Enforcement of Everything
We opened up our news browsers the other day and these three stories were right at the top:
- A girl has died after being hit by a car Monday evening in Schaumburg. Schaumburg police said officers were sent to the intersection of Algonquin and Thoreau Drive just after 5 p.m. for reports of a crash involving a pedestrian who turned out to be a child.
- A west suburban restaurant owner has died after he was struck by a teenage driver while crossing a road in Oswego last week Thursday.
- An 18-year-old girl was hit by a car and killed after running into the street late Monday night in the Ashburn neighborhood on the city’s Southwest Side, according to police.
It is happening all over the place, not just the city, almost like everyone forgot how to drive....or was never taught....or the distinct lack of enforcement of anything aside from red light cameras and/or speed cameras.
Here's an idea for Larritorious - how about a citywide traffic enforcement month or two, where everything across the board gets pulled over, inspected and cited - broken tail lights, burnt out headlights, cracked windshields, tints, rims, etc. Don't neglect the movers - no signals, improper turns, lane usage, roll stops, turns on red, etc. Make people nervous the way anyone gets when they see a Wisconsin State trooper in the rear view mirror. We remember some training in the closing days of our career about "police legitimacy" being built around traffic stops and the cited individuals respecting cops more if they were cited for what they did wrong. Well?
Give Chicago a traffic stop reputation. Zero tolerance in every neighborhood so no one whines about "racist traffic stops" and other BS. And if the ticketed person shows up in court with proof of everything being fixed, no fines for those occurrences.
Then the month after that, start on the bicyclists. Maybe even the pedestrians.
Labels: we got nothing
We have a traffic unit. That doesn’t write traffic tickets.
I do one mover a month to get the easy Zoom court pay for sitting at home and doing nothing. You should see the comedy show that shows up to court.
No one has their shit together even after weeks or months. The court system is still very lenient. For one guy, they told him “Ok, just don’t drive on the sidewalk again.” Lol. You never hear from the officer to testify against them, everything is dropped before it even gets to that.
I believe the problem is more than a lack of enforcement. It is also entitlement. We all see it often when people just walk in to the street without a care because they have the right of way. But when the approaching driver is distracted or doesn’t care, right of way doesn’t mean much. It’s why the previous generations were taught to look both ways and not to cross until it was clear. Also, fuck your idea of enforcement. This city isn’t getting shit from me until we’re supported and protected.
Traffic court in areas as opposed to downtown would be productive towards enforcement. Have never been a fan of traffic court downtown
Nuke it from space,it's the only way to be sure.......
fucking pedestrians are emboldened with those moronic slalom flag stop signs in the crosswalks... they believe they can step right out in front of a moving car and that person will be able to stop before hitting them...
don't even get me going on the vigilante bicyclists and their bullshit. They ought to be banned from streets over 30mph, forced to ride single file, and strictly obey all traffic laws...
now, about those dipshits on the scooters...
Off Topic but,
Here goes more of our taxes.
“ FOIA Finds Chicago Uses FEMA Funding for Democrat Donor Business to Feed Illegals
By Paul Drabik Nov. 28, 2024 9:30 am180 Comments GatewayPundit.com
You mean the Wisconsin state storm troopers
Why would anyone pull over to receive a citation when there are no repercussions for fleeing? CPD cannot chase cars. I took 2 days in 2019 for a pursuing a vehicle through residential streets. Haven’t conducted a traffic stop since then never again will.
Give Chicago a traffic stop reputation. Zero tolerance in every neighborhood so no one whines about "racist traffic stops" and other BS. And if the ticketed person shows up in court with proof of everything being fixed, no fines for those occurrences.
What?! And miss an episode of Steve or Maury revealing who's the daddy to my six kids. You gotta be cray cray...
