Sunday, December 03, 2023

This is DEFINITELY Ironic

No question about it:

  • Is Minneapolis having second thoughts about its poor relationship with law enforcement?

    A group of small-business owners are suing the progressive city's government, taking exception to the city's policing policies, The Associated Press reported this week.

    However, the business owners aren't claiming the Minneapolis Police Department is too strict

Oh no, no, no. They're suing because the cops aren't there at all. That crime is rampant, out-of-control and pretty much non-existent.

That they got EXACTLY what was demanded, advocated for, defunded and rioted over. 

And now they're not happy.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny how that’s working out for them. Now they’re going to sue to bring out how stupid they are.

12/03/2023 12:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don’t know your profanity policy SSC, but fuck these people. Fuck them to death.

12/03/2023 12:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

House the illegals there and some enterprising lawyer finds a group of illegals for a class action suit against the City for forcing them to live at the site knowing the site is contaminated with dangerous substances causing all sorts of ailments, not revealed when they crossed the border, but suddenly is just harming them to high Heaven. Hmmm, how’s one billion sound for compensatory and punitive damages? Law firm gets its 33 1/3 and the rest split between every illegal that stepped onto that site by the time the case settled. And the City of Chicago residents are on the hook for the lawyers from an outside firm for the City, cuz corp council can’t handle shit.

12/03/2023 12:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Officer Derek Chauvin used a restraint technique on George Floyd that was taught to him during in-service training:

This fact was emphasized in the documentary you can watch for free:

During Chauvin's trial, Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo, and use-of-force instructor Lieutenant Johnny Mercil both COMMITTED PERJURY and said that the technique was never part of MPD training.

They lied to help convince the jury that Chauvin was not using proper use-of-force, when in fact he was trying to save Floyd's life with a technique taught by his police department.

After Chauvin was thrown under the bus by his own police chief, the mayor, and the governor, it is no wonder that officers retired or resigned in droves. MPD had close to 900 officers in early 2020, and is now down to a little over 500 officers.

So, forget about police patrols. The City of Minneapolis said "we don't need the police."

12/03/2023 12:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One cannot really expect any aggressive proactive action from the Minneapolis police officers after the banana republic railroad job the courts and Feds did on Derek Chauvin. You are lucky they show up, put on the uniform, go out to the car and turn the radio on.

12/03/2023 12:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love it when the progressive woke agenda comes back to bite the same shit for brains morons in their collective asses who support the progressive woke agenda. And for any business that did leave after the riots and didn’t read the writings on the wall, well shame on them.

12/03/2023 12:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Democrat Party is destroying the cities. In ten years there will be a lot more cities looking like Detroit. It never had to happen to any city. Lack of leadership and incompetence.

12/03/2023 01:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL... Cops have no duty to respond to anything. Have a great day! Hope ya'll got your 2A bangsticks...

12/03/2023 01:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What with this Lt. in Shakespeare on 2d watch! Unreal

12/03/2023 02:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck em. Give them the chaos they demanded, that they voted for, that they insisted on.

12/03/2023 02:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Minneapolis tried to abolish the police department. The vote was close. Working Class White and Minority precincts supported the police. White Liberal and affluent neighborhoods voted to abolish the police department.

12/03/2023 03:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anyone see the cpd fb post with the diversity of all the hacks that were chosen to do to the northwestern mgt school - doomed

12/03/2023 03:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The four blocks around 38th and Chicago (fitting name for a troubled avenue), were a complete disaster. A body shop owner was robbed multiple times, and beaten by the robbers more than once. The City tried to clear the intersection multiple times, but backed down multiple times when the protesters showed up immediately as soon as the streets crew started.

Suggestion: Follow Rebecca Brannon and Alpha News to learn what is happening here in Minnesota

12/03/2023 03:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't expect this lawsuit to get too far. Municipal immunity and qualified immunity should get it thrown out. I wish it was otherwise.

12/03/2023 03:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

George Floyd Square has an absolute shithole for years after the riots. Robbery, Burglary, and Assault were regular occurrences, and the police kept far away from the area. I don't blame them.

12/03/2023 04:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You ain’t seen nothing yet, wait until the two conventions convene and the aftermath!

12/03/2023 04:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too fucking bad

12/03/2023 05:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Minnesota is home to a really weird kind of stupid. The hoopleheads destroyed their own state by voting Democrat-Farm-Labor for decades. Then the Feds intentionally dumped Somalis there in the ‘90s with the help of Catholic Charities and Lutheran Social Services. Game over.

