Crimesha the Liar
As she prepares to exit office, she leaves the same way she entered - lying her ass off.
Here's the interview with Craig Dellimore on WBBM Newsradio and at the 5:30 mark of the interview, she claims - without evidence and without a grain of truth to it - that the blog posted she had two daughters along with her address.
THIS IS A LIE. It never happened.
We don't post addresses. Shortshanks never got that treatment. We think we may have posted a picture of Rahm's front porch once, but that was after his "wife" had a hissy fit when someone left some tomatoes from the garden on the porch. Groot's abode was attached to a RedFin realtor listing on the internet.
Anything like what she claims never saw the light of day here.
But when you're an incompetent lawyer, alleged husband beater, criminal coddler, who makes up law while washing root beer out of your clothes, it's par for the course.
Labels: scc responds
She is pure criminal SCUM.
Hopefully she will do penitentiary time one day.
Dear SCC,
I have not always agreed with your predictions, BUT WHEN YOU SAY YOU DID NOT DI SOMETHING, I BELIEVE YOU.
it's called being stand up.
I know nothing about you guys, but I'll bet my bottom dollar you guys are old school?
Love you Crimesha !! Want to take this opportunity to thank on you for the thousands of dollars in OT you allowed me to earn by re arresting the same shit bags over and over again. I locked em up and you made sure they were let out for me to re arrest. Especially shoplifters I’m so thankful no one took up the argument you made up ur own rules and denied charges based on written law. You will be missed oh… and I don’t care if you beat your husband. 😉
Heard Craig say that the Safe-T Act has been a success, according to most people, cemented my opinion of him. You're a shill Craig! A worthless propagandist. Go delete your "Carts" and duct tape your shredded office chair, tool......
I wouldn’t expect anything dignified out of her! All you’re going to get is trash talking lies. She’s going off and going to live her pathetic life and all we can do is go off and live our lives happily knowing we did our job the best we could considering all the road blocks put in front of us. The public at large is the victim by the Democrat organization.
you go girl....
lying sack to the bitter end... But I'd expect nothing less from one of Soro's bitches...
She’s a dog face pony soldier.
Kim Foxx. LOL! She's still around trying to remain relevant? Just Google an image of Chak-Ah from the 1970's TV show "Land of the Lost". Once you see it you can't unsee it.
Good riddance already!!! Nobody but criminals will miss that nutjob
Begone gap-toothed troll! You have single-handedly helped create whole new classifications of crime (robbing postal workers, looting drug stores, terrorizing CTA employees) that weren't here before you waddled into office. The urban terrorists that you protect so much have destroyed the city and are now spreading their chaos throughout the state. Great job!
Thank God her disastrous and incompetent reign of terror will soon be over.
The audience she's spewing her bullshit to doesn't care, and they certainly aren't going to be looking anything up.
Jussie still likes her.
I won't post the TOR address here, but everyone and their mother has already been hacked and its not hard to find out someone's contact info including address, phone number, etc. Im surprised your department and city hasn't stopped releasing officers names.
Flossmoor be ghetto just like her destroyed by the usual suspects
She’s gonna have to be angry with Google because a search there says she has two daughters. SCC did you scoop Google?
But remember as Jessie Smellsit says, “When they believe the lie? It becomes a truth!” And he should know? Jessie and FOXX think they are now martyrs like OJ Simpson, Bill Cosby and Pdiddy Combs…….
We are living in strange times?
Did you see her interview on ABC7? The entire reason for the Jessie Smollet investigation was to go after Kim FOXX. And she knew all along the special prosecutor’s case would fail! But FOXX takes no responsibility for giving him the sweetheart deal. Instead she further believes it was a political witch hunt against her progressive stance in court! And see how that’s working in Crook county and other progressive states?
No one and I mean no one has done more damage to this city, state and country than democrats.
She actually thinks that she had a good relationship with the rank and file and the problem was the blog and police union. Nobody in law enforcement likes you crimesha and I would like to extend a one finger salute to you as the door hits you in the ass on the way out.
She is a California celebrity wanna be.
As the worst prosecutor in America she will likely have a gaggle of lefties fawn all over her.
These progressive are total liars and completely incompetent. I have a theory on why this group pushes DEI hires and that’s so people like Kim Foxx and Brandon Johnson are not the dumbest people in the room.
A true legend in their own mind
A democrat office holder lying? Say it isn't so! It can't be true. Next you will be saying that most of them are thieves. Life is no longer worth living! I can't go on!
