Tuesday, December 03, 2024

O'Neill-Burke's First Day

Time for a crack-down!

  • Cook County State’s Attorney Eileen O’Neill Burke vowed Monday to crack down on gun criminals as she takes the reins as the top law enforcement official in a county she says is “being overshadowed by crime.”

    “We have unparalleled opportunities here. We have world-class universities, we have infrastructure. We even have a fresh water supply,” O’Neill Burke said after a ceremonial swearing-in as the county’s top prosecutor before hundreds of supporters at the Ivy Room in River North.

    “We are primed to boom, but we are being overshadowed by crime right now,” she said. “While our crime rates are beginning to come down, the progress is not sufficient, particularly when it comes to gun violence.”

Fresh water supply? Okay.....roll with it we guess. We had no idea the food deserts and such were actual deserts. Maybe we can truck water in?

How about a little "truth in sentencing" and following the guidelines set forth by the Legislature? That alone would reduce crime by double digits. 

Or how about this - instead of fighting the incoming Administration, how about referring a few of these gun crimes to Federal prosecutors and start sentencing these assholes to fifteen years out-of-state? Crime would drop by a third (33%) the first year as evidenced in Operation Exile.

Meanwhile, on the south side, the struggle to hit 600 continues:

  • At least two people were killed and four others wounded in a shooting Monday afternoon in Chicago Lawn on the Southwest Side.

    Emergency crews responded to a call of multiple people shot just after 2 p.m. near 59th Street and St. Louis Avenue, Chicago fire officials said.

    Two people were pronounced dead at the scene, according to fire officials.

That's some dedication right there to make O'Neill-Burke work hard on her first day.

UPDATE: up to three dead now, five wounded

UPDATE: Venezuelans? Various reports are saying a house full of illegals. If only Conehead, Fata$$ and other democrats cooperated with federal authorities in rounding up illegals.....

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Today was the first day for the new Clerk of th Circuit Court of Cook County.

Apparently the office was caught by surprise, no court orders could be issued until they got the new stamp, with the name of the new Clerk's.

Kinda reminds me of CPD.

12/03/2024 12:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Illegal migrants having a house party on a Monday afternoon all involved with the drug trade what could possibly go wrong make no mistakes those involved were illegal migrants.

12/03/2024 12:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Frank Furillo said...

Speaking of working with the new Administration instead of fighting them, this mass shooting was some dirt bag Venezuelan illegal who shot up a house party of other dirt bag Venezuelan illegals. How bout working with Tom Homan to exile these shitbags to Venezuela instead of federal prison?

12/03/2024 12:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rumor has it that the ASA's got an email with a long list of crimes they're now expected and allowed to prosecute.

12/03/2024 12:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Venezuelans ain’t fucking around! Expect some payback! Let’s go 600!

12/03/2024 12:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man I hope we eclipse 600. There’s nothing more to be proud of other than being voted the rattiest city in the US for what is it now 8 consecutive years?!

12/03/2024 12:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Meet new Boss....Same as old boss....

12/03/2024 01:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This mass shooting is clearly the result of disinvestment and the lack of a Venezuelan Invader Basketball League. If only they were allotted more resources…
Somewhere Brandon is popping a couple extra benzos tonight and sucking his thumb, while looking up new buzzwords to deflect any attention this may receive in his Progressive Thesaurus for Dummies.

12/03/2024 01:12:00 AM  
Blogger JustHereForThePaycheck said...

“Cook County State’s Attorney Eileen O’Neill Burke vowed Monday to crack down on gun criminals as she takes the reins as the top law enforcement official…”.

Yeah, ok… sure.

And my dick is gonna grow a few more inches tonight as I sleep.

12/03/2024 01:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...We have a fresh water supply." Too bad the democrats drink the progressive kool-ade

12/03/2024 01:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just love it when they blow smoke straight up my bunghole... NOT

12/03/2024 02:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Me is a hearing that the recently arrived venazoo aliens who came to America seeking asylum caused the third world murderous mayhem. They were flown in the middle of night with no T.S.A. groping, no shoeless perp walk through magnetometers, no real I.D. compliant papers, no background checks, and avoidance of those typical long lines for T.S.A. screenings to board the flight prior to landing in a city near you at taxpayer expense.
All this investment by taxpayers providing no cost housing, free cell phones, nutritional sustenance assistance, at no cost medical care, complimentary re-location flights without cost and excessive guaranteed monthly no strings attached money benefits. Illegals collect more benefits more than those 9 to 5 retired contributing American citizens working all their life for a measly social security monthly benefit. And illegal invaders are showing their gratitude by keeping crime stats at near record levels keeping those American citizens in constant fear of being a victim from international cartel gangbangers.
Heed the warning. Look what just happened, 8 shot three dead, courtesy of the pampered seeking a better life Tren de Aragua asylum seekers in their Chicago Lawn international community. Reminds everyone of those MS-13 asylum seekers, but under the Homeland Security radar by executive order after being set free to plunder and pillage America at will.
Expect higher body counts upon assimilation of their native criminal cultural traditions from their abandoned homeland. These parasites are honoring time tested gang rackets such as prostitution in their adopted home with associated violence just weeks after casting democrat ballots and re-populating this failed, crime ridden, and destroyed democrat city.