While on patrol in my town, I received several calls of a car going well over 100 on a country road. I found the car but I never saw it speeding. None of the callers wanted to cooperate, so I wrote the teenage driver for what I could. While still on scene, the driver’s father pulled up and we had a pleasant conversation. He told me his son’s generation has fully embraced speed. They think it’s hilarious to push these cars to the limit until they get away with it, crash, or blow the engines up. There are thousands of videos on social media showing this. The father also told me his same son recently bragged that he got his 4-wheeler up to 72 mph, which if he crashed, would have turned him into a pile of hamburger. The father ended by saying that he and his wife cannot convince their son of his dangerous behavior and have accepted that one day they will receive the phone call that no parent wants
I can't believe how many people are jogging or walk in the street with their back to traffic!! What the hell is wrong with you. With all the distractions in a car like radio, gps, computer dash screens, phones, etc... you are literally risking your life not being able to see what's coming around you.
Great idea but look at many coppers especially jeeps and dodge pickups like in 010 parking lots deep tinted windows no city stickers etc.. when your imitation of the same criminals is your vehicle guess your a criminal punk also! What happened to coward bosses and inspectors? Look also into other police parking lots easy violations plus of course the plates registered outside the city. When you hire so called coppers breaking the law how can you even enforce the “broken windows,” theory of law?
Then a study would come out that more motorists in 003 were pulled over for a tail light out or tints with a cracked windshield than in 016 in which the police will be blamed for racizm.
Thank you for this. It's to the point I'm more worried about ass hat drivers hurting or killing me or a family member than anything else in the city. Ironically, the times around CPS dropoffs and pickups are the worst as I live on a shortcut to a school.
Streets and expressways filled with nothing but assholes that should not be driving . Road rage is an epidemic just ask the family of the man who was shot 9 times on 355 and 80 over an accident
And don’t forget to include the towing and/or impoundment of every vehicle which qualifies.
Nothing dissuades people from repeating bad behavior like the confiscation of their property - and in the case of their transportation - their freedom. And then being charged hella cheddar to get it back.
And finally, having property stolen out of your vehicle or said vehicle damaged at some point during the seizure process is also a good reminder to reconsider being a recidivist.
I thought the pedestrian had the right of way
I bet the house that where ever these incidents took place, the roads had these ridiculous bus and bike lanes and plastics poles everywhere. give the streets back to the cars already!!!
No No No !! traffic enforcement is racist against black people
That would be nice but I live on one of the largest beats in the city. We're lucky if we see our one beat car once a month.
No thanks. I like it like this. In early, out early. I don't go topside in the hoods though, have at it there.
Out of control driving is everywhere. Drive around and it’s like a NASCAR race. The interstate highways minimum speed it’s about 100 mph and if you’re not going that fast chances are you will get run over . Our daughter and grandkids live in Springfield and when we go there we usually see zero, none, nada state police on the interstates. Round trip, 400 miles and no police patrols ever seen. City driving is worse as every is racing to stop at the next light, stop signs are a suggestion and try and get a courteous driver to let you enter traffic, ain’t gonna happen. I agree that the hammer should be dropped but then again traffic enforcement leads to claims of racism, selective enforcement, driving while black, Sovereign Citizen BS etc. etc. etc. Do you have auto insurance? Probably the idiot drivers don’t.
I've noticed lately, stop signs are a suggestion, not a rule.
The government wants incompetent people driving! It's big money. License fees, registration fees, sales tax, city sticker & insurance (when they actually buy them), gas tax, etc.
Get rid of blue cards and start ticketing again.
Everyone walks into the street with their eyes on their phone.
It's often the undocumented illegal migrant-residents, who have neither driver license or car insurance, who often have had no driver ed classes nor much experience driving a car, who cause these crashes. Our small Wisconsin city newspapers (2!) publish the court docket, identifying defendant, criminal charge, ruling, and sentencing/fines. Vast majority of vehicle-related arrests have defendants with obvious Hispanic names. Significant majority of all arrested folks have obvious Hispanic last names or first names associated with urban gangbanger stereotype. Here, vehicular infractions are enforced, as you noted, and arrests made for domestic violence situations, bar fights, and unwillingness to obey law enforcement officer result in convictions, fines, and sometimes imprisonments.
If the pedestrian is in the "crosswalk" then yes, however, if a pedestrian is walking against traffic, "no crosswalk" then NO, the pedestrian must yield to vehicular traffic.
