Friday, March 02, 2007

Citizens Notice Something Amiss

From the mouths of civilians, something we've been talking about for almost two years now:
  • Community leaders are staging an emergency meeting Thursday night to warn women about a series of sexual assaults in the Little Village and Back of the Yards neighborhoods.
  • "It'd be nice if we had a little bit more patrol. It would be helpful, you know, the police officers being on the street here with us, it would just be safe that way," said Little Village resident Magdalena Jaramillo.
"...a little bit more patrol."
"...police officers being on the street here with us..."

Psssssst! City Hall? Even the PEOPLE are starting to notice we're shorter than shorthanded. What happens when the citizens find out you haven't put a new class of recruits into the Academy in the past 4 months and we are going to be even more shorthanded as the retirement take their toll? Good thing there isn't any election coming up in the next four years or so.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

YOU hit the nail on the head SCC, da' mere don't care. He's got 4 mo' years in da' bag.
"More police?" Silly, ya silly real silly nauseum."

3/01/2007 11:19:00 PM  
Blogger Captain Caveman said...

Maybe if we could have more really useless guys like the B-Team on the streets it would be ok.

3/01/2007 11:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Got to stop all the drinking on the streets. You drink, see sexy girl walk by, and ohhhh boy....

3/02/2007 08:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Finally the public is complaining! Will we get more police? NO the city is to worried about selling midway airport to out of the country interests then they can use this money not for our health care or pensions but for daleys friends contractors pockets! Business as usual mayor for life how stupid is the public? The same public that complains voted him back in!

3/02/2007 08:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

010 used to have twelve beat cars, twelve rapids, two wagons, an Adam car, and eight to twelve foot guys working on third watch, with some bike patrol mixed in for good measure. Where are they now? TRU? Hiding at 35th street? Hey citizens, new alderman, ask the city to see how the manpower in patrol has gone in the toilet in the last few years. They are too busy taking care of their friends to take care of you. The bigwigs in the department are too busy requiring the officers to do bullshit seatbelt missions for revenue and harassment, too busy getting event numbers for bullshit missions because they all took a class in statistics and it was love at first sight. All because the in-bred, incestuous relations within the department have promoted fools to the top levels that barely met a good cop let alone ever were one. citizens don't care enough to help us change the department anyway. Too bad.

3/02/2007 08:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The department is not that short. Most people on here don't realize what it was like 10-12 years ago, no response cars, no 06 cars, no foot posts,no TRU, minimal SOS, no gang teams, sat teams, gun teams,safe neighborhood teams, cage teams,; if you had an extra body it might be a traffic car, a big if, 99 units on most cars, especially days and midnights and crime was way worse than it is now, and guess what, the job always got done and nobody bitched. Now if all the response cars aren't filled we are considered short and people bitch if they get more than 4 jobs a night and don't get time due if they put in for it a week early. The entitlement generation on this job now is something else......

3/02/2007 09:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The story that was on CLTV interviewed several women who stated that there was a distrust for the police. I'm sorry a distrust for us, and at the same time you want more of us in your spray-painted up neighborhood. Im sorry but it seems that over half of the people I come in contact with down there still can't speak english. I'm sure the police were a lot more aggressive and trustworthy in Mexico. Up yours.

3/02/2007 11:46:00 AM  
Blogger Paul Huebl Crimefile News said...

Get those guns away from potential rape victims. Daley wants to protect all rapists from being harmed by their victims.

The Area 2 Gun Team needs to make it safe for all robers, rapists and killers.

Chicago is the place where only outlaws have guns.

3/02/2007 12:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Activity in the DOC area. What a concept, take away officers from the rest of the district to watch over someone's "hunch" that something is gonna happen. Great idea! Fill some spots that are left vacant, maybe 018 doesn't really need 450 officers. hmmmm.

3/02/2007 01:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I work Little Village, I've never heard anything about this. It's never been mentioned at roll call or put in the CO bool.

Oh... but I do recall being read Charlie Williams stupid memo about not just giving us the keys to ride around.

And Charlie Williams is right, we don't just ride around...

We also watch movies on our portable DVD players!

3/02/2007 04:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Meritorious Sgt. to be submitted NOW!!!

Can't wait to se who gets it.

3/02/2007 05:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank God they havent put a new class in the academy in 4 months! Now maybe I wont have to listen to all the "Old Timers & Old Salty Dogs" Bitch about having to work with so many PPO's. (Sarcasim)

3/02/2007 05:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I for one volunteer to hold Magdalena's hand....she sounds muy caliente!!

