Monday, October 02, 2023

Simple Solution

A few weeks ago, we posted about the failure during the car parade downtown:

  • The Department used to be able to handle crap like this, and not like 1968 either. We participated in a number of large scale events, starting with the Bulls Championships and continuing to the present day. Very few of these events were the disasters of recent history because we had semi-competent supervision that knew what worked, what was available and how to clear an area quickly and efficiently. We didn't have bikes, salt trucks, Jersey barriers, raised bridges....and we still got it done.

A couple of commentators and emailers misread our meaning. Even though we explicitly said "not like 1968" it appears they thought we meant clearing the streets by way of pepper spray, tear gas and batons. That isn't what we meant at all.

What do you need for an out-of-control crowd? First of all, you need a crowd. 

So what if there was no crowd?

Here's a simple street map with one-way arrows:

Imagine a few hundred cars driving all over these streets. Chaos, right?

Now here's another simple street map with blocked intersections and raised bridges:

The usable streets are all headed in one direction - out of town.

The Department used this method during the Bulls riots on a smaller scale, but it cleared out impromptu car parades in short order. We know....because we were there. And it worked. We were able to secure large sections of previously out-of-control blocks without using a single baton, pepper spray or gas team. There were Districts that used all of those, and we were there, too. Guess which way we preferred? No muss, no fuss, no car parade in short order.

Now, we've got salt trucks, dump trucks, empty buses, bike teams, Jersey barriers, stop sticks and lord knows what else. Add in some raised bridges and guess where the parade goes? Either out of town or no where at all, and in that case, ER Towing does business that rivals the first day of Winter Parking Restrictions.

If anyone wants to steal this idea, you saw it here first, and we stole it from the 1990s.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think not enough attention was given to TWO street deputies retiring in the last couple months BEFORE either hit 55. Has it ever been that bad when even street deputies are like “I gotta get the f outta here.” Really says something about working for this department when the higher ups can’t stick it out till the end.

10/02/2023 12:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Preckwinkle, Fox, and BJ Johnson all believe Chicago’s business (read: “white folks”) deserve full experience of low-life “cultural norms”. Alderwoman Taylor is speaking the truth re: race relations.

10/02/2023 01:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All roads lead away from Rome.

10/02/2023 02:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stop using common sense & logic (although it's nice to hear it). Unfortunately, the current system is designed create chaos, not quell it.

10/02/2023 02:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You just can't get there from here!

10/02/2023 02:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not a bad idea, but you're thinking like someone who's going to give a shit about a one way sign...

These criminals already don't give a shit about license plates, doing burnouts in intersections, speeding, holding people up, revving engines, running with 20" subwoofers in the trunk, and more - a little thing like a one way sign isn't going to matter one bit.

The only thing they care about? Pain. Either physical or monetary. Wood shampoos, gas, and cars crushed into cubes. Car got towed huh? Hmmm, can't find that paperwork anywhere... towing company crushed it too? Oh well, go to the Station wade through the illegals, and file a report.

10/02/2023 03:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, for the days of yesteryear, when sarcasm and silliness were not thoroughly rendered tepid by realities most insanely absurd.

Yes, those vibrant days of the wanings of the 20th century, to be retardified by technologies so diabolical, so insidious, so fucking effective, this mass availibilty to communicate between one knucklehead to another, all weaned on this oh so easy to use tech, why, it's a miracle that the levels of idiocy are as low as they are, so far.

The cleverly named 'social media' of what was our future generations, now become their present generation, now not merely applied to the traditional purpose of seeking and finding a hook up, but also to summon the mass numbers of idiots to enjoy the fun and games of wanton skullduggeries, the magic of miscreants, with no purpose other then to celebrate their madness, with, likely, some traditional hooking up to cap off the evening, makes the case that chaos is the default condition of the human species.

Whatever will these 21st century offspring do, if that solar flare burst occurs, frying all that delicate tech toys they so rely upon to link up their hive minds in madness?

