Tuesday, September 03, 2024

CTA Shooting....in the burbs

Forest Park's per capita murder rate just went through the roof:

  • Police in Forest Park are releasing new details after four individuals were shot and killed on a CTA Blue Line train Monday morning.

    According to authorities, police received a 911 call after several individuals were shot onboard the train. Officers responded to the Forest Park station and cleared it of passengers before getting on the train, where they discovered four victims.

    Three of the individuals were pronounced dead at the scene, and a fourth died a short time later at a local hospital.

    Police have been examining surveillance footage, and it paints a disturbing picture of how the attack unfolded.

It sounds like the offender basically walked up to each sleeping individual and executed them one by one, no fight, no warning, nothing. Then he walked off, and a CTA employee doing a walk through at the end of the line found the victims.

The biggest question is how he got a weapon onto the train past all of the signs that specifically tell riders that guns are prohibited. We can't believe the level of this failure.

Not only that, but now everyone knows that the new CTA Artificial Intelligence surveillance system isn't working properly.

No word yet about how many charges the shooter was out on under the "no cash bail" provisions.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Simple... shooter, being a product of the Chicago Public Schools, lacked the ability to read the signs!

9/03/2024 12:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Might have occurred in Chicago and been discovered in Forest Park.

Cameras should tell the story as the ONE thing the CTA generally does right is cameras on train.

9/03/2024 12:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see offender released on electronic monitoring with the provision no riding on the CTA

9/03/2024 12:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


9/03/2024 12:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could it be our own Chalkie is subcontracting?
Perhaps he uses help in outlining areas?

9/03/2024 12:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is why we must ban assault weapons....

signed....Gov. Lardass


9/03/2024 01:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For all their poverty and racial virtue signaling, BJ and Derwood Carter prove every day that they don't give a damn about working people dependent on public transportation. At least, Bernard Goetz shot criminals not civilians.

9/03/2024 02:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chicago values...

9/03/2024 02:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe he didn’t read or understand da English!!! Make cartoon videos of stickmen shooting & robbing with a big X over it and post them on all stations & trains. Also stick figures of people sleeping, and living on the trains & stations. And figures of people using and discharging every bodily function known to man!!!!!

Actually the reason the CTA is in such disfunction is that members of the Board and upper management are not forced to ride it. They have no idea of what is going on. Start with Dorval Carter, he is usually out of the country “studying” other transit systems. These are all Democrat clout jobs.

9/03/2024 02:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Spawn of Satan

9/03/2024 03:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It’s become a nightmare in the Chicago land area. Lucky he was caught before killing more people on the Pink Line that he escaped from the Blue Line.

9/03/2024 03:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

bigger signs... that'll solve it!

9/03/2024 04:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did the traffic cones write a report though?

9/03/2024 04:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good thing they have all those cameras, now the families can have memories

9/03/2024 05:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Meanwhile, no appearance or statement from Chicago’s ‘hard working’ Mayor who is enjoying his Labor Day weekend holiday with his ‘wife and three kids who live on the west side.’ Guess it’s Forest Park’s problem, not Chicago’s.

9/03/2024 05:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The system is designed only to detect guns in public view. So keep it in your pants until you are on board a train. They are only at stations on not on the trains.

9/03/2024 06:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Last night, CWB published a story with the name of the suspect along with information about 2020 stabbing spree on homeless victims where he was arrested. There was no mention about a conviction or jail time. Is this another Foxx miscarriage of justice where more lives are lost?

9/03/2024 06:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You made one assumption in your synopsis. She if you can guess what it is.

9/03/2024 07:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Were the shot in Chicago and found in Forest Park ?

9/03/2024 07:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did the shooting happen there at the end of the line or while the transit was moving? If moving, where did it actually happen?

9/03/2024 07:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think we should pause before we demonize.

9/03/2024 07:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its the CTA, he was probably just trying to escape a food desert.

9/03/2024 07:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"signs that specifically tell riders that guns are prohibited.: --- CPS graduate? Makes one want to ride Mass Transit. Buttigieg first.

9/03/2024 07:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


9/03/2024 07:48:00 AM  
Anonymous ACLU said...

