Friday, July 19, 2024

Judge Tyria Walton Lies

We've opined for years here about the various levels of incompetence on display in government - all levels of government. We've been generous spreading around our criticism - it's free and it's our Right as a citizen. Sometimes we've even provoked a response and once in a great while, a change for the better, because sunlight is the best disinfectant and misbehavior brought to the attention of the public is a great motivator.

Mind you, we've done this with a readership that - on a good day - might have been 30,000 people a day, 50,000 on a really good day. After The Hiatus, we've been hitting the 20,000 mark regularly, but we've got a way to go building back.

We might be getting some extra readers after the display from one of those incompetent and lying judges the other day:

  • The Cook County judge who oversaw the bench trial of a woman who struck a Chicago cop with his own squad car says she has been receiving threats since finding Whitley Temple not guilty by reason of insanity.

Which we addressed, politely and calmly, pointing out that the allegations of threats were "without an iota of evidence." For the slower readers that means:

  • without any supporting documentation or recordings

It's just the judge talking shit from the bench. We would hope that people would use their better judgement and not act like idiots, but after the past eight years of democrats raising the political temperature past boiling, to the point of provoking an assassination attempt on a former President, dissuading unknown morons from being morons is beyond our ability.

Then the outright lies and slander start:

  • “Every time we are here, there is a need for me to make a record because something stupid has happened between the last court date and today’s court date,” Walton began, saying she had previously mentioned “disparaging comments and borderline threats” made toward her online and in the media.

Disparaging, sure. You deserve it.

Threats? Nope. Threats get deleted long before they're published. We tread a fine line and threats are a big no-no. Always have been. "Talking shit" gets a pass a lot of the time, because there's nothing behind it, and it's what a lot of people do - ALL people.

  • “I have received phone calls from individuals who have represented that they are members of the Chicago Police Department and that I should, in essence, watch my back, and that if — that someone was going to be shot as a result of my ruling. Those phone calls were made directly to the presiding judge’s office here in this building and to the chief judge’s office. In addition to that, I have received a number of calls to call me, and I’m going to quote, a racist piece of s**t, because I’m Black, because Ms. Temple is Black, and because Officer Poppish is White,” the judge continued.

If these calls exist (again, no evidence), then shame on the caller for not being polite, but it's an opinion they're entitled to have regardless of how they express it. Quite frankly, after observing her courtroom demeanor, her obviously biased rulings and slow-walking the case, and her convoluted end result, we can see how someone might get frustrated with the entire process and ascribe certain motives to the participants.

We would then point out there's a reason we encourage everyone to vote "NO" on all judicial retention ballots.

Then, the legally actionable statement from the judge:

  • “In addition, my picture has been shared on the Second City Blog, it has been shared on Second City posts, Facebook, my address at home, my contact information, and I’ve received a number of calls,” Walton stated. “So, again, you got the right one because I’m not moved by any of it, but the marshals and the other persons who are in charge of judicial security have been made aware of each and every threat and disparaging comment that I have received and those that have been made about the attorneys of record in this case.”

This is a LIE.

Repeating for the slower readers:

  • THIS IS A LIE and an actionable slander

Judge Tyria Walton's picture has never appeared on this site and it is impossible for commenters to post anything but profile pictures.

Judge Tyria Walton's address in Englewood has never appeared on this site or in the comment sections.

Judge Tyria Walton's phone number and contact information have appeared nowhere on this site.

Now....someone posted a link to The Chicago Daily Law Bulletin that contains a picture, a generalized Englewood location, job and school history and other information THAT THE JUDGE VOLUNTARILY FILLED OUT for the website. 

Any office or work number is available via the Cook County Court website and it goes through a switchboard.

That's all public information. We had nothing to do with her voluntarily disclosures, just as we had nothing to do with her political appointment to the bench, nor her twisted reasoning to find a naked crack addict mentally incompetent for her near-deadly actions against a Police Officer.

