What's This?
Wait a minute....you mean the head of the Executive Branch of government gets to hire and fire those people who answer to the Executive? Blasphemy!
Mayor Brandon Johnson says he should have “cleaned house faster” when he took office, and now plans to correct that mistake by sending people packing.
“If you ain’t with us, you just gotta go,” the mayor said.
Johnson’s ominous warning that heads are about to roll before the midpoint of his term came during an appearance Monday night at New Covenant Missionary Baptist Church, 754 E. 77th St. It was the first in a series of appearances Johnson is calling his “Faith in Government” initiative.
[...] The mayor’s office would not elaborate Tuesday on what Johnson meant. But speculation about whose days might be numbered centers around three holdovers from former Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s administration, and its deputies and top aides: Chicago Park District Superintendent Rosa Escareno, Aviation Commissioner Jamie Rhee and Transportation Commissioner Tom Carney, recently elevated by Johnson.
Other Lightfoot and Rahm Emanuel appointees who might be vulnerable include City Colleges Chancellor Juan Salgado and Fire Commissioner Annette Holt.
Riding roller coasters. Chowing down on fried food. Catching waves in the pool at Hurricane Harbor. Hundreds of Housing Authority of Cook County employees and their families could enjoy these activities and more for three years at Six Flags on the agency’s dime.
The state’s second-largest housing authority, which was flagged by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development as “troubled” in part because of an absentee board, low-grade property inspections, incorrect reporting on leases, high outstanding balances for tenants behind on rent and failure to submit financial reports on time, spent more than $60,000 on such trips.
Fun times.
Labels: sarcasm AND silliness
“When a new president comes in, a new president gets to clean house.”
– Hillary Clinton
Fire commissioner needs to go just a rotten Vile pos cityofchicago employee living in the suburbs. Suspended twice from CFD once for letting drugs spoil on a paramedic ambu in a station that she so-called superved.
Talk about waste in government.
Tommy Dart is outsourcing our prisoners to Bureau County Illinois jail.
The county sheriff just notified that Cook county has entered into a agreement with there jail to house our prisoners by paying them a per diem, transport them to and from Cook county, provide medical in their hospitals and God know what else. Supposedly Dart has this agreement with other counties but unverified.
WTF is going on this is BS that they are over staffed and playing this game on the taxpayers dome.
This is verified they had a public meeting to let the citizens of Bureau county know about this. They presented it as a money making operation for their county.
Don’t you just love the smart ass answers that the official from HACC gave for spending the $60,000.00 for trips to Great America for it’s employees. They weren’t really federal funds so they are not subject to federal restrictions. They skirt the issue. If they had this money, where did it come from? Was it falling out of the sky? In any case it is a government agency and any money they had belongs to the taxpayers. They need to pass the donation basket and collect, and then fire the person(s) that allowed this.
I truly believe Conehead should have his and only his team!!!
Let the circus begin…..oh wait, it already has
Who's gonna get their ass fired for getting $30,000 haircuts and makeup on the taxpayer dime?
AND, how bout those Alderman's ASSistants getting $270,000 a year for not even breaking a sweat?
Basically, he's saying he's going to get his own peoples in there and they gonna STEAL the fuckin' eye out of your taxpayer head !!
All those people above who are on the 'chopping block' have said: "Fuck YOU Mayor BITCH! You don't have the balls to fire us you low-IQ half wit MORON!"
We don’t need no stinking holdovers from da previous administration I gots my people and day ain’t raggedy cuz I donts do raggedy
Retired in Texas……
Why does the food have to be fried?………..
My sisters friend wanted to know………
Back each other up out there!!!!
Snelling on the hot seat by the end of summer ?? especially his point of view on the Dexter Reed officers of him not wanting to strip them right away like everyone wanted .
Deep fried Oreos.....Yum.
If Trump turns off the spigot there will be a whole lot of "managers and supervisors" selling everything to keep the lights on. Let's hope it happens.
Oh yeah. All the people mentioned for the possible ax are the problem in Chicago. What an oblivious tool!
Conehead is only going to get rid of people put in by other administrations and put in his own..again, the Chicago way. Just more corruption and waste.
They should have resigned when he took office , who would want to work for him.
The half wit morons are every voter who cast a vote for this goof. Granted he is a one term wonder but four years of this guy is a long time!
"There's only room for one President in this house." -William J. Clinton, ha ha
Brandon has been informed someone has been wearing a wire. Feds are investigating CTU and the mayors office.Pritzker also wants him out. Bye bye Brandon. Hope you enjoyed the kickbacks.
Every pimp needs his players...
He must have seen that this is what Trump did and it works! Learn little grasshopper
If Annette gets fired who is going to push CFD DEI ???
This is 100% true. Just look at where the killer of Officer Huesca is being housed at in between court dates
Don't forget the infamous RING CAMERA Video....
“If you ain’t with us, you just gotta go.” Wow. What a statement from the mayor of Chicago. Not only does he sound illiterate, he proves himself to be a moron. Brandon is the definition of raggedy.
We should outsource our prisons to Mexico. Particularly our long-term prisoners.
On election day:
The voters - “If you ain’t with us, you just gotta go!"
By that she meant stealing silverware.
Exactly why Conehead will keep her. The dumber only need apply
The cos union is needing jobs in very short order thanks to doge
Twilight Zone "The Man in mirror" says....
Mayor Conehead: I want to know, why do I have so many enemies?
Father Tomas: It is the story of all tyrants, Mayor. They have but one real enemy, and this is the one they never recognize... until too late.
Cristo : It's just a mirror! An ordinary mirror!
Fire the politicians and hire more of his activists. Let’s see how that continues to work out.
If anyone is wearing a wire it would be the fat Albert look-alike aldercreature jason ervin or his wife. Both have been awfully quiet, been caught dirty and nothing has happened. Remember Solis also laid low after wiring up.
where did you get your crystal ball? to see is to believe jeannie
“If you ain’t with us, you just gotta go,” the mayor said.
What would happen if Trump said this?
Hundreds leaving next January 1996 class 55s so greedy 60s and 50 and outs. KMA Sanctuary.
Chuck goudie. Now on 5 nbc will investigate and bring mayor Brandon Johnson down . He means business
Yes I’ve spoken to 300-400 who are leaving Jan 16, 2026. They are done. All ages not just 50 and 55.
Dont worry about good ole Nanc she will get some fed job the Obamas set up for her. And as for DEI they will continue that as Good ole Conehead is setting up to promote a guy who should have been fired after covering up sexual assault by his buddy on a civilian and hid most of his career. T
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