12/03/2023 06:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember when the enlightened people of Minneapolis agreed to not call police when they were lightened of their property by POCs. Never be surprised when you get what you vote for....

12/03/2023 07:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Boris Badenov Quote: I give lady spy package that is really bomb, door is locked, she can't get out, who gets blown up, "me".

12/03/2023 07:19:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

Rename it George Floydville.

12/03/2023 07:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I'm okay with defunding the police in democRATic shit holes and I do not feel sorry for them!

12/03/2023 08:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stabbing in Queens: 4 dead, 8 stabbed, including 2 NYPD officers

12/03/2023 09:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love it!! Those coppers out there used to be the real deal. That city just fell faster than Shitcago.

12/03/2023 09:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


‘A powder keg’: Tensions rise in Ireland after five people stabbed in Dublin

12/03/2023 09:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Black voters remorse.

Now more than ever democrats need to create conditions to inflate mail-in ballots to rig the election again

Black residents in Chicago inviting republicans to meet, calling for a meeting with Trump. "We had money when Trump was in charge..."

Black Chicago Voters DECLARE THEY ARE DONE With Democrats Over Migrant Crisis & SAY THEY WANT TRUMP!

12/03/2023 10:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Give them the Murderapolis they ask for. Give it to them harder and stronger, the democrap scum deserve all they get.

12/03/2023 10:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


The Breakfast Club CALLS OUT Chicago Mayor For Blaming Republicans For Migrant Crisis

12/03/2023 10:54:00 AM  
Blogger Impervious said...

Minneapolis got what they voted for and now they have to live with the consequences. Same with Chicago. We did good by getting rid of Beetlejuice but we squandered it away by voting for this mohawk racist Johnson. This city keeps falling further and further downwards. I'm glad I left.

12/03/2023 10:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Illinois democrats "scramble" to create Brighton Park migrant farm a.k.a Little Caracas Del Norte It's their proxy army folks

Brandon Johnson has a farm


and on his farm he has some migrants


With a migrant here and a migrant there here a migrant there a migrant everwhere a migrant...

As they use the proxy army as an excuse to raid the TAXPAYERS treasury how much more are u.s. citizens gonna take?

They sell city, state and federal bonds to fund a;; this and the bonds have to be paid back by taxpayers stealing our wealth. When the bond sale don't go so well they have to offer higher interest rates and on a federal level we have one trillion dollars of interest already and those interest payments give us nothing of value in return.

Wake the fuck up.

Chairman Mao ran a cultural revolution just like we have here today

12/03/2023 11:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Minneapolis tried to abolish the police department. The vote was close. Working Class White and Minority precincts supported the police. White Liberal and affluent neighborhoods voted to abolish the police department.

12/03/2023 03:25:00 AM

And just like that, succinctly stated, the reasons the latter are getting what they've earned, here as well as there.

No surprise that the takers and breakers do their deeds where there is stuff to take and break.

As the tears of the latter flow into streams, then rivers, I chuckle....


12/03/2023 11:17:00 AM  
Blogger Anonymous said...

And Officer Derek Chauvin was stabbed 22 times in an AZ federal prison this week. SAD

12/03/2023 11:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
anyone see the cpd fb post with the diversity of all the hacks that were chosen to do to the northwestern mgt school - doomed

12/03/2023 03:34:00 AM

Yup, it’s interesting the diversity is exclusively m/1s & f/1s.

I was going to write a post on the CPD Facebook page, but I just don’t give a fuck.

12/03/2023 12:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FU Minneapolis!

12/03/2023 12:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chauvin was railroaded. He used the appropriate technique.

From a commenter on Instapundit --

8 days ago
The knee on the neck is used precisely because it applies NO FORCE. The mere alignment of your bones means that if the guy tries to get up, he immediately runs into your entire weight resisting him, without your having to react at all by applying that force.

So it was bogus from the start."

12/03/2023 01:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Karma is a mo fo.

12/03/2023 02:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

we are a few steps away from the same thing here

12/03/2023 04:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If ranking police authorities conspired and committed perjury to convict Chauvin and 3 others officers, then that is a violation of federal law, and may call the Ricco Statute into play. Floyd would have been charged under Minnesota law, and then the Secret Service would have had to have been contacted by the arresting officers to determine if counterfeiting charges would be considered by the U.S. Attorney’s Office concerning Floyd’s possession and attempt to pass the counterfeit bills. There is no denying the fact that both state and federal law were ignored in this case.

