Monday, December 04, 2023

Massive VSWO Grievance

Lots of cops like overtime. Some rely on it more than others, but if the City is giving it away, making your financial situation a little bit better is a good life choice. And as with any benefit granted, seniority should get you the better assignments and better choices of hours.

So when the Department denies you opportunities to earn money, based on arbitrary, capricious and inconsistent rulings, then there needs to be push-back. You have to prove it of course....but that has now happened, to the eye-popping number of OVER 220 officers denied Special Employment over the course of only 90 days.

We're going to summarize parts of an email chain we have going on right now:

  • As predicted - and now confirmed with FOIA requests being granted - the suspensions doled out by the assholes at the Special Employment Section is completely arbitrary and capricious. [...] Special Employment has their own 10 page “VSWO Guidelines” that they use to levy suspension penalties for a variety of infractions.

    The first issue regarding this is that these guidelines were made up in house and are not part of or referenced in or linked to any general order, special order, or employee resource. Summary Punishment orders referencing Special Employment make no mention of the “VSWO Guidelines”

These "house rules" are not contractually negotiated and have no bearing on how things should run. Numerous exempts have attempted to work around contractually negotiated issues and end up batting close to .000.

  • I FOIA requested every officer who was suspended between April 10 and July 25 (the date these “guidelines” were last amended, and the date I was suspended, respectively). I also FOIA’d who was responsible for drafting these guidelines and implementing the discipline process. I received the suspension documents of over 220 coppers and to say Special Employment plays fast and loose would be the understatement of the millennium.

    Attached are a handful of files that clearly show that discipline is completely arbitrary. I found several examples where other coppers committed the same exact sin as me, but received no penalty. When time permits, this data will be put into a spreadsheet to look for obvious patterns focusing on race, sex, and seniority. Of particular interest, notice that the Supervisor(s) and Commanding Officers identities have been redacted. Left to twist in the wind will be the minions haphazardly recommending suspensions at the initial level.

And the good news:

  • I have already filed a grievance (as have a handful of others), and the FOP has indicated they will take this to class action status based on the number of officers affected (220+ in just 3 months).

If you were denied Special Employment opportunities based on these "rules," there's a good chance of you getting paid for each and every day you didn't get to work.

Here's what two of the denials looked like - signed up for 4 days by mistake - suspension zeroed out (click for larger versions):

 Again, signed up for 4 days by mistake - 30 days suspension:

The redactions are from the City and only seem to protect supervisors.

In any event, if you feel you were wrongly denied Special Employment opportunities and you want to find out how to go about rectifying this situation, keep reading:

  • To that end, anyone that needs help with the grievance process, verbiage for the narrative, etc, can contact me via department email:

    But they must do it from their department email address.

Department email is for Department business and grievances are Department business. This officer has done the lion's share of the work to make this process as simple as possible. Those familiar with recent years will recognize him as part of the Grievance Committee and one of the driving forces behind battling Groot's poison jab mandates.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good Luck.

Fight the good fight. Your Labor Agreement demands you fight for your rights.

12/04/2023 12:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In order for something to be grieved some part of the contract has to be violated. Ot is not covered in any of the contracts. It should be but ot in this form has only been around for 15 years or so. Grieve away it will go nowhere. Good luck with a lawsuit in cook county.

12/04/2023 12:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The VSWO rules are invisible— they aren’t published within the application used to request dates???

12/04/2023 12:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every so often, rarely, as we know so well, the rules/laws can be utilized for an honorable purpose.

Release the Dogs of Litigations!!!!

12/04/2023 12:50:00 AM  
Blogger JustHereForThePaycheck said...

This dude is a motherfucker.

I was one of many whose job was saved when Glen uncovered the bullshit HR was playing with Covid Religious Exemptions. To date I STILL haven’t received an answer whether my exemption has been approved or rejected. They seem to have forgotten about harassing me for a priest’s signature once GP dropped his ordinance.