Downtown Chicago.

The place to not be.

10/02/2023 04:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And when that happens all those snow plow and salt truck drivers are sitting on their fat asses making some serious OT. Their supervisors called in on the clock too making big bucks? Who are they in bed with?

10/02/2023 06:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just imagine how much institutional knowledge has been purged from the department since the 90's.
I think that was the point.
You can't justify rebuilding something till you destroy it.

10/02/2023 06:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bravo SCC, unlike today's leadership which is the most incompetent leadership I've seen in my 29 years, the bosses of the 90's were the real police and not merit hacks. The cops of the 90's, especially the men and women on Tact were second to none. In all honesty the women on Tact in the 90's and for the most part female blue shirts of the 90's I would work with them all day long over today's make copper. I understand the fumes were in but the female police of the 90's were far superior police officers compared to today's male officer. Sorry if that offends guys and gals but it's true just accept it you'll never make convincing argument otherwise.

10/02/2023 06:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

O.T. Sorta, I watched this video and thought maybe BIDEN, PORKY and BML BRANDON can follow POLAND’s lead with regards to ILLEGALs and crime. Proud to be Polish!

10/02/2023 06:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everything a liberal democRat touches turns to shit. Hence... Remove the problem shit maker

10/02/2023 07:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow, do you think anybody in the management positions will see the bright light??
my guess is NO

10/02/2023 07:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is a perfect plan many times the "old school," ways are much better than today! Don't forget coppers were respected then, but then today many coppers are still living with mom and dad today scared to make a move on their own! The so called "look mom and dad at my gold star," structure are the same that were promoted from the at home with mom and dad generation totally clueless about what to do!

Heck you cannot find 3 coppers with the same uniforms on, appearance commands respect for example when the guys with the straight ties show up at your house to "have a talk," then instill fear and respect!

10/02/2023 07:18:00 AM  
Blogger Jack Trumpblood said...

The Merit Brain Drain is unwilling to learn from the past.

10/02/2023 07:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you used to stop strips 2 times it would stop. Remember the phrase "they ain't playin".

10/02/2023 07:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Preckwinkle, Fox, and BJ Johnson all believe Chicago’s business (read: “white folks”) deserve full experience of low-life “cultural norms”. Alderwoman Taylor is speaking the truth re: race relations.

100% true, share the pain.

10/02/2023 07:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The department is being run by the house mice. Never were the real police. Never will be. Affirmative Action. Sheeeeet.

10/02/2023 08:00:00 AM  
Blogger rosco said...

Lt. O'Neil in 025 years back, would close down Fullerton and send these hispanic caravans south into the ghetto.
Take their sticks, write some tickets and impound some cars.

10/02/2023 08:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nah, it’s the crowd who’s different. They’re emboldened. Feel completely in power over the police due to the political power they wield. Can’t even write them parking tickets nowadays without the media going after the police for being racist. This post shows you’re old timers who don’t have a grip on the climate.

10/02/2023 08:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since the whole upper echelon is merit, and cps educated, they can't even tie their shoes. Their go to is to bring someone in from academia to tell them what to do every time a decision needs to be made.

10/02/2023 08:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well worked those in the 90s. Gas and wooden shampoos were continuously administered on the West side to break up unruly packs that failed to abide lawful orders and were heaving bricks and bottles at police. So it was a use of many different things on our “tool belt” that would not be allowed today because of weak politicians and the public’s inability to understand that the Use of Force is not pretty. But it is effective for civil unrest.

10/02/2023 09:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

0110 SAYS:
You already know the Department is incapable in many regards. You know what will happen if a 911 type catastrophe occurs. Prepare the best you can, and pray a lot that it never happens.

10/02/2023 10:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dealing with it like they did in 1968 is just fine too.

10/02/2023 10:07:00 AM  
Blogger Retired Youth Officer - Living In Arizona said...

Open water hydrants in select and strategic locations may help with controlling the flow of traffic.

