Tuesday, July 30, 2024

We Need a Hobby

So we were at the bar the other evening, discussing retirement options with a bunch of contemporaries, figuring out what - if any - post CPD employment would be needed, how far the pension and deferred comp might go, what might occupy our time in our golden years.

And the subject of politics came up. There are certainly a large number of vacancies at the local level what with Burke being convicted and the usual turnover that happens in a large patronage driven organization like that. And then there's the state level disaster with Madigan getting indicted and Fat$$ looking to Washington DC. Lots of opportunities there. Serving nationally though, well....Durbin isn't getting any younger. But if we wanted to go that route, we're looking right at the top spot. 

El Numero Uno - the Presidency.

Biden's gone. No one with a brain is voting for the DEI vice Kackler Harris. RFK Jr isn't a real candidate. And Trump is probably going to win. 

But we can do our part to mess up Illinois politics and give The Donald a shot at winning Illinois by picking off the disgruntled habitual democratic voter who is irritated with democrats, but doesn't know any better than to vote the way their fathers, mothers, grandparents, aunts, uncles and ward bosses tell them to vote. Hell, their great-great-grandparents are probably still voting for democrats despite being dead for forty years.

Therefore we are announcing our candidacy before the DNC hits town in an effort to toss a wrench into the machination of Sparklefarts and Porky. We're even going to short-circuit the obvious machinations by the "power brokers" by choosing a running mate already - and we're sure it's a demographic winner:


We'll be accepting platform suggestions for our run. If we do well enough, perhaps we'll land a cabinet spot.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

The douche is loose once again. Future merit Lt DoucheHerst of Cta and his gigantic bulbous head was overheard bragging about how his buddy DeVries has a cush spot for him at the DNC and when he nails it that will finally get him that merit slot he has been kissing ass towards for the last 8 years.

7/30/2024 12:26:00 AM  
Blogger Chgoko512 said...

I'll vote for ya!

7/30/2024 12:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks SCC. This is why I stay up at night to recieve the sacraments of wit and wisdom before bed. I promise to vote for you early and often and put my votes in my will for you down at the ward office. I also dropped off some ballots at the cemetery office on 111th st so the relatives can get in on the fun. Down with the democratic national carnival people and up with SCC !

7/30/2024 01:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love it!! Hell, yeah!!

7/30/2024 01:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“…No one with a brain is voting for the DEI vice Kackler Harris…”

…which means that she will get at least 120% (more likely, 150%) of the CTU, bureaubunglers, patronage thieves, welfare roaches and felons.

7/30/2024 03:51:00 AM  
Anonymous A SCC SUPPORTER FROM CT said...

Thanks SCC

I just ruined my keyboard with my coffee being spewed over it because i was laughing so hard

Who would be your Secretary of State, The Ultimate Tactical Warrior ??

Your The Best

7/30/2024 03:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said!

7/30/2024 04:14:00 AM  
Blogger Me said...

Never underestimate the power if cheating.
The demorats are a well funded and well oiled machine. They definitely have something up their sleeves.

7/30/2024 05:41:00 AM  
Blogger Old Joe said...

Pot for every chicken!

7/30/2024 05:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So we were at the bar the other evening, discussing retirement options with a bunch of contemporaries, figuring out what - if any - post CPD employment would be needed, how far the pension and deferred comp might go, what might occupy our time in our golden years.

You should stop accepting pink mimosas and advice from the Keesing Bandit during these clandestine gatherings...

7/30/2024 06:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you would be a great laison between 47 and Chicago.

7/30/2024 07:03:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

I can't think of a better choice. Make sure you wipe that platform down first though.

7/30/2024 07:11:00 AM  
Blogger stash the polski guy said...

Wine spritzers for all.

7/30/2024 07:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kesses for both of you, you fools!

7/30/2024 07:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Platform ideas: Anyone who votes Democratic must be forced to look at a photo of Pelosi, Biden, Fata$$, Conehead, and Commie Harris hugging each other in their bathing suits. Or, must watch the Obamas and the Clintons asphyxiate each other by talking so much, the oxygen in the room is depleted. AOC and the Squad force to live one week with out air conditioning, electricity, or mirrors.

