Wednesday, April 03, 2024

Crime Rate Increases

At least as far as robberies were concerned:

  • More Chicagoans were robbed in 2023 than in any year in the past decade, a jump of 29% in a year.

    Robberies had been on a long decline, but in recent years have increased rapidly. That makes another trend especially troubling: the robbery arrest rate fell to a 23-year low of just over 5%.

The IllinoisPolicy site has attached graphs and charts showing the increases....and the increase in particularly violent robberies (those involviong a displayed or using a firearm.

Guess who's neighborhood had the biggest increase?

  • Among Chicago’s 77 communities, the Austin neighborhood on the West Side reported the most robbery victims last year at 793 – more than 8 robbery victims for every 1,000 residents. Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson lives there.

Well....."allegedly" lives there. It's said by many that a quick interview of neighbors would show few, if any, have seen him there recently. And it isn't because he's sneaking in the back way.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chiraq is no country for old men.

4/03/2024 12:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe if he “snuck in the back way” he wouldn’t be in hot water at city hall with a female colleague…

4/03/2024 12:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I constantly see the mayor in Lombard.

Hey! That's not even Cook County!

4/03/2024 12:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't worry - Area detectives are investigating.

4/03/2024 12:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


~ Brandon Johnson

4/03/2024 12:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Frank Furillo said...

A jump in robberies of 29% and an arrest rate of 5%.

Both numbers are false. The jump is actually much higher and the arrest rate is far lower.

We all know those numbers given only cover REPORTED robberies. How many robbery victims just say fuck it and go home when it takes a policeman an hour or so to get to the scene because the district has a huge backlog of calls?

4/03/2024 01:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

no bail strikes again

4/03/2024 01:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Il Bd of

4/03/2024 01:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The lovely ratio of victims to population referenced by geographical location defined areas.

And austin still retains the crown!!!

Though the swag harvested is likely to be meaged ratioed to the less producing areas per quantity of victims.

What is better in thug life?

To have to rob 10 to harvest a c-note worth of swag, or to rob 2, with the same c-note harvested result?

4/03/2024 01:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Theses incredible Idiot fools in the Media should know by now that when they show something like that , The Morons and Mental cases on the Street will Copy it , Like its in style now , Or the thing to do right now , And of course they the Media will show it for it could start happening here. MONKEY SEE MONKEY DO anything New York does , BUT IF IT HAPPENS TO THEM while there reporting and doing a story they will not show it on the Air , and stop showing that story and so I'M KEEPING MY FINGERS CROSSED.

4/03/2024 02:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As we all know, the only way the CPD can claim a decrease in crime is by cooking the books. Recategorize serious crimes as something lesser or simply don't show up to take the report. Rumor has it that catalytic converter theft was downgraded to "misplaced property!"

4/03/2024 03:49:00 AM  
Blogger Old Joe said...

Brandon is too busy raising 3 black kids with a black wife to live in Austin.

4/03/2024 04:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Robbery assault and battery Chicago theme for the summer and a hit song in the 70s

4/03/2024 05:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And the real numbers are even higher. People don't bother to report what won't be addressed

4/03/2024 05:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As long as they rob their own people that apparently support this type of activity, let it happen, protect the home, France where you live! Animals have more respect than the people that do this they are subhuman!

4/03/2024 06:31:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

The Wesside is da Besside.

4/03/2024 07:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the lying liberal news will classify the robberies on the westside as "community reinvestment".....

4/03/2024 07:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe if he snuck in the back way he wouldn't be in the trouble he's in.

4/03/2024 07:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why not?
No cash bail required. Just promise to come to court and you walk. Now back to more street fun and games.

4/03/2024 07:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It used to be a robbery with a gun was a serious offense, worthy of jail time. Now? Not so much. Too many black men in jail or not enough? You decide, but the robberies are getting more violent by the day.

4/03/2024 07:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Too old for this shit said...

006th district might take the homicide crown this year.
Still early but they hold a 19-5 lead over the perennial winner (011).

4/03/2024 08:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cuck Guido isn't going to be happy about these statistics!

4/03/2024 08:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Post some photo footage of BJ in Lombard, surrounded by some of his 150-man CPD protection unit.

Post some photo footage of BJ's City Hall squeeze.

