Holiday Party Warning
After last year, we're surprised that the Department didn't cancel holiday parties across the board:
- The City of Chicago has been named as a defendant in a wrongful death lawsuit stemming from last December when an off-duty police officer, accused of driving drunk, fatally struck a pedestrian.
The lawsuit alleged that Officer [go read it at the link], 40, became intoxicated at a city-approved holiday party in River North, honoring retiring police officers, before driving and causing the fatal crash.
According to the amended complaint, a Chicago Police Department employee designated the event at Tree House, a popular bar in River North, as an official city-approved function. The lawsuit claimed [...] was overserved alcohol at the party despite being visibly intoxicated, a violation of CPD policy, which prohibits officers from consuming excessive alcohol. It further alleged the city was liable as [...] acted within the scope of her employment during the event.
If they're going to claim that the "scope of her employment" involves that she allegedly took part in planning the event, then there are a boatload of career house mouses who should be walking on eggshells, knowing who acts how at these events.
Drunk driving and overserving are just two of a litany of offenses that they could be tagged with.
Don't be that guy or gal.
Labels: dumb ideas
Hey SCC,
Please tell me you’ve seen the video, along with heard the radio transmission of beat 712, two females on midnights last night. They got CHASED by a black Dodge on the air called a 10-1 saying “please help.” They fled from said Durango lights and sirens. How is that not cowardice?! Here’s the kicker, one of the female POs in that car, she was the same one who got beat up by her off duty baby daddy in the 007th district lot..and denied signing complaints. Someone get these two females off the street before they hurt themselves or another PO.
When i was young, I was stupid.
Hit a couple of joints on the way home.
Now, 1 place have 3 go home.
Dear young folks, I hope you learn like I did, and grow old.
God bless, when you grow old, tell the kids about us old timers.
I heard about the guys from the 70's, bless them.
Good luck, God bless
This is what our Watch parties looked like.
A blast from the past:
Yep. The “pressure to buy” a ticket so you stay in good graces is a myth. Young kids on this job, you do NOT have to buy a Xmas party ticket in order to keep your spot. If your bosses are that big of losers to think this job and culture is still legit, they need serious mental help. I went to one or two Xmas party’s in the old days. I then grew up and realized there’s a million things I’d rather do than spend my precious time with cops at a drunken, whored out, ass kissing fest. Sure enough every year without fail, I wisely avoid some dumb ass drama.
Guess where 018 is having their party?
Those are going to be some brutal seven hour depositions for the 018th district ticket committee. Good luck!
The officer was probably over-served at the Treehouse, as were her Commander, Captain and assorted Lieutenants and Sergeants. Talk about leading from the front. The highest ranking officer on the crash scene was the lone sergeant working in the district. Commander was too over-served to show up to the scene that night. Not showing may have saved him from a second embarrassing demotion.
When you join CPD, you literally give up your life! You literally become a monk! No wonder the department’s suicide rate keeps going up!
Not sure why the city allows the department to promote these overpriced open-bar events. What’s worse is bosses strong arming all the management folks and office staff to buy a ticket. Seems like an accident waiting to happen… Then again, maybe they are playing 4D chess: Maybe they allow this to benefit the trial lawyers who will inevitably sue the city in front of cook county judges and then return the money to the politicians and judges in the form of campaign donations… who will then appoint new exempts that will strong arm officers into buying more tickets.
Barz didn’t even have the decency to show up to the scene that night. He’s the Commander, it’s his district, his party which he had all the supervisors strong arm their personnel to buy tickets, and his officer that is under his command who was involved in this unfortunate accident. Everyone knows why he didn’t show up but nothing that can’t be verified by cameras that were retrieved and GPS…
Ah, no wonder the Commander is retiring, everyone thought it was because of his failed leadership - now we know the real reason.
I never understood why FOP puts up all the flyers and parties on the website. How easy would it be for the media to sneak in and video tape people getting into their cars?
Good luck to Barz and the department trying to cover this one up.