12/03/2024 02:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nothing is going to change with OB. Voters fell for her because she’s white and Irish. She’s just as progressive as Foxxx

12/03/2024 03:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When nothing changes, even with a new States Attorney, what will her nickname be?

12/03/2024 03:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish I could get shitfaced on a Monday by 2 get in a fight and kill people at a birthday party… too bad had to work maybe next time

12/03/2024 04:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Didn't you know, Project Exile was racist as it caught the shooters and they happen to be mostly black.

12/03/2024 05:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As long as the body count continues to rise in the hoods no fucks will be given

12/03/2024 06:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

on the good side of that,,,, if the illegal criminals keep on killing each other there will be less and less to deport

12/03/2024 06:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OB1 Blo Me, for ASA

12/03/2024 06:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fed here. Please don’t put your faith in “federal prosecutors” thinking that AUSAs are better than the ASAs at County. Gun incidents will go to the General Crimes section where it will be assigned to a brand new AUSA that will promptly ghost the investigators as soon as the next Madigan or other high-profile case comes along. Yes, they all get to take turns on different parts of the big cases in order to pad their resumes for the next gig. The 3rd Floor at Dirksen looks like a Pride Parade, just another brick in the deep state wall.

12/03/2024 06:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was a nice neighborhood when the poles lived there. You would get hit with a flying piece of kielbasa once in awhile but getting shot was unheard of.

12/03/2024 06:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about new SOP for States Attorney office? Like when you get a multiple death case? Like a mass shooting? Get the States Attorney on scene? Make them part of first responders? Instead of asking us poor CPD officers questions about scene and conditions? You get that young attorney out there to see what really happens? And have them try to interview persons on scene that were witnesses and did not see a thing? Water is not what’s missing in Chicago? It’s proactive law enforcement with the court system backing the first responders? United we stand! Divided we all fall?

12/03/2024 06:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stop accepting sweet plea deals and sentencing these criminals to what is essentially time considered served.

12/03/2024 06:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


12/03/2024 06:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They should be relocated to Senator Dick Dirtbag’s house.

12/03/2024 07:11:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

Did Bad Touch Joe fly these illegals in?

12/03/2024 07:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

JB is going to fight the Trump administration tooth and nail for more of this.

12/03/2024 07:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well…how did it go?

12/03/2024 07:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cops can arrest. SA might now actually charge, but the Cook County judges will still release them

12/03/2024 07:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It would be nice also if wearing an ankle monitor didn't count as time served. Half these goofs don't adhere to the rules and nobody monitors them anyway.

12/03/2024 08:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So negative...give her a chance, she just moved in.

12/03/2024 08:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you people would complain if your own mother made office.

12/03/2024 08:21:00 AM  
Blogger John D said...

There's no such thing as "gun crime". There's just "crime". Some of it is committed with a gun. Treat all crime equally. Prosecute them all. Send them all to prison. That will make crime go down.

12/03/2024 08:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks for the laugh with my morning coffee

12/03/2024 08:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

EXACTLY the same comment I was going to make!

12/03/2024 08:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about O'Crimety

12/03/2024 09:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You work so that they can maintain the standard that they're becoming a custom to.

12/03/2024 09:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you mean they need a Midnight Soccer League

12/03/2024 09:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Capt. Furillo, how about you send Howard Hunter and his SWAT team after these third world savages before more of this city turns into Caracas?

12/03/2024 09:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am sure the coining of a nickname will take care of itself, eventually.

12/03/2024 09:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So now it's up to the judge. They have to be the next replacement.

12/03/2024 09:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am willing to give her the benefit of the doubt and wish her well. She has to be an improvement over Foxx. But, then again, I didn't think we could have a worse mayor than Lightfoot. Boy, was I wrong.

12/03/2024 09:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As long as it’s the non violent Amish receiving the lead.

12/03/2024 09:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Grew up in that area, early & mid-1960s, and high school at Lindblom in Englewood. Used to be nice in Chicago Lawn; last time I saw that area was late 1985 and I was getting bad vibes then -- you couldn't pay me enough to walk around that area now.

12/03/2024 10:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CCSA can profess all the changes in the world. The only way things will ever change is if the Chief Judge, and Springfield change their ways, or the "Safety Act" is repealed. Don't hold your breath!

12/03/2024 10:16:00 AM  
Blogger guido said...

Just another leftist.

