Wednesday, September 04, 2024

As Suspected

The CTA shooter has a record, though not as bad as initially believed:

  • The accused CTA shooter's criminal history begins in 2014, when Chicago police arrested the then 20-year-old Davis and charged them with misdemeanor battery using their birth name: James McDavis.

    That case ended with a guilty plea and was the beginning of a series of criminal, gun and traffic charges and arrests, many of which ended with the cases dismissed.

    Davis was also arrested with a loaded gun at a public transit station in the past.

    The I-Team obtained records revealing METRA commuter rail police arrested Davis in 2019 with 9mm Taurus semi-automatic handgun, with one 9mm Luger hollow point bullet in the chamber and seven in the magazine. That case was dropped by Cook County prosecutors, court records show.

    There was another gun arrest in 2021, also for a 9mm, when the weapon was found by Chicago police following a traffic accident. Again, the case was dropped by prosecutors.

    The cases may have been dropped because Davis had a legal Illinois FOID card, according to CPD records.

    And in the decade since the first arrest, even while Davis had multiple arrests, there was only one misdemeanor conviction connected to a looting incident.

One has to wonder that if even one of these cases wasn't dropped by Crimesha's office, if his FOID would have been revoked at some point. Not that it would have stopped anything, but one can wonder.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seem to recall some verbiage on the old FOID cards saying it didn't authorize the carrying of concealed firearms.... Now that they've combined that and the CCL, you get the "CCL:" field in the top right, but still mass transit was always a no-no for carrying firearms....

Wonder what made this guy so special that Crimesha dropped the charges multiple times...

Hope all the families of those murdered by this POS sue Crimesha for malfeasance... because if she'd actually done her job, this guy would have been in jail, or w/o FOID and (supposedly) without a firearm...

Fucking democrats...

9/04/2024 12:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gotta love it. “Might have been dropped because he has a FOID card.” EVEN THE CARD ITSELF SAYS IT DOESNT ALLOW UNLAWFUL CONCEALING OR CARRYING. That’s the entire point of the CCL. Prosecutors were just “eh, he just carried it wrong, who cares…”. Even when you stop & arrest people openly carrying firearms in their cars. FR more often than not won’t approve it if they have a FOID.

9/04/2024 12:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It’s almost as though the “new laws” they keep pushing for aren’t necessary, if they would just enforce the ones already on the books, and demand accountability. Accountability from the shitbird, to the prosecutors office, and through the incarceration.
Instead, these idiot politicians are hell-bent on trying everything EXCEPT consequences for illegal actions.
TWO prior gun cases (one on a damn train!), and both were “dismissed”?

9/04/2024 12:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He’ll plead insanity, go to a hospital for 4 years, claim to have found Mohammed, and be back on the street just in time for theft from the McDonald register Pres to be re-elected.

9/04/2024 01:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

....."when Chicago police arrested the then 20-year-old Davis and charged them with misdemeanor battery using their birth name: James McDavis"
Them and their? The fact he's a tranny goes unmentioned by media.

9/04/2024 02:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Same old sorry story on the CTA. Shut down the CTA like they shut down the businesses during COVID. They said it would spread the virus if they remained open. Let’s try it for the CTA, nobody shot & killed, raped or robbed. Crime stats go down, no lawsuits against the CTA from victims which will save taxpayers millions. And as a bonus, a chance to air out the trains & stations from the stench of pi$$, feces & puke. Bring crime back to the neighbors where it belongs!!!!!!

9/04/2024 02:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe his boyfriend's locked up and he's trying to get to him. Nothing else about it makes much sense.

9/04/2024 04:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The common denominator Democrats supporting lawlessness doing everything they can to let innocent people be maimed killed injured whatever! Then you see conehead yesterday doing a news conference complaining about the shooting saying there’s too many guns and he’s blaming the Republicans in Congress for doing nothing. OK let’s say that, it is true, but what a hypocrite he has how many people in his detail how many coppers that could be used on the streets to help prevent this and they’re all carrying guns 200 coppers 200 guns minimum let’s get those off the street mayor and watching the news conference. He definitely looks like he’s high on some kind of drugs. What kind of medication is he taking?

9/04/2024 06:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, a transwoman goes on a killing spree and we're all just supposed to dance around it like a bed of hot coals? And now we get to play the game of "How-do-we-say-that-it's-a-dude-that-now-identifies-as-a-woman-without-saying-it?" Awesome. That's my favorite game.🙄 Ok... guess that's what we're doing from now on. 🤷‍♂️

9/04/2024 06:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Society needs to give us police officers our full 100% authority back. No more body worn cameras and no civilian oversight. If we do those things then the crime rate would go down and society will be a lot safer.

9/04/2024 07:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off topic but infuriating, could we PLEASE have more P.O’S in 016. For those who haven’t heard there was a running gunbattle on Elston/Central over weekend at 1am resulting into a car crash and chase. The topper was some of bad guys were caught and only charged with CTTL even though their vehicle was stolen and no guns recovered. This in the wake of the crash on Touhy this week with a stolen car. Eventually Off Duty P.O’S will end up shooting an honor student and being labeled Bad Guy.

9/04/2024 07:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could you imagine if the shooter was a white guy shooting black homeless people on the train? You know Kim Foxx was pissed when she found out the shooter was black. She doesn't prosecute her own.

9/04/2024 07:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

but a root beer ....

9/04/2024 07:53:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

When you are SPECIAL, you are not held accountable. Now, kees me you fool!!!!

9/04/2024 08:18:00 AM  
Anonymous The Neanderthal said...

"...Chicago police arrested the then 20-year-old Davis and charged them with misdemeanor battery using their birth name: James McDavis."

