Thursday, September 05, 2024


School shooting in Georgia yesterday brings a lot of conflicting issues to the fore:

  • On Wednesday afternoon, Barrow County Sheriff Jud Smith made clear the Apalachee High School attacker was stopped by an armed School Resource Officer.

    During a joint press conference with the Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI), Smith noted that the shooter was confronted by a School Resource Officer and faced with the option of surrendering or being shot.

Gee, a trained armed officer stopped the shooter before it got a lot worse. But no one needs cops in schools.

A reminder:

And locally, from the Contrarian X/Twitter feed:

  • Chicago Contrarian @ChicagoContrar1
    This is the result of kicking CPD out of CPS.

    4 students at Steinmetz H.S. have been hospitalized after a female student entered into a large fight and sprayed 15 students with mace. Possessing mace is a criminal offense.

    Steinmetz has "security," but naturally, CPD was called. When CPD arrived, a Steinmetz administrator argued with police over whether to arrest the offender and asked for input from school "security."
We've never been big fans of cops in the schools, mostly because they're mismanaged, horribly deployed, and expected to play the bully to administrators' political whims. If there were a professionally trained, deployed and utilized force that actually was permitted to enforce the Law, we might reconsider, but you can see that even when responding from outside Steinmetz, there's still an effort by school officials to circumvent the Law because of some imagined "school to prison" pipeline that the communists made up.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

15 sprays and a cover up!

9/05/2024 12:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Steinmetz Has been a lost cause for decades now. CPD will not influence behavior at this point. Let them kill each other pull all CPD out of these schools and when they call us after the fact 19D that job and let the Sgt determine what needs to be done going forward. Let the school system record those stats. Just pay me my OT lol …God I love liberal policies

9/05/2024 12:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Having worked at both H.S. Bowen and CVS. I can say training for zoo keepers would be more likely to describe the job.

9/05/2024 01:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gov. Lardass here,

Ok...who's had enough...Forget a assault weapon ban...

Let's go on a total gun buy back...


9/05/2024 05:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You get what you vote for and getting rid of coppers after throughly bastardizing them makes them want to never return to these indoctrination centers. Just a matter of time that it happens here, the democrats are after your guns, not after the criminals as they favor lawlessness, November is rapidly approaching vote them all out, your life and your families future depends on it!

9/05/2024 05:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fist fight = detention
Mace fight = arrest and community service
Knife/gun fight = prison

That’s the America I fondly remember.

9/05/2024 06:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was an all around fun day at Steinmetz às there were 3 separate incidents.

3rd Period - Fire Alarm was pulled, school emptied out and CFD called it a false alarm

6th - The main event was a fight in the cafeteria with 10 male ganģbanger stuďents beating the dog shit out of another male gangbanger student. His girlfriend tried screaming for help for security, no security to be found anywhere, so she pepper sprayed 15 people. Ambulances called and 4 students taken to the hospital. 

A Steinmetz student, not any Steinmetz employees, called the police. Police arrived on the scene and Steinmetz administrators (Principal Anna Vilchez and Social Climate Coordinator Angel DeJesus) argued with responding POs as they tried to make arrests.

7th - Steinmetz put on lockdown only after another student threatened to stab other students with a knife.

8th - Parents came to school with questions

Steinmetz has 11 security guards and another of these bullshit school climate pacifiers and yet nobody manning the cafeteria, a place where several fights and beatings have taken place in the past. Kids refer to the cafeteria as fight club.

The most experienced Steinmetz security guard is a 'Mom' security guard, an Hispanic women (Yvonne Gonzalez) in her mid-60's that gossips and putts around more than anything. Her previous work experience before landing the Steinmetz security job was as a dental hygienist assistant, podiatrist assistant, and taking part in a diabetes study.

CPS requires 2-3 years of highly qualified experience to be a security guard, only 3/11 Steinmetz security staff have it.  The school culture team is composed of 5-6 individuals without ÌSBE teaching or counseling certifications with a majority of them either having no college degree òr a non-eduxational degree.

No POs work as off-duty Steinmetz security and nobody at Steinmetz has a PERC card. The only requirements to work security at Steinmetz is a heartbeat, be Black or Brown, and know a politician or someone at Steinmetz.

9/05/2024 06:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We need more police officers in our country to make the country safe. If we had ten million cops then the nation would be more safe. Once arrested and convicted, criminals need to do some serious hard time. IDGAF what some college professor thinks. They all are a bunch of puppies (there is another similar sounding word).

9/05/2024 07:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FBI let him go. It's those Catholics with Rosaries, you know!

9/05/2024 07:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know about you but it feels like shit is ramping up now. There's a lot going on out there right now. The political scene in America needs an enema and I know just who'll give it to them.

9/05/2024 07:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wouldn't even go inside. Tell the caller to come outside and I'll talk to them. They got what they wanted but they will soon realize that they don't like what they got.

9/05/2024 08:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Police in the school house is not the issue. (Well done officer, for stopping the shooter) It's a major talking point in the campaign for confiscation of firearms. Makes you wonder if these goofs are recruited by the shadow government to do these type of acts...

9/05/2024 08:24:00 AM  
Blogger John D said...

Turns out the Feebs had this kid on the radar and actually interviewed the kid and father last year. Of course, they did nothing. Seems like we're spending millions of dollars on a federal law enforcement agency that is totally useless. And we're supposed to give up our guns and turn over our personal protection to them? HAHAHAHA!!

9/05/2024 08:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Culligan Man Says:
Simple solution, just hire retired Cops and Military with over 20 years on the job, pay them well, and give them healthcare benefits. They do it for Illegals. Any Politician who fails to sign on to protect children and young adults is truly a POS. And No, they should not do it for free. Why should they ? They’ve already paid their dues. Pay them well, like you do our worthless Politicians.

9/05/2024 09:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"School to Prison" is nonsense. Don't blame the police for parents that are horrible. When you raise your children to settle every problem in life with violence, those children end up in prison or dead at a young age.

9/05/2024 09:26:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

School Administrator. That says it all.

9/05/2024 09:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Civilian said...

Eh, take/keep the cops out of schools. You guys have enough headaches and the public schools will be sweltering pits of violence as long as CTU and Bradon are calling the shots anyway.

9/05/2024 11:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

why would the chicago public school system need police in these schools when the cps union president said they are graduating record number of honor roll students (that can't read their diploma)

9/05/2024 11:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SRO's are not in the school's but the Commanders have them walking around outside. We all knew this was going to happen.

9/05/2024 11:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

steinmetz used to be a decent school decades ago not no more a bi ghetto care camp

9/05/2024 01:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who cares…let the ghetto schools deal with the problems they’ve created.

9/05/2024 04:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good. Let them stew in it.

9/05/2024 06:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Discharging mace inside the cafeteria isn't that big of a deal. At least, it wasn't Fogo de Chao. Right Tony? lol

9/05/2024 07:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It’s the same dealing with any high school these principals & school staff blantanly disrespect law enforcement & try to stop police from entering & making arrest..

9/05/2024 09:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All these H.S. principals & case workers should be sued by parents if their child is hurt at a school. They feel as if they have the right to obstruct a law enforcement officer from effecting an arrest & they need to start getting arrested for interfering with a police investigation.

9/05/2024 09:53:00 PM  
Blogger ANOV said...

SRO exist within CPD. It's a hidden unit approved by CPS. They each have a take home car and work remotely most of the time.

9/06/2024 11:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They need to repair the school to prison pipeline.

9/07/2024 11:40:00 AM  

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