Chicago is Lost
What in the actual f#$% is this?
- Hey SCC,
Please tell me you’ve seen the video, along with heard the radio transmission of beat 712, two females on midnights last night. They got CHASED by a black Dodge on the air called a 10-1 saying “please help.” They fled from said Durango lights and sirens. How is that not cowardice?! Here’s the kicker, one of the female POs in that car, she was the same one who got beat up by her off duty baby daddy in the 007th district lot..and denied signing complaints. Someone get these two females off the street before they hurt themselves or another PO.
.....we're actually speechless.
What exactly do we expect the citizens to do if this is what's patrolling one of the less desirable parts of town?
Labels: from the comments, un-fucking-believable
Has someone loaded this to Youtube yet ?
My guess is it’s the baby daddy AGAIN & she knows it. She’ll either end up getting killed by him or worse, she’ll end up getting another officer killed because she won’t take care of her personal business.
Sounds like assman 009 when he called a 10-1 in the 9 th district lock up good job lil Denny
OK folks, it's shortly after midnight.
I asked for a virgin Long Island Iced Tea.
I may have grabbed the wrong drink, because I am a little buzzed,.
I know we can not chase them.
But when was it said they get to chase us?
That's it, I quit again.
I know we can not chase them...
I sure as hell don't want them working inside with me! I can just sense the attitude and entitlement nonsense
Drop their names…we deserve to know
Maybe the baby daddy got a Durango and was chasing them??
When you hire the hood...what did you think...
I heard of this incident and heard the black Dodge Durango was stolen. They need retraining. Unreal they put people like this on the street. Someone is going to get hurt.
Be careful what you wish for. When that commenter said, "off the street," did that commenter mean to get the cowardly officer a cushy, indoor, over-paid armed secretary spot in the commander's office or even HQ?
(Yes, this is sarcasm for those who didn't catch it)
And what about this is supposed to be a surprise to anyone?
Was it baby daddy again
You know what would fix this, lowering the standards even more and more affirmative action. A few years from now there's going to be an explosion of corrupt cops from exactly this hiring process.
You go girl.....
They ever get the car?
2 females in a car together is the dumbest thing ever. Districts have to stop this. Definitely not saying anything bad about female officer but most are not physically equipped for dealing with shit situations with dude. You send these ladies to domestics together on dude who’ already beats and has 0 respect for woman let alone the no fear in police or the judicial system anymore. This is a recipe for a disaster. I know plenty of females on the job that can handle themselves some better then a lot of males but just hearing 007 district midnights I’m already going to assume they have less than 3 years on and are more concerned on how they look then the fact that they clearly should not be paired up. This is also a failure in supervision for allowing them to go on the street like this in the inevitable of them having unsafe situation. I’m sure it would be clear as day just looking at them that this was a bad idea.
An old 014th District story... Two females working a beat car go on a domestic. One wont't get out of the car and go into the residence. The other PO handles the job and goes back to the car. Being the driver PO she drives into Humboldt Park and tells officer do=nothing she's gonna kick her ass. Suddenly Zone 3 erupts with officer do-nothing screaming for a 10-1. When the dust settled we learned the first car there found driver PO chasing do-nothing around the beat car in full "tear you up" mode. Nothing is new on this job, nothing!
First hand account here, all true, and it's so much worse than you can possibly imagine.
Lot of good coppers on that watch put in the hours trying to dig her out of her on-duty/off-duty domestic clusterfuck. All wasted, there's video going around of her instigating at the home of her now-resigned boyfriend.
The watch complained, because who the hell wants her as backup or to back her up in turn?
Management didn't give a shit. Endless meetings and sit downs and COPA bullshit lead to nothing..
She should've been launched to the other side of the city but nah, going to 3rd watch for the new year.
An absolute travesty.
What exactly do we expect the citizens to do if this is what's patrolling one of the less desirable parts of town?
Short answer. Burn, Loot and Murder?
Watched the video/heard the is actually worse than the post makes it sound.
Majority of females on the job these days are exactly like the ones described above. They're scared, afraid to put hands on people and overall useless. These might be harsh words for some but it is the reality. Majority of women on the job are just a bunch of power tripping single moms who have big potty mouths yet can't handle a simple domestic without escalating, talking smack and then expecting the male colleagues to take over. Sad but true.
