Tuesday, December 05, 2023

Another Piece to the Puzzle

This explains some of the illegal flood:

  • Venezuelan electoral authorities on Sunday claimed that 95 percent of voters in a nonbinding referendum approved of the nation's territorial claim on a huge chunk of neighboring oil-rich Guyana.

    President Nicolas Maduro hailed what he called "an overwhelming victory for the 'Yes' throughout Venezuela."

    "We have taken the first steps of a new historic stage in the struggle for what belongs to us, to recover what the liberators left us," he said.

    The referendum raised fears in Guyana, and around the region, about Venezuela's ultimate intentions over the contested territory.

You know who has the largest proven oil reserves in existence? It ain't the Saudis:

  • Venezuela

Now, the Saudi's have a lot more oil closer to the surface and it's the highly desirable "light sweet crude," but Venezuela has more actual oil. It just takes a bit of effort to get it out. Due to the current ruling dictatorship and nationalization of the oil industry, they have to import gasoline and few if any companies want to spend the money there when the government will then steal the equipment and oil.

But Guyana has oil that's easier to extract and Venezuela wants it. 

To get it, you need an army. An army needs bodies. 

And how many bodies are currently in blue city shelters, hotels and police stations?

Chicago has become the Canada circa the 1960s.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chicago needs to get out of the business of helping illegal immigrants. They need to focus on the people living here before they move.

12/05/2023 12:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder if Britain will become involved since Guyana was one of their colonies? I doubt it, they emasculated themselves after Thatcher was thrown out by her own party.

Guyana is small compared to Venezuela, and poorer, even compared to the economic disaster of Venezuela under Chavez and now Maduro, whose previous career was as a Bus Driver before he was VP.

I can see the Communist Idiots in Cuba coming to the aid of Venezuela if things go poorly for Venezuela.

12/05/2023 01:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know that if Orange Man Bad was still in office, Venezuela would not even try this shit.

For that matter? Putin would never have attacked Ukraine. Because Putin and Russia would never have been able to afford to attack Ukraine. Biden shutting down the drilling and pipelines increased both prices for Russian Oil, and demand for Russian oil. That filled Putin's coffers, and he could afford to invade Ukraine. Trump's energy policy would have kept Russia from financing its war in Ukraine. That is cold economic truth.

Never mind that Donnie Two Scoops was just crazy enough to maybe attack Russia? Not very likely, but Trump would put doubt in the minds of Putin and his generals. That probably would have stopped them, because the Russians wanted a sure thing.

Finally, Trump would have made a big noisy public deal. Russia leaves Ukraine alone, and we would block NATO from joining Ukraine until RUSSIA, BYELORUSSIA, and Ukraine all join NATO together at the same time. (Which would be never, but said diplomatically.)

BUT. I don't think even Trump could have deterred HAMAS. Those murderous raping kidnapping Palestinian losers are crazier than a shithouse rat. Look at the last 60 years. Every decision the Palestinians made was the WRONG Decision, from trying to assassinate King Hussein of Jordan (Black September) to starting the Lebanese Civil War to siding with Saddam Hussein in Kuwait to siding with the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. Every decision made pissed off their supposed Arab Allies. Now no Arab country will ever let one Palestinian set foot inside their country. Palestinians only bring civil unrest and war.

12/05/2023 01:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They need soldiers they will have things to do brandon your golden opportunity to send them back and close the borders of this crime ridden city!

12/05/2023 06:59:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

Great. Another war. Thanks Bad Touch Joe.

Now, kees me you fool!!!!

12/05/2023 07:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just had a strange thought. I am not really opposed to the government controlling the oil supply. I'll have to think about that one.

12/05/2023 08:18:00 AM  
Blogger John D said...

And you know who has more oil than Venezuela, Saudis, or Guyana? The USA. Only Trump let us tap it, and we had the cheapest gas in decades.

12/05/2023 08:42:00 AM  
Blogger Tombstone courage said...

You have to pump oil at greater depths in this hemisphere. In Arabia, you can hand sink a pipe and get oil. That is the cost advantage that makes the Saudis rich. Yes, they have less, but they can get it. Think of the advantage over of shore drilling. That is nature, it won't change

12/05/2023 09:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Dyatlov said...

I wouldn't worry. At the rate Biden *cough*Valerie Jarret*cough* is socializing America and talking about illegals being essentially drafted into service, Venezuela will soon be a freer destination than we are.

12/05/2023 09:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


And the missing $21.19 BILLION, yes billion.

"According to documents provided to the office of Venezuela's attorney general during a long-standing audit of PDVSA contracts, out of a total $25.27 billion in oil exports between January 2020 and this month,PDVSA was only able to confirm the reception of $4.08 billion in payments "

...And they forgot to pay the oil workers, so they had a garage sale, selling the leftover oil equipment to recover a few dollars.

...And Venezuela was shipping about 2,000,000 barrels per day when the mad bus driver came around, now shipping 400,000 barrels per day.

And you thought Chicago was bad?

12/05/2023 09:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Venezuelan crude oil is almost road tar. They need light crude to mix with it to be able to pump it to ships or refineries. Of course, being good Marxists, they stole the property of the oil companies who used to produce their oil and gas, and they don't have enough / good enough engineers to do it themselves.
But that is the fault of the capitalist colonialists, doancha know.
And like Marxists do everywhere they can, if they want / need something, they steal it.
John in Indy

12/05/2023 10:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1976 High School guidance... learn Spanish and Accounting=Venezuela next Alaskan Pipeline Boom!

12/05/2023 10:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Time for another white wine spritzer binging, eh?

12/05/2023 11:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

joe Bidens clan are the #1 sponsors of state terrorism

12/05/2023 10:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Around that time, there were Poles and other Europeans emigrating to Venezuela...

Anonymous said...
1976 High School guidance... learn Spanish and Accounting=Venezuela next Alaskan Pipeline Boom!

12/05/2023 10:42:00 AM

12/05/2023 11:32:00 PM  

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