4/03/2024 08:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's not "robbery," it's "reparations."

And many Chicagoans voted for it.

4/03/2024 08:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lets go brandon?!!! ,,Thanks to fake Chicago Marxist mayor Bj & dementia joe biden..TB cases now found in Chicago along with measles... coming from Central & South American illegals ..
Only dumb fucks + illegals will vote biden

4/03/2024 09:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There has been a decrease with the increase!!!!!! so be happy

4/03/2024 09:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those zany north shore kids.

4/03/2024 09:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why doesn’t one of our unions hire an investigator and follow conehead for a month.
Let’s see what he does,where he goes ?
His kids must attend neighborhood schools,so he likely lives there.

4/03/2024 10:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hibbity Jibbity BoBibbity.

4/03/2024 12:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tell the criminals that they will get much better press if…..they beat up the press.

4/03/2024 12:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a absentee parent


~ Brandon Johnson

4/03/2024 12:51:00 AM

4/03/2024 12:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was there not a retired media person a Female White riding a bike on the Southside a few years back,that was a victim of a crime like that? She died a few days after the incident. The media down played the incident.

4/03/2024 12:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Stay of my lawn,' do it where you live! The animals are getting worse, no punishment for crime and now the idiot we elected to states attorney is bragging she never said she would be tough on crime! She said exactly that to many coppers talk about another democrat hypocrite. Wonder ho much did the democrats pay her off? Johnny fop czar you pushed for her what do you think now about this turncoat? another that refuses to do her job!

4/03/2024 12:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What I have heard is pin head and family live in Elgin, I heard his kids were/are registered in the Elgin school district. It would be easy to find out, I believe his parents live/lived in Elgin and that's where pin head was rised. This is just what I heard true or not I have no idea but seems plausible.

4/03/2024 03:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Guaranteed that number would be at 10 percent higher bc in my very small circle of life, I know at least 3 people who didn’t even bother to report being robbed..a. Long response times b. Lefty values that they must have needed their iPhone more and c. just general apathy that develops when you have a system that does nothing anymore

4/03/2024 06:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep voting Democrats into office. There is more crime coming and you voted for it. Wallow in the fear and uncertainty. You deserve it.

4/03/2024 09:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CHICAGO (WLS) -- On Tuesday, the Chicago Health Department confirmed there are some cases of tuberculosis among migrants newly arrived in the city.

They are not saying exactly how many cases there are, but did say it's a "small number."

4/03/2024 09:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why doesn’t one of our unions hire an investigator and follow conehead for a month.
Let’s see what he does,where he goes ?
His kids must attend neighborhood schools,so he likely lives there.

4/03/2024 10:17:00 AM

Members of your unions go everywhere with him. They know where he lives and where his black kids go to school. Maybe they should spill the beans and see what the useless media does about it. If it comes out that he doesn't live on the west side, I'm sure it will all be fine, because he's a high profile black man raising 3 black kids with a black wife... somewhere near Chicago. Like when Bugeye Manpants got her haircut during lockdown. It was fine because she's important and needs her hair to look nice... which it never did anyway, but that's not important.

4/04/2024 01:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

See how racist math is. Point out that in predominantly black neighborhoods crime is up. CPS should abolish all math classes.

4/04/2024 06:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
What I have heard is pin head and family live in Elgin, I heard his kids were/are registered in the Elgin school district. It would be easy to find out, I believe his parents live/lived in Elgin and that's where pin head was rised. This is just what I heard true or not I have no idea but seems plausible.

4/03/2024 03:12:00 PM
Very much doubt it would be hard to expose! Since you know about that, take some pictures if you’re a copper, you know what evidence is correct?

4/04/2024 07:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Why doesn’t one of our unions hire an investigator and follow conehead for a month.
Let’s see what he does,where he goes ?
His kids must attend neighborhood schools,so he likely lives there.

4/03/2024 10:17:00 AM


why don't you ask one of the 600 cops on his detail

4/04/2024 07:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


IS it true or rather can you dig it up, did the feds stop mandated crime stats reporting?? Example, .... any idea of CPD "fully complies?"

4/05/2024 09:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And not a word from the POS media.

4/05/2024 08:23:00 PM  

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