In light of recent developments where a murderer was able to stand trial for chopping up her landlord, while simultaneously successfully suing the CTA for a couple million dollars under a separate name, we will be consulting with legal counsel about any action we can take against the judge while maintaining our anonymity. Cook County rules are made for being bent it would seem.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sue her for slander.

7/19/2024 10:17:00 AM  
Anonymous TimeWatcher said...

Fuck this ghetto trash. These idiots think they are the only one's who are untouchable. Give her the fucking in court she deserves.

7/19/2024 10:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She mentioned her accomplishments as being a woman and being black. How are either of those biological factors an accomplishment?

7/19/2024 10:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“The culture” is obsessed with all things racial. The merits and the word of white people will never be truly taken into account by a person of color. They’re blinded by their own constant bias. This judge saw this case coming a mile away and was licking her chops at the opportunity to bury a white cop.

7/19/2024 10:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone who thinks this was a fair and impartial judicial hearing is a fool or has the intellect of a fly. People will see right through this judges fake facade and understand her real intent and personal racial hatred toward anyone that doesn’t look like her.

7/19/2024 11:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Black people have it engrained in them since birth to not trust white people. Especially white police officers. This is a fact. Not an opinion. This judge has been waiting for this exact scenario her whole life. This case she presided over is the exact reason she went to law school. This was her chance to make her people’s proud.

7/19/2024 11:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The judge in this case is a mirror of 99% of CPD’s current exempt rank. This is “their time”. Let them have it. It’s more proof everyday of the pure incompetency and racial bias they harbor toward anyone not resembling them.

7/19/2024 11:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The same way Brandon Johnson touts his administration as “the blackest” in Chicago’s history, this judge says her biggest accomplishment is being a black women. Being born certain skin colors is not an accomplishment. It just further instills the simple truth that concentrating on your skin color instead of properly governing a major American city doesn’t work. In fact It shows it is destroying it day by day.

7/19/2024 11:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blacks in Chicago have said over and over “this is their time”. White people from family’s in neighborhoods like Norwood Park, Edison Park, Mt. Greenwood, Beverly had their chance. Anyone being of traditional family values still living and being productive members of society in those neighborhoods understand it’s a dead end working for this city. They have taken their strong, proud family centered values and talents elsewhere. No one wants to have this real conversation. And really, who cares? The crime and rates of disintegration in this city have never been more prevalent. It is truly “their time”. Let them have it.

7/19/2024 11:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone telling themselves we live in the least racist time in history is lying to themselves. The racial divide began in 2008 with Obama and has grown exponentially ever since. This judge is jumping on her chance to “get back” at all the wrongs put on her people. She sees it as an eye for an eye. Plain and simple.

7/19/2024 11:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Maris said...

Creating a commission to review offensive statues doesnt make se se.
Just block out the nameplate on the offending statues to something less offensive.


I see a nameplate on a statue and have no idea who the person is.
Dont have to spend money on foolishness.

7/19/2024 11:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cook county is so out of control, that anything coming out of it at all will be righteously tossed aside as corrupt and incompetent. The result in this case is not new and I yes not shocking. Cook county judges, states attorneys and anyone else associated with it have been churning out backwards, harmful and dumb results for decades. Kim foxx shot it all into warp speed. This is nothing new.

7/19/2024 11:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This would be funny if it wasn’t so sad. It’s nothing more than a true testament of today’s sick, racially obsessed world.

7/19/2024 11:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is anyone surprised by this outcome? Why?

7/19/2024 11:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT- who was the spell checker for this months FOP magazine cover?

7/19/2024 11:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If her words are on the record is that perjury?

Go get the machine SCC

7/19/2024 12:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's hoping SCC can bag her for slander and possibly get her thrown off the bench!

7/19/2024 12:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can’t wait to vote the Democrat Jude out! Vote NO on retention for all these Judges who are doing nothing! They think they can control public opinion as if it is a court room. Talk about a God complex! I will remind all my friends and family every time when voting time comes around.