10/02/2023 10:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thought this was interesting. NYT spends an entire article talking about how a security guard is saving Seattle, because the cops certainly aren't.

Strange journalism choices.

10/02/2023 11:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But then the progressives will cry about the bridges being up

10/02/2023 11:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can remember back in the day when Chuckee Cheese at 95th & Pulaski in OL would go up...

50 - 60 - 70 folks & people refusing to leave the lot, acting a fool...

Ignoring all the coppers on scene, but when K9 showed up, they couldn't leave fast enough...

10/02/2023 12:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey SSC,
As a soon to be retiree, I thought I'd throw out some not so new ideas, most have been talked about for years, for our membership. I'd also like to say that I'm glad this blog is back and I appreciate all that you and your staff have done/doing for all of us.

With technology as it is, perhaps the FOP could contract a firm to create a secured app, using department PC number/Password for all PO's so they can regularly check FOP meeting notes and vote on prospective issues pertaining to all members.

Testing procedures should be able to score promotional exams upon leaving testing sites. For obvious reasons of course.

We all know that merit isn't going away, so it should not be more than 10%. So many have been promoted way beyond their capabilities already.

Define merit promotions. What is the criteria for a merit promotion? Once clearly defined, only one merit promotion per career.

Seniority should mean something. Eliminate management positions or at least severely limit the amount of them per watch.

Civilians for all unsecure administrative tasks. Goodbye career house mice.

Time in grade to be eligible for promotions should be structured, such as 10 years OJT and over 75% of that time should be street duty in order to make Sergeant. 7 years OJT for Detectives, FTO and all other specialized units that receive D2A or above pay. For Sergeants, Lt's and Captain, 4 years in grade before another promotion can be attained. After all, one should be somewhat proficient in that rank in order take on more responsibility and receive a larger salary.

One can only dream though. Stay safe.

10/02/2023 12:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said wood shampoos and gas , and yes the 68 tactics worked .

10/02/2023 01:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I’ve been in favor of doing check points during these. Set up camp next to a large parking lot, pull in any cars w a violation, check for dl insurance and warrant, issue tickets and tows when applicable. Have a few tow trucks on hand to help keep the inventory low

10/02/2023 01:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's nothing more sad than seeing a larger department fail into the abyss because of a hyperpolitical city council, mayor, population and spineless bosses in the ivory tower who will do anything of the "agenda".

10/02/2023 03:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nahhhh, just keep getting useless blue cards…
By the way, this should be its own thread. Listen to Fred Waller’s responses to Spielman’s questions about everything he either f’d up or further f’d up in the short time he took the reigns.
They ask him questions ranging from the Sox fiasco to all of the controversial promotions he recently made of which most wouldn’t even be on the job in the private sector.

Here’s Link:

10/02/2023 03:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoa SCC. That hand-job with his all 22 years of experience on the post last week about how we shut down drag racing doesn’t want to hear your mine or anyone else’s war stories about how it used to be done. Even came out to blame our generation for how things are fucked up now. Go play with your grandkids I think he said and stay off the blog. Go play with yourself I say and fuck off junior.

10/02/2023 04:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So what’s wrong with batons and pepper spray? Kinda of like that idea a lot. The kid gloves thing you try todo ain’t working at all. The good old days thing just might be what those criminals need. They have no fear at all because they know you will not attempt to do a thing to physically stop their activity. They pelt you with coke and bottles and you stand and do nothing in response. The CPD Scarecrow policing is and has been a complete failure. Paying cops overtime to sit in their own cars on fixed posts with orders to not e that’s is a total waste of money. Yes you read that right their own cars because they ran out of CPD vehicles.

10/02/2023 04:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kind of petty to begrudge those truck their OT when you’re getting 10s of millions in OT yourselves. Most CPD with at least 5 years on are pulling down mid six figure pay checks. Gotta pay for those overpriced poorly built Jeeps.

10/02/2023 05:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just because those steet deputies left doesn’t mean that they weren’t incompetent fools. Both did some very stupid things. Neither of them played any role in dispersing crowds, ever.