Thats why our insurance rates are going up...too many accidents.
I’ll bet my old district misses me now. I wrote everything and “EVERYONE” and you know what I mean by EVERYONE. I didn’t take this job to make friends. I have plenty of those.
The courts are a joke! Stop writing tickets and put these judges and city attorneys (law students) out of a job.
No enforcement = more stupidity. People dont care anymore, they know police dont stop anyone.
To survive make sure wife drives Chevy full size SUV with kids and you drive Jeep with reinforced front clip /bullet proof windshield and side windows. Always understand that your going to be raming during mad max situations.
Haha, I drive to dearborn and Jackson everyday, I come from Mt greenwood on the Dan Ryan...it never fails I get passed by you know who driving on the shoulder @ 100 mph, the only time you see a trooper out there if there's a accident. Pathetic.
What do the folks have to say about all this?
3.2% of homicides involve white people, (Hey Jackass). Traffic violations will probably have the same demographics. I can hear the call of racism already.
Another culprit in all of this is the monopoly the public schools have on driver education. This is an additional income stream from the same folks who give us the low literacy and math scores that make the CPS so traditional. The City is Lost. Stay safe.
So why are you against reducing speed to 25 in the city?
What 2211? Its probably alone as big as 007. I agree except for the guys &girls who live he
This is true. Had to go east to west to get the kids for turkey day. I watched the pedestrians, not a single person looked left and right, just the sign in front said walk. It's insane.
Exactly. Definitely go after them and the asshole bike riders.
And optional after 6 pm.
Not just that but many coppers living in mommy’s basement still as she gives him his star war Jammie’s and hot meatloaf! This new generation of coppers cannot even separate from mom’s apron so how can they be expected to do the job?
So you noticed how many tickets for violations have you wrote?
It’s on Zoom. You doi it on your phone
The judge tosses out all the tickets in court anyway.
No thanks, there's no future in traffic stops, that has firmly been established, it's nothing but a pitfall when it goes sideways, and at some point, it will go sideways..
Great idea, but do we do when they don’t stop? Because we can’t chase for traffic.
They do, right after they are loaded into the ambulance.
the tri state 294 is a fucking joke even the 18 wheelers are doing the fucking nascar
This explains much of why the world is like it is now.
2 Timothy 3: 1-4
You must understand this, that in the last days distressing times will come. For people will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, inhuman, implacable, slanderers, profligates, brutes, haters of good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of GOD, holding to the outward form of godliness but denying its power.
If the teen was under 18, I told the parent(s) in front of them, go to SOS and cancel his D.L., or don't sign the authority form to allow him to get one. Talk about some pucker on faces. After cellphones came along I also suggested shutting down all associated pitfalls of those devices as well. No more house phones or phone booths, let the little creeps learn to smoke signal.
025 won't approve long forms for traffic violations, the desk sgt will kick it and makes you cut them lose with the pre-trial release form.
If all the future planned interior monitoring of vehicles comes to fruition, gov't will send you a bill for every violation that is captured by the vehicle's recording device(s) and reported to Big Brother - that is if Big Insurance doesn't bankrupt you first when they get a copy of your driving habits. Then they'll have all the ammo to put speed limiters on all the vehicles. So much for HB 277 when you rack-up multi violations every day. Remember kids: Safe driving is no accident.
OT the sex offender sergeant from 011 has been released from federal prison after less than a year served and still getting a pension!
Ferguson Effect
We cannot chase and ever since the Traffic Unit had bid spots, the successful bidders brag that citations haven’t been written in years.
Amen to that
1631 only has a beat car part time. It's always downed on 1st watch.
Ever drive or walk in a Third World Shithole...oops I mean country? It's worth your life to step into the street even if it's just after you have the light in your favor. Guess who is driving around the "Sanctuary Cities" now? The car to car crashes there are so entertaining though. High end Mercedes turned into debris you could pick up with a shovel...
