Drink at Home
Seldom - if ever - does anything good happen after midnight:
The Civilian Office of Police Accountability has released 911 calls and ring camera footage of a drunken gunfight that broke out in December involving off-duty officers, but the files do not include any calls from the officers themselves.
COPA did not respond to the scene because there was initially “no indication” that an officer discharged their weapon. Whether or not the officer fired a weapon later became unclear “due to the inconsistency of his statements and intoxication,” according to police reports.
At about 1:25 a.m. on Dec. 14, two off-duty officers, a woman, her boyfriend and his brother, 26, were leaving a party at Legends in Maywood.
And absolutely nothing good ever happens in Maywood once the sun goes down.
You can read more at the link up top, but it's run-of-the-mill drunken BS that we used to be warned about in the Academy during Week #1.
Labels: we got nothing
3 beers.
Go home.
Nuff said!
Oh boy. Not good!
I wonder if the lowered hiring standards and focus on hiring people of certain "backgrounds" played a part. Gotta hit those racial quotas no matter how far down in the barrel you have to scrape. I mean, what could go wrong?
Geezus... handle your high.
Maywood....the first original shithole city
Why would someone go to Maywood to party or for any other reason. U get what you got
Maywood...thought that whole town fell away into hell decades ago.
I have a list of intersections, neighborhoods and suburbs to stay away from due to safety concerns. Maywood is at the top of my list of places to avoid at all costs. ☠️
Just another day in a shithole ...What, expect a parade ?
Maywood ..... stopped reading
Ghetto ass cars driving around the Northside are mostly registered out ofrom Maywood.
Only DEI hires party in Maywood.
It's just like it's Woodmate, Englewood.
Reminds me of the Summer Mobile parties on the lake after work
But beware…someday the water crib people will shoot back.
Would have read the story but wasn’t going to waste my time screwing around with the Sun Times pay wall. It’s a liberal rag that I hope goes under so under
Right wing extremists again... when are these guys gonna be rooted out?
From reading the article, it sounds like the off-dutys were neither driving nor shooting. And the girlfriend has a pretty decent self-defense argument.
So what exactly are the off-dutys being done for? Not taking police action when drunk?
I’m sure we all heard in the academy that the 3 “B’s” will get you in trouble, booze, broads, and bullets.
The whiskey monster has been getting police officers for as long as I can remember. Back in the day we were warned about the three B's, booze broads and bullets.
Would the release of the officer's calls derail the civilian investigation? Copa employees are "civilians" not marxist activists . Either way they can spin their lies and activism since they are unaccountable to the public. Withholding officer's calls sounds like a Fascist conspiracy and violation of civil rights under due process of law. The Kremlin would be proud of the copa comrades.
of course because no white cops get in trouble while off duty. fuck out of here with that bs.
but,,, maywood has such nice fake store front mb churches
We still live in America and if the officers want to visit Maywood, there are no legal prohibitions on doing so. We still enjoy the freedom to associate. Statistically the woods, Maywoods and Bellwoods, have a reputation as an outdoor gun range for live target practice when the sun go down. Not a prudent decision. Its like rolling he bones at a street corner craps game.
maywood has always been ghetto ever since i was a kid in the 1960s
maywood "rocks blow park"
Legends Grill and Music in downtown maywood is as about a ghetto gangbanger place gets alot of hispanic gangbangers and their ladies hang out there too
Not in the 60’s. It was mostly Italian back then. Just follow the flow of the Eisenhower and see. Somebody followed the flow like locusts and destroyed every town in their path, hint, it wasn’t the Italians.
Another off-duty incident wonder how true this is https://cwbchicago.com/2025/02/chicago-cop-claims-arizona-police-wrongfully-arrested-him-during-trumped-up-traffic-stop.html
Seems like the ghetto didn't leave them, they brought the ghetto back.
Maywood - more fun than Dixmoor.
In the 60’s in the academy they said the 4 B’s booze broads bullets and bribes
Don’t date women on the job. They’re trouble and there’s nothing else to say about it. Find a decent woman with no ties to policing or public safety or any government job.
Well, I was speaking of this specific incident, taking part in Maywood, and involving a secret shootout, undoubtedly with black officers, who probably wouldn't have been hired if the standards weren't lowered in favor of hiring more black officers no matter what. But yes, white officers and Hispanic officers and even Asian officers have had drinking problems and off-duty incidents involving drunken gunplay. I'm sorry this comment triggered your undying need to play the victim and find racism in everything, except your own racism. Please let me know if you discover that these were white officers hired due to their exceptional test scores and spotless background checks. Until then, go play your race card somewhere else, because it holds no value with me.
Do you realize all this does is make you sound like a bitter loser who failed at dating a woman on the job, probably several times? All police, public safety, and government workers are off limits? Surely there are other jobs that you would exclude. Can we get the full list so we know where to find the good women? Maybe just tell us which jobs have the good women. Where did you meet your current woman?
Perfect response
The 4 Bs
Beans, bullets, band aids, bad guys
I always took my Oath seriously. "I will keep my life unsullied as an example to all, and recognize my star as a symbol of public faith."
I remember back when we were on the stoopid juice. The job was anything but boring I can tell you that. Working midnights back then saving off duty coppers jobs was a full time job in itself.
As I recall, nothing good ever happens after midnight, in Maywood or anywhere else
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