We're Supporting This
That Denver insurrectionist mayor might have overstepped his bounds:
- ....Denver Mayor Mike Johnston has said he will go to jail before he
allows Homan to deport any illegals from his city. Yeah, that's pretty
damn stupid on multiple levels ...
Homan had this to say about the situation on Hannity, watch:
Tom Homan: me and the Denver mayor agree on one thing, he is willing to go to jail and I am willing to put him there. pic.twitter.com/RWB9r15tCv
In addition to this mope, we'd love to have the Border Czar come to town and see what Fata$$ and Conehead have to say about deportation efforts here.
- Conehead would be reduced to a quivering wreck in seconds, probably offering to wear a MAGA hat, give up his (alleged) mistress and his suburban home;
- Fata$$ would stage a hunger strike, which would last for a year.
If the new administration repurposes Gitmo, Illinoisans would be eternally grateful.
Labels: sarcasm AND silliness
Mayor BITCH would state the whole thing is "racist, racist, racist".
Fuck that BITCH.
Lock him up for federal crimes as well as not paying his parking tickets and water bills.
Can anyone say which suburb BJ's home is in?
Fatass hunger strike last a year.
No, SCC, that's not how it would go.
The new Feds under Trump would lock fatass in a room for 4 hours, then, when his tummy starts rumbling, enter the room with a 5 Guys burger and a sack of greasy fries and place it under his nose while he's bound and gagged and can't touch it. Within a very short time he would switch his party affiliation to Republican, sign a deportation order for EVERY illegal and cut the state budget by a third.
Yes, yes, I know this would violate every law against torture but it'd be extremely effective.
A big giant fuck you to the mayor, read the fucking country. Liberal bs is dead. Go fuck yourself or the us will use your city as an illegal housing city.
From yesterday’s Washington post.
“ Stephen K. Bannon, who served as a top White House adviser to Trump during his first administration, told The Post he believes Trump will be “remorseless” in rescinding federal funds — and possibly authorizing criminal prosecutions — of states and municipalities that do not follow the law and deportation efforts. “This sanctuary cities thing will be an early administration showdown, and I believe Trump will come down as hard as you can see,” Bannon said in an interview. “The sanctuary cities movement will be finished under President Trump — he’s not going to play any games here; this is too important to the country. You can’t play too smashmouth with this crowd; you have to do it early, and you have to do it hard.” Denver, Chicago and New York City could all be potential targets, Bannon said. Trump has lambasted Chicago in particular over the years as crime-ridden and corrupt and suggested that states and localities led by Democrats should get less federal assistance than those led by Republicans. “I think Chicago is going to be made an example of,” added one of the people familiar with the planning.”
I so hope they do something.
You know these Democrat Marxists will fight this by filing lawsuits and will fire up the Antifa branch for street protests and while using your tax dollars.
“ Pritzker and Johnson: Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee of Broken Illinois”
By John Kass
November 20, 2024
Check out : JohnKassNews.com
“ Maryland: Democrat Mayor Pledges Taxpayer Funds for Migrants to Fight Deportation”
Another left libtard. They are so twisted they must be infected with something!
Tom Homan needs to enact a ( 1-800 -get-them ) phone number or put a 1000 dollar bounty on their heads. Lets see how fast people start turning these illegals in. BJ would be one of the first in line for some bounty...
Homan is just a silly idiot who grew Trump balls when he got picked. He's not throwing anybody in jail. He doesn't even have an action plan for deporting anyone.
Would be nice to give the voters a chance to chime in on wether they support Pritzkers views on illegal immigrants in Illinois?
Don't think this fat head would have the balls to risk being embarrassed and! have his bullshit revealed.
Illinois Democrats do not represent the people and are the biggest cause of problems in Illinois.
Impeach him, indict him, recall him.
The illegals know where to go now. They'll concentrate there until the people, with kids, get tired of it and start to call ICE directly. Let's have this battle.