How many people are killed in Illinois by guns? Maybe 1000 for the whole state ? If you eliminate Cook county you maybe have 300 for the rest of the state? Yet MVA deaths are about the same for the entire state. Liberals like the soy cuck latte foam drinkers at Capitol fax say those deaths are "just accidents" and should not be talked about Then throw in the TSS and you see why its Mad Max out there.
It works in the bubs, and southern states go so far as to enforce stop lines, turning positions, etc. It makes for great PC and eventually they'll avoid the areas or start rolling clean
Good for him. They railroaded his ass originally before they dropped it to a misdemeanor. No felony conviction = no loss of pension. He was more of a real cop than you’ll ever be, Junior.
I mean there really is no point for traffic enforcement in this county with our court system and prosecutors. No Valid & Suspended aren’t even prosecuted and are immediately dropped. Everyone seems to get super duper supervision and upon completion, it comes off their record. Get any type of a decent traffic arrest with numerous tickets and everything gets dropped almost immediately. Hell, even for DUI, this county tries anything & everything to get rid of it and damn near find everyone not guilty unless you have blood or a blow. Even then they’ll instantly plea to help them out. Not too long ago a friend of mine was hit in his squad and the driver actually fled. We found the car ditched and guy ended up coming back to it and admitted to everything. Charged with Hit & Run. The prosecutor wanted to dismiss the charge cause the guy BROUGHT IN HIS INSURANCE. Guy hit a squad and fled…. You think he wouldn’t pull that on anyone else? But sure. Help him out. The County became laughably lax on prosecuting anything traffic and *this* is the result.
@11/29/2024 08:53:25 AM.
Yea that's gonna work, moron. How about you right the tickets and overwhelm the courts so they have to do their job. Might get out of a ticket but they aren't going to get out of that impound fee... and most in the ghettos are in violation of an impound able offense
Then quick AH! Go find another career.. maybe CFD. But I do agree about your observation on people just walking into the street without stopping or looking both ways first just because they have the right away. Several thousand pounds isn't going to juat stop on a dime... but this generation that didn't get their butts beat by their parents (or police) when they did something wrong, doesn't know what pain feels like and how it hurts to get hit
The problem is with Cook County Traffic Court!
All the law breakers are let off with a warning and no penalty!
Traffic court judges are as soft as fresh puppy shit!
Kids have been doing this since parents had cars. His biggest fear should be facing the loved ones of the people his kid kills.
Back in the 70's there was a street used as a shortcut.... assholes in jacked up cars, 440 engines... racing down the street. One day I guess Streets and San forgot to put one of the manhole covers back in... Problem solved.
Dad's driving home on the Edens one night after a snow storm... Snow completely filling the shoulders up to the top of the concrete median barrier.
Looks over to his left, purple pi mp mobile driving next to him but up atop the snow and the barrier...
Dad moved all the way to the right - got away from that nut
I can see it now.....A car fleeing from a traffic stop checkpoint .....NO
It's too late for that, SCC. Traffic enforcement in Chicago has been
on a declining slope for many, many years. Whatever exists of our
traffic unit now, you never see them on LSD. NEVER. And of course,
police pulled back even further from stopping cars during the pandemic,
and rest assured, the motoring public knows this very well.
I frequently am passed on the shoulder of the road on our major
expressways, usually by a Hemi Charger or Challenger, and those
drivers know they have nothing whatsoever to fear. I've seen people
run red lights right in front of squad cars that are stopped at lights,
and the officers pretend they don't notice. No one cares, so I'm
not surprised at all by the recent surge in pedestrians being run
over and killed on streets everywhere. Indifference on the part
of law enforcement, non-enforcement if a ticket is written in
a court appearance. Sign of the times.
I thought you lose your pension for a felony conviction, especially federally.
Nope. Nobody misses you asshole.
What a hand job
Dad was a very conscientious driver. Kudos for pulling over. You never want to get hit by a pimpmobile.
Did people forget to drive or do pedestrians just think the world revolves around them and stops for them. I never assume a car is going to stop if I’m crossing the street. And it’s not the child fault but adults who cross the street when a car is coming at them is stupid
What exactly is a hemi
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