7/30/2024 08:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I’m not sure if you’re serious about Trump winning. Kamala’s a shoo-in. The Dems are marketing her brilliantly. She’s the new messiah - Obama 2.0. Obamala, if you will. She’s bringing out the Black, women, and youth vote. I pray there’s more voters with a brain that will vote for Trump but I don’t feel confident at all.

7/30/2024 08:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Two cars in every garage and two spritzers in every fop

7/30/2024 08:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW ! I am jumping for joy. And as a good, disgruntled voter I, myself will be encouraging all of my friends and neighbors to do their duty to " Vote Early and Often " on Election Day. It's the Chicago Way. Retired CPD 31 years ago and enjoying every day of it.

7/30/2024 08:18:00 AM  
Blogger Over said...

Why should he stop now ? lol

7/30/2024 08:26:00 AM  
Blogger Over said...

Put that on a Tshirt !

7/30/2024 08:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once you retire, sell your stuff.
Sold my blouse and reefer to a recruit in the academy for $300. My classic leather with the patches sold for $400 online.
Time to forget, go fishing, find another hobby to amuse yourself.

7/30/2024 08:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have lost all confidence as well..I believe Kamala is going to win, too many have decided to go with her now after Biden dropped out. Just look at what happened to the polls since she was nominated. Her and trump are neck and neck after Trump being way ahead and even winning in swing states...not anymore. Kamala does have time to hang herself and maybe a couple of debates will help kill her, time will tell.

7/30/2024 08:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really hope you are right about Trump winning but I’m really starting to worry. Kamala is an absolute joke but the voters in this country are idiots and will vote for her simply because she is a POC and a woman ( even if the morons in the Democratic Party can’t define what a woman is).

Thankfully I was able to retire a few months ago and I am already living out of state. Life is so much better out of Illinois. I miss my coworkers everyday but not the shitshow that is now the CPD.

Stay safe my CPD brothers and sisters and get out as soon as you can, life is better in retirement! Please remember, there is no glory in being the richest guy (or girl) in the cemetery. Enjoy while you can.

Retired A/2

7/30/2024 09:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will gladly walk the precincts

7/30/2024 09:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tactical Barbie for Secretary of the Interior

7/30/2024 10:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have my votes (oops. Sorry) my vote!!

7/30/2024 10:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

At this point, I'm afraid you are correct. Trump, or rather his mouth, is his own worst enemy.

7/30/2024 10:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm in. A boa in every pot.

7/30/2024 10:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just ruined my keyboard with my coffee being spewed over it because i was laughing so hard

Who would be your Secretary of State, The Ultimate Tactical Warrior ??

Your The Best

7/30/2024 03:56:00 AM

I think the ultimate tactical warrior is going to be czar of crack pipe residue though.

7/30/2024 10:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The newest push is calling JD Vance weird 150 times in 24 hours on CNN. Meanwhile, Kamala is visiting Rue Paul.

7/30/2024 11:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, I believe 0810 may be correct. And add the late mail-in votes.

7/30/2024 12:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Number One: VOTER ID

7/30/2024 12:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"“…No one with a brain is voting for the DEI vice Kackler Harris…”

…which means that she will get at least 120% (more likely, 150%) of the CTU, bureaubunglers, patronage thieves, welfare roaches and felons."

We can only hope the republicans learned something in 2020

7/30/2024 12:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From the file of this can’t be true it’s so stupid, then it has to be true. The response of the city and state to fill huge manpower shortages is for University PD’s particularly state funded to be, “ Volun-Told” during DNC and will be bused in and utilized. Private Universities in addition have been counted and absorbed into district manpower numbers. Private and Public University Departments will have their duties expanded beyond their campuses and possibly be used in support in districts. This is a very bad idea and obvious that panic has set in.

7/30/2024 01:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:10 am
Barry had almost zero history and baggage. The Illinois rats covered for him with the local scams. But he was new as F and no dirt to speak of and minimal stuff on tape.