10/02/2023 05:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any solution to this alderman now want us to vote why was this not done beforehand:

Now we have 15 to 20,000 of them dripping in here like crazy. This is nuts total insanity why is it that we are in a sanctuary state but only Chicago and cook county are sanctuary cities and counties why are the other counties not sharing all the joy and send them a taste of Chicago I taste of this criminal bullshit.

10/02/2023 05:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I think not enough attention was given to TWO street deputies retiring in the last couple months BEFORE either hit 55. Has it ever been that bad when even street deputies are like “I gotta get the f outta here.” Really says something about working for this department when the higher ups can’t stick it out till the end.

10/02/2023 12:48:00 AM

Not just that look at all the retirements in the FOP newsletter. See how many Detectives have pulled the plug with only 20 yrs and under 55. That used to be a spot where guys worked until 63 yrs of age. Also a young Chief of Detectives who pulled the plug before 55. These politicians in this state and their supporters are nuts. It's going to get way worse before it gets better.

10/02/2023 06:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Band together and embarrass the hell out of Mayor BJ. Especially with the dnc coming up. Use it to your advantage.

10/02/2023 06:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This department is useless. A canine merit will start tomorrow. A list that may go up to 10-15 if lucky. No order out saying who put this person in. 5 years on the job. Ridiculous

10/02/2023 07:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why isn’t Harris demoted?

10/02/2023 07:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off topic. Not sure if you’ll be able to open this unless you have a twitter account. Video shows one of the illegal immigrants kicking a nearly unconscious male on the head rendering him out. By Plymouth shelter.

10/02/2023 08:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Nah, it’s the crowd who’s different. They’re emboldened. Feel completely in power over the police due to the political power they wield. Can’t even write them parking tickets nowadays without the media going after the police for being racist. This post shows you’re old timers who don’t have a grip on the climate.

You're wrong bud, my sergeant says go ahead and pull over those cars. Management will always have my back and I cannot be fired. Lawsuits? Not going to happen that's what indemnification is for. Oh and all the comments on the blog are negative lies. I love this job and one day I aspire to become worthy of being called CPD Green Ghost-those who know know.

10/02/2023 08:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tiered deployment cancelled (for now) per amc 301384

10/02/2023 08:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you guys are dreaming of days and methods (effective as they may be) long long gone. The only people this administrattion wants in jail is the police especially the white police. Remember this always. The proof is right in front of you. Stay safe let them have what they voted for, they are NOT OUR FRIENDS. Think about lateral moves to Red states. Even our greatest armies retreated to reform and win.

10/02/2023 10:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogger rosco said...
Lt. O'Neil in 025 years back, would close down Fullerton and send these hispanic caravans south into the ghetto.
Take their sticks, write some tickets and impound some cars.

Which O’Neil was that?

10/02/2023 11:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Bravo SCC, unlike today's leadership which is the most incompetent leadership I've seen in my 29 years, the bosses of the 90's were the real police and not merit hacks. The cops of the 90's, especially the men and women…….

Couldn’t agree with this comment anymore! I am a sworn female from the 90’s and will say this new and not so new generation are soft like dog crap. Even supervisors 9171 and up are afraid of their own shadow. For the love of God just make a decision and stand by it! This department is done.

10/03/2023 03:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The morons running the show will put this strategy in place next August when the DNC rolls into town. Can’t have chaos, mayhem & inner city mob action/silly decisions when the world’s spotlight is on us. As soon as the convention leaves, it’ll be the same mayhem as it was before.

