Wednesday, March 07, 2007

More Terrorist Probes

The next attack is coming. It isn't a question of if - it's a question of when. And if this article at Aviation Nation is any indicator, it's coming soon.
  • “This is not meant to scare, but it probably will. Consider yourself informed and warned that the threat is real. This crew reported that they were not prepared that something of this nature could be happening to them.

    Flt 62, Paris to MIA [Miami], a few weeks ago. 2 maybe 4 mid-eastern types causing minor disturbance from the get-go. Nothing that the FAs [flight attendants] couldn't deal with, but, in hindsight, they seemed to be pushing the envelope. Cross-cabin activity, hanging out in the forward galley, complaining about everything, etc. Mid-Atlantic, the FO [First Officer, or Co-Pilot] called to return to the cockpit after his crew-rest break. One of the perps [perpetrators] was in the forward galley, was instructed by a FA to go aft, but didn't. As the cockpit door opened, another perp suddenly appeared from around the galley, dropped his shoulder into FO while the first one got in the way of the FO’s attempt to block the other…here I’m not certain…so….wait for the movie.

    FO (one of our first FFDO’s [Federal Flight Deck Officers*]) was about to pull his flashlight to use as a weapon in a counter attack, but thought better of it not knowing how many more perps he might have to fight, called “lockdown” to the FB [secondary “B” First Officer], inside the cockpit, who slammed the door. As soon as the perps heard the word lockdown, they retreated to their seats.

    I’m not doing justice to the story, but, if not an attempt on the cockpit, this was a serious probe.

Go read the entire article, published in 13 February 2007. How much media coverage have you seen of this incident? We read over 50 websites a day, left and right of the political spectrum, and this is the first mention we've seen of the entire episode. American Airlines CONFIRMED the incident and called it a "disturbance" on board. We're waiting to see how they describe it when another one of their planes is flown into a building killing thousands - probably an "unfortunate event"?

(thanks to LittleGreenFootballs)



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Terrorism? What? I thought the war in Iraq was making us safe here int he US?

3/07/2007 12:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Time to amend the Constitution! Outlaw Islam in the USA. It's obvious they will never stop. I encourage everyone to read the Koran. Below is a link to an online version. Go there and do a search for words like Jew, Christian, battle, war, fight.

Just remember, "It's a peaceful religion."

MY ASS!!! For anyone who fell for that after 9/11, they should look at the videos of the twin towers falling again, then recall the mujahadin trainees all of but 9 years of age cheering as they heard the news in their green headbands.

Yeah, a peaceful religion!

Try "The Dinner Table 4. [5.51]"

You'll love that one!

A peaceful religion. HA!

3/07/2007 02:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

we both know why it wasn't publicized, SCC. The airlines are bleeding badly and this would be another 'nail in their coffin'.

3/07/2007 06:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The towel heads can alalalalalala their way into another atack just like 911 because the American Lberal has made us "The United States" a bunch a pussies.

Why werent those Bomb Builders arrested when they landed. Its time to start demanding these useles bomb throwing fucks get deported.

If anything happends to family...I will exterminate them 1 by 1.

3/07/2007 08:10:00 AM  
Blogger Rue St. Michel said...

..."Everything I need to know about Islam, I learned on 9/11/2001....."

I'm still waiting for a "moderate" Muslim leader to stand up and issue a fatwah condemning all jihadi of the murdering of the innocent.

It won't happen because they're complicit in maintaining a united front within Islam.

3/07/2007 08:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We must arm ALL of the pilots now.

3/07/2007 09:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Arn't we the country, under BJ bill's leadership that bombed the Christian Serbs to keep them from killing the muslim bosnians?

We sure got thanked on 9/11 for our actions!


3/07/2007 09:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are sent to tara training and taught somewhat about terroists we are told they are "here". Why is it that the asshole liberals cannot help get behind a plan to send all the arabs back home! during ww2 we interned all the japanese but the arabs can do whatever they want! fuck them. our jttf office is run by tommy bynes daughter who is as dumb as a box of rocks absolutely no qualifications work 9-5 if she and her clout babies show up. then we go to our airports and watch the circus of old non arabs being search! rule of thumb not all arabs are terrorists but all the terrorists were arabs. let's not profile though! look at all the businesses that are run by dirty middle eastern type people the 7-11 white hens hotels I will not patronize them including dunkin donuts why give them more money to kill Americans?