KH has been running her mouth for years with 99% of it nonsense and lies. She would just run her annoying mouth off on the hot topic of the day. And that is now biting her in the ass.

Every dark skinned politician thinks they are Barry 2.0. Problem is Barry 1.0 was a commie fraud and cheat but still dodged prison because you can’t lockup the poster child of the left , first half white president, and messiah.

Barry was lighting in a bottle and got hot at the right time. Now he’s out of office and practically irrelevant that’s why he’s trying to cling to power in succeeding administrations.

He can’t let go of the power and attention. Most swamp rats that make it to the WH have 20-40 years in DC. Barry got what 11 years? He thought he’d be running shotgun with HRC. Nope. He rode sleepy joes joes coat tails and last 4 years have been a disaster.

Now he’s riding the cackling bimbos coattails till November. In a straight up election with no cheating trumps wins in 2024. Without the cheating in 2020 he wins.

Barry knows this is his last chance to cling so some kind of power. If Trump wins and then 4 -8 more years with Vance or some other republican the nation and Supreme Court and hopefully both houses of Congress go deep republican and Barry will be all but forgotten.

All his coconspirator will be dead and buried or in nursing homes and irrelevant. Bill and HRC look half dead. Biden is on his last legs. That whole cabal will be written off to history and the great commie barry cause will be dead and buried forever.

This election is huge and we need a big with for DJT to keep the commies out of WH and put a steak in the heart of the Hope and change crusade once and for all.

7/30/2024 01:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not a cop long time reader and lurker of this blog. Keep up the good work. Long live the blog.

7/30/2024 02:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Harris is likely to win.

Picking Vance was a disaster.

Guy is a roly poly he man woman hater who they keep pulling up videos of him talking about cats and being childless.

He may not even get the vote of former FOP VP Martin Prieb--who loves cats.

Trump/Vance is a gift to the Dems.

Now if Harris wanted to broaden her appeal she'd pick the Keesing Bandit, but make him hang out at all lesbian campaign events--like an outdoor roll call on Clark Street in Andersonville during one of the summer street parties.

Harris/KB 2024. Now Kees me you voting fools!

7/30/2024 02:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whilst thee jest and bathe and brolick in the hot tub of mirth, dost thou not see thy potentialities snuggled so deeply within thy nethers?

To both wit and witless:

1. Given that identification documentations have been declared by democrats to be verboten, thusly, "Second City Cop" and "the Keesing Bandit" shall not be denied opportunity to compete for the democratic party nominations for President/Vice President.

2. Given that the democrat party's nominating convention will be soon conducted via simulations by internetizations, arriving courtesies of world wide web connectivities, thus, no pesky interactions of a fleshly nature shall impede the nominating activities thus remotely engaged in, an authentic Max Headroom, times TWO, campaigning opportunity sprouts vigorously herein and beckons, in gushing enthusiasm spasms, for thee and thou to embrace most moistly with the thee and thou generousities of well now known abundancies.

3. Not to be in any manner doubting the genius of thee, plus the imagination of thou, yet, perhaps a brief and sweetly savored for posterity contest might be provided, for the simulated images of our soon to be (dating?) candidiates for this democrat party primary's nominations of our nation's President and Vice President?

Yey, there will be some sayers of nay, butt, hey, wtf, why not give it a try?

Thee and thou hast produced the first campaign poster, will thee and thou not cockblock the paths to victory most moistly endowed?

7/30/2024 03:01:00 PM  
Anonymous NavySealRanger12 said...

"Where you ridin' with Biden and now embarrassed by Harris? Come join the dance with the Keesing Bandit 2024"

7/30/2024 03:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, with those pro-Trump artworks found in Dem neighbors (as SCC showed on the blog recently) who can say what will happen?? Remember, the silent majority of voters don't talk much about their politics, but they vote. And there is something to the story line of Dems walking away from their party due to the hard-left failures of the Biden/Harris/Pelosi Machine.

7/30/2024 03:27:00 PM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

Thank you very much my cuties. Volunteers are needed at my pretty loft. White wine spritzers for all!

Now, kees me you fool!!!!!

7/30/2024 04:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Royal Flush said...