So it doesn’t surprise me that he’s poking another bear. Note to the CPD administration: if he’s shared this much, it’s a safe bet that he’s got your ass completely. But this is HUGE as I’d assume way more people work VSWO than requested religious exemptions from the Covid vaccine.

And I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t completely shocked to learn that evidence has been uncovered which shows that the Bossholes create their own rules only to enforce them unfairly. THEIR OWN DOCUMENTS will be what sinks them… you just have to love the balls on some of these stupid motherfuckers.

There’s gonna be a ton of people getting paid on this one, so get those grievances filed, folks. And I fully expect FOP to pursue identifying the redacted Stupidvisors who signed off on all this shit so that they can be held accountable.


12/04/2023 12:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rules are for the peasants!

12/04/2023 12:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“This officer has done the lion's share of the work to make this process as simple as possible. Those familiar with recent years will recognize him as part of the Grievance Committee and one of the driving forces behind battling Groot's poison jab mandates.“

This officer has done more than FOP has with these issues. Gotta love an old school 30+ year PO who’s smarter than the entire command staff combined and has brass balls on top of it. I always knew special employment was rigged but never woulda thought how to get them dirty. I heard a rumor that he’s got elf Loughrans CPD cell phone texts and emails regarding the bogus canine promotions which hastened the elf’s departure. Anyone know if this is true? Either way thanks for exposing those MFers bro.

12/04/2023 01:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If anyone doesn't get it yet, go after these supervisiors and more importantly the city when they "make up rules" and make unreasonable, excessive, extreme punishments with no justification or evidence for punishment. Sue them civilly(personally with them named) and make their pockets bleed, come after them like they come after you. If you don't want to be a fair and understanding so be it, another asshole added to the list of anti-police bias parts of the department. Because that's how they'll learn, losing money. Fuck them, and fuck this city.

12/04/2023 02:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

While this should always be assigned on seniority basis only, it’s not that hard.

A big problem is also the coppers acting like children and not signing up correctly.
Screw up your registration, and miss the period.
It’s not rocket science, and too many are trying to scam the system.

Allow POs to sign up for and be assigned more than 3 days, the “supplemental” is silly.
Stop limiting the number of days people can work should they choose.

12/04/2023 02:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You will never find fairness on the Chicago Police Department. Never look for fairness by BIA (IAD) either. Whole department upper boss don’t belong there and are a joke. The whole system runs on friends and family. This is crap you never know until you work here and are in the thick of things.

12/04/2023 03:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BJ cut 833 vacancies from the budget, forced or voluntary OT might be the new norm to supplement the shortage. So we’re at about 12000 full strength which puts us currently at about 400 vacancies.

12/04/2023 04:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not a police officer, But I am very surprised that they either didn't redact every name, or alternately identify people by rank and a number (lieutenant 12), just to avoid conflicts.

Are complete copies of the original given to the disciplined officers?

12/04/2023 05:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder how many of those house mice over at Special Employment just had their sphincters slam shut. They’re all about to get a dose of what it means to have a supervisor throw you under the bus. After all, they’re the ones making the initial determination of the penalty. which raises another question… How can someone of equal or lesser rank have a role in determining discipline on a coworker? I’m sure the supervisors will say something like they delegated responsibility, but that’s another part of this equation that needs to be done away with. and great work by a legend I had the pleasure of working with in 011 in the 90s. GP ain’t no dummy.

12/04/2023 05:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Grab the popcorn!!! Some “dumb blue shirt” is about to expose another aspect of just how fucked up this job is. If all this is true you’re looking at possibly several hundred/thousands plus of officers who were harmed. Alyson Johnson plays favorites when signing off on suspensions - FACT. M & F 1’s seem to receive “special” treatment. This has really really big problems written all over it. Supervisors from Cmdr Jill on down need to be made examples of. Hats off to whoever the po is who exposed this corruption.

12/04/2023 06:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, job well done! Thanks for all your hard work.

