BDS - On Steroids
The Bush Derangement Syndrome has taken another turn in the media. The New York Times has taken the opportunity of twisting the 12 coal miners deaths in West Virginia to slam the Administration for rolling back safety regulations. What the NYT fails to explain to it's readers is this chart:
A quick search on the internet produces this list of coal mining fatalities over the past 10 years (thanks to BissyBlog). We aren't CPA's (though we know one) and it seems to us that this chart documents an almost 50% drop in fatalities over 10 years. The NYT's has completely thrown off the cloak of "All the News Fit to Print" and descended into the fever swamps of the tin foil hat crowd.

YAAAAA #1!!!!! I hate liberals!!!!!!
It's only a matter of time before they subdivide those stats and twist it up again. Thats the wonder of statistics. They may be manipulated to whatever favor is desired. As soon as something happenes, blame begins to be passed. Real News is that it happened, and it's tragic: End of story. Try not to let it happen again. This country was founded upon learning from past mistakes, and correcting them. No one bitched, they just changed it. That last statement does have a few exceptions.
Bush stole the election! Bush lied and soldiers died! Bush invaded Iraq cuz his daddy didn't! Bush is responsible for global warming! Bush killed the economy! Bush killed the economy! Bush killed King, and both Kennedys! Bush sentenced Jesus Christ to crusifixtion! Bush is the reason people are losing their hair! Bush caused my car tire to go flat!
Asshole liberals! They hate Bush so much they forgot why!
Poor OLE NeoCons all dressed up and no where to go, all flustered, perplexed and no time to relax. SAD, sad are those who elected to be led by the MadLad.......get over it, who every is elected gets the finger pointed at them, goes with the territory Actually this COUNTRY wasno founded on or about past mistakes (READ A BOOK) or in your case sit down and have someone read to you!!! and there was a lot of bitching about the new govt. of USA..GEE! what kind of school did you go to....hmmmm probably home schooling is why you're so off base..Stop making up shyt to fit your own personal political agendas and beliefs, facts are facts even those you don't subscribe to
I only see white guys working in the coal mines. Is it too hard of a job for other races. Or is that public aid check better.
Maybe no mexicans in West Virginia.
Another intellect ruined by higher education.
I'd love for you to share more of your "facts" as to why Bush is to blame for the coal miners deaths, Hurricane Katrina, global warming - or any of the other moonbat gesticulations.
Liberal used to stand for something - now it just stands for hypocrisy, hysteria, unhinged reactionary spite, nauseating episodes of blame-blame-blame, and negativity.
I personally don't have a problem with agendas - everyone's got them. My problem with the Left is that they try to act as if they don't have an agenda.
The Liberal-DeathStar (NYTimes) is so outrageously biased that it refuses to put anything positive about our troops, our president or our country on its front page. Go here, or here for the truth about the beloved NYSlimes.
Not sure exactly why a minority would live in West Virginia, whether Democrat or not. The conscience of the Democratic party is a Senator from there. He is after all a Grand Kleagle (ret) of the Ku Klux Klan. If I'm black, I want to live in West Virginia again why?
ATTENTION: E-Bay has f.o.p. stickers on sale now $25 each, sell yours now!
Bush stole the election! Bush lied and soldiers died! Bush invaded Iraq cuz his daddy didn't! Bush is responsible for global warming! Bush killed the economy! Bush killed the economy! Bush killed King, and both Kennedys! Bush sentenced Jesus Christ to crusifixtion! Bush is the reason people are losing their hair! Bush caused my car tire to go flat!
Asshole liberals! They hate Bush so much they forgot why!
1/05/2006 12:19:43 PM
Lets not forget Bush is also responsable for hurricane Katrina, oh yeah bush dosent care about black people.
A little more nutrition for the Soul, my brothers (and sisters) in Blue:
Check out this. Guy gets it right as to how we feel about seeing our country getting flushed down the toilet by the divisiveness and unwarranted hatred.
You are My Tribe!
The New York Times firmly beleives that they are part of the government. They consider themselves elected to office and have the right or left to perform oversight. The paper is run by a Fundamentalist Left Wing Radical and he only hires the same ilk.
How about Acosta? I remember people talked how he was a great boss, he made on his own, blah, blah -- the same that we hear about people being promoted today. Commanders pay wasn't enough for him. I hope the feds look into the way people are transferred from one unit to another a period before the promotional list comes out - so the merit promotions look legit. The sad fact is that Acosta was tipped off by the Department bosses, so he could retire before being indicted..the newspaper had it wrong.
"Write (1) mover, (1) parker a day and I don't care about arrests" a brillant, "made it on his own" watch commander said.
Check ouy Carol Marin's interview of Cline its running on WTTW. She mentions Burge and her wrinkly lips curl lkie a hyenia. She can barely controll her hate and distaste, and of course phrases out to the guilty as charged side of town. Carol, spend some of that money of yours on some botox,or fat injections, perhaps you could take it from between your ears mmmmmeeeeeeeeoooooww.
Cline actually did a good job.