12/03/2024 10:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

United Nations investigators from the Hauge Netherlands will be the lead agency in this international human rights violation in the Chicago Lawn massacre of multi-national migrants. States Attorney O'Neil -Burke has been cancelled and must follow international law as the blue helmeted international forces operate in war-torn Chicago. The City of Chicago may soon have oversight and subjugation by an enforceable U.N. Consent Decree.

U.N. lawyers are filing legal documents seeking substantial monetary damages in the International Criminal Court for international human rights violations noting that he U.S. government has failed to provide adequate safety at this section 8 refugee safehouse. The United States may have their U.N. charter revoked for egregious war crimes violations in Chicago, a.k.a. Chiraq, noting the numerous human rights violations of recent refugees.

Joe Biden was asked to comment on pending civil rights violations stemming from the international cartel war in Chicago during his visit to sub-Saharan Angola. Biden was getting busy doling out unaccountable 55 billion in humanitarian aid to be divvied up by African warlords. Seems the U.S. chumps are the world's ATM once again. Quick. Biden better pardon himself for all corruption and money laundering in the name of humanitarian aid in the past, future and present.

12/03/2024 10:57:00 AM  
Blogger Food for thought said...

One would think that a new stamp would have been ordered with enough time to have it in by swearing in day/day one. I guess I'm giving crook county employees too much credit, or is it by design to sabotage the new incoming administration? Either way crook county with Preckwinkle at the helm is a disaster, but hey at the cost of public safety, she was able to keep motel California/county jail empty, and she now brags about the balanced budget just passed.

12/03/2024 11:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

While I understand your logic for sending them to the Federal system, as someone not in IL paying Federal taxes I protest. Handle your criminals on your own dime.

Steve S6

12/03/2024 11:04:00 AM  
Blogger Food for thought said...


12/03/2024 11:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank goodness. I got arthritis from writing Dorthey Brown on all my complaints...

12/03/2024 11:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Migrant voice from crowd shouts." We can do it..!"

12/03/2024 11:07:00 AM  
Blogger Food for thought said...

Maybe it can be The Leprechaun from Chirac:the Unlucky Irish/Chicagoans? maybe they can even make a movie out of it.

12/03/2024 11:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Midnight soccer is the answer my good man or woman...

12/03/2024 11:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fresh water is for the bongs...

12/03/2024 11:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now you've got the attention of the keesing bandit...

12/03/2024 11:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I usually wake up with a longer one

12/03/2024 11:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you seen the latest chicago city council meeting with residents demanding Trump to come and make an example out of the sanctuary city conehead? Residents demand deportation

Check it out


12/03/2024 11:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Neighbors are saying the vinnies are partying every night in that house playing loud music smoking and drinking. Dont they ever work? This was a Sunday night party that carried on to 2pm in the afternoon on monday with over 20 people attending.

Oh wait dont call it a party call it a social gathering (as if it was a bible study group) as we dont want the public to conjure up images of people high on weed and other substances and related drunkenness. Dont be a racists xenophobic

To make matters worse no one spoke english there and precious time was wasted waiting for "a spanish speaker in eight" to arrive

Gotta luv the command staffs transparency too. Reporter "were these migrants shot ?" The witnesses said they were vinnies. The dispacthers knew they were vinnies but the CPD says we are investigating and it doesnt matter to us

Meanwhile you got GD gang tags all over the back of the house and its starting to look like an all out gang war is about to bust loose imo.

When the conehaed gets shut down for his new request for a $60 million properry tax increase so that the vinnie parties can go on and the migrants can live the american dream on the chicago taxpauers back. When that fails perhaps the mowhawk man can run a go fund me

Aldermen. Dont you dare pass ANY tax increase.

12/03/2024 12:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"This mass shooting is clearly the result of disinvestment and the lack of a Venezuelan Invader Basketball League. ..."

I think you ment to say a midnight soccer league

12/03/2024 12:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where were the mayors violence interrupters dont they speak spanish? Theres a budget cut item for you.

Since we dont have a shot spotter any more those boys should carry tampons in all the calibers to keep from bleeding out. Hey if it saves just one life isnt it worth it/sarc

12/03/2024 12:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How dare CPD and the media assume the gender of these latinx victims

12/03/2024 12:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

New Yorkers aren’t letting Whoopi Goldberg’s sourpuss act spoil their favorite spot for sweet treats, after she put a local bakery on blast on national TV, alleging they refused to serve her because of her lefty political beliefs.