12/04/2023 06:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glen has been a good and conscientious copper since his days in 011. Fight the good fight.

12/04/2023 06:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like the latter was caught again trying to work non RDOs after being told not to, clearly stated in numerous Admin messages. Also, past history shows two cancellations. Compared to the first one with no cancellations and just incorrect sign ups, not doesn’t show being notified not to as the second. Clearly an appeal was had (to-from) which explained the issue and that was resolved.

12/04/2023 06:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the city just loves to give away taxpayer money for nothing all the time. keep filing those grievances!!

12/04/2023 07:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LT A. Johnson is the worst ! Awful person

12/04/2023 07:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Retired here...I recently closed out my career with ever working one day of special employment. Not one!

A little extra money can come in handy. I get it, but this Department runs things pretty F$@#ed up. In fact it runs everything f@#$ed up. And it sseems there was always a price to pay for sucking at the altar of OT.

I worked a couple side jobs, but I also valued my time off. NO answering to anybody on my time...

We get paid a lot people...Live within your means. I was even maxxed out in Deferred Comp. I also had a summer home in the far north suburbs. It can be done. You don't need a new I- phone every year or a new car for that matter. I went to Starbucks on a regular basis, worked on my houses when it needed work, and had some decent vacations along the way. Now my house is paid off and my taxes are way lower out here. Slow and steady wins the race people. Stay safe...

12/04/2023 07:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting this. I was suspended for six months, which I was excused by special, then put a to/from just asking for a reduction and they added an additional 7 months to the suspension for a total 13 months. I have already filed a grievance. You have that right rules for the peasants.

12/04/2023 08:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

VSWO--is Voluntary and not covered by the contract. Grievance will not provide relief---however it should shake up the brass to dump the numbnuts fools currently running the program--
and by the way--those could be civilians no need for full duty sworn to be wasted on these admin positions--heck, just go ahead and outsource the whole shebang to Kelly Girl agency.

12/04/2023 08:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
In order for something to be grieved some part of the contract has to be violated. Ot is not covered in any of the contracts. It should be but ot in this form has only been around for 15 years or so. Grieve away it will go nowhere. Good luck with a lawsuit in cook county.

12/04/2023 12:36:00 AM

Section 16.1 and 16.2 addresses discipline as related to Special Employment. The people at VSWO repeatedly and regularly ignore the contract. You can’t just make up your own rules. And even if you COULD, you’d have to enforce them fairly… which they don’t. This is a slam dunk.

Educate yourself, dummy.

12/04/2023 08:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glen is a outstanding guy. Worked in 011, Forensics and now Canine. I believe he ran for some spot in FOP last election and lost. It's a shame because he would be an asset. Good work on this Glen.

12/04/2023 08:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Retired Sgt. here. I remember sitting at meetings regarding detailing P.O.s to assignments or details outside their Unit of assignment. Sometimes it was other small matters that should have been covered by contractual rights. Occasionally the Contract was blatantly violated. Usually it was just little things, just enough where those involved wouldn’t bother filing a grievance.

The common refrain though was let them file a grievance. By the time there is any resolution we’ll all be long and it won’t have any effect on us. Exempt members should be held accountable for contractual violations by supervisors within their commands. If a Commander had his/her ass on the line things would be very different. The amount of grievances filed would plummet.

12/04/2023 08:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

P.O.JM runs it over there!

When the Supervisors are questioned about anything they refer to him for answers.

He's the one recommending suspensions and most likely signing off on them.

He has been doing it since VRI.

12/04/2023 08:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't be so greedy. Just work your regular tour.

12/04/2023 09:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The rules are simple.
1. You can’t be on the clock 4 hours before you start working vowing
2. It must be an redo or furlough period...not a furlo extension
3. Don’t squeeze 3 Sdi’s or cta’s into 2 rdo’s————-midnight officer greed.
4. Show up on your scheduled day. If you can’t make it email special events before your tour.

The #4 kills the deal for a lot of people because they decide not to show on teen trending days or extreme weather days

the foia requester is a #2 violator.........yes he sinned.