Responding to Anonymous @ 08:30 AM...
I have lost all confidence as well..I believe Kamala is going to win...

Indeed. The election is hard to call from here because we live and work in such a far-left, blue-state bubble. We know full well what Trump is facing. When you are a Democrat candidate you run against a candidate from another party. When you are a Republican or Independent you run against a mighty (and despicable) machine. A corrupt machine backed up by the Deep State, big donors, corporate media propaganda and court lawfare. That machine is now ramping up to cheat, lie and swindle their way to victory. Vote Trump and hope for the best.

7/30/2024 05:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once you retire, sell your stuff.
Sold my blouse and reefer to a recruit in the academy for $300. My classic leather with the patches sold for $400 online.
Time to forget, go fishing, find another hobby to amuse yourself.

7/30/2024 08:28:00 AM

My leather goes to my oldest grandson. Blouse goes in the grave with me. Rest of the uniform only fit to wear paining my garage.

7/30/2024 05:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All kidding aside, we need to use the tactics the communists here have used; get elected to local government.

School boards, library boards, etc. have been infiltrated by communists, and that's why your kids have all kinds of inappropriate reading material forced upon them/

7/30/2024 06:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The newest push is calling JD Vance weird 150 times in 24 hours on CNN. Meanwhile, Kamala is visiting Rue Paul.

7/30/2024 11:50:00 AM

"Keep Portland Weird" and "Keep Austin Weird" are lefty mottoes in Oregon and Texas. Time for a new t-shirt:

Keep Portland Weird
Keep Austin Weird
Keep Vance Weird

7/30/2024 06:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This whole thing is going to be about "race." That's all I hear. The bemoaning of White men. Can't have them. Can't have conservative, or Christians. All expendable.

They talk of the loss of freedom/our Republic, I remember the Covid lockdowns, EVs being shoved down our throats, witnesses who lied bigtime on Supreme Court nominees.

Steve Bannon in prison and SS FBI etc all come with "I Don't know" --dumb as a rock.

The electorate is dumbed down and stupid! This is on purpose. How many were given money to sit on their asses, not pay rent, etc., during Covid?

Weird? No, the Dems are weird with their love of trans, gay-everything, wrecking the family, love of abortion. "Weird" is White, going to church and having a family. These bastards are trying to re-define the language as in rainbow and gay that were hijacked decades ago.

SCC: your retirement will be good. Gas & food might be your biggest expenses. Getting away from your daily stress will be a Godsend. Not looking at a clock. Enjoy.

7/30/2024 06:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you very much my cuties. Volunteers are needed at my pretty loft. White wine spritzers for all!

Now, kees me you fool!!!!!

7/30/2024 04:12:00 PM

Now, now, KayBee, now that you have embraced your destiny, you know that this means mucho minglings amongst the constituents most moistly hankering for your special soothings.

Plunging deeeeeply into this, with both your heads, no doubt, is amply within your talents.

And, are you not the, (maybe not yet determined?) VICE Presidential candidate? The NICE VICE Presidential candidate? Thus, you bear/bare the tasks of doing the grunt work, so deftly are your skills and so velevet gloving are your touches, why, what voter could possibly resist casting their precious ballots at your footsies?

Plus, so epically genius here! Not only that those intimate selfies need not be suppressed, why, oh contrary magic mary will delight and demand that they be ALL shared with EVERYONE!!!!

THIS here is a recipe for much delicious munchings. A beautiful humming bird fluttering smack dab into the eye of the demoncratic party of pestulences.

SecondCityCop joins the Keesing Bandit in a palooza of sarcasm and silliness to thwart the oh so serious delerious dementeds!!!

Who luvs ya, baby?

7/30/2024 06:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Saint Cajetan said...

You need to mount a serious campaign against Card Carrying Communist Delia Ramirez - how did this dim-wit get elected in the first place? The good people in the 3rd District need to wake up and vote her out.