12/03/2023 04:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Black voters remorse.

Now more than ever democrats need to create conditions to inflate mail-in ballots to rig the election again

Black residents in Chicago inviting republicans to meet, calling for a meeting with Trump. "We had money when Trump was in charge..."

Black Chicago Voters DECLARE THEY ARE DONE With Democrats Over Migrant Crisis & SAY THEY WANT TRUMP!

12/03/2023 10:26:00 AM

Same as the above article. This is what you voted for and votes sometimes have consequences.

12/03/2023 05:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure both of you dont remember when the Dept was run exclusively by m/2's. Shut up for God's sake

12/03/2023 06:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Stabbing in Queens: 4 dead, 8 stabbed, including 2 NYPD officers

12/03/2023 09:42:00 AM


Your vests are made to stop bullets, not knives. Vests are NOT Stab Resistant.

12/03/2023 08:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

After Chauvin was thrown under the bus by his own police chief, the mayor, and the governor, it is no wonder that officers retired or resigned in droves. MPD had close to 900 officers in early 2020, and is now down to a little over 500 officers.

So, forget about police patrols. The City of Minneapolis said "we don't need the police."

12/03/2023 12:47:00 AM


They are trying to make up the shortage by using Hennepin County Sheriff Deputies and MN State Highway Patrol troopers. Next up will be MN National Guard troops if needed. I think they used the Guard during the Crack Epidemic "Murderopolis" days.

After the second or third riot and arsonist lootathon in the Summer of 2020, several Sheriffs from surrounding counties said, "No, we will no longer assist the Minneapolis Police in policing inside Minneapolis." Now Minneapolis Police have a State, and a Federal Consent Decrees, so they have more reason not to do anything police related inside Minneapolis. Hennepin County Sheriff has no choice, Minneapolis is located in Hennepin County.

The Sheriffs do not want their Deputies getting jammed up in any racial BS in Minneapolis.

12/03/2023 08:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Minneapolis Suburbs are dealing with our version of the KIA Boys. Kids 12-16 stealing cars and driving out to the suburbs looking for easy marks.

Of course our County Prosecutor, Mary Moriarty thinks all under age criminals are just poor, innocent youth that have been lead astray, no matter how many crimes they (allegedly) committed or the seriousness of the crime (accessory to murder and felony murderers) are all just innocent little lambs.

12/03/2023 08:59:00 PM  
Blogger Ludlow Peaswatter said...

Does anybody see that the leader ship in Chicago parallels that of Minneapolis? The only thing we are missing is an incident, but it will come.

12/03/2023 09:43:00 PM  
Blogger Ranger Rick, Captain of Infantry said...

I'm sure both of you dont remember when the Dept was run exclusively by m/2's. Shut up for God's sake

12/03/2023 06:58:00 PM

Thanks for reinforcing their point.

12/03/2023 10:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am enjoying this, soon I will be retired after 25 years of serving the citizens of Chicago. I will sit back and laugh every time another black or brown youth victimizes a wealthy white person or kills a fellow black or brown creep. It gives me great joy to see these people suffer after they doxxed myself and my fellow officers. I gloat with glee watching them suffer in the hell they created after I was put on display as the bad guy for trying to prevent that HELL. Now, YOU ALL will suffer from your evil and I will never be sorry for how I feel! YOU PEOPLE shot me, almost killed me, left lead in my body. I do not hate you for it, but YOU PEOPLE hate me, that is good because I can feel your hate and it empowers me to gloat more and laugh all the way to the bank. However, I am not an unmerciful Police Officer, I will pray for you secular heathens, and when you die you will either exist in the limbo that is for people like you or the hell that is prepared for the evil YOU PEOPLE created! Now, FUCK YOU, PAY ME!

12/04/2023 12:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"During Chauvin's trial, Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo, and use-of-force instructor Lieutenant Johnny Mercil both COMMITTED PERJURY and said that the technique was never part of MPD training."

I didn't watch the trial very close, but this always pissed me off that Chauvin's team didn't push this fact more. The whole trial hinged on that issue! I read earlier there were documents stating he was trained in that technique. Yes, Chauvin got framed.

12/04/2023 06:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, Chauvin got framed.

12/04/2023 06:31:00 AM

He wasn't framed. He was sacrificed by the communist government. Don't think the same can't happen to any one of us.

12/04/2023 10:49:00 AM  

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