“I think it’s ridiculous. Why would she come all the way to Staten Island for her cupcake? To make an issue? They’ve been here forever,” Deborah Bernaz, 68, said of the comic’s claims against the beloved 145-year-old Holtermann’s Bakery on Staten Island.
“I don’t think it has anything to do with politics. They’re a little Staten Island bakery. I think it’s bulls–t what she’s saying. Leave politics out of the bakery,

hey whoopi you are a dei hire why dont you get your cup cakes from a bakery in the ghetto

12/03/2024 02:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hein looked like a goof on TV

12/03/2024 02:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She is postering at best rim, Tim, Tim Evans, Tony, Bo Winkle ,Doge Retart,Dart,Big fat greasy fucking pigster, and the progressive socialist Democratic Party aren’t gonna allow her office to prosecute these criminal felons due to the safety act and the overall soft on crime anti-police agenda !

12/03/2024 02:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

59th & St. Louis used to be (past tense) a decent neighborhood. The southwest side has gone to hell.

12/03/2024 02:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice job! Now the Keesing Bandit won't sleep for a week.

12/03/2024 02:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Civilian said...

Meanwhile, the WBEZ Sun-Times is still writing heartbroken fond farewells to Kim Foxx. TLA.

12/03/2024 04:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come on chitown, let’s get “raggedy” just like our ghetto mayor

12/03/2024 04:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL, looks like conehead is in trouble with the folks! But this will also help reduce crime.

12/03/2024 04:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the cook county asa office does not care about having evidence or anything about the average criminal or victim,, they just want a solid admission by the offender so they can get a guilty plea and skip all chance of a trial,,,,,, but as soon as you get a white "offender" allegedly doing something to a non-white then they approve felony and hope to get the right judge ;),,, and let's not even get started on when the white police are the accused

12/03/2024 05:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Indeed. The rot in the DOJ is extensive.

12/03/2024 05:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Royal Flush said...

The Venezuelans got smoked at their own Gage Park hacienda by who? Some say it was the Satan's Disciples and others are saying Latin Saints. Sounds like we got ourselves a nice 1990s style gang war brewing. {snicker} Hey PPOs...welcome to the 8th and 9th Districts. Get your UCR codes (041A and 0110) ready.

12/03/2024 05:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Must have been after work party

12/03/2024 06:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another day in chirac

12/03/2024 07:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why would they work? They are given phones, housing and monthly allotments.

12/03/2024 07:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

While I understand your logic for sending them to the Federal system, as someone not in IL paying Federal taxes I protest. Handle your criminals on your own dime.

Steve S6

Listen here Stevie, by your logic, no one should ever be tried Federally unless they committed a crime in the State that you pay taxes in? Don't post here anymore. We have enough outside dickheads throwing their two cents in where it doesn't belong. I pay Federal taxes as well, so I say Federally prosecute all they can, especially if it pisses you off, Stevie.

12/03/2024 10:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Same Shit Different Day

12/03/2024 10:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck them all - and let them delete each other. Self cleaning oven is the best solution without getting anyone else involved.

12/04/2024 12:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Frank Furillo said...

The world Furillo and Howard Hunter inhabited didn't have COPA and a half dozen other agencies staffed with bloodthirsty leftists out to crucify coppers.

12/04/2024 12:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Deportation to the spirit realm... adios muchachos!

12/04/2024 01:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“We are primed to boom, but we are being overshadowed by crimesha right now”

12/04/2024 02:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now Royal...don't believe everything you hear. You know what else is on that block? Lots of drop-houses where kilos of heroin and coke come directly from Jalisco. Bad news: this triple homicide will go directly in the CPD cold-case file drawer. Good news: there's a newly renovated 3-bedroom house on 59th and Central Park that will be on the market for cheap. LOL

12/04/2024 04:06:00 AM  
Blogger CFD brother said...

Chicago is run by crisis management. The only planning done is who gets how much.

12/04/2024 06:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Be Careful out there"!

12/04/2024 07:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

90 percent of the south side was a nice neighborhood "Until those people moved in" That was said to me by a sweet old Black lady. No BS.

12/04/2024 07:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He pardoned himself by pardoning Hunter the crack addict.

12/04/2024 07:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vete con el diablo

12/04/2024 07:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't let the door hit you where the good lord split you big ass.

12/04/2024 07:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fat Ass’s orders on crime and no bail, no jail would also have to be eliminated. The court system in Cook County under Tim Evan’s also needs an overhaul.
He alone runs that mess of get out of jail free, too. Doesn’t let his judges use much discretion either.

12/04/2024 08:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Before we flew the coop in 1965 and ended up in Burbank, we lived at 3501 W. 59th Place and indeed we were one of the three Polish families at our corner. There was never any gunfire save for Joe Bielanski shooting his shotgun up in the air every July Fourth. It's shocking how the neighborhood has changed.

12/04/2024 10:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Late 1985 was just the beginning of the decent. Sad.

12/04/2024 03:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who has a house party during the day on a Monday?

12/04/2024 03:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like Rahm is coming home to run for Mayor. Didn’t like him the last time, but sure as hell will be better than what we have now.

12/05/2024 12:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That’s the troublw with you Mental-crats.

12/05/2024 07:58:00 PM  

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