If you look closely on the complaint below they added the actual 018th District flyer that was up on the bulletin board which clearly shows a stamp by Unit 441 that says approved on October 27th post on unit bulletin board as all the other ones say this too.
Why is no one talking about the female DEI hires in 007 on 1st watch? A marked squad car chases a black Durango that is chasing a marked squad car with female coppers screaming on the radio. It is captured on several bookmarked pod cameras. The audio is also floating around. Cpd is doomed.
not to mention she was a recipient of a bogus covid ppp loan
I was hopeful they’d cancel all holiday parties but here we are. Maybe after a few more incidents
If these are sanctioned can I drop an OT slip for going?
If they're going to claim that the "scope of her employment" involves that she allegedly took part in planning the event, then there are a boatload of career house mouses who should be walking on eggshells, knowing who acts how at these events.
Many a career have launched from these "Diddy" like parties...
And district commanders and tact lieutenants still make officers buy tickets to these district Christmas parties. {snicker} Why? None of the retirees show up anymore. This department is so ghetto it's only a matter of time before some coppers get into an argument and shoot each other or try to run each other over in the parking lot. I hope the parking valets at these event venues will be wearing body armor.
About 30 years ago a company was sued because an employee got into an accident on the way home, despite the fact he stopped off at a bar and had more alcohol on the way home. The alcohol at the party contributed to the total content. Go after the money, and the city has it evidenced by the fact they have all that money for ghetto lottery payments.
Can't we say we're ...Sam....I am a elected official....and wait till a high priced scum lawyer drops in...mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Please please call an Uber. Not worth paying $15000 for a lawyer and certainly not worth injuring or killing someone
Walk uber Lyft designated driver cheaper and safer alternatives
Commander of 018 never showed up to this incident. Shots fired by his officers two months ago and he never showed up then either.
Another great tradition in danger. We had some great ones back in the day.
The 70's were a different time both on and off the job. Thank God I survived the "key club" in 014.
Booze, Broads, Bullets, the Bermuda triangle for police officers.
There was great pressure to buy a Christmas party ticket on tact/gang, I bought one and went to 1 party in my career. Of course my clouted up LTs always held it against me.
Absolutely not. They don’t deserve to be off the streets. Her partner should demand to be removed and little honey should work alone. If that means she goes to 2nd so be it, but absent make her work the streets. There are officer more worthy that could be better served by taking them off the street. Like the guy who’s retiring who had heart incident. Why not take guys off the street a year before they pull the plug. I’d support that over some cop, guy or gal with less time on the job than I have on lunches.
These must be the CHANGE the Dept was looking for.
Exactly, tell these bosses to shove their tickets up their asses.
I spend my money on much better things. Fuck these hypocrits at the parties.
This is fucking wild if true.
Those are weak minded individuals who shouldn’t have been tge police in the first place.
These parties aren’t meant for you to get drunk. It’s to give a send off for the old guys who came before you. I’ve attended every party for the guys and girls I worked alongside, fought alongside and yes argued with. The high costs is to cover the retirees and their families. I’m glad I worked when cops still cared about each other. I understand today’s cop are self centered, entitled with very little people skills. If it’s too much for you stay home. I’m sure you won’t be missed at all.
How would the plaintiff prove any of those allegations?
The holiday parties are loosely veiled romps. There are always 2-3 afterparty locations where divorces are started.
Really, everyone is now going to blame people for actually throwing a party and hanging a flyer? Seriously? How about everyone being responsible for themselves? How is this different is the individual went out after work to the same bar? Nonsense.
Was one of them GO??
Just keep them in the ghetto.
Some of the biggest pin cushions in cpd have gotten their start at Christmas parties . KM formerly of 003 and now narcotics, for example.
Never been to a district X-Mas party in my whole (29) year career. Saw no point in dealing with ass sucking drunks.
Gotta love it. They'll be career house mice after that.
We did. But why are cops too cheap to Uber to parties?
No one can make you buy a ticket
No you don’t You work around it. On Thanksgiving on days no problem, 4-12 have dinner before and when on midnights you can have dinner with the family at anytime. Cuts down on the drinking, but it can be done. Who knows next year you might be able to bid to different watch
Same place?