Ha-ha-ha! You're right. And someone still married her...
She’s doesn’t have gaps between her teeth, it’s the opposite - some of her teeth are on top of each other
I'd like to think that history will treat Kim Foxx as some sort of Batman villain come to life. And that forehead tho!
That is right on the money.
She is scum but what did anyone expect. Cabrini Kim just following the orders of the people who she grew up with. If you know you know.
Does anyone know who Burke is bringing in?
Do you think anyone will ever take the Cabrini Green GHETTO out of her??? Betcha once she leaves she wont do any more law since she sucks at it.
Why is it every time I see that name Neanderthal come to mind.
Craig Dellimore another career product of Chicago Press Corp.
A SCC supporter from CT thinks this about Rootbeermisha
SCC: Free advertising!!!!! And no factcheck or blow back from the moderator, which isn't the first time. Soros has money in Audacy-WBBM, so, there you go!
OT: Rod Blagojevich: Kamala’s Corruption, & the Real Cause of the Democrat Party’s Spiral Into Insanity
SCC look into this article it’s eye opening
I’m a Trooper with the State Police. Cook County Electronic Monitoring unit has helped me personally close 3 investigations all resulting in charges and convictions. That unit has been a HUGE help to our firearms teams as well. Would be a shame to see it shut down and given to the courts ???? Anytime you call them they are transparent with information, help with taking people into custody ect . Doesn’t seem right . Friends in various other agencies maybe even you guys to CPD all say they are helpful and help with criminal investigations. They keep this up IL will go RED SOME DAY
Nothing that comes out of her filthy lying mouth surprises anyone ! She is ghetto to the core Cabrini born, and PJ raised !
She's a fruit from the poisonous Prickwinkle tree, just like BJ.
MSNBC was ‘unaware’ Harris campaign gave $500K to Al Sharpton’s group ahead of friendly interview
Crimeha is full of shit and she knows it. She just can't stop thinking about you and couldn't keep you out of her mouth, which should flatter you btw. A quick google search hits on:
Plus, she figures she can say anything she wants because no one from the SCC will confront her publicly about her lies
Can we be done with the Geo. Sor@zz plot to destroy the country by installing Foxx and many others like her nationwide? He needs to be brought to justice in a court of law.
My poor neighbor was mugged by a democrat just the other day.
Didn't the root beer guy post the address? -Asking for 'a friend.'
crimesha is a racist dumb n a hater she gets her support from george soros
Crimesha and Prickwrinke and Prickwrinles son sharea brain. And brain is diseased infected. Oh Lord. Another root beer please.
rumorville has it tom dart running for mayor i cant stand him but considering who we have now it might be the only choice
She is very gummy! lol
So she loses her county car and her sheriff driver?
Criminalisha put the C in lying Witch.
She can’t get you out of her mind. Kind of how like yoyo misses you and your 8 inch limp.
That ol' girl has a lot of repressed hate and anger. Prolly resents having to wear a pork chop around her neck as a little girl...
Google the name Kim Foxx and what stories show up at the top? "Kim Foxx Leaves On Her Own Terms" (from The TRiiBE. I assume they're a tribe of idiots...who can't spell) and old Kim "Has Permanently Changed The Prosecutor's Office". Google and the media still kissing her fat @ss.
The gangs will miss her.
He'd be worse, he's dumber.
Does Dart even live within city limits though? Seems like he'd be a south/west suburbanite.
Kim Foxx is the universal Democrat poster child for corruption, incompetence, pro criminal supporter and mob rule. Even the lying media can't cover up the misery and distrust that she has cost the county. The media is a meaningless tool of the Democrats. Its only real value is ass wipe.
It’s like if you had to choose between nose hair or ear hair.
news flash from Kamesha central, Asgard is looking for a new hero.....if Odin was Magats.....what happened to his son
On her last day, maybe Root Beer Guy will send her a case of Barqs?
Time for a blog posting on Ronnie Reese. You want a WOW moment? He's it.
Get me an orange or a grape, and none of that stinkin root beer.
Bye Felicia
I saw an interview, I think it was recent, with the two Nigerian brothers that Juicey hired. They said one of his motivations, if not the main one, was to make it look like a “lynching” because there was an anti lynching bill being debated in congress, They said he repeatedly told them you have to have a noose. So he might have been trying to make himself a civil rights martyr. I remember reading when that whole trial was going on that his family was big in the civil rights movement back in the day. That might explain the Obama staffer sticking her nose in and trying to hook up with Crimesha.
He's just a kissass P.O.S.
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