What Gang are They From?
- Three men are charged with possessing cocaine and firearms, including
a machine gun, after running from a stolen car on the Northwest Side,
officials said. The driver of the Lexus got away, but not before someone fired shots at Chicago cops.
Around 2 a.m. last Wednesday, CPD officers were searching the Irving Park neighborhood for a car that may have been involved in a previous incident involving a man with a gun, according to a police statement. As cops approached the parked Lexus in the 4600 block of North Knox, at least four people bolted from the vehicle, police said. An officer detained one man at the scene while another cop chased the remaining suspects. That’s when someone fired shots, forcing the officers to take cover, according to CPD. No injuries were reported. Police found two shell casings in the area.
Back at the Lexus, which was outfitted with stolen license plates, police allegedly recovered four firearms: a handgun on the center console was equipped with an extended magazine and an automatic fire switch, allowing it to generate machine gun fire; a 5.56 rifle and two more handguns were found in the back seat area, according to court filings. Officers also found a “large amount” of suspected crack cocaine individually packaged inside the car, officials said.
All with other pending cases and/or convictions.
Labels: crime
They didn’t mention where these young lads are from.
Not foreign. Latin Eagles from 025
Yes, but did they get a SEARCH WARRANT before entering the vehicle to recover the evidence...? ? ?
As soon as you see the names you'll know.
There's more coming for your generous sanctuary policies.
Looks like 3 red blooded American boys. Welcome to America. I am 62. My SE side neighborhood has turned into a shithole in my lifetime. I did everything right. Only missed 3 months work total in a 30 year CFD career (yeah I know...lay up king). Worked all my life. Married/divorced. 2 kids. College. cut my grass. hosed out my garbage cans when needed. Shoveled my snow and the neighbors when needed. Kids played T-ball. Bought raffle tickets whenever presented to me. Voted in every election (Red pilled with the coming of Trump).
All the time I was doing that living my life doing the right things bought and paid for politicians destroyed our country as we slept and worked and shopped and played. Right in front of our eyes. Now, Trump or not, it's too late to turn this ship around. My poor kids...
finally, those Amish kids are causing mischief in places other than the ghetto
Probably Stones. They’re all assholes.
Crimeisha will make sure they'll be out for thanksgiving
Were they the GayLords?
Yeah, except I didn't need a red pill. I get it, my old man hated democrats but voted with the ward each time. Even pulled the lever for republican once to keep the city out of Washington's hand. But me, nope, I left early. The Dem only system however is how you got here, there's no one to blame but yourself.
Cops not being fetal. How refreshing.
What you write here is absolutely how I feel.
Can we still deport them once they complete whatever meager sentence they receive in Cook County Court?
Diversity makes us stronger. Right?
Hopefully after a nice peace circle sets them straight.
That’s what it feels like. As if the best of the USA is long gone and it is all down hill from here. Even with the good election results I think it is just a bandaid on a shotgun wound, and it only delayed the inevitable.
"These guys look foreign" - are you kidding me? They look like 33% of Chicago's native-born population, and about a quarter of the kids with whom I went to school growing up.
Doesn't mean they're not asshole though, especially with the haircuts on center & right.
Crime within several miles of the lake front? My money's on Barbary Red's gang.
Out into the great wide open to carry on with the usual nonsense
Those punks from park ridge? Again
With the influx of migrants like this, Im willing to bet that Chicago is al least twice as dangerous as it was just several years ago. Thanks to the progressive liberal agenda...
No more gang database = no more gangs
Shame on those coppers for chasing on foot. OK, listen up. STOP CHASING YOU DUMMIES!
Great post. Lmao
I don't think that is the typical type of Irish American Heritage Center "craic"?
Good question. That dispatcher sure wants to know!!!
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