7/30/2024 06:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC, I wouldn't go and bet the farm just yet on a Trump victory in the next
13 weeks; Harris's campaign is off to a rolling good start, and is only picking
up momentum; Trump's poll numbers have likely plateaued, and it's anybody's
guess if HIS VP pick, JD "Chameleon" Vance is going to be any help in attracting
or holding onto the core MAGA cultists. His 'childless cat ladies' comments
don't appear to have won him or Trump and new voters (and it's quite a hoot,
watching TRUMP on the news trying to explain someone else's comments! :-).
The election appears to be a real tossup, and right now it's leaning more
heavily in Harris's favor. See you at the polls!

7/30/2024 06:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey SCC I just came across this link showing Harley Davidson went woke, looks like they begging to go the way of bud ligh, tractor supply , target & so on

7/30/2024 06:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's something to make you laugh

The captain at Midway Airport is walking around bragging that he's in the pilot car for Trump arriving tomorrow. Guess what stupid, all you're doing is acting as a chauffeur for secret Service who will be in the vehicle with you and in actual control, with a police officer driving. I worked traffic for a long time. I know the drill. You have no purpose there except to pad your own ego and merit filled career. You can put a softball bat in the backseat of that vehicle and it will serve the same purpose as you. Please stop, it's childish and annoying.
Now I know why you and the airport Commander get along so well. You both have pretty much the same career. Spoonfed. At least the other Georgas was smart with no balls. This one is just no balls

7/30/2024 08:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Embarrassed by Harris should be the motto of the first district

7/30/2024 08:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Masters Master, Masters. SCCs spokesman. Chief of security, the Lady collecting the pension from getting brutally injured at the police academy.

7/30/2024 09:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On October 19, 2021, Rachel Levine was commissioned as a four-star admiral in the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps, becoming the first openly transgender four-star officer in any of the United States uniformed services as well as the first female four-star admiral in the Commissioned Corps.


President Biden named Buttigieg as his nominee for secretary of transportation in December 2020. His nomination was confirmed on February 2, 2021, by a vote of 86–13, making him the first openly gay Cabinet secretary in U.S. history.


Sam Brinton, a Biden administration nuclear official, made headlines this week after they were arrested for allegedly stealing a woman’s suitcase in Minneapolis airport — and then using it for a month before claiming it was taken by accident.

But it isn’t the first time the 35-year-old nuclear engineer has made the news.

Brinton, who uses they/them pronouns, became one of the federal government’s first gender non-binary officials earlier this year when they took on a role in the Department of Energy’s Office of Nuclear Energy.


But MAGA people are weird according to CNN & MSNBC?

7/31/2024 12:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You must both be experiencing an avalanche of suggestions on this.

I wonder if they will be mostly devoid of mirth.

I trust that both of you see that this campaign would be most hilariously effective as an attempt to become the democrat party's fresh nominee's.

Yes, you both would be in stealth mode, Max Headroom flavored, and thus would be able, should any idiots cast ass-spersions upon either, for whatever ass-in-nine reasons, you could both claim to be both consistent with democrat party values and not the droids that are scold worthy.

So much potential for sowing the seeds of sarcasm and silliness, that, were you two to go viral, well, maybe even Trump will endorse your candancies for the democrat party's nominations.


Should you succeed, you get to debate Trump. And your vp pick gets to debate Vance. Why, that would then be so suitably sweet, as both of you would then endorse Trump!

For purposes of modesty, I refrain from wondering if that thought has stimulated a tingle somewhere, in someone, for some reason, in a supercalifragilisticexpialidociously delicious manner.

7/31/2024 01:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Harris is likely to win.

Picking Vance was a disaster.

Guy is a roly poly he man woman hater who they keep pulling up videos of him talking about cats and being childless.

He may not even get the vote of former FOP VP Martin Prieb--who loves cats.

Trump/Vance is a gift to the Dems.

A bad choice, I agree. I think he's a phony. Didn't he once call Trump America's Hitler. Now he's kissing his ass echoing everything he says. That's why Trump picked him. Because he will kiss his ass and agree like a bobbing head doll. He wants more power. And what is his connection to that billionaire named Theil or something like that. Looks like a young Abe Lincoln? Oh come now.