12/04/2023 09:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
The VSWO rules are invisible— they aren’t published within the application used to request dates???

12/04/2023 12:38:00 AM

What you fail to realize is that at the end of the day their “rules“ don’t mean shit as they were not negotiated and added to the contract. Our contract already has provisions for being suspended from working Special Employment. Just because you acknowledge protocol when submitting days doesn’t mean they can arbitrarily decide what to suspend you for and for how long And let’s pretend for a minute that they could actually get away with creating and imposing their own rules. They would still have to enforce them equally and fairly. Which they are not. I can’t wait to see what his spreadsheet shows. Something tells me that some people will have been treated more unfairly than others. And then that opens a whole new can of worms. It’s great that someone has finally called them on their bullshit because they’ve been doing it for so long and getting away with it. I hope to God, the FOP picks this up and runs with it. It’s not a coincidence that they bury these Special Employment guidelines where they’re not easily accessible. It’s also very telling that these guidelines have undergone several revisions over the last couple years. And if they were legit, they would be part of some general order or special order, or employee resource, which they are not. if anything, for discipline purposes, they should be included with the SPAR order. As in PROGRESSIVE DISCIPLINE. not 30 or 60 or 90 days for a clerical error. Hell, guys take less time when charged and convicted of much more serious rule violations. This is definitely going to be interested and needs to remain a hot topic.

12/04/2023 09:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
In order for something to be grieved some part of the contract has to be violated. Ot is not covered in any of the contracts. It should be but ot in this form has only been around for 15 years or so. Grieve away it will go nowhere. Good luck with a lawsuit in cook county.

12/04/2023 12:36:00 AM

I don't know who you are, or why you've decided to post this nonsense, but you're obviously not the police or have just been around for a hot minute.

Planned overtime opportunities have always been offered by seniority, and is covered extensively in the contract. If you have the seniority and have been denied you have a right to grieve.

12/04/2023 09:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fight them tooth and nail. I never did any OT until late in my career but hit it hard for almost 4 years. Enabled me to catch up my def comp and buy a home out of state. Take their money and leave Chiraq in the rear view mirror.

12/04/2023 09:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“Guidelines “ screams potential abuse of power!

12/04/2023 10:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“Department email is for Department business and grievances are Department business. This officer has done the lion's share of the work to make this process as simple as possible. Those familiar with recent years will recognize him as part of the Grievance Committee and one of the driving forces behind battling Groot's poison jab mandates.”

This officer has balls like very few I’ve seen on this job. He’s again went above and beyond and stuck his neck out to call the department on their bullshit to the benefit of - literally - thousands of officers who work special employment. I hope they don’t try to retaliate against him as he surely has a ton of people in panic mode scrambling to do damage control. Kinda late for that though. I’ll be watching this one play out to the very end. I predict an immediate rewriting of Special Employment policy.

12/04/2023 10:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
In order for something to be grieved some part of the contract has to be violated. Ot is not covered in any of the contracts. It should be but ot in this form has only been around for 15 years or so. Grieve away it will go nowhere. Good luck with a lawsuit in cook county.

Seen numerous legit seniority violation grievances filed through the years. The commander initially squashes those every time, and later so does the FLOP. Exempts and union settle the clouted officers' grievances behind closed doors. FLOP "wins" those grievances for the few connected but the rest will be thrown out even tho evidence is presented clear as day.

12/04/2023 10:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Retired here...I recently closed out my career with ever working one day of special employment. Not one!

A little extra money can come in handy. I get it, but this Department runs things pretty F$@#ed up. In fact it runs everything f@#$ed up. And it sseems there was always a price to pay for sucking at the altar of OT.

I worked a couple side jobs, but I also valued my time off. NO answering to anybody on my time...