The main problem is the surveillance cameras. Obviously, the unfortunate traveler was upset by the cameras and accidentally shot those other unfortunate souls. Really, Big Brother run amuck killed these people and subjected that poor traveler to the prison-industrial complex. Remove the cameras now!

9/03/2024 08:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CTA A.I. systems are not working neither is Kevin Ryan. The only thing he is good at is scamming money from taxpayers with two city paychecks!

9/03/2024 08:44:00 AM  
Blogger John D said...

I don't believe this happened. It can't possibly be true. It's illegal to bring guns on the CTA. I just don't believe it.

9/03/2024 08:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do not think they stated it was the same person, just a similar incident.

9/03/2024 08:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will never fall asleep on a CTA train again...fwiw... I may never ride a CTA train again. Nice job Crimeshia...I'm sure the suspect was a repeat offender. Apparently one that hated people who fall asleep on public trains...look out Amtrack!

9/03/2024 09:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The shooter will either be a deranged, white, MAGA racist, or a misunderstood person of color suffering from years of disinvestment. Charges will depend on which ever it turns out to be.

9/03/2024 09:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

March 16 1894....Infamous gunslinger John Wesley Hardin is pardoned after spending 15 years in a Texas prison for murder. Hardin, who was reputed to have shot and killed a man just for snoring, was 41 years old at the time of his release.

History is repeating itself...

9/03/2024 09:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the video proves the killing happened before the train got to Forest Park can we claim 4 more to the Labor Day weekend total ? We need to up our volume.

9/03/2024 10:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did Joe,Kamala,Tampon Tim reach out to Family members of Police Officers that have been executed this year. Read below about an armed offender fleeing from a domestic battery,child abduction,taking victims car. This was a call for help from the victim. Here’s the Biden administration stirring up Hate
“I spoke to Jacob’s mom and dad, sister and other members of the family, just a little bit earlier,” Biden said in a video posted to Twitter. “And I told them: Justice must and will be done. You know, our hearts are with his family, especially his children. It’s horrible what they saw, watching their father get shot.”

The Democratic presidential nominee said, “What I saw on that video makes me sick. Once again, a Black man, Jacob Blake, been shot by the police in broad daylight with the whole world watching.”

“Put yourself in the shoes of every Black father and Black mother in this country, and ask: Is this what we want America to be? Is this the country we should be?” Biden said.

Harris said at an event on Wednesday that she and Biden both spoke to the family.

9/03/2024 10:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Coming to a place near you it’s the new norm

9/03/2024 10:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How’s that new AI working out?

9/03/2024 10:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps a memorial plaque or shrine of the victims can be displayed on the trains for future victims of the CTA so they can stay awake while they ride...

9/03/2024 11:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once again, the official statement is "this was an isolated incident". How many isolated incidents will it take to keep criminals in jail?

9/03/2024 11:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No worries all those signs don't mean shii now... illinois supreme court just ruled that bannding people with valid CCLs from bringing thei weapons on public transportation is unconditional..... so all that new tech cta just paided for will be useless ... unless they are going to monitor or stop everyone it detects carrying a gun. But, this ruling would help for the public to protect themselves on the public transportation system which had little police presence.
On a side note, the midnight guys, including the sgt in 10, who caught the offender with a weapon on rhe pink line ... have to be DEI hires... they catch and arrest the offender, recover a weapon and never take the offender or the weapon into 10 for processing but just turn him over to the forest park police dept. Gezzz, who the heck are they hiring and promoting in this dept.

9/03/2024 11:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep voting democratic!

9/03/2024 11:32:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

Mayor Conehead is very relieved the the Forest Park police took the lead. The numbers are theirs, not his. Now, kees me you fool!!!!

9/03/2024 11:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our dim-witted Mayor tell us the reason for the CTA shooting is that "Guns are out of control" Who knew? All this time thought it was out of control democRATS

9/03/2024 12:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Exactly what I was thinking. Johnson will come out and say its Forest Parks problem.

9/03/2024 12:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Strange the media reported the victims race highly unusual.

9/03/2024 12:48:00 PM  
Blogger Dave64 said...


9/03/2024 01:24:00 PM  
Blogger Dave64 said...

Thumbs Up!

9/03/2024 01:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Subtle way to tell the burbs that they need to pick up their game?

9/03/2024 01:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The real story here is that the killer is a tranny. But you’ll never hear that on the news.

