If you've been following events in Washington DC the past three weeks, you know that Trump is taking a wrecking ball to the administrative (Deep) state and saving taxpayers billions of dollars already. You can tell it's working because the media - which would be using a term like "housecleaning" if Kamala was in charge - keeps using the word "purge" instead.
Many (if not most) of these changes, layoffs and firings involve the Executive Branch, which is the purview of the President and the President alone. There is no "independence" in the Executive Branch, which by design is answerable to the President.
You want to see the arrogance of certain federal employees?
Two sets of [fbi] agents who worked on cases stemming from the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol — as well as the criminal investigations of President Donald Trump — have filed lawsuits to block Justice Department leadership from assembling lists of agents they say will be used as part of a retaliation campaign.
The agents, who brought the federal suits anonymously, say they’re fearful that Justice Department leadership intends to publicly identify them and make them targets of threats and harassment. One suit, brought by the [fbi] Agents Association, points to calls by Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio to punish an [fbi] agent involved in his seditious conspiracy prosecution related to the Jan. 6 attack.
“This bell cannot be unrung, and once the Plaintiffs’ personal information is released it will be eternally available on social media,” attorneys for the unnamed agents argue in the suit.
The fbi figures they shouldn't have to answer to the Department of Justice, which is in their direct chain-of-command, ending at the White House? Are they fucking serious? Welcome to the "invisible institute" you morons.
About three hours after the above article appeared, the fbi capitulated:
FBI officials have complied with demands to provide the Justice Department with details of thousands of employees who worked on investigations related to the January 6, 2021, US Capitol riot, according to people familiar with the situation.
The demand has caused consternation among FBI employees who fear it is meant to amass a list of personnel for possible termination by the Trump administration.
Boo-fucking-hoo. The list turns out to contain 5,000 names. Just so readers know, there are 13,000 fbi "agents" among 38,000 total fbi employees. So roughly 13% of the fbi was "investigating" cases of Criminal Trespass. This doesn't cover the other "investigations" of parents attending school board meetings, protestors picketing abortion clinics, improperly raiding the former President's home to plant evidence, or Roman Catholics attending Latin masses.
While unknown numbers of terrorists entered the country, tranny shooters wreaked their own havoc, rioters looted/burned American cities, police stations and federal buildings, three-hundred-thousand children got trafficked across the border, and Chinese espionage hit record levels, the fbi morphed into the East German Stasi - manufacturing evidence, falsifying legal documents, carrying out illegal surveillances of political foes, and committing blatant perjury at FISA courts.
It's far past time to hold these stooges accountable to the chain-of-command, downsizing the entire organization, and bringing their excesses to heel. "I was just following orders" doesn't - and never should - excuse it. And spare us the bullshit that it wasn't the "ground level" agents doing all this. Can anyone cite the waves of agents resigning or whistleblowers who came forward? There weren't more than couple dozen who stood their ground. Hell, there were more cops here resisting COVID jabs than there were feebs resisting the KGB-tactics in DC.
What do you call 5,000 fbi employees in the unemployment line? A good start.
Labels: national politics