We get paid a lot people...Live within your means. I was even maxxed out in Deferred Comp. I also had a summer home in the far north suburbs. It can be done. You don't need a new I- phone every year or a new car for that matter. I went to Starbucks on a regular basis, worked on my houses when it needed work, and had some decent vacations along the way. Now my house is paid off and my taxes are way lower out here. Slow and steady wins the race people. Stay safe...

12/04/2023 07:47:00 AM
Same here we get paid well, you are correct but then again many don't race out for that jacked up jeep, the dodge pickup smoked out windows so looking cool with that huge payment! Cannot forget the punisher sticker in the windows I am a badass mofo look at me i be the new police! Dont do much otj just wanna be cool!

12/04/2023 10:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bitch and moan all you want. This is been going on for a long time. Remember years ago the movie details if you were connected you got the details. If you weren’t, you didn’t get any simple as that that’s how this works. Manny coppers are lazy on the job don’t do anything then they go to special employment. Don’t do anything then they wonder why the bosses don’t want them there the new generation thinking they’re entitled.

12/04/2023 10:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To all:

Take a look at the millennials who left the department and came back. I thought the union agreed to giving them no seniority? There’s a rehired PO screwing over young kids on these furlough picks.

12/04/2023 12:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Retired here...I recently closed out my career with ever working one day of special employment. Not one!

A little extra money can come in handy. I get it, but this Department runs things pretty F$@#ed up. In fact it runs everything f@#$ed up. And it sseems there was always a price to pay for sucking at the altar of OT.

I worked a couple side jobs, but I also valued my time off. NO answering to anybody on my time...

We get paid a lot people...Live within your means. I was even maxxed out in Deferred Comp. I also had a summer home in the far north suburbs. It can be done. You don't need a new I- phone every year or a new car for that matter. I went to Starbucks on a regular basis, worked on my houses when it needed work, and had some decent vacations along the way. Now my house is paid off and my taxes are way lower out here. Slow and steady wins the race people. Stay safe...

I’m curious. Did you have a two income household where your significant other made a similar salary? I think this easily attainable also if you remain unmarried or no children throughout your career. Paid off mortgage and a summer home? That’s impressive congratulations.

12/04/2023 12:38:00 PM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

They only want pretty officers.

Now, kees me you fool!!!!

12/04/2023 01:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see Glen is selling a lot of you snake oil. You’ve been warned. You’ll be left holding the bag like he’s done to plenty of other coppers he’s gotten go in on his big grievances.

12/04/2023 01:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT ... anyone know where they hired thru on the current sgt list

12/04/2023 01:56:00 PM  
Anonymous J. Backstabvich@541 said...

Jesus H. Christ on a bicycle!!!

This literally has the potential to affect several hundred or more officers. If even half of them are convinced to submit grievances I’ll be busy for months doing actual work in relation to my title of Grievance Committee Cochair. When will I have time to eat 4 meals while here on the clock at FLOP Central??!!!

Sorry, Dan… looks like I’ll be going on the membership-funded medical until this storm blows over.

PS - FU and your awesome, results-getting FOIA’s, Glen.

12/04/2023 02:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Retired here...I recently closed out my career with ever working one day of special employment. Not one!

A little extra money can come in handy. I get it, but this Department runs things pretty F$@#ed up. In fact it runs everything f@#$ed up. And it sseems there was always a price to pay for sucking at the altar of OT.

I worked a couple side jobs, but I also valued my time off. NO answering to anybody on my time...

We get paid a lot people...Live within your means. I was even maxxed out in Deferred Comp. I also had a summer home in the far north suburbs. It can be done. You don't need a new I- phone every year or a new car for that matter. I went to Starbucks on a regular basis, worked on my houses when it needed work, and had some decent vacations along the way. Now my house is paid off and my taxes are way lower out here. Slow and steady wins the race people. Stay safe...

Who people working overtime aren’t living within their means. You didn’t work overtime, well bully for you. Don’t count other people’s pennies. Maybe some of us are just greedy f**ks! You retired so just fade away.

12/04/2023 03:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Retired here...I recently closed out my career with ever working one day of special employment. Not one!