They got what now? Chased?! Lol!!!!!!!!!!!
This is the type of hiring the city is doing now a days, new generation of back sir, pretty
OMG, that is so pathetic. DEI hiring at it best? Get them off the job before they get someone killed.
Get them off the street? Fuck that. Get them off the job.
Oh my god!!! What the fick are we hiring!!! I Said Screaming!!!
Affirmative action, DEI at its best!
Maybe the baby daddy was the one in the Durango chasing her and she didn't want another tune up. They were using de-escalation techniques.
She was a part of the text group thread where the prowess of her Or-Al skills was topic of discussion as she demonstrated her ability on already a handful of colleagues despite being on the job 1.5 years unbeknownst her Bf/baby daddy was also in that group me text thread silently reading. Maybe she needs to go back to county where she had a cush in-house assignment she thought she would get the same treatment on cpd - immediately into a house mouse spot using her “currency” which she’s so good at to get where she wants to go.
She’s not much different than most girls otj.
Aweeee Hellllll Nawwwww!!!! Not up in hureeee!!! Not upon hureeee!!!!!
I pray to Jeebus that this is a true story.
Because as are the SOP’s of CPD’s promotional system, I intend to watch the meteoric rise thru the ranks of both of these twats.
CPD: where the Peter Principle scoffs and says “hold my beer”.
All part of the Democrat's plan to destroy the CPD. Lower standards result in piss poor recruits.
The once mighty CPD, now just a bunch of DEI dummys and cowards. What a joke.
Thought with domestics, the offender could be arrested without the victim signing complaints?
Lower the standards for DaeI this is what you get. Seen so many videos where female cops get schooled by perp.
Oh sure, put them inside for the rest of their careers! How about a supervisor step up and have a long conversation with them about what their job entails and tell them that if they can't perform the job then maybe they should quit! Stop coddling all these f-ing females.
the district commander will put them in the caps office next week
Maybe both of their baby's daddies were chasing them in the Durango? {snicker} What a ghetto department this has turned into. Someone turn off the lights on their way out...
There’s a lot of females and males in this department now that have no business being the police but that’s what you get when you can’t recruit anyone. Big city policing is dead. Go where they have some hiring standards and where they don’t have this merit based promotion bullshit.
If this is true. Should be stripped.
I have 25 years on the job.
What the above poster said is 100% true. I noticed the subtle changes happen about 10 years ago. Most of the female officers are scared and they avoid any form of escalation.
I saw the POD video and heard the Zone 6 radio transmissions. This is what happens when you turn the police department into the Mickey Mouse Club. The majority of these new hires are here to do next to nothing and waiting to hit the 18 month mark so they can get their salary up to 80K. This along with the training that this department gives has turned the police into a useless agency that writes reports and drives around aimlessly. Those two on 712 should be fired immediately. If they’re not fired they should just resign. Not sure how you can show up to a roll call and expect people to respect you and want to work with you.
The training that this department gives is a huge part of the problem. This department cares more about some shit head then they do the police and it’s evident with the training that instantly makes the police a bunch of pussys.
About 20 years ago, didn't the news report that on a traffic stop around Grand and Ogden the offender exited the vehicle with a "steering wheel locking device" and chased the officer around the car?
Don't allow this dysfunctional department and their merit promotions to affect you in anyway. Look at the bright side instead, the job is simple, just show up, give them 8 and go home. The place will never change.
No retraining. Fire them now.
First of all, watch the video then Monday morning quarterback in what you would do. A black Durango with several heads who while in front of you suddenly reverses. You back up so as not to get struck and potentially ambushed by several guns to two. You back up at which time said Durango turns around and comes at you head on. You continue backing up to the intersection at which time that Durango chases you while a second squad follows behind. Are you screaming on the radio? You bet your ass you are, no different than officers screaming when officers are shot dead, but then maybe because it’s a female everyone has lost respect for, myself included, that makes it alright. Some people should really think before they open their pie hole. Let’s not forget there was another officer whose baby daddy didn’t unleash a thrashing on her. Then again she’s a female and not a “prince” or yet another “great guy” on the job.
Go work in 07 on midnight and find out for yourself
Wimps. These two will be your Sergeants down the road, sadly. Lower the standards just a little more.
How does this work? Was there a pursuit ticket pulled?
Did the occupants of the Durango have guns and chased them?