Also the term DemocRATS is to show the Democrat Party is no longer the in party or the party that’s liked. It’s not hate or races.

7/19/2024 12:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Democrat elected officials are cry babies and believe they are entitled. The people the Democrat Party service are no longer happy with their platform and their way of doing business. The Judge is a cry baby! Yes! You did what you did and the public don’t agree with it. Move on! The court of public opinion will judge you on voting day! As a judge you would think she would understand this and would not pass judgment on the blog views or commenters. The judge could always have left a comment so viewers could judge her! Amazing!

7/19/2024 12:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I spent 3 seconds on Google and found her address. Does she not know what public information is?

7/19/2024 01:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC...This what Trump meant when he raised his fist and yelled "Fight!"

Don't let these bastards scare you...The devil's horde will be in check very soon. Keep doing what you're doing. You have nothing wrong. Except rattle an already unhinged lower court judge.

Remember...."Evil advances when good men sit and do nothing..."

If she lies again, tie her up in civil court

7/19/2024 02:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

looks like this lying liberal demoRAT judge will be the next honorary guest on "the view"

7/19/2024 02:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who is she connected to? Big important clout working here. She must have the goods on a Cook County or City higher up.

7/19/2024 02:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The fix was in! The woman in question should have never been let go scott free! This case went worldwide with everybody watching the video! The woman did something unlawful and now walked away with not held accountable. What does it show the world, what does it show the residence of cook county, and what is it show the general public who work and live in Chicago. I recall reading; that is criminal woman was a paid employee was on the political campaign of president of the cook county board when she ran for mayor. We know that this politician picks judges for backing by the Democrat party. I bet this judge was one of the people backed by this slate maker. This is known as the deep state! This judge has to be kidding now trying to try this case in the public and playing the victim. Jude; how can you say what you deserve. You work for the people! I am one of the people and will definitely vote you out. I am happy you read the blog, so now I know, you know how I feel. You could have made a difference but choose to be corrupt. I now know what corruption looks like.

7/19/2024 02:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jude stick to what you do. The reading of the blog sounds goofy.

7/19/2024 03:01:00 PM  
Blogger stash the polski guy said...

Go get 'em tiger(s)

7/19/2024 03:27:00 PM  
Blogger JustHereForThePaycheck said...

Aaaawwwweeeee, HELLLLLLL nnaawwwww!!!

SCC finna get paaaaaaiiiiddddd!!!!

7/19/2024 04:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The judge sounds racist. WOW! It’s amazing!

7/19/2024 04:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When the judge is a victim I’ll bet things are different.

7/19/2024 04:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Englewood or Olympia Fields?

7/19/2024 04:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As soon as I read her accusations on CWB I knew she is a liar, since I read every day's blog. What do you expect. The whopper lie about people identifying themselves as CPD and calling her names or "threatening" her is also an obviously lie. Nobody wants to sit in callback.

7/19/2024 04:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone telling themselves we live in the least racist time in history is lying to themselves. The racial divide began in 2008 with Obama and has grown exponentially ever since. This judge is jumping on her chance to “get back” at all the wrongs put on her people. She sees it as an eye for an eye. Plain and simple.

The above post is 100 percent true and accurate.

7/19/2024 04:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Marshals have been notified? Does this stupid political hack think she's in Federal Court?

7/19/2024 04:50:00 PM  
Anonymous A SCC SUPPORTER FROM CT said...

We have your back SCC in CT

Garbage this Sludge iz

7/19/2024 04:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You mentioned political appointment. When I was googling her last night there was a picture of her ceremony swearing her in at the state Supreme Court with some old white woman leading the ceremony, I think that was Anne Burke. I think that was in 2019. So I don’t know how or why the Supreme Court can appoint a judge but I’d bet that was part of husband Eddie playing kingmaker and doing a solid for Preckwinkle.