A little extra money can come in handy. I get it, but this Department runs things pretty F$@#ed up. In fact it runs everything f@#$ed up. And it sseems there was always a price to pay for sucking at the altar of OT.

I worked a couple side jobs, but I also valued my time off. NO answering to anybody on my time...

We get paid a lot people...Live within your means. I was even maxxed out in Deferred Comp. I also had a summer home in the far north suburbs. It can be done. You don't need a new I- phone every year or a new car for that matter. I went to Starbucks on a regular basis, worked on my houses when it needed work, and had some decent vacations along the way. Now my house is paid off and my taxes are way lower out here. Slow and steady wins the race people. Stay safe...

12/04/2023 07:47:00 AM
Same here we get paid well, you are correct but then again many don't race out for that jacked up jeep, the dodge pickup smoked out windows so looking cool with that huge payment! Cannot forget the punisher sticker in the windows I am a badass mofo look at me i be the new police! Dont do much otj just wanna be cool!

12/04/2023 10:42:00 AM
I know many millennial coppers that complain about dude with smoked windows, no city stickers, covered plates etc and they do the same things! Looks like Larry dumped the inspectors, you cannot find 2 coppers that even wear the same uniform!

12/04/2023 03:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bitch and moan all you want. This is been going on for a long time. Remember years ago the movie details if you were connected you got the details. If you weren’t, you didn’t get any simple as that that’s how this works. Manny coppers are lazy on the job don’t do anything then they go to special employment. Don’t do anything then they wonder why the bosses don’t want them there the new generation thinking they’re entitled.

No jeep here, no vacation houses, no new yearly iphone, no netflix, no starbucks, or all the other unnecessary BS cops purchase these days for ticktuck. I want no part in OT and hopefully never will need it. And cannot blame coppers for not wanting to do anything for these Lieutenants and Sergeants. Bosses have favorites who they will always take care of and the rest who aren't the favorites can only observe and become jaded. Whether they bring in activity or not no bone is thrown your way. So why would officers assume more liability where there's no reward?

12/04/2023 05:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did Gov Pigster sign the COLA yet? I mean he couldn't wait to sign anti 2nd amendment or pro criminal laws?

12/04/2023 06:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Mr RDO said...

I only worked special one time. I used that cash to get a Punisher tattoo on my ass.

12/04/2023 06:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I see Glen is selling a lot of you snake oil. You’ve been warned. You’ll be left holding the bag like he’s done to plenty of other coppers he’s gotten go in on his big grievances.

12/04/2023 01:44:00 PM

Wrong. Your very own FOP killed those canine grievances because they were in cahoots with the Department. Your own union sold out you guys and girls who grieved the illegal promotions of people to canine handler who never took the test or ranked as eligible. Glen had them dead bang only he wasn’t away initially that Loughran got to his buddy Mette to put it all in motion. what exactly did the FOP got in return for allowing something like eight people to become handlers who are not eligible. And this statement is 100% FACT. Oh yeah, GP also handed the department/HR their asses with uncovering the religious exemption issue. He saved a lot of people their jobs just like another poster said. You couldn’t even dream of having one percent of the balls he has.

12/04/2023 07:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

order for something to be grieved some part of the contract has to be violated. Ot is not covered in any of the contracts. It should be but ot in this form has only been around for 15 years or so. Grieve away it will go nowhere. Good luck with a lawsuit in cook county.

12/04/2023 12:36:00 AM

Section 16.1 and 16.2 addresses discipline as related to Special Employment. The people at VSWO repeatedly and regularly ignore the contract. You can’t just make up your own rules. And even if you COULD, you’d have to enforce them fairly… which they don’t. This is a slam dunk.

Educate yourself, dummy.

12/04/2023 08:10:00 AM

Thanks. So I didn’t have to waste time responding to it.