Why are they riding together in the first place?
so,,,, there are orders to not chase the criminals,,,,, now they need orders to not let the criminals chase you ???
Bullshit! They want the job now they got it. I wanted a district of all females so they can prove they can handle it.
A few years back I was working in Summer Mobile back when it was a fun place to spend a summer. We were working in Four one evening when a womans voice broke on the radio. She was whispering and crying that her partner was being killed and she was begging for someone to save her. She and her partner were handling a domestic when the domesicants started yelling. Just yelling. She ran and hid in a closet where she called for help. She was so terrified she couldn't even muster a "10-1". By the time half of the watch showed up, guns in hand the domesicants had quieted down. Her partner was getting ready to leave when the troops piled into the house. He thought she was in the car but after a search of the house she was safely located and saved. She should have been fired but she's probably been promoted numerous times thanks to CPDs fine Merit Promotion Program. I retired with almost 33 years on and I could count the woman I thought could handle themselves on one hand. If I was assigned to work with a girl, it was a down night. Get the keys. No work, no stops, find somewhere quiet to park. Get lunch. Go home
It will become an Idiocracy
"14XX, please send my sergeant over here. My partner Officer [Do-nothing's name] refuses to get out of the car for this job." Put it out there. But the way it happened is funnier. Whatever happened to Do-Nothing? Gold Star?
Or how about a short conversation. It's been clear to many for awhile she cannot do the job. If girl won't quit, start the paperwork to terminate her. There's probably already a paper trail. But today's supervisors don't have the fortitude to do anything. Any supervisor who turns a blind eye is basically telling all other police officers that they do not care about their safety.
retraining ? how about their ass kicked to the curb.
somethings you can not teach, you either know or don't. you are either the police or your not. absolute insanity
Sounds like to me that the warrior mentality has been washed out of the department. No more confront, hold your position and take control and charge of the situation. It is deescalation. Let the bad guys have their way.
Years ago the criminals may not have respected the police, but they feared them. It may be nice to have the respect, but if not, fear can be a workable solution. Today the police have neither.
Come on, everyone repeat and play pretend, "she's a real asset to the team. We're lucky to have her."
While it isn’t safe, it’s also not safe to have a man be in the car because he is basically 99. Also, it saves the headache of harassment accusations since a lot of women on the job make soft accusations as in, they don’t make it official with BIa but they spread rumors of being hit on and made to feel uncomfortable, at least until they get their way into whatever spot they want.
Crazy how 90% of watch and tac secretaries are women.
Well maybe the durango is not aware of the general order
Watch out for those CAPS officers.
A CAPS Sgt. and his CAPS lackey officers showed up on my job trying to help. Everything was already taken care of. I told they I didn't them. The CAPS Sgt. called me an asshole and complained to the watch commander.
CAPS is full of mostly useless officers.
Who will the bosses have extra marital relations with then? Come on.
I remember a similar incident 20 or so years ago with a female trooper near Bloomington. On a traffic stop the driver got out of his car and started chasing her in circles around her squad! Backup arrived and bad guy cuffed. Female trooper went on to "lighter" duty assignments and retired as a Lt. Colonel.
"Hell of a price to pay for being stylish."
Callahan was right.
She came from county she had a sweet inside spot there somehow she thought because she was told she would get an equally sweet inside spot right out of the academy. She didn’t. So she got busy right away with guys who she thought were connected who could make a call for her hence the group me text where her talents were discussed. Hence the boyfriend hence the 007th district tune up.
Both should be fired
Its a catch 22, why lower the standards to recruit people who can't do the job? The position is better left vacant, and use that money saved to fill the pension gap. If anything, the standards should be raised.
They need firing.
10-1 in a lock up ? Who is this MORON
Please don’t fire her, she’s contributing to my monthly pension 😂😂😂
Put the video up please. Anybody?
I heard about it, then saw the video......threw up my beer....and took my blood pressure pills....Fire these twits
The girls' anthem: Mindy McCready - Guys Do It (all the time).
Wal-Mart's the latest business to recognize DEI's flaws and has thrown in the towel.
He was arrested dummy.
The difference in moral standards. Some people can be low life degenerate criminals and ride through the career while others are lambasted and railroaded by copa for doing their job. Crazy.