7/19/2024 06:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I originally read her comments in the CWB Chicago story I hoped that nobody here thinks anonymous comments protect them. This site is hosted on a Google platform. Everything you say here can be revealed and tied to you with a subpoena. Unless you’re using TOR, VPNs, proxies and a host of complicated shit that most of us don’t use but that I think SCC the wise man that he is, uses.

7/19/2024 06:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That incompetent Affirmative Action judge is the racist and loves criminals, at least when they are black.

Another complete fail, the two Corvette drivers that were racing and killed a tourist got probation.

No justice for the victim at all. Useless judges, all of them. These ridiculous plea bargains. These two entitled asswipes pleaded guilty to reckless homicide with a motor vehicle in exchange for 30 months of probation and 300 hours of community service, according to court records. If that had been my loved one I would get my own justice. Another joke sentence. Corrupt Crook County, I don't know why anyone stays that has options.

And it's never going to change.

7/19/2024 06:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for clarifying that terrible slanderous lie about you honest folks at Second City Cop.

Good for you and please don’t back down, apologize take the knee for another BLM BlackLiesMatter lie.

And folks, it s not just PC, Woke Liberal democrats that “ take the knee “ for these BLM shake downs. So many Republicans such as Utah Sen. failed Presidential candidate Mitten Romney took the knee for Saint ( Not!) Fentanyl Floyd. So did Libertarian lunatic, coward KY Senator Rand Paul . In fact after a violent Antifa, BLM mob in DC attacked Rand Paul and his beautiful young wife ( saved barely by DC cops) , Sen Rand Paul reached out to the violent Antifa BLM folks and said this was all a misunderstanding as he was on their, BLM side and that he had personally sponsored the Federal no more no knock warrants, “ Justice for Breonna Tailor act” . Breonna Taylor was a GF , participant in a large Louisville based heroin narcotics gang, she and her heroin trafficking boyfriend were killed in a shoot out ( boyfriend fired first) in a police raid where a police officer was wounded by the gangster.

Don t believe me ? Look it up with credible alternative news sources.

Thank you again, please keep speaking the truth to corrupt power in our Chicago - the City that used to work.


7/19/2024 07:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 7/19 10:17 wrote

“Sue her for slander.”

7/19/2024 10:17:00 AM

I respond:

I m a listener to the excellent populist Conservative radio show run out of Memphis TN:

The Political Cesspool hosted by James Edwards ( Sat 6-9 pm CST)

James Edward was slandered by a corrupt BLM Leftist pol in Detroit and the Detroit News newspaper that lied and said James Edward’s was the leader of the Ku Klux Klan .

This was a 100% lie.

After James Edward’s sued the Detroit News for slander , all sides agree that James Edward’s had never been a member, much less a leader of any Ku Klux Klan group. Bit the Lib Leftist packed Michigan Supreme Court found gains Mr Edward’s, saying that he held some positions that actuall Ku Klux Klan leaders might hold ( suc as opposition to mass looting, rape, murder, Islamic terrorists hijacking American airplanes and crashing them in to American office buildings etc)

Also , Conservatives of any kind have never had much success getting slander judgments and damages because American slander and libel laws entail proving malicious intent, reckless disregard for the truth.

So, lots of luck SCCor any of us trying to sue these BLM, Lib lying judges and media.

7/19/2024 08:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So listen… I’m the police also and clearly this bitch was either all fd up or a mental. So a finding of insanity is more than likely appropriate. EP is a great dude, but someone needs to take this guys keyboard away. Ever week he would all of a sudden send out updates and long letters out about this case. Your job ends at charges approved. Ed, I like you but get off social media. This is 011 nonsense. I’m very sorry you got hurt, many of us have in 011 in the past and gotten nothing from
It. Why are we spending so much time on a mental female???? Yeah, ed got hurt. Att murder??? Better prove it which you couldn’t. Case was over charged from the beginning and Ed refused to settle which is why it went the way it went. Many chances to settle but it never happened.

7/19/2024 08:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In light of recent developments where a murderer was able to stand trial for chopping up her landlord, while simultaneously successfully suing the CTA for a couple million dollars under a separate name, we will be consulting with legal counsel about any action we can take against the judge while maintaining our anonymity. Cook County rules are made for being bent it would seem.