They are going to need a forklift to haul Porky Pritzker away.
The influx cometh....
Just curious, has it been factually established that Brandumb Conehead lives in the burbs? I would enjoy seeing him squirm if it's true and he's caught!
Take Johnson from Denver and Fatass from Illinois....put them in cuffs and perp walk them in front of the media for VIOLATING FEDERAL LAW....this nonsense will stop!!!!
I can hardly wait.
Fat Fredo can't go to jail. They don't have an orange jumpsuit large enough.
Pritzker just bought Griffin's high-rise palace for $19 million ($15 million price-cut to make deal). He'll be barricaded in his condo, fleet of doormen and building security to protect him, plus his taxpayer-provided army of security guys. Homan will have a harder time getting Pritzker arrested for violating federal laws.
It's about time federal immigration laws were actually enforced. Here we're paying our taxes, more taxes, and more taxes, sticker charges, surcharges, et al, and we hardly get anything back in return. We don't even have a decent library in Chicago.
Order me up a flat bed tow for Prickster
He done it before,
we shall see. talk is cheap
“Fata$$ would stage a hunger strike, which would last for a year.”
Sorry but Governor Creosote’s hunger strike would only last until the next time the Hot Light sign went on at the Krispy Kreme closest to the Governor’s Mansion.
I don't know. I actually think they want Trump to do this because it clears up their mess for them, while they can stand back and blame Trump for deporting these "poor migrants".
That is a great idea.
I didn't know Conehead read this blog. Welcome, Mr. Mayor.
Fata$$ hasn't seen his balls or micropenis in a very long time.
And reinforce the floors of any holding facility they put him in.
Conehead other baby momma lives in suburbs. Conehead stays there when Mrs. Conehead is out of town.
If cone head lives in Lombard like people keep saying it would not be kept a secret.
Can’t real estate records be searched.
Aren’t there ant detectives reading this blog that could figure it out ???
This most likely coming from a Biden/ Harris / socialist/ communist supporter … American hating douche.
Homan: Your terms are acceptable.
No to Gitmo. We the People shouldn't have to support them in or out of jail. Deport and lock the border with extreme prejudice.
During the mostly peaceful riots for St. George Floyd a few years ago the liberal Democrats that run Austin Texas decided to defund their police. Governor Abbot said the state would then keep the money if they weren't going to use it for police. Then Abbot passed a law stating property taxes or any other taxes could not be used to make up the lost revenue. Austin didn't defund the police, unfortunately due to the shit liberal Democrat politicians running the city the police department has self defunded. No one wants to work there...massive shortage of police. BTW....Austin was and always be a liberal, hippy COLLEGE TOWN which explains its fucked up politics.
Those 2 pussies would last all of 32 seconds in the lockup!
The left has to steal elections because the people are on to their scheme to bring down our country.
Wanna bet Cupcake?
Thanks Kamala! Happy Thanksgiving! Based on your video yesterday it looks like pantry drinking is back for the holidays!
Hey do what they did to Trump. Sue him for a couple billion and put him in court for the next few years.
Fuck around, and find out you fucking socialist Democratic mutt !
Gonna love To see them making an example out of this asshole ! This motherfucker is more concerned about illegal alien criminals than the American people ! The Trump Vance administration Need to clean house from top to bottom all these socialist Democratic politicians that try to stand in the way of deportation of all these illegal criminals need to be prosecuted and imprisoned for aiding abetting, and obstruction of Justice ! Lock these assholes up ! Democrat is the new orange ! Democrat
Gov. Lardass here...Please make that a large fries.
Vote democrat for more...
Same...he talks ...talks...talks...
...which leg.
If Mike Royko was around, he would find out
Someone is scared 😂
Let me guess. Got to be one of the shit west burbs, like Maywood or Bellwood
Works for me.
I heard Darien awhile ago.... Don't know if its accurate
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