STFU, you misogynistic asshole. We women are just as capable as you males. This comment is so sexist it’s disgusting. I pray I work with you one day, I’ll kick your ass out of the car so fast you won’t know what hit you. Then the next day I’ll have you calling m
Sexist pig. You sound like a dude that others call Bitch. Did one of my female coworkers kick your ass or use you as a fuck toy then dump you. Yeah, we do that too. Bet you’re the most useless guy on the watch. Keep your eyes on the six, I’m coming for you, and remember, as you said I’m incompetent so anything can happen.
That’s BS. They get the same pay. Falls on the supervisors. Make them do the same job instead of giving them easy papers job. Both could be your bosses shortly the way it’s going
Maybe just launched
And they get their wish of being taken care of from the bosses down to the po’s
I had a friend, an officer in another city, get beaten so bad he was hospitalized, while his female partner stood and watched. You guys had a retired officer killed by a felon who was shot with the gun of a female deputy U.S. Marshal- he took her weapon and shot her partner and the court security officer, who shot and killed him. And we all saw the female USSS agents on Trumps detail when he was shot. USSS used to hire combat vets. But now they and others signed onto a pledge to have 30% females by 2030. Maybe Trump can kill this stupid plan.
When you hire “nation” hoes what do you think of expect
True story! Ten wun esquad!! Lmmfao
The video was embarrassing. They should be embarrassed. If your response to that situation was to flee, you shouldn't be the police. Time to rethink your profession.
YES!! that hood ornament of a Cop also called for help because the squad car got stuck in the mud while she was sleeping in the cemetery in 016, got a blanket CR because nobody would push them out,.
“He asked me to check what was going on because he heard fireworks,” Albert said, adding she heard a man yelling about pain in his leg being swarmed by police moments later.
“Maybe people should stay at home and watch TV instead of running with guns,” Albert said.
It’s not the baby daddy because the Durango did the same shit to surrounding districts as well. Same response by POs.
I often see you post on here. I don't know much about assman or the whole story but but why don't you man up and tell him something face to face instead of on here? Stop being a coward
Wtf she’s coming to 3rd watch?!
I LOL how much you guys hate one another but pretend to love one another when something happens to one of you... yet probably would hurt the other the same if their job affected. In the given atmosphere, most on the job would do the same in this position to avoid the aftermath of the public afterwards. Not to mention what chance do you have against a switch... you obviously didn't learn from what just happened. Yea they sound bad on the radio but who doesn't accordingly to all you monday morning QBs. How about post your names and unit so we all know who for future training
No one gives a fuck stop posting this
It has nothing to do with being sexist or misogynistic. It's the fucking truth. This department has hired way too many 4 foot tall women who are scared and incapable of doing the job. Let me guess, you voted for Kamala?
Vic Trolla Says:
It’s time for Adult Leadership to again take over the CPD and the City of Chicago City Hall.
This is going way back however do you Remember the Connected Outfit member from the Elmwood Park Crew that attacked the Female White CPD Officer with a metal pipe? She became a Boss.
Right you don’t know the whole story so why don’t you STFU
@post 11/29/2024 08:46:00 AM I sure hope to hell you're not on the job!!! You sound like a coward idiot. I'm sure you're one of tough "chicks" with a dude haircut who walks around all tough knowing damn well you ain't doing shit when confronted.
Did the officers not have a duty weapon ??
and they will get promoted
10-1 in a lock up it has legit happened the old
Assman is living rent free in that coward’s head.
MANY HAVE TOLD ASSMAN how much of a coward he is to his face. Thats why he bid to MIDNIGHTS.
So tired of the scared nonsense out here. You are the police, sometimes you actually have to act like it. No more hiding these cowards in sweet inside spots. These females are getting hired and can’t wait for that inside spot. Desk, SDSC, radio room, watch secretary, academy “teachers.” Come on. These females have to do their time on the streets. Enough is enough of this nonsense Fire them, they will end up getting coppers hurt out here. They gotta go.
LiL Denny ran away from his problems and went to midnights before he could even bid. Calling a 10-1 in lockup for a guy sitting in the floor is ultimate cowardice.
"First of all, watch the video then Monday morning quarterback in what you would do"
I watched the video, what are you smoking? They never turned their emergency equipment on and they called a 10-1 for no reason. At one point they ended up nose and nose at an intersection and instead of trying to make a stop they literally turned around and fled screaming. Total disgrace and they should find other employment.