I'd like to volunteer as a witness and as a victim of PTDS in your law suit...

7/19/2024 08:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FJB will probably nominate her for the Supreme Court on his way out...

7/19/2024 08:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good one!

“Anonymous Anonymous said...
Anyone telling themselves we live in the least racist time in history is lying to themselves. The racial divide began in 2008 with Obama and has grown exponentially ever since…”

7/19/2024 10:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Take this cow to the cleaners.

7/20/2024 01:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The judge just wants to be the center of attention! VOTE! VOTE! VOTE!

7/20/2024 01:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Halfway off topic -

I thought IL abolished “not guilty by reason of insanity” and replaced it with “guilty but mentally ill”. Has that been reversed?

It has literally been 2 decades since I abandoned the state my family called home for over 150 years.
I have observed from afar the changes in IL. Alas, few, if any, have been for the good.
I mourn the death of the wonderful state I grew up in.

7/20/2024 01:37:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

Of course she is eligible for the BWP.

Now, kees me you fool!!!!

7/20/2024 06:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
"Thank you for clarifying that terrible slanderous lie about you honest folks at Second City Cop.

Good for you and please don’t back down, apologize take the knee for another BLM BlackLiesMatter lie.

And folks, it s not just PC, Woke Liberal democrats that “ take the knee... So did Libertarian lunatic, coward KY Senator Rand Paul."

I do not recall Sen. Rand Paul ever taking a knee during the Floyd protests, nor can I find an article or image of him doing so. Or did you mean that he "took a knee" figuratively?

7/20/2024 06:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the "still living in the ghetto" rat judge. fuck you, go cry somewhere else.

7/20/2024 07:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Black people have it engrained in them since birth to not trust white people. Especially white police officers. This is a fact. Not an opinion. This judge has been waiting for this exact scenario her whole life. This case she presided over is the exact reason she went to law school. This was her chance to make her people’s proud.

7/19/2024 11:03:00 AM
When did you become the voice of all blacks & wbat we are taught from birth! Then you know whh she attended law school & what she waited on her whole life. One thing worse than a leftist is a know it all. Just shut the fuck up!!!!

7/20/2024 09:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

c'mon, literally anybody can be a judge. its just so amazing the citizens here have an abundance of no common sense.

where's juicy?? are they waiting for everyone to forget about this jerk off??

7/20/2024 09:10:00 AM  
Blogger SCC said...

"....hit dog will holler"?

You mean how we bitch slapped the lying incompetent unqualified judge?

Go play in traffic asshat

7/20/2024 09:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Years ago with the help of the general public the FOP started a campagin to get Judge Passarella off the bench after he acquited a mob enforcer for beating Chicago Officer Cathy Touhy. It can be done.

7/20/2024 09:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bravo Second City Cop! Bravo!

7/20/2024 09:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope you do actually sue her!
I can serve as a lesson for the other bottom-feeders.

7/20/2024 01:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The officer didn't have a chance of getting any justice when this shitty judge was assigned. She's appears biased and racist.

7/20/2024 03:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don’t think that they aren’t subpoenaing things.

7/20/2024 03:43:00 PM  
Blogger Anonymous said...

“I have received phone calls from individuals who have represented that they are members of the Chicago Police Department and that I should, in essence, watch my back…”

Guuurrrl c’mon now. Anybody finna call and represent they a “member of CPD” is 100% not CPD. You mouf be lying worse than than that cheap wig you got taped to your damn head.

7/20/2024 06:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Black people have it engrained in them since birth to not trust white people. Especially white police officers. This is a fact. Not an opinion. This judge has been waiting for this exact scenario her whole life. This case she presided over is the exact reason she went to law school. This was her chance to make her people’s proud.

7/19/2024 11:03:00 AM
When did you become the voice of all blacks & wbat we are taught from birth! Then you know whh she attended law school & what she waited on her whole life. One thing worse than a leftist is a know it all. Just shut the fuck up!!!!

