Wednesday, February 07, 2024

Stay Alert

No hits, but thirty days driving a desk:

  • An off-duty police officer exchanged gunfire with a suspect on the city’s South Side early Tuesday morning, the Civilian Office of Police Accountability has confirmed.

    The incident took place at a gas station around 4 a.m. Tuesday at Stony Island Plaza, a shopping mall near East 95th Street and South Stony Island Avenue in the South Deering neighborhood.

    In a statement released about four hours after the incident, the Chicago Police Department says an off-duty Chicago police officer was confronted by an armed offender in the 1600 block of East 95th Street. An exchange of gunfire ensued, a witness saying what sounded like “about 18 rounds at the gas station.”

    Police say the armed offender then fled the scene and is not yet in custody. The officer was not struck, and there were no reported injuries, CPD says. The Investigative Response team responded to the scene to investigate.

Someone said 2024 is averaging almost ten armed robberies a day so far. Anyone have a solid number?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't look to me.

I only count them as I collect their corpses.


2/07/2024 12:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did he activate his BWC?

2/07/2024 12:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad the Officer is unharmed.

2/07/2024 12:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

18 shots no hits? I'd hate to be a schlub standing around when these shootouts occur, the bullets have to go somewhere....

2/07/2024 04:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It has been a very Warm Winter.

It is going to be a Red Hot Summer!!!

Take care of each other!

2/07/2024 06:34:00 AM  
Blogger Retired 82 said...

Come on...Sweet Jesus...WHO in their right mind stops for gas at 4AM ON 95th STONEY ISLAND????!!!!! is still America...but Jesus...use your head for more than a hat rack!

2/07/2024 06:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

More and more every day people getting attacked when they will attack the police who are armed most of the time what does that say about the rest of society? Conceal carry definitely take that class. Get that weapon the life you save, may not be just your own it may be one of your loved ones. The power of the vote means so much when you pull the lever for Democrat this is what you get lawlessness total lack of any type of consciousness the Democrats are for everything that is wrong with society look at all the criminals crossing into the city into this country across the border just nonchalantly walking across this is what the Democrats are doing and that are giving them millions billions of dollars of our tax money Criminals Venezuela let out the criminals open their jails where are all the Mentals they are here along with how many terrorists from other countries? China, they are saying now is the number one illegal population coming through the border the communist party of China Gee isn’t that the people that the president and his son Hunter are connected to getting paid off from selling off the United States of America The soldiers are turning in their graves that fight for this country. God bless what is left of America!

2/07/2024 07:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hhmmm seems like additional range time may be in order and personal guards for LEOs in certain areas.

This kind of shenanigan is why armed machine gun toting private security exist at grocery stores, gas stations, etc in Honduras. They've no problem popping off a feral. Seems like shitcago is far more dangerous.

Glad the officer is safe, lead free and actually didn't hit the feral. We all know the nonsense wagon will arrive with the rev empty your pockets, Copa evil and any other stupid heaped on this offer if someone was hit. Still facing crazy, but hopefully to a lesser extent.

2/07/2024 07:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

if there were that many armed robberies every day the liberal news would surely report

that and they would definitely give a description of the offenders (hahahaha)

2/07/2024 07:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Try to stay off city streets in crummy sections of town in the overnight hours.

2/07/2024 07:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

30 days desk duty ? Over here in Indiana the worst a copper would suffer is being told to get some range time so you won’t miss next time. I guess 30 days of desk duty beats laying in a hospital bed or worse, in the morgue. I don’t know which is worse for you Chicago officers, dealing with the bureaucracy or the savages, either way I hope for your sake the pay and possible pension are worth it.

2/07/2024 08:02:00 AM  
Blogger John D said...

You guys have to put these guys down when you shoot at them. Having the bad guy laying there, with the gun, is likely to make it easier when the scumbags at COPA get involved. Plus it takes the case out of Crimesha's hands, as she can't release the bad guy from the morgue.

2/07/2024 08:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All that wasted ammo and no hits time to get some accurate laser sights on your weapons attached, make sure you practice thank God no innocent people were shot or shot and killed, because then it would’ve been a problem for the officer! One thing we don’t have enough practice nowhere near enough for accuracy

2/07/2024 12:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The Investigative Response team investigate."

Did Kumswala write the press release?

2/07/2024 12:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is the Investigative Response team?

2/07/2024 02:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Royal Flush said...

Too many young coppers actually believe the violent crime is going down or it can't happen where they live and shop. The days of carrying a 5-shot snubnose revolver off-duty in Chicago are over. That's how crazy and dangerous this city has become. Carry a full-size or compact semi-auto with at least 12 rounds in the mag and a spare magazine at all times. No mercy...and expect none in return.

2/07/2024 05:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is the Investigative Response team?

2/07/2024 02:07:00 PM

It's a team of actors dressed as Sherlock Holmes. They respond to scenes of investigations to investigate.

2/07/2024 07:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All that wasted ammo and no hits time to get some accurate laser sights on your weapons attached, make sure you practice thank God no innocent people were shot or shot and killed, because then it would’ve been a problem for the officer! One thing we don’t have enough practice nowhere near enough for accuracy

2/07/2024 12:03:00 PM

The officer fired one shot.

2/07/2024 07:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So the way this story reads seems like the PO shot 18 times and there was only one armed offender.

What is more likely, off duty stopped to gas up and like in over 70% of the methos of operations out here, four armed offenders exited a vehicle, chased the off duty and fired 17 shots. The off duty fired one round in return at which time offenders scatter in the wind.
Why COPA would be trying to crucify the victim ....? It's Chiraq. The victim is always vilified. Offenders are always protected.
Glad PO wasn't hurt. Keep it on a swivel boys.


2/07/2024 08:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Two words-- dry practice.

2/07/2024 08:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This has to be a bad feeling.... your life is in imminent danger and you have to shoot at the threatening person, and then miss that person.

That thought should make anyone and everyone re-evaluate their own skills behind the trigger and question whether they would miss the target when confronted with that situation, and that is WHEN, not IF, you confront that situation. Luckily, the threat missed too. But it makes one wonder about an FBI study years ago where they questioned offenders behind bars, who reported that they had been in up to 5 armed confrontations with rival gang members, before engaging a police officer (relying on memory here). In other words, by the time they engage a police officer, they've already had some practice, whereas, most police officers have not had such experience.

2/07/2024 11:35:00 PM  
Blogger Lianna said...

Can someone tell me how these conceal carry licensed gun owners can't shoot their suspect and hit them? I read all the time where off-duty cops or civilians shoot at the suspect but never hit them. Is it poor markmanship?

2/16/2024 02:27:00 AM  

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