Guess Who's Back?
The 9.5 fingered dwarf is supposedly back in town:
- Off topic- but another Chicago EX mayor playing sport again. Old Rahmie is “offering” to head up the DNC, and to “help” that new DOGE department find government waste in the Fed Budget. That snake needs to be kept away from anything remotely concerning government “waste”. He is a two-faced liar with ulterior motives. Just saying.
Someone said maybe he's running for mayor again, which would be....interesting.
We're guessing he has bigger ambitions than going back to being mayor, so the DNC thing is a possibility, but so is Turban Durbin's senate seat. Rahm wants to be in DC, closer to the levers of power, so he may have left the "wife's" wedding dress back in the Chicago basement.
Labels: from the comments, rumors
Rahm would still be mayor. He saw what was happening with the Feds with the investigations into Marian and other alderman. He caught wind of that while the investigations were all getting started. Rahm got out as quick as he could. I could see him coming back out to take something now that Marian’s trial is almost over and he and the Daleys are in the clear.
My prediction: Durbin runs, wins.
Shortly thereafter he gets sick.
Da Fat guy appoints Da snake.
Gives Da Snake 2 years to kiss downstate asses.
He gets elected in 28, downstate NEVER sees him again.
Sen. Snake retires in 2042 or 2048, as a respected senior statesman.
Meanwhile, coppers have no insurance!
After Laquan Mcdonald he will not get one single vote from "the community " and he knows it. So I don't see how he runs for mayor again or Senator or any other elected office. DNC is possible since, after Trump kicked their ass, they might try making more moderate noises to try and win back some votes.
It's almost too bad he has no chance of being mayor again. After what we've been through since he left he'd be an improvement.
I’ll never vote for him.
Well he may be back to benefit from the always ongoing,“Never let a crisis go to waste” in Chicago.
Alexi wants to be Senator. Rham gets DNC. BJ wins a close primary then General election. The cycle just continues.
Durbin, is going to step down! You heard it here first! Then 9.5 will be sneaking back into Illinois and place his hat as the progressive candidate?
Heard this straight from his old neighbors……..who 9.5 spoke with over turkey weekend?
Dude suffers from napoleon’s disease just go away lil macho midget
He's the next pandemic or plague trying to come back and infect more chaos in and already half dead city and state. He'll tell anyone who'll listen that he has all the answers now and learned by his all his fuck ups. Go pick tomatoes with your neighbor.
Tiny Dancer 9.5 is a north shore elitist who's ambition in life is to collect as much treasure as he can.
Japan is celebrating his departure.
Rahm always looked like a clown standing by the finish line of the marathon.
Rahm will NEVER get our votes again! Get lost tool!
The community didn’t care for McDonald. The activists did.
You have a problem wit dat....Rocco coming to talk to you
Then someone else will vote for you.
I highly doubt he will run for either office. As Ambassador to Japan for the last four years, Rahm has made significant contacts within the Japanese government, business community and more than likely the Japanese Yakuza to make millions more for himself, helping his Hollywood and Wall Street buddies as a middleman on film and business deals in Japan. He does not need to deal with the BS being Chicago mayor.
If it's him vs the current guy he wins in a landslide.....what are you talking about? Worry about your community!
What democRat isnt a two faced liar? Fuck tiny dancer 9.5 HMF'r
If he can't win all of Cook County, and it's doubtful that he can win a majority of downstate votes, if he wants a fed office, he'll need to run in/for a north shore congressional district. The IL "super majority" now controls the choices of state-wide candidates, both for state and fed office. Kelly or Welch gets the Durbin seat..
Rahm has zero interest in ever running this mess of a city again. He's positioning himself to nab Durbin's Senate seat, get back into the mix in DC. Then competing against Pritzker to become the first Jewish US Prez.
Rahm may run for Mayor again as a stepping stone. But I would bet he has his eyes on the White House. The Dems have nobody else. Either way, let me know when the House Detail on Hermitage starts back up! Is it possible to watch three houses?!?!
The whole time Tiny dancer was in Japan, he had an SUV with Michigan plates parked in front of his Hermitage Avenue house---which still had permanent NoParking signs in front. When a local reporter took pictures a small swarmy private security agent showed up in a black SUV.
Dubin the dirt bag and his lobbyist old lady need to go
Princess Sparklefart has called him back to Mordor. 9.5 knew how to step and fetch for Silky.
These democrats are like a bad penny, they just won’t go away, a lifetime in politics. Rahm ambassador to Japan, Chief of Staff for Barky, Mayor of Chicago, Illinois Representative, WTF. And Obama, Senator, President, and still skulking around D.C. after his two terms, probably looking for a gig at the U.N. so he can help screw up the whole world now. Do they ever work in the private sector, and I don’t mean some B.S. no show, or no work job. Go be a greeter at Walmart. Politics was never meant to be a career.
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