Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Voter Fraud Now Open

Not Election Day any more - Election Season:

  • Voters can apply online or request a paper application at chicagoelections.gov. They’re available in English, Spanish, Chinese, Hindi, Polish, Korean and Tagalog, according to the Chicago Board of Election Commissioners.

    Voters can also sign up for the city’s permanent vote-by-mail roster. Those already signed up will automatically have a ballot mailed to their home address. Anyone unsure of their status can look it up on the city election board website.

    Officials expect to start mailing out ballots Sept. 26. People can apply to receive one through Oct. 31.

Votes will be counted as needed through December or so.

The margin of fraud is going to be HUGE this time around. We're betting tens of thousands of illegals are registered to vote, and all the Machine has to do is print up their ballots and then fill them out. After all, what illegal is going to draw attention to themselves by (A) telling anyone they were registered at the DMV when they were given their license and (B) mention to anyone that a ballot arrived at their residence, when a helpful precinct captain shows up to "retrieve the mis-mailed ballot."

If they even bother to waste the postage anyway - makes more sense to save the mailing cost and just fill it out in the backroom of the ward office.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stuffing ballets the Chicago way!

8/13/2024 12:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Democracy is an illusion.

8/13/2024 01:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Permanent, WTF?! What about the "Big 10" transplants who change apartments every year between downtown, Lincoln Park, Wicker Park, etc? Will Chad and Stacy generate permanent mail-in ballots at every address? What if LaTisha sometime stay with Auntie, Granma, or Baby Daddy?

8/13/2024 03:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Back in January I changed my permanent address to Arizona and registered to vote there. They say that they notify the previous place. Well, guess what I just rec'd in the mail from Illinois? An application for permanent vote by mail status. No where on the form is there a place to indicate that you rec'd it by mistake. However, I will have to look up 10 ILCS 5/19-2.5, 19-3, 29-10. Maybe I should vote in both States.

8/13/2024 06:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Voters can apply online or request a paper application at chicagoelections.gov. They’re available in English, Spanish, Chinese, Hindi, Polish, Korean and Tagalog, according to the Chicago Board of Election Commissioners.

I plan to vote in all of these languages and more for 45...

8/13/2024 07:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let the cheating begin..NO need for weeks prior for mail ins (except if your military serving). Handicap people can do it a week before election day, the rest ON election Day ONLY!! Remember when people waited in cars and in line for hours to get covid checked? Back to one day voting only, fuck this cheating bullshit for Dems..they know they cant win fairly.

8/13/2024 08:51:00 AM  
Blogger John D said...

Permanent vote by mail. This way you can vote for decades after you're dead.

8/13/2024 09:03:00 AM  
Blogger John D said...

I would be voting in Illinois anyway. May as well play the game.

8/13/2024 09:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cool, I will vote in 7 languages this year.

8/13/2024 09:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Years back I had a friend go to vote early in the morning. He was like the third person in line at his voting place. He noticed all the voting machines already had a 100 plus votes tallied on them.

8/13/2024 09:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just how many votes will come from 4001 N Clark?

8/13/2024 09:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really doesn’t matter in. Illinois. Trump can’t carry the state. Cook county will taken care of that

8/13/2024 11:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The results are already in...Harris has won by a landslide

8/13/2024 11:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone who worked a polling place has a Story or 10,

8/13/2024 12:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It’s a scam. When I pulled the plug, I moved to a state where it’s all mail ballots. I saw then it’s rigged, better than the Chicago way. In my time in this state there have been 3 elections that resulted in the non democrat candidate winning. There were then recounts during which boxes of ballots were found resulting in the democrats winning. This state has perfected the recount/discovered ballots steal. Their game is so good the same lawyers and recount/undiscovered ballot specialists go all over the country pulling the same shit. When Franken won the Minnesota senate race the team from here instantly deployed to Minnesota and pulled the same shit discovering ballots under the desks and in cars. They truly follow Stalins practice, itsnot important who votes, who counts the votes is what matters.

8/13/2024 01:11:00 PM  
Blogger DixonSyder said...

My daughter hasn’t lived at our address in 22 years and still gets a voter registration card every year from Winnebago County, Illinois. I’ve tried 5 or 6 times to get her taken off the voters list and can’t as the election board will not remove unless she comes in personally to their office during regular business hours. She lives 200 miles away, has a job, has 3 children and has a life. How many others are in the same situation and how fraudulent votes are cast?

8/13/2024 01:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Voter ID is badly need in Chicago/Illinois. Most states require voter ID. Plus, they need to clean up the voter rolls. Ain't gonna happen.

8/13/2024 01:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I get a mail in ballot wheter or not I request one. When I go to vote, I mark all the boxes for my candidates, and then I turn it in.

8/13/2024 05:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many deceased,illegals are voting democrats into office?

8/13/2024 05:53:00 PM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

Nothing changes but the leaves on the trees. Now, kees me you fool!!!!

8/13/2024 08:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All city-wide units, be advise that voter fraud is now in progress. Any reports/suspicious calls regarding voter fraud should be disregarded. All days off cancelled and 12-hour shifts will continue until morale improves. You may now resume your aggressive patrols and continue to fight crime. That is all.

8/13/2024 10:49:00 PM  

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