2023 01:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The problem is coupled with your other post "a different kind of threat."
There's no balance in the people, not only did they not see outside of their own limited veiw but they believe what they're told.
That's the problem with democracy, its to close to witch burning mentallity.

12/04/2023 01:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Enough enough enough already, whether you think he was a good cop or a bad cop the courts spoke & he is no LONGER an issue but let’s blame the past Obama did it W/
Bush, President who am I? 🤮 has been blaming Trump & now mayor moron is blaming slavery & requesting reparations. Find me a LIVE SLAVE & we should give him/her some cash. But 150 years ago doesn’t matter now. What the Black community is pissed about is the ILLEGAL ALIENS are taking a big chunk of government cheese. Let’s friggin move on & handle your own shit

12/04/2023 04:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The last sitting governor to be ousted by vote was Quinn. Why was a democrat governor in a blue state ousted by vote and Rauner put in? Quinn tried to fuck current state employees pensions and refused to negotiate fair contracts. Supreme court took care of the existing pensions but did rule you can make tier 2 for new employees. Quinn got voted out then rauner tried to make us Indiana in terms of pay so he got voted out. Pritzker gave 2 very good contracts to the state employees so guess why he is still here. To get pritzker out either 1. he goes on his own to a fed position, 2. he commits a criminal act and is prosecuted or 3. we vote him out (highly unlikely).

12/04/2023 08:50:00 AM

4. Or, he fails to reduce is heretofore ever-expanding waist measurement.

12/04/2023 06:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I just can’t believe JB Pritzker was re-elected to a second term. He should have been voted out.

I can’t believe he hasn’t had a heart attack or stroked out yet

12/04/2023 08:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The TIRC was a brilliant move by the Portly Pig and the Springfield Politburo to create more chaos, distrust and money-making operation for all concerned but the taxpayer.

12/04/2023 09:25:00 PM  

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