$300 Rule Back in Effect
Years ago, Crimesha unilaterally decided she would decline to prosecute shoplifting charges unless the total monetary loss was in excess of $1,000. This was in direct contradiction of the law passed in Springfield that set the felony charge at anything over $300.
Illinois legislators, being gutless cowards who couldn't confront a fellow democrat, even if she was a totally incompetent lawyer violating the standards in place, stood by and watched as shoplifting and assorted retail crimes skyrocketed, making not only Chicago, but many suburban mall-scapes suddenly "business unfriendly" and shrinking the tax base by hundreds of millions of dollars in lost revenue and lost tourism.
O'Neill-Burke is (allegedly) changing that starting immediately:
- At the same time, published reports indicated O'Neill Burke had
also moved immediately to rescind policies established under former Cook
County State's Attorney Kim Foxx to essentially decriminalize most
cases of shoplifting in Chicago and elsewhere in the county.
According to reports, O'Neill Burke would move to prosecute as felonies all cases of shoplifting involving the theft of at least $300 in merchandise or if committed by someone with a prior conviction. Those prosecution standards would comply with state law, as written.
Previously, Foxx had directed her team of prosecutors to not charge shoplifters with felonies unless the accused thieves stole at least $1,000 worth of merchandise.
Again, this was illegal - Crimesha had ZERO authority to create law. We said at the time (and still say today) that she should be disbarred for this. Because crap like what she was doing led directly to shit like this:
- A serial shoplifter accused of stealing merchandise 12 times after
being released from jail when Illinois eliminated cash bail last year
has been given a nine-year prison sentence.
Charged in August 2023 with felony shoplifting while on bail for another felony shoplifting case, 44-year-old James Tolbert sat in the Cook County jail, unable to afford the $1,600 bail deposit he needed to get released on an ankle monitor.
Barely three weeks later, Illinois eliminated the cash bail system. Tolbert’s attorney filed a motion asking Judge Kenneth Wadas to remove the cash bail requirement. Wadas agreed, and Tolbert went home with an order to stay in the house from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m.
After that, officials claimed, Tolbert shoplifted or robbed Sunglass Hut and Ulta Beauty locations in the Loop and on the Magnificent Mile a dozen times.
"a dozen times" that they can pin on him. The actual number is closer to three dozen we've been told.
There's plenty of blame to go around - all at the feet of democrats, who love criminals more than they like or tolerate citizens and successful businesses. But Crimesha, more than anyone, deserves every bit of contempt we all can muster toward her arrogant bullshit.
Labels: county
WOW! I guess they closed a enough business. A lot of stores moved away because of theft.
Foxx should have been sued by the Trump team during his first term to make an example of Leftest BASTARDS like her and George Soros.
Rahms back though. The tiny dance club is reopened. Like him some Asian boys good luck detail cops
ARDC complaints should be filed. Thousands of them.
Soon as someone screams....racissssstttttt...things go back to ..."normal"....
ghetto kim was a criminal's best friend
Don't get too excited folks, the politicians in Springfield will raise the felony threshold to $1000 before EOB can do any real damage.
I have a few root beers waiting for the right time
She is, was, and always will be from Cabrini Green. Enough said.
And were #3 in package stuffs another word conehead look over here you must be so proud of your city! With all the people even the people that look like you that want you gone how about you resign you’re nothing but a worthless clown to put it nicely a public school teacher and indoctrination center employee at the public school! The woke crap is rapidly dying thankfully so maybe you need to go to
That would be a step in the right direction.
Let’s face it, you take the Soros money, you gotta suck his dick.
That cash aint for free
That POS Kwammie the commie won't and wouldn't shit unless it makes the police's job harder. Fuck him too.
So glad I’m out of Crook County. Too much bullshit
She violated her oath of office, she routinely ignored her obligation of being a prosecutor, she selectively ignored the law.
All under the view of every elected Democrat who allowed her to abuse and ignore the law.
All under the protection of the Democrat gods who turned away and ignored and approved the carnage suffered at the hands of Foxx.