Those females were federal agents, but not Secret Service.
Not on PODs at least
HAHAHAHA! Very True.
I believe the crooked judge also found him not guilty at trial.
Why don't you post yours
100% right. I did the same
They are a protected class dontcha know
Lets start with YOUR name Anonymous.
Be the change
These officers took a play out of now Lt. Jamie Dillon Falardo’s playbook.No one on this job will ever forget her cowardice.
Happened in 18. Around North/ Wells on midnights. Guy was coming from the old Exit punk nightclub and was fixing a flat tire. Officer pulled over and offered to help. He responded by severely beating her with the tire iron. He was some rhoided out dago and acquitted in court by a judge who was indicted in the Greylord corruption cases. His defense was "somebody put something in my drink". The outrage was ferocious especially after the Slum Times put her hospital pictures on the front page. Yes. The public actually liked and respected the police back then. I think she actually retired as a sergeant after many surgeries. A punk band actually wrote a song about it using the defense. Google it. What to learn from the incident? "The boat...never get out of the boat.."
They'd probably be OK in neighborhoods where people generally follow the law. -- keeping Christmas shoppers from crossing against red lights or writing parking tickets -- but you want real cops on the South and West sides.
Obviously no one can imagine running away from anyone, but the amount of hatred we have for each other is astounding, it’s always been this way and it always will.
@post 11/29/2024 08:46:00 AM I sure hope to hell you're not on the job!!! You sound like a coward idiot. I'm sure you're one of tough "chicks" with a dude haircut who walks around all tough knowing damn well you ain't doing shit when confronted.
Don’t forget the sleeve tattoo…..
And Judge Passarella was not retained next election after he acquitted the hood. He had a tough decision to make, be a fair judge, or become another victim of the mob.
Correct,cowards come in both sexes. Don’t pick on females,I’d work with most females over some of 5he males on CPD today.
I hope you are not allowed to write reports....God save us.
We only hate cowardly scumbag gang banging cops!
005 had a female who came from 004 that refused to chamber a round in her weapon for fear of hurting someone!
This is going way back however do you Remember the Connected Outfit member from the Elmwood Park Crew that attacked the Female White CPD Officer with a metal pipe? She became a Boss.
Sure do. Lt. Cathy Tuohy..worthless!
I seem to recall a sergeant in 014, with an Italian name was related to the outfit member. I would have loved to be in the room when she was the W/C talking down to the Sgt like he was a child! lol
Nice try diddy
Yeah, I worked with her in 015, she knew her stuff, see rode solo on midnights and was a worker, backed people up..didn't take shit from dude. Yeah, she took a bad beating and maybe got a bump....Ya got a problem with that?
They have relied too much on de-escalation now; it's a tool, of many we use, not THE tool. It's getting people hurt and killed. There are many situations that can't be de-escalated and shouldn't be. Officers take action and go home to your families.
Hey, retired now, but worked alongside some pretty hard-ass females in the ‘80’s and 90’s who had no trouble with a foot chase, car chase and scuffling with the assholes. Knew the paperwork, went to court, etc.
Fear is enough. Just a little of that would go a long way
De-escalation is the only way forward. It's a guiding principle.
This is what the department has resorted to. Officers are afraid to stand their ground.
We hate cowards (period)
Make them armed secretaries or file pushers like the other entitled lazy do nothings. They’ll get to do our hour worth of work, talk nasty to everyone and leave early.
Bosses were called in to retire, is she still dogging the medical?
Nation’s business.
If you can't rely on your fellow officer that's on them. You're out of line.
No different from house mice locking the district entrances to avoid walk ins.
And verbal judo...LOL
This is what the department and the public wants.
"Back Sir" didn't work?
A couple of females from 004 are known to not carry bullets nothing new.
Those CAPS officers are either fat asses or smart as a bag of rocks. I would love to see them hit the streets for one day.
Nobody here uses their name
Sorry, even Ronda Rousey whos 5'7" 135 pounds is going down hard when punched once by Conor McGregor 5'9 170 pounds. Both Your average heights and weights of women and men without the fighting skills but would have the same result.
Jobs dead
Her radio was used to destroy her face if I recall. 10-1 Touhy...
Was the escape monitored by a supervisor and was the escape terminated!??
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