12/04/2023 07:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yall need take home squads like the southern boys

12/04/2023 07:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Glen is a outstanding guy. Worked in 011, Forensics and now Canine. I believe he ran for some spot in FOP last election and lost. It's a shame because he would be an asset. Good work on this Glen.

12/04/2023 08:25:00 AM

He ran for Trustee and I voted for him. Unfortunately there were 3000 ballots that John felt didn't need to be counted.

12/04/2023 08:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excess deaths in 2023 continue to surge in the United States.

Life insurance executives and actuaries are alarmed.

Life insurers paid record levels of claims in 2021, the biggest one-year increase since 1918.

Younger adult death rate up 20% in 2023.

15 – 19 years; % difference from 2019

2018, 1%
2020, 21%
2021, 28%
2022, 21%
2023, (Jan – May), 24%

30 – 34 years; % difference from 2019

2018, -1%
2020, 30%
2021, 42%
2022, 30%
2023, (Jan – May), 23%

40 – 44 years; % difference from 2019

2018, -2%
2020, 30%
2021, 45%
2022, 30%
2023, (Jan – May), 25%

Cause of death data show increased cardiac mortality in all ages.

As COVID-related causes declined in 2022, others rose, particularly stroke, diabetes, kidney and liver diseases.

Here is the source: Dr John Cambell, who has provided very diligent, balanced documentation over the last 3 years.

12/04/2023 08:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is this the same guy who would make the PA announcements in 011 about the "2 for 1 hair gel sale at Walgreens on Roosevelt and Homan" while we were processing our Mobile Strike Force arrests?!

12/04/2023 08:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“…out for that jacked up jeep, the dodge pickup smoked out windows so looking cool with that huge payment! Cannot forget the punisher sticker in the windows I am a badass mofo look at me i be the new police! Dont do much otj just wanna be cool!….”

-and this one-

“…millennial coppers that complain about dude with smoked windows, no city stickers, covered plates etc and they do the same things…

Find a new act will ya? Come up with a new line. And take that other asshat who has to bring up “…the Amish….” all the time, too!

12/04/2023 08:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Is this the same guy who would make the PA announcements in 011 about the "2 for 1 hair gel sale at Walgreens on Roosevelt and Homan" while we were processing our Mobile Strike Force arrests?!

12/04/2023 08:41:00 PM

LOLOLO talk about a blast from the past!!! Yes that was him. One of the best senses of humor I’ve encountered in 27 years on. Many supervisors didnt care for him cuz he never took much seriously and was always fucking around (think homeless invited to live in Henny Pennys pod watching room). That 3/w desk crew were constantly busting balls but they ran the tightest ship on the busiest desk in the city. They also ate like they were going to the chair. That said, Glen would give you the shirt off his back and go to hell and back for his friends and people he cares about. He never took undeserved shit from any supervisor who tried to get over on him and will go to great lengths to bury it in your ass if you cross him. And when it’s time to prove his point and make his case he doesn’t roll in half cocked or unprepared. He does his homework. And that’s obvious here. Same with the religious exemption issue. Ditto the illegitimate k9 promos. Airtight cases with plenty of documentation, no woof tickets from that guy. Shame he didn’t get elected to the trustee spot last election as he would be an even bigger asset to the membership in that capacity than he is now. I’m recently retired but would have loved to know all of this he uncovered when I was unjustly suspended from special. Keep fighting the good fight Glen.

- T.R.

12/04/2023 11:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope the horrible PO who responds to emails for her LT and just signs the email with her initials gets dumped to 3 on midnights.

12/05/2023 12:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where is fatstabitch the grievance chairman in all of this?? You will have to go look for him at the nearest restaurant stuffing his face!!

12/05/2023 12:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glen is a good dude but a scammer. Doesn’t have or didn’t have a K9 dog and doing overtime daily at the training facility due to seniority. What a scammer. Greedy as hell. Retire already. Get a hobby other then this job and blog.

12/05/2023 01:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bring back BABY G!!!

12/05/2023 02:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is this why Commander GC is now a LT ?