10/03/2023 06:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This department is useless. A canine merit will start tomorrow. A list that may go up to 10-15 if lucky. No order out saying who put this person in. 5 years on the job. Ridiculous

10/02/2023 07:42:00 PM

“It’s rigged” my FTO’s words when I asked how promotions work. At the time I believed he was just jaded and everyone actually had a fair shot at succeeding. Man, was I wrong! FTO was 100% correct, everything down to the lowly early/late car assignments is and always will be rigged. Forget about any position outside of patrol being legit or how one is assigned. As for K9, it is rigged more than the sergeants exam. So I wouldn’t even waste time testing.
Few years back a Navy seal could not qualify for the marine unit. He just did not have the qualifications CPD was looking for. That officer resigned shortly after. An Army Apache pilot with multiple combat tours also apparently lacked the qualifications to fly CPD’s helicopters. An officer with zero flight time was sent for the two year training instead.

10/03/2023 07:21:00 AM  
Blogger rosco said...

Sit on fixed posts in your personal car?
No, they'd use a van, drop you off and pick you up later.
that's what they used to do. Sat at Division and Cicero for one of the Bulls nonsense wins.

10/03/2023 08:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

O.T. Sorta, I watched this video and thought maybe BIDEN, PORKY and BML BRANDON can follow POLAND’s lead with regards to ILLEGALs and crime. Proud to be Polish!

10/02/2023 06:53:00 AM

An ironic comment given how many millions of Poles took advantage of US, UK, & German immigration policies over the past 70 years. The only reason Poland's economy is doing as well as it is now is the $5-6 billion it has received annually in remittances from Poles working abroad... yup, just like Jose wiring a Western Union money order down to family in Jalisco at your local currency exchange.

10/03/2023 09:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Car parades???

Wait until the JSO (Just Stop Oil) protestors hear about this! We can use them to quell the mostly peaceful protestors. Just set them up at strategic intersections and let them work their magic.

10/03/2023 11:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Few years back a Navy seal could not qualify for the marine unit. He just did not have the qualifications CPD was looking for. That officer resigned shortly after. An Army Apache pilot with multiple combat tours also apparently lacked the qualifications to fly CPD’s helicopters. An officer with zero flight time was sent for the two year training instead.

10/03/2023 07:21:00 AM

For the record we do not have any navy seals or delta on our department, almost all of those guys retire from there and then go on to work as contractors. They would lose money working for any state or local police departments, truth be told.

10/03/2023 12:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you have any experience, advanced training or degrees, etc, ..the units don't want you because you will be more qualified and educated than the bosses, which you will make them look stupid. Cant have that.

10/03/2023 12:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This department is useless. A canine merit will start tomorrow. A list that may go up to 10-15 if lucky. No order out saying who put this person in. 5 years on the job. Ridiculous

10/02/2023 07:42:00 PM

“It’s rigged” my FTO’s words when I asked how promotions work. At the time I believed he was just jaded and everyone actually had a fair shot at succeeding. Man, was I wrong! FTO was 100% correct, everything down to the lowly early/late car assignments is and always will be rigged. Forget about any position outside of patrol being legit or how one is assigned. As for K9, it is rigged more than the sergeants exam. So I wouldn’t even waste time testing.
Few years back a Navy seal could not qualify for the marine unit. He just did not have the qualifications CPD was looking for. That officer resigned shortly after. An Army Apache pilot with multiple combat tours also apparently lacked the qualifications to fly CPD’s helicopters. An officer with zero flight time was sent for the two year training instead.

10/03/2023 07:21:00 AM
A Navy SEAL I call bullshit! they get jobs making big money are sought out joined CPD maybe a bullshiter not a SEAL!

10/03/2023 01:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're wrong bud, my sergeant says go ahead and pull over those cars. Management will always have my back and I cannot be fired. Lawsuits? Not going to happen that's what indemnification is for. Oh and all the comments on the blog are negative lies. I love this job and one day I aspire to become worthy of being called CPD Green Ghost-those who know know.

10/02/2023 08:25:00 PM

Very few make it to where the Green Ghosts prepare and train to be the top of the sword. Make sure you’re ready because we are in the business of being bad ass warriors.


10/03/2023 03:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its not "top of the sword numbnuts its "tip of the sword".

10/05/2023 07:04:00 AM  

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