Truelly a myth. If the bosses like you or you are heavy, nothing will change if you don’t buy a ticket, if they don’t like you, buying a ticket isn’t going to change anything either
If you buy one to keep your management spot or inside job that’s on you.
Barz is a self serving piece of excrement that would throw his own mother under the bus just to get ahead or take the focus off of him. Karma will catch up to him one day.
Not likely. It’s been going on for decades.
Same bat time and same bat channel! Boy Barz is one Stupid M/F.
Make it easy for the media why don’t you?
They will be amending their complaint now that they know who sponsored it Mikey. Do you think anybody is going to lie for you? That entire ticket committee will throw you under the same bus you’ve thrown others.
The tac team in 018 was bullied into buying them. Fuck this place already.
100% true, The city, county, and state politics at its finest. It is all a racket and we the peasants are caught dead smack in the middle. We the suckers.
uber there and back and drink as much as you want. not complicated.
I would watch the way you talk about them… they’ll be Commanders soon enough.
Barz is the king of never being around and talking shit behind everybody’s back. The poorest excuse for an exempt on this department. Waller what is wrong with you covering for this loser?
So who's Roscoe Rules and who's What-do-mean Dean?
There was a suspicious package / bomb threat in 018 on third watch two days ago at 3 pm. Our fearless leader Barz went to his car and drove home.
2005!, damn that is ancient history now.
Those same old guys and girls who voted to yank duty availability from the guys and girls who came after them? The extra few grand they had made at our expense can be used to fund these show boat send off parties.
It wasn’t real, right. Nothing happened. So he called it right. Right.
I went to the 15th district Xmas party in 1996. The feds were a bunch of party poopers as they grabbed 7 officers and would not let them attend. A lot of empty tables. Talk about a depressing party. The district commander for some reason was also a no show. Why would be a blog topic in itself.
Ask Kilvinsky.
Typical Pussy Rat IAD bastard.
You’re absolutely right. The “old days” on this job have been gone since about 2014. Christmas party’s have been a source of trouble since the beginning of timr
Barz buried shit for a lot of people while in IAD. This is being looked at by a certain federal 3 letter agency. Stay tune!
Forgot four B’s. Big Bad Bastard Barz
He’s a big fucking weasel. Who’s a narcissistic POS.
You absolutely gave up your own life. You signed up for it. Get used to it or go get another job. People are leaving this job left and right for different and better jobs. Mon-Fri, no nights no weekends, no holidays, no days off canceled, no 7 different layers of oversight looking to destroy your entire existence.
The bosses all know it but for some odd reason he manages to hang on. I wonder why Freddy?
Depositions, honest testimony at trial, cameras, gps, cell phone records, text messages, emails, cell phone tower signals, etc…
Cheapest is to tell Barz to stick the ticket up his ass and not go!
So? So are several current and former high ranking exempts which nothing will happen to. They’ve gone after city, county, state and even federal local employees but not CPD - yet. I’m hearing something massive is
Forthcoming for those that scammed the system.
Fuck off Barz, you can keep your foot post and tac spots.
He should be stripped pending the outcome of the investigation like they do to blue shirts for nonsense. No one sees this huh? This dept is a joke.
Truelly a myth. If the bosses like you or you are heavy, nothing will change.
Not in 018. Barz is a vindictive M/F who will dump or fuck with you if you don’t play the game and buy one.
Say it ain’t so? Wow, Barz is a douche.
And no one including Snelling or any other exempt questioned that a Sgt. was the only one there? This is explains a lot now. I remember hearing how the blood that was drawn was fucked up and brought back to Homan Square and left on a desk for hours.
They weren’t over served! They were smashed. Call it what it was. A
Coverup. This is why the public doesn’t trust us.
Ain’t worth it working tac anymore. Screw that.
Wait till you see the shit that’s brewing in Tac and has been for months.
Shits about to get real!
When the fuck is he out of here? The Captain and Stacy Lt. need to go as well.
But yet they want to cut mental health services out for officers but the promote and push an alcohol infused party. Not everyone drinks!