3/07/2007 11:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember to have your own plan for you and your family.

It is department policy that, "It is not practical to train individual officer to respond to a terrorist attack."

3/07/2007 11:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pull all troops out from the rest of the world. Protect our shores. Trespassers should be shot on sight. Mine the Mexican and Canadian borders. If we are messed with, bomb them! Send no more food out to the world. CUT OFF ALL AID!

3/07/2007 12:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can confirm from 2 unrelated sources (one a pilot from UAL, and one a Flight Attendant). That the major carriers in the US are quietly training Flight Crews for incidents just like these.

Little Tommies daughter works a JTTF but doesnt run it. She's a PO at the moment.

Dunkin Donuts in the Chicago Area are majority run by Buddists from India who hate Muslims with a passion.

TARA was a Federal Homeland Security program. Funded by a grant that was suppose to fund the TARA class and the buy-back program.

The next war will be fought by our grankids, and hopefully they will have the courage and stomach it do the right thing

3/07/2007 03:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go to the New Yorker magazine web site and read the articles they published about 2 years back on the NYPD's response to terrorism. Then find CPD's response to terrorism...somewhere...I don't remember where...OH! TARA training? When the "act" is played here we may as well do what the poster from the '60's said (i had one): a big mushroom cloud with the instructions to bend over; place your head between your knees;and kiss your ass good-bye.

3/07/2007 09:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The guy they pulled off the plane with the magnet and wires in his butthole had a partner with him that they missed.... he was the guy with the steel penis!

3/07/2007 09:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My first comment pertains to the title "MODERATE" muslim. Folks, there's no such thing. You either profess your life and the means thereof to islam or you are an infidel. There is nothing moderate about the ways of islam. Peace, love, community has nothing to do with that, and I use this term begrudgingly, religion. It's a about assimilation. Convert the infidels or kill them (period).

Secondly, these incidents on planes are happening more and more frequently under the guise of "Constitutional Rights." I say we exercise 'our' rights of National Defense and drop the PC bullshit and protect 'our' sovereign right to freedom from terror.

Not all Arabs are terrorists but of the 19 highjackers, none were anything less than arabs with agendas. And that agenda is to irradicate the US and all she stands for. The liberal sheepal are weakening this great nation by deminishing our Constitution and the powers it provides for basic protections agianst foreign or domestic threats.

"If" is no longer part of the equation. It's when and where and we don't get to choose. Americans shouldn't be victims but we have become exactly that. Victims of our own creation. A welcome mat that protects assholes coming here for the sole purpose to destroy us.

Islam is nothing more than a license to kill. Allah didn't sacrifice his life for his followers. He died, his schitzophrenic prophet created a system to better serve himself. Read the Koran, it's all there. No where does it mention love thy neighbor, live peacefully and in harmony with your brotheran-no matter their preferance. It's a book of loose interpretatinos of a madman-Muhamad-who appearently had a problem with pork.

Be safe and watch your six. 9/11 took at least 6 years to plan. We are now in the sixth year of that fateful day. That's three 6's. The evil bastards are relentless, patient and clever. It's coming. Are you ready?

3/07/2007 09:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3/07/2007 09:17:00 PM

True we have no response with the dopes we have in charge we have "mr trotter mr trotter" no degree barely made it through high school but was a lazy paramedic with the westside ministers coalition that intimidate daley and he promotes him! Then next we have hdo flunky andrew velasquez haed of 911 who is now being moved to homeland security director for blagos crew at the state of illinois, no experience just clout. All i am saying is protect yourself and your loved ones the best you can this daley-stroger-blago crew are so pathetic they have not a crae about anyone but clout heavy donors to stuff their pockets!

3/07/2007 11:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Islam is the only true religion! God says so. No, wait, I mean Christianity...errrr...I mean Judaism is the only true religion. God himself said it in the Bible, right?

Wake up you bunch of lemmings. All religions are a bunch of bullshit. All they do is teach you to hate yourself and love Casper the Friendly God.

3/07/2007 11:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If your not muslim, you mean nothing. It's ok to lie, cheat or even kill you. Infidel... Small joke on Cong. Ellison of Minn. that used president Jeffersons' koran. Jefferson was a diest and had no interest in islam other than how to use it against the barbary pirates. Jefferson also had " The Art of War" by Sun Tzu who said "know your enemy". Be safe....

3/08/2007 01:55:00 AM  

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