9/03/2024 03:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mayor cone head blames guns, no hate crime.
Governor Barney defund police blames lack of security.

9/03/2024 04:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Male black murders Female Caucasian in Wisconsin not a hate crime.

9/03/2024 04:06:00 PM  
Blogger Rusty Trawler said...

Where did the shooting happen and who gets the credits for the deaths? This should be interesting as Forest Park doesn't want it added to their deaths.

9/03/2024 04:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ot - looks like J Green (from his social media accts) is pushing people to
give up their Section 8 vouchers to get $20k grant from him to purchase a home. He claims to be a Real Estate Agent/Broker. I checked the IDFPR and his name is not a licensed agent or broker.

9/03/2024 05:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heard the shooter was a mental tranny. How ironic none of the a-hole liberals or woke ghetto blacks are talking about this shooting.

9/03/2024 05:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see what you did there

9/03/2024 05:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

they did call WESTAF

9/03/2024 06:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

JB Prickster said conservative judges don’t understand public safety because they said CCL can carry on CTA trains. Four people murdered and JB doesn’t want lawful gun owners to carry for their own protection.

9/03/2024 06:09:00 PM  
Blogger Prairiepolice said...

So a federal judge in Rockford ruled on Friday that CCW should be allowed on CTA. Jabba the Hut is upset that it was ruled that way. Seems that did not stop the shooter from carrying on a train that is prohibited. Gun control only works for those who follow the rules.

9/03/2024 06:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps a large picture would be helpful for the killa. But then that requires a brain (not an abby normal brain).

9/03/2024 06:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Midnight basketball would stop this.

9/03/2024 06:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dorval is interested in Dorval and taking trips abroad.

9/03/2024 06:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“ Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson responded to the violence Tuesday morning.

"It's a tragedy," Johnson said. "The guns in this country are out of control. The access people have to guns is out of control, and it's very sickening."

Notice Mayor Conehead proclaims it’s the guns that are out of control not the criminal shooters. Ban guns not killers.

9/03/2024 07:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Davis was also arrested with a loaded gun at a public transit station in the past. The I-Team obtained records revealing METRA commuter rail police arrested Davis in 2019 with 9mm Taurus semi-automatic handgun, with one 9mm Luger hollow point bullet in the chamber and seven in the magazine. That case was dropped by Cook County prosecutors.

"There was another gun arrest in 2021, also for a 9mm, when the weapon was found by Chicago police following a traffic accident. Again, the case was dropped by prosecutors."


9/03/2024 07:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What was race of victims? Was shooter a registered democrat ? Did he support JB Pritzker,Kim Fox,Brandon Johnson? Can Chuck Goufie find out?

9/03/2024 08:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bad parents. Bad public school educators.

9/03/2024 08:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Per WGNTV online article “I’m grieving. My heart goes out to those families and to those who lost their lives in this senseless, wicked act,” Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson said at an unrelated event. “But it’s my effort to make sure that we are investing in people is still very much front and center.” https://wgntv.com/news/traffic/chicago-transit-forest-park-blue-line-shooting/

9/03/2024 10:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kim will make the provision of no riding the CTA between 7 pm and 7 am.

9/03/2024 10:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On the bright side, all four of the dead victims will be voting a straight democRAT ticket in the up coming election and many more to come.

9/03/2024 11:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The judge's ruling on carrying weapons on public transportation only applies to the 4 plaintiffs in this case. I thought we had one Constitution.

9/03/2024 11:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any video?

9/04/2024 06:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He remains silent about his problematic associate, Kim, who is a major contributor to this situation by neglecting her responsibilities. Then there’s the so-called trust fund baby who signed the no cash bail bill, further enabling this criminal enterprise. And let’s not forget the judges who advocate for releasing offenders, despite receiving substantial salaries. We’ve gone through the academy and taken law classes; the law is clearly defined in the books. It should be straightforward to identify violations and ensure that penalties are enforced.

9/04/2024 07:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ray Rayner Jr. Says:
Anywhere attached to the hellhole of Chicago is a hellhole too. It’s just a bit less obvious.

9/05/2024 09:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Mark of the Beast is upon these Lucifarian Democrats. Soon they will perish in flames, as God declared.

9/05/2024 09:43:00 AM  

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