Every single Democrat holding office in Cook County should be fired and made to work victim advocacy, juvenile detention to see first hand the calamity that their cowardice and greed have caused.
Cowards and whores known as Democrats
Ken Wadas used to be a law and order judge
Walmart, Target, Walgreens, Subway, etc... were all over the place. Why? So they can keep competition out and kill off the little amount of competition they did have.
Now they accomplished their goal and they closed up numerous stores. Of course they need an excuse. They are not going to tell the truth. So they say it was shoplifting or the government policy.
Eileen O'Neill Burke is no friend of the police. She wants to criminally prosecute us if we use just a little bit of "excessive force".
" Excessive force " is very subjective.
Name 1 place, anywhere, that has gotten better when Progressives/Democrats got in charge.
Previously, Foxx had directed her team of prosecutors to not charge shoplifters with felonies unless the accused thieves stole at least $1,000 worth of merchandise.
Ghetto reparations
Timmy Evans judges will still release them!
I hope the new States Attorney prosecuted SUSPENDED drivers licenses now. Hundreds of driving while Driving While License Suspended cases get Nolle prosequi everyday. Thousands per week.
In addition, maybe the city would get some revenue i they actually charged people for the minor traffic offenses. Every ticket is a $0.00 fine and $244 court cost fee. Absolutely nuts.
Hopefully, that dark past is behind us and better times lie ahead.
Let me explain.Preckwinkle will direct Evan’s to direct his fake Judges to not grant the detainer requests. You see, Preckwinkle and Dart have closed half the jail down. There is no where to hold these criminals. This was Preckwinkles plan all along. Nothing will change in Crook County until the evil witch is voted out!!
Sue her for what? Why would Trump have standing to sue her in what jurisdiction? Otherwise it's great comment but please enlighten us with how this would work....
She got out of Cabrini but Cabrini never got out of her
The purge is slowly beginning of ex CPD members who worked for Foxx.
Judges won't enforce it. Don't matter. Felony approval denied.
What !!!!! prosecute criminals according to the Illinois law???? dat be racist!
Nice comment (sarc). Speaking from experience?
It was said that Kim was heard proclaiming after she was doused with pop, “give me a grape and an orange, and none of that stinkin rootbeer.”
Now that ain't workin' that's the way you do it
You play the guitar on the MTV
Shoplifting's OK but root beer throwing gets the death penalty.
Don't forget who's running the show in Crook County. Toni Preckwinkle
Hey ahh Liberal DemocRats. Quit fucking things up If I were still on the job I wouldnt do a fucking thing. Fuck their numbers index bullshit
I know the answer! I know the answer! The place that gotten better is.........oh wait. I got nothin!
Burger and 2 rootbeers please. One for me and one for Crimesha.
Yes. Even though I voted for Trump I remember his first term. I’ve said it here before: when you have a democrat governor, legislature, county president, county board, and mayor, Trump is not going to be able to do what you think here. Hopefully he has better plans now, and can find some ways to go after them for obstruction of justice for federal enforcement, but don’t get your hopes up too much.
That federal/state dynamic screws us here but if we were in Florida during Joey Shit Pant’s term we’d appreciate that dynamic.
Timmy Evans is changing his tune now he said he is keeping his eye on just one judge and that’s Nowinski. But I’m sure Nowinski is going to say that it was Evans who said let all the criminals go. There are too many black and brown men in jail.
Majority of Walgreens haven't been signing complaints for quite some time now. 1 time a store manager told me "we'll just call 311 for the report for insurance purposes." I respectfully asked her then why did you call? She said the employee who called was on their first day, observed said 'bird walk out with 2 12 packs, and did not know they shouldn't call 911.
Will Kim Wards big ass be replaced?
She carried about as much water as humanly possible for Foxxxx, and was in direct opposition to the pursuit of true justice in the courts.
She was consistently more of a roadblock than an ally, and marched solely to Foxxxx’s drum.
Maybe now that we have a new CCSA we can get a fair head of Felony Review who understands the job description.
What about Kim Ward? Is she still going with the Root Beet felony upgrade?
Didn't Fran Hurley and Bill Cunningham vote yes for the safe act? Asking for a friend.
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