Barz always manages to go unscathed. He ain’t worried about shit!
he is thee biggest coward on the job today
I saw the pod footage. No joke they ran their asses off.
I remember being warned about the three B’s in the academy 30 years ago. The booze and the broads almost got me, but I made it to retirement unscathed.
I retired from another city dept 20 years ago. They stopped all our dept parties and picnics back in the 90s because of shit like this. Booze went out and was replaced by golf. Was fun while it lasted. Surprised cpd is still doing this
stop being such a pussy. You think they are supposed to respond to every thing that happens in the district? sgt lt, capt, not good enough for you? Worked at 4 departments in 35 years total. Never met more officers that needed their hand held more than CPD. Not to mention the constant complaining. Thank god you don't work in a suburb, its your job start to finish and sometimes little or no assist.
I feel bad for the Barz family. Treats them the same way he treats his officers. Only acts like he cares when it benefits him and treats them like crap when no one’s looking. -resident of Edison Park/ supporter of the police
Still unemployed because the Whale flipped to keep his pension
Please do tell, I’d love to hear.
They dumped a street deputy and caused him
to retire.
I could always hold my liquor, or at least I thought I could. Never got jammed up, never had to call in a favor, got away with it all. Today, if it's not a reasonable Uber ride home, I just don't go. I do miss the old days though.
Couldn’t cut in the hood on CPD huh? 4 departments? Couldn’t hold down a job a longer than 8.5-9 years huh? It’s a strategic move by the officers dumbass. It’s called transferring the liability to the white shirt so when shit hits the fan they are responsible ultimately because they’re the merit or real Sgt. Now shut the fuck up and go back to getting the cat out of the tree in whatever sleepy suburb you work for dickhead.
Barz is a racist, self serving, manipulative, exploitative, calculating, narcissistic and pragmatic user. He puts on a facade and only shows concern or interest when he can gain something personally from the situation. The mere fact that there are so many negative comments about him here from department members, neighbors, and his own family is a testament to the type of cruel, evil and wicked person he is. Barz is a sociopath and a pathological liar who is a control freak and who thrives off of other’s misfortune and lacks any moral compass and remorse. Anyone who has been near him can attest to the negative vibe and energy that his body emits. His own wife’s family can not stand him and have told her to be careful. Stay away from this man as he is a demonistic malevolent individual who knows no boundaries and truly lives multiple lives.
Trust me, from someone in the direct know!
Um did 25 years . Never heard so much little girl complaining nonsense while there. You should look for a security job if you cant handle the big bad city
Transferring liability? What the fuck are you talking about? Never heard that before. Bosses get in trouble? hahaha
Yeah, they dumped him because he never showed up either. GPS showed his car in front of his house.
Wow, spoken like a true pussy, push it off on the Sgt for liability purposes. You an adult and a cop( supposedly), make a fucking decision. What a coward.
Exactly. Nobody tells you to get shit faced, you go to have dinner and wish the retirees well, if you can’t handle your liquor don’t drink, or take an Uber. Have some fucking responsibility for yourself and stop blaming the Commander and other bosses. It wasn’t the Commanders job to respond to that accident, it was the street deputy, and he blew it off because he was afraid to do his job, and was rightfully dumped as the coward he was. Parties shouldn’t be cancelled because some cops can’t control themselves.
This post is absolutely right on the money?
The old drunk watch Secretary on 1st watch in 022 keeps pestering me to buy a ticket. I'd rather go to my husband's district party at least I can spend my money and annoying 4 hours at these horrible parties next to him.
No it isn't, it's cops who can't take personal responsibility for their own actions and control their liquor intake, period.
Barz buried shit for a lot of people while in IAD. This is being looked at by a certain federal 3 letter agency. Stay tune!
He and a few others DEI exempts. He should be embarrassed to wear a gold star.
Barz cleared the DEI’s from the Lie-tendant’s scandal.
Same brother same!
Return the parties to the 025 Dist. parking lot. What a gaggle of morons that district tolerates.
Say no. Your on the 1st watch.
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