If Harris wins, that is the final nail. And I have no doubt they will cheat. Got away with it before why not again. Even if Trump wins, this country will never be anything close to having normal values like once upon a time.

As stupid and incompetent Kumala is...that matters none to the idiots that will vote for her. She checks the boxes. Affirmative Action was responsible for hiring unqualified dummies long before this new DIE fueled push. How the hell do you think she got into uni and law school. Just listen to the moron. She really should pick Mayor Buttb as VP. The alphabet voters would love it.

7/31/2024 01:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Pat Paulsen could do it, and he did, he did dood it, then why not the perfectly balanced twins?

A star filled night sky.

Full moon down below.

How can this not appeal to the voters?

7/31/2024 03:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Harris is likely to win.

Picking Vance was a disaster.

I hate to say it, but probably true. Vance adds nothing to his campaign. Trump needed to play the diversity game and select a woman, black or Hispanic as a VP pick.

7/31/2024 10:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Boy George said...

Karma Chameleon - Culture Club

I'm a (wo)man without conviction
I'm a (wo)man who doesn't know
How to sell a contradiction
You come and go, you come and go

Karma, karma, karma, karma, karma chameleon
You come and go, you come and go

Karmala 'Chameleon' Harris

7/31/2024 12:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(mucho babbling)...Even if Trump wins, this country will never be anything close to having normal values like once upon a time.(more mucho babbling)

7/31/2024 01:21:00 AM

Once upon what time? You don't mean normal values like your's, do ya?

"this country"? Seriously, pinko puppet, "this country"? As in, not Our Nation? Surely not your's.

7/31/2024 01:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

See you at the polls!

7/30/2024 06:49:00 PM

Don't ya just love it, when they cut and paste from their memo text document, then plop it in the submit comments, and, if you post it, it looks like this one does, all line fractured and shit.

7/31/2024 01:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Over is right, the city NEEDS this poster on a t-shirt! I would buy two, one to wear while washing the other.

And, hmm, what about hot pants/DaisyMaes with it across the rear for KB and all us shapely supporters?

7/31/2024 04:06:00 PM  
Blogger Old Joe said...

Tack tickle boots in every wardrobe!

7/31/2024 04:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trump's waltzed into the black journalist conference and promptly reduced the ABC black journo into an angry black woman who had her arse handed to her. "I didn't know Kamala was black..." Ouch.

7/31/2024 05:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate to say it, but probably true. Vance adds nothing to his campaign. Trump needed to play the diversity game and select a woman, black or Hispanic as a VP pick.

7/31/2024 10:48:00 AM

You go play the diversity game, dim bulb.

For me to poop on!!!!

7/31/2024 09:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Harris is likely to win.

Picking Vance was a disaster.

Guy is a roly poly he man woman hater who they keep pulling up videos of him talking about cats and being childless.

He may not even get the vote of former FOP VP Martin Prieb--who loves cats.

Trump/Vance is a gift to the Dems.

Now if Harris wanted to broaden her appeal she'd pick the Keesing Bandit, but make him hang out at all lesbian campaign events--like an outdoor roll call on Clark Street in Andersonville during one of the summer street parties.

Harris/KB 2024. Now Kees me you voting fools!

7/30/2024 02:26:00 PM

Did you think this blatantly feeble ass nuzzling attempt would pass smoothly from your nasty democratic nostrels onto the desk of submitted comments and not be posted?

Because you, being the clumsy, at best, snark snorter, just blew any chance you ever could have had at tasting even a dribble of that spritzer, bozo.

And that's a fact, jack.

7/31/2024 09:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fabulous. Can’t think of 2 better candidate. By the way, I believe the unused campaign funds go the candidate. Great way to fund a fun retirement. Go team. I know my dead family members will most likely vote for you. Though I think their votes are still controlled elsewhere.

8/01/2024 09:25:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

Excuse me Mr. Bung Hole but I will decide who gets keeses around here, and it ain't you.

8/01/2024 11:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excuse me Mr. Bung Hole but I will decide who gets keeses around here, and it ain't you.

8/01/2024 11:04:00 PM

Comment count at 67.

Goal: 69.

8/02/2024 01:45:00 PM  

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