Here, this agonizing tapping out of Morse code, this ridiculous "pronoun" salad. "They" and "them," plurals used to refer to one person.

Folding, spindling, and mutilation - the demise of the very English language.

It would not do to "offend" or "make uncomfortable" someone who just killed four people for no reason, doesn't even know what a "pronoun" is, and has probably never even read a newspaper in "their" whole life.

"Misgendering" = mistrial today. Instant loss of job, vicious public "cancellation," and even prison time in a growing number of countries, and, of course, a huge settlement for the "emotional distress" of the offender.

Talk about a "protected species..."

9/04/2024 08:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When you look the front page of the Chicago tribune the headline states attorney, Kim call, slayings, horrific, heinous inexplicable acts of violence. Does she know she is a direct cause of this by not doing her job not prosecuting properly along with the judge that lets these criminals free to do whatever they want again and again, anyone that votes democratic needs their head examined

9/04/2024 09:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He searched for, shot and killed four people while they were sleeping...This is death penalty shit in any real state that is serious about crime...just because he is a black tranny, he will be treated with kid gloves here in Cook county Illinois

9/04/2024 09:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I’m sure the lawyers are feverishly searching for relatives to all the dead homeless train vagabonds
Lawsuits on behalf of the “estate” of said hobo train riders will follow

9/04/2024 09:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Davis would be in even deeper trouble if he had thrown a root beer at these people. Look for this story to die quickly to cover up the lack of prosecution by Foxx and the race of the suspect.

9/04/2024 09:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...when Chicago police arrested the then 20-year-old Davis and charged them with misdemeanor battery..."

"Them"? There is more than one of him?

9/04/2024 09:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1631 on midnights is always a downed car.

9/04/2024 10:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cell phone cameras and body worn cams were the downfall of policing. The "beat and release" program was dead. Think about it: no more armbar chokeholds, no more hog ties, no more stick city. If dirtbags weren't afraid of the po-lice, at least they were fully aware of the "discomfort" they could inflict.

Ever look at a Crown Vic of yesteryear? Dents in the hood. Dents on the trunk lid. Dented front fenders. And my favorite, dents in the sail panel. Where do you think those dents came from? Those people had thick skulls. Still do.

9/04/2024 11:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Somebody with the right content creation and social media skills, not me, should create some memes of every outrageous real crime not charged or charged with a misdemeanor on the left and Crimesha’s root beer felony on the right. Get that shit going viral. Come on youngsters with the appropriate skills, that’s the way you bring the shit to them nowadays.

9/04/2024 12:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rhianni the tranny.
You just can't make this shit up.

9/04/2024 12:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nothing worse than an angry trannie with a gun.

9/04/2024 12:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She does only seem to charge people if they look like Republicans.

9/04/2024 01:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Civilian said...

We don't need new laws. We need new judges and prosecutors.

9/04/2024 01:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too bad he didn't throw a root beer. Then they would have locked him up and thrown away the key.

9/04/2024 01:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are no laws or accountability for certain people too many in prison

9/04/2024 01:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

how about member of the LGBQTX party executes 4 innocent CTA riders while they nap.Is it also a registered voter under more than one name??mmmm

9/04/2024 01:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where did he get off the train before he got on the Pink Line?

9/04/2024 03:49:00 PM  
Blogger MarkD said...

Yeah, like carrying a firearm in any other given place, a Carnival in Tombstone, Rio Rancho NM. Snakes, Tarantulas of the 2 legged kind. Carry at your own risk. Or salvation. You know the saying, better to have it and not need it. Or, I'd rather tell it to twelve, than get carried by six.

9/04/2024 04:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like that dude just got tired of homeless people....

9/04/2024 06:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, he thinks he's a she! 😆

9/04/2024 06:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trannie got a gun.
Whole world's come undone.
What's Crimesha gonna do?
Probably give a medal to you.

9/04/2024 07:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Biden, Harris and Garland would all be in Chicago in a heartbeat and try to find a way to blame Trump and his racist supporters for this mass murder hate crime.

9/04/2024 07:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes its a Democrat tranny so its "them!" Forget it Jake, Its Liberaltown.

9/04/2024 07:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The media are the propaganda instrument of the Democrats. They will say, do, coverup and lie to protect their political masters. We know it and they know it. The fear of being exposed as the charlatan's ways heavy on these slugs. These are the modern day "media Vichy" of old Fance under the occupation.

9/04/2024 08:37:00 PM  
Anonymous The Neanderthal said...

Heard on local TV news tonight that there were TWELVE CCSD surrounding this - uh, organism in Maywood courtroom today. Also five expended cartridge cases on Blue Line train that matched the pistol the offender was caught with, and positive GSR residue on both hands.

Fun to check in on IDOC every ten years or so (if you even remember to) and see how they're doing.. Beard, no beard, hair this way, that way - but still standing in front of the same gray-painted cinderblock wall for the pic.

Looked at front page of very expensive Chicago Tribune today (without buying) and Foxx called - uh, this specimen - every name in the book and then stopped short of admitting "I kept letting him run the street with loaded guns until he finally did - this."

9/04/2024 09:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait, how many people are we talkin about, the offender and another person?

9/05/2024 06:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Might want to look up "absolute immunity" coz she has it ! Won't cost her a dime !

9/05/2024 08:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Catch and release" policy enacted by Preckwinkle's Foxx certainly responsible here. And when will polite society finally accept "they/them" self-identification is likely evidence of mental illness, and in case of biological men, often also red flag for excessive aggression and sociopathic thinking.

9/05/2024 08:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"angry trannie"...isn't that redundant?

9/05/2024 12:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good. Too many anti 2nd Amendment unConstitutional Laws

9/05/2024 07:40:00 PM  

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