7/20/2024 09:01:00 AM

Dude, you shut the fuck up. The first comment is 100% accurate. I am a black man. My whole life I’ve been told white people wronged me. White people screwed me over. I grew up with many black friends and family who despised white police officers and actively rooted against them. Never trusted them. Today’s world directly reflects this everyday. There’s nothing liberal or leftist about that comment. You just refuse to accept reality and won’t realize you’re in a profession that you’ve actively rooted against your whole life. Grow up. Implicit bias is in ALL OF US. Not just the actual liberal leftist nonsense the dept has been trying to shove down our throats the last couple years. Implicit bias is in black people too. This judge showed her true colors. Pun intended. She showed for the world to see that she had implicit bias and racial hatred for white people. Yes she was waiting for this chance her entire life. She took it. Ain’t nothing else to it.

7/20/2024 07:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Don’t think that they aren’t subpoenaing things.

7/20/2024 03:43:00 PM

Most if not all subpoenas related to IP addresses etc require a criminal act. Point out any criminal act in any of the comments or threads. Or, let’s say it’s a subpoena for a civil suit again the blog that’s a slippery slope - are we going to start censoring anyone who hurts our feelings? There’s a lot of information out there about CPD officers thats incorrect, erroneous (review the invisible institute or the other page with civil suit payouts) - has anyone taken civil action against them for posting false information? No one has because that would be hard to win in civil court and would cost a lot of money.

7/21/2024 02:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 7/20/24 asks me:

I do not recall Sen. Rand Paul ever taking a knee during the Floyd protests, nor can I find an article or image of him doing so. Or did you mean that he "took a knee" figuratively?

7/20/2024 06:48:00 AM

Please email me
At jackryanod (at) protonmail (dot) com

And I will provide you with the information
You requested regarding KY Sen Rand Paul s shameful pandering to BLM BlackLiesMatter

7/21/2024 10:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC whom ever you are you keep eluding that you’re pulling the pin soon. First you have been on the side of the angels since pinning that star on. Hopefully you have a great place to move to. But winning a monster law suit against a lying judge ( insert look up & make complaint to the Il. ARDC) ANYONE can make a complaint & the ARDC has to investigate every allegation. So she could be sanctioned or even disbarred. The best part of this is Judge Evans doesn’t pass punishment. If the ARDC finds the poor judge is lying & making untrue statements from the bench. She will have to face the Illinois Supreme Court. They don’t like Crook Co. anymore than the rest of the state. So if she’s sanctioned, suspended or disbarred no more big money for her. Now about you SCC sue the crap out of her, the county everyone you can. Maybe you can buy an island where only cops can live after retirement!! Could you imagine being the only place in the world W/O any crime rate? A man can dream, go get them SCC!!!!!’nn

7/21/2024 11:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First of all I never knew da revrunds read this blog. Mr. Jackson your history is horrible you basically hold up companies for dough or threaten a boycott. Btw the Decatur 7 thing blew up in your face & you couldn’t run far enough fast enough. If you’re going to post, sign your name not this rambling dribble!! you shut the fuck up. The first comment is 100% accurate. I am a black man. My whole life I’ve been told white people wronged me. White people screwed me over. I grew up with many black friends and family who despised white police officers and actively rooted against them. Never trusted them. Today’s world directly reflects this everyday. There’s nothing liberal or leftist about that comment. You just refuse to accept reality and won’t realize you’re in a profession that you’ve actively rooted against your whole life. Grow up. Implicit bias is in ALL OF US. Not just the actual liberal leftist nonsense the dept has been trying to shove down our throats the last couple years. Implicit bias is in black people too. This judge showed her true colors. Pun intended. She showed for the world to see that she had implicit bias and racial hatred for white people. Yes she was waiting for this chance her entire life. She took it. Ain’t nothing else to it.

7/22/2024 04:33:00 PM  

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