Liberals are so blinded by hatred because Bush is OUR President. They have decided to try to make him look bad or blame anything/everything on Bush, at the expense of OUR national security. It is sickening to see how they have deisregarded our safety in an attempt to get back into power. I am fed up with the Democratic party, I have been a life-long Democrat but I will not vote for a Democrat in the future, until they begin to take our national security seriously.
Bush Causes Sharon's Stroke!
JERUSALEM (NYTimes Mideast Bureau) - The massive stroke suffered today by Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon might have been caused by an unexpected phone call by American President George Bush. In an interview with Sharon's physician, Schlomo Goldfarb, it was learned that while eating his lunch, Prime Minister Sharon recieved an unexpected call from the American President. The topic of the conversation was negotiations over the Palestinian situation in Israel. Bush initially offered to solve the problem by promissing Sharon both of his daughters in an arranged marriage with Sharons bachelor sons. When the Prime Minister stated that more would convince him to move on his stance, Bush offered nude pictures of his mother. Sharon dropped to the floor unconscience and rushed to a nearby hospital. No comment has been made by the White House but Bob Guccioni has offered Barbara Bush $3.5 million for the pictures.
All media outlets have been reporting coal miners' deaths are down, so get over the liberal conspiracy!
Dear M, why must you twist almost everything into an us versus them? Do you have to defend inequacities of YOUR president so much that you see no wrong?
There are fewer coal miners than in years past so that is one of the reasons that maybe there are fewer deaths. Improved equipment is another reason.
The fact that safety regulations have been rolled back should be a concern. Then again those miners are lesser-educated, working class guys YOUR president cares nothing about.
A question also, that was a non-union mine, right? Not saying there was a safety violation, we'll wait for the investigation. If it were a union mine though, safety regulations would be more closely followed.
Anonymous said...
You've heard it here first:
1/04/2006 08:20:22 PM
leftisthebest said...
OGRADY IS THE GOOD LOOKING ONE, I'M THE SMART ONE (or is it the other way around?)
1/04/2006 10:25:33 PM
Left is best may have a point
A phine call to 1st Depty John Thomas was ruled to have caused his heart attack by the pension bd doctors
(doctor Ken Hauser Doctor Tim Brophy and Doctor Eugene Roy and Doctor John Dineeen)
The pesnsion bd then gave Mrs Thomas the line of duty death benefit.
a 40 year or so cigarette habit, being 60 lbs overweight and a high fat diet had no bearing on the issue
What a crock of crap
1/06/2006 12:42:02 AM
you are complete F***ing moron.
The Pension Board ruled Performance of duty not line of duty. And it was'nt ruled that it happened due to a phone call. in the 29 and day that you have on I can guarantee that you have never or will never amount to 1/2 the person he was. Maybe if he wasnt trying to help morons like you, one of the best bosses that this job ever had would still be around
The wildest conspiracy I heard about the coal miners was that the rescuers killed them to save the company money in the lawsuits.
If the idiots hadn't closed the mine for the holidays, the accident wouldn't have happened.
Say a prayer for those guys. If we didn't have the jobs we do we might have been in their shoes.
It's not bad enough that we bash the living. Now we bash the dead- John Thomas. Everyone of you morons seem to forget something. We are all in the same boat. Either we are loved or hated. One persons good boss is anothers nightmare.
John Thomas was a fine gentleman. He did more to improve this department than many before him did. Did he step on a few toes or make a few children cry? Yeah, just like the rest of us have done over the years. Maybe some of you crying, whining, sniveling, brats should look in the mirror once in a while. Nah, t would break and doom you to seven years bad luck.
I know a few people I trust who knew John Thomas personally, and they all liked him a lot.
Bottom line for me is that I don't mind bashing the dead if deserved. But seeing as how he came after Townsend and Corliss, I'd contribute funds to build a church and call John Thomas a saint. By comparison, he is the best most of us have seen, and its likely to remain so in the future.
RIP John Thomas, from someone who never knew you personally.
President Bush will probably be blamed for the Pilgrim Church Fire, by the Mayor, and the Reverends (Jackson & Meeks) Just like the New Orleans disaster was his fault. It's a WHITE conspiracy they'll say to keep black people down.
Truth: It was probably started by a Kwanza candle left burning unattended!
RIP John Thomas, from someone who never knew you personally.
1:18 You don't really know the real John Thomas because you wouldnt be putting him up high. He was a good boss because he had some secrets
Yeah, secrets like how to help another copper, how to keep you from going to jail for stepping on your dick, How not to forget where you came from, how to be a normal person with an open door policy, how to be able to speak on many topics intelligently, how not to ever forget a face or a name, you my friend dont know the real J.T after reading this board i realize that many of you whiners dont know these secrets So live and learn
I dealt with Thomas a few times when he was W/C in 023. Fast forward some time later, he's 1st deputy and I'm just another sergeant in the hallway. Mind you, I haven't seen this guy in some time. He calls me by name and says "HI" how ya doing..
That he could remember me when I'm no one special and take the time to say HI, even though he was 1st says something about the man.
He had his faults I'm sure, but he was a class act, and not just because he could remember a name. The department lost a good boss when he died. RIP boss
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