12/05/2023 03:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Retired here, I called the Sergeant's union years ago regarding Special Employment and the Department's refusal to compensate Supervisors with the rank credit they were entitled to (.75 hours comp time). P.B. from the union said we will not file the grievance because Don O'Neil said we weren't entitled because it was a voluntary program. I pushed the issue and threatened a grievance against the lodge with the state or national lodge if they didn't. The contract language was quite clear as was the initial announcement to qualify.

Fast forward the grievance was joined and attached to the grievance regarding FLSA compensation and low and behold both parts of the grievance were ruled in favor of the members. The department is still calculating how much time or money needs to be paid out but it was anultimate win. Like others said know the contract. Know your rights. The city will pull any bs they can because unfortunately coppers are lazy at times but more commonly uninformed.

Sean Ronan (Lt-Ret)

12/05/2023 06:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Find a new act will ya? Come up with a new line. And take that other asshat who has to bring up “…the Amish….” all the time, too!

You mean the Amish cops with slicked back hair, smoked out windows on their carriages, and Horses with Punisher saddles?

12/05/2023 08:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Glen Popiela said...

Anonymous said...
I hope the horrible PO who responds to emails for her LT and just signs the email with her initials gets dumped to 3 on midnights.

12/05/2023 12:00:00 AM

Oh, you mean EP? That’d be EVELYN PEREZ.

None of the minions there identify themselves on email correspondence by design. They figure doing this will somehow eliminate them from any level of culpability as this thing blows up.

I responded to “EP” asking him/her to identify themselves by last name, first name, employee number and star number. She complied (as she HAS to per GO), albeit with a “well, since you asked” crack in her response.

Suggestion: if Special Events emails - particularly those regarding being suspended - arrive without the author identified, respond to it demanding to know the identity of who sent it. There’s a reason behind this, but more on that later when the time is right.

Do not allow them to continue to hide in the anonymity of generic emails sent from that unit. Demand to know who’s telling you that you’re suspended as they will be held accountable as this issue progresses. Lastly, request from them your “Guideline Violation - Recommendation for Suspension” form. Demand it be without redactions as you have a right to know the identity of the supervisor(s) concurring with suspending you.

There’s a reason Jill Stevens or Allyson Johnson aren’t authoring emails to officers getting suspended from the VSWO program. They also delayed my FOIA requests by months because they needed that time to redact the names of supervisors (which is improper) from these forms, yet the names of those PO’s who processed these cases were not. Their lack of transparency isn’t an accident.

Glen Popiela
Canine Unit #341

12/05/2023 08:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This goes way back, all of you remember when Mark Harmon was involved in this. He fucked many officers.

12/05/2023 10:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Maybe some of us are just greedy f**ks! You retired so just fade away.

Heh-heh...struck a nerve there, eh? I will fade away, but before I go, I can say that "You will face the same obstacles to sensibility if you ignore the past."

I don't have a dog in this hunt anymore...good luck kid!

12/05/2023 12:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone have any updates on the VRI lawsuit/retro?

12/05/2023 12:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe the mayor's detail should be part of the contract as this job bestows not only a healthy raise and benefit increase, but a healthy boost in pension. Establish a basic criteria , have officers apply for the position, take a test and have a board make the selections. But, I think somehow the city and department would find a way around this in so called merit. Look how the new superintendent studied his way to the top!

12/05/2023 01:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My only issue with the people at VSEP is they need to call you and let you know that you received an additional day when another officer calls off the day before and they just reassign you without any notification. You catch the suspension only because you were unaware you had VSEP. Too me that's an obvious one that happens quite a bit.

12/05/2023 03:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I need the OT to pay for my boat And Porsche and to keep my wife happy and my side piece even happier.

12/06/2023 12:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I need the OT to pay for my boat And Porsche and to keep my wife happy and my side piece even happier.

12/06/2023 12:29:00 AM
Dont forget the jeep and dodge pickup!

12/06/2023 02:06:00 PM  

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