3/02/2007 08:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

""The department is not that short. Most people on here don't realize what it was like 10-12 years ago, no response cars, no 06 cars, no foot posts,no TRU, minimal SOS, no gang teams, sat teams, gun teams,safe neighborhood teams, cage teams,; if you had an extra body it might be a traffic car, a big if, 99 units on most cars, especially days and midnights and crime was way worse than it is now, and guess what, the job always got done and nobody bitched""

Oh Okay,
You who thinks we aren't that short, why don't you ask a watch commander/watch secretary who remembers filling out a report called the "Watch complement and Field Assignment Report". Ask them if the total number of P.O's on your watch has gone up or down in the last 10 years. Why do you think the department did away with that report? Showed everday just how short we were. There is a patrol division special order that tells you EXACTLY how many cars should be on each watch. Look that up; then ompare it with what you actually have and you won't believe your eyes. For instance, ALL cars on 1st and 3rd should be 2 man cars. Is that what your district has??
I wonder if anyone could get a hold of these thru the freedom of information act. NAH, would show real numbers, that kind of sensitive information is exempt from disclosure.

3/02/2007 10:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The department is not that short. Most people on here don't realize what it was like 10-12 years ago,
3/02/2007 09:35:00 AM

Shouldnt you be posting that on the checkerboard site boss? I dont know where you get your figures from, but you need to stop counting the people listed as still being in the districts and start counting asses in the squads (and not by the pound either). Enjoy the slowness of winter boys and girls, cause the summer is going to suck.

3/03/2007 04:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i can remember driving home or to court or just out and about and notice that in any given neighborhood the police would be conducting traffic stops for whatever the reason and these days you really gotta look hard to see such an occurrence. hhmmmmm. i know crime isnt down that much

3/03/2007 07:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've noticed on more than 1 occasion in the 018 district that the sheets for the 1rst watch had cars being manned by numerous officers with the same last name, "DOWN" was their surname. 1 time a whole sector was manned by these officers. I'd say that maybe 018 is short officers just like every other district and maybe they need >450 officers. Just a thought. Remember not all of the officers in 018 have been in 018 their whole career. From talking to friends there, it seems to be loaded with guys who have had enough of all the shit we put up with and bid to 018 and said fuck it. Maybe, just maybe, they are the smart ones. Food for thought.

3/03/2007 09:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
The department is not that short. Most people on here don't realize what it was like 10-12 years ago,
3/02/2007 09:35:00 AM

Shouldnt you be posting that on the checkerboard site boss? I dont know where you get your figures from, but you need to stop counting the people listed as still being in the districts and start counting asses in the squads (and not by the pound either). Enjoy the slowness of winter boys and girls, cause the summer is going to suck.

3/03/2007 04:04:00 AM



10 to 12 yrs ago? If you had access to district manpower sheets you would see that most, Prob all, districts had 50 or more extra P.Os assigned and that includes the hidden people. There used to be School cars, traffic cars, Abandon auto cars, incident cars, hospital cars, park foot posts, etc. We are short like no tomorrow. you can play games with numbers and using 35th st people one day a week. The fact remains we are short. We are asked to do more with less, smoke and mirrors. The citizens are the one who suffer. keep Voting Democratic.

3/03/2007 09:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess you coppers can do yourselves a favor and stop doing anything on the job. Let crime go nuts for four long years. Maybe the city will let manpower fall under 8,000 P.O. Get the dems out through high crime rates.

This is in Theory. But let crime go way up. Real Estate prices fall, buy it, then after 25 years sell when the yuppie families come back. A brand new pension plan.

3/04/2007 02:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10 to 12 yrs ago? If you had access to district manpower sheets you would see that most, Prob all, districts had 50 or more extra P.Os assigned and that includes the hidden people. There used to be School cars, traffic cars, Abandon auto cars, incident cars, hospital cars, park foot posts, etc. We are short like no tomorrow. you can play games with numbers and using 35th st people one day a week. The fact remains we are short. We are asked to do more with less, smoke and mirrors. The citizens are the one who suffer. keep Voting Democratic.

I don't know what department you are talking about but this department was way shorter then, they may have had all those spots you mentioned but rarely if ever filled. I can't count how many times on the midnights I would look around the rollcall room and see 5 or 6 other people, AND THAT WAS IT! the W/C would come in and say," this is it guys so back each other up," and this was on the west side. we need the manpower we do have to handle their jobs and quit ducking and dodging calls all night long, we also need guys to quit holding themselves down on handwavers while they sit in a tree watching a dope spot trying for a pinch, go to tac or a unit if you want to do that, you are district patrol, your number 1 job is handling calls! it's not sos, tru, traffic, narcs etc. job to handle jobs, they are support mission-oriented units. If the poeple we had actually pulled there weight we wouldn't be having this discussion.

3/04/2007 10:32:00 PM  

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