Sunday, March 04, 2007

Officers Down

Two incidents today - early. Sorry this isn't up sooner:
  • Off duty CPD stabbed in Lincoln Park. Last news reports have him and another patron (offender?) in serious but stable condition. Copper is listed as having 7 years on. Coverage at Channel 2, Channel 5, Channel 7.
  • Illinois State Trooper had just pulled over and placed a drunk driver into his squad car when a second drunk driver plowed into his car, injuring him, his prisoner and the second drunk. Trooper is banged up pretty bad, but will recover. Coverage at the Sun Times, Channel 2, Channel 5, Channel 7.
And whichever jagoff posted the following comment...
  • Saw on the news! Drunken off-duty cop stabbed and man shot. Gee, should the guns not be kept locked up in the radio room? Off-duty silly stuff?
... you are truly an asshole among assholes. Not one single report we've seen implies anything about the officer being intoxicated. Could that change? Sure. But to openly speculate and throw that out there is stupid beyond words. And if the person shot is the offender, it sure is good that the officer DID have his gun on him and was able to get some lead into him instead of standing around like you probably would swinging your purse and getting your panties in a knot. God help us if you're the police.

And yes, we could have saved a lot of effort by just deleting your stupidity and no one would know but us, but then every one else would be deprived of the abject lesson here that tiny brains still walk the earth and some can even find computers to demonstrate their woeful lack of neurological activity. Asshat.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can you track down and reveal who posted that nonsense so we can:

A-Ignore him in the station and on the street

B-kick his ass

C-Kick his ass

D-Kick his ass

Unfortunately you have too much class to 'front off' this asshole so we will never know what coward works among us.

By the way
Thank you for all your hardwork

3/04/2007 03:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I don't have any way of contacting you so I was wondering, what qualification/character of person would make a good Director of OPS?


3/04/2007 04:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay girls here it is.

First, there is no rule or law prohibiting o/d carry in a bar or while drinking.

There is a G.O. that SUGGESTS that the firearm not be carried when there is a high probablility of drinking alchohol, but no specific administrative prohibition.
And no legal prohibition either for active members to carry while drinking or while drunk for that matter

By the way, this is not true for retirees like myself. HR 218 says we've got to be sober while carrying

There IS an administrative prohibition against intoxication {Rule 15} but no specific BAC threshhold, over which one can be presumed to be intoxicated.

The Dept arbitrarily uses the Secretary of State threshold for driving , which is .08 as their standard for being intoxicated.

But they dont specify and I bet that could be successfully challanged.

Therefore, at least from preliminary reports, this officer seems to be in compliance

Theres no doubt that deadly force was warranted, since the PO needs surgery to heal from the stab wounds he suffered.

I hope the PO is okay and I hope the offender hits the shithouse

That is all

3/04/2007 04:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Can you track down and reveal who posted that nonsense so we can:

A-Ignore him in the station and on the street

B-kick his ass

C-Kick his ass

D-Kick his ass

Unfortunately you have too much class to 'front off' this asshole so we will never know what coward works among us.

By the way
Thank you for all your hardwork

3/04/2007 03:58:00 PM

You forgot,

E-All of the above

3/04/2007 05:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Dept also uses the medical standard .04,for being intoxicated.

3/04/2007 05:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Regarding the drunk copper comment.
Let me get this staight you are suggesting that if you drink or are drunk you deserve to be a victim of a crime. You have no right defending yourself and should just take the punishment.I guess rape victims have it coming too them also.

You are an oxygen thief.

3/04/2007 06:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It just seems taverns are nothing but trouble. Go buy a six-pack and go home. How many times has crap got started in a tavern??? GUNS AND BOOZE EQUAL TROUBLE!

3/04/2007 06:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As of 2nd watch, 4 March 07, "Mike" was in serious condition after it was determined some of the wounds have done some damage to his organs. Doctors give him a great chance of recovery, though.
For now, keep him in your thoughts and prayers.
And to our brothers in blue from 018 ,019. "Fr. Tom" the bosses, et al that are keeping a constant vigil on him and assisting the family as necessary, THANKS for the backup.
Everyone involved thusfar has fulfilled their part of that revered product as......"Chicago's Finest!"

Remember Our Thin Blue Line!!

3/04/2007 06:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope this guy is all right.

I have been away for a while.
Any updates or is there anyone in custody for the murder of P.O. Jose Vazquez?

Always be in Condition Yellow,
on duty or off.

Stay safe, on duty or off.

3/04/2007 07:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think "E" is the best answer.

This was very close to my house so it could of been me.

And SCC, I think we do need an update on the P.O. Jose Vazquez situation!

It's been far too long since we've heard anything regarding it.

3/04/2007 07:45:00 PM  
Blogger leomemorial said...

Wishing both officers a very speedy recovery!!!!

3/04/2007 07:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It just goes to show that my FTO was right when he warned me about the 3 b's. I hope mike is ok and this ass nugget gets charged to the fullest.

3/04/2007 08:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey guys. I'm a Trooper that was on scene last night when my friend got smacked. I want to express my gratitude to everyone who came out to help. The guys from 12 were great, as well as 11. You guys being there is really appreciated by all of us. Thank you.

Chicago Troop.

3/04/2007 08:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

one guy says the copper was drunk and SCC gets on him for "not seeing a report saying he WAS drunk"
I havent seen one report saying WASNT drunk
you piss on coppers for posting before they have all the facts, while it's ok if YOU post without the facts either

3/04/2007 08:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The way I see it, the police are no different than anyone else on or off duty. The problem occurs when PO's are off duty. They don't take the shit from no one, and they shouldn't, hence the negative stuff, just as they say the police run to an incident, when everyone is running away, the same holds true in off duty incidents. I.e., they don't back down from some a-hole and deal with him as appropriate. God bless the police and this website.

3/04/2007 08:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoever posted that comment about being drunk fuck you! It cannot be a copper! maybe a poser? To the Trooper we all must stick together! Is there anything on a benefit for officer vasquez?

3/04/2007 08:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

May God bless the P.Os.

3/04/2007 08:48:00 PM  
Blogger SCC said...

one guy says the copper was drunk and SCC gets on him for "not seeing a report saying he WAS drunk"
I havent seen one report saying WASNT drunk
you piss on coppers for posting before they have all the facts, while it's ok if YOU post without the facts either

Always assuming the worst about the police? What happened to innocent until proven guilty? Don't coppers deserve the benefit of the doubt until such time as it is proven they acted improperly?

Go play in traffic you liberal fuckwad.

3/04/2007 09:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How much time does the copper have on the job and where does he work out of?

Thank You

3/04/2007 09:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

better be judged by 12 than carried by 6. WHATEVER! Everbody always passing judgement on the police without knowing the true facts.

I carry my side arm wherever I go. Grocery shopping, Gas Station, The Bar, The Restaurant, Throwing out garbage. In this day and age with crime and no police presence, shit hits the fan all the time. When it comes knocking at my door, I'll be able to at least defend myself and those of all the innocents.

God Bless the working police.

3/04/2007 09:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off-duty cop stabbed in Lincoln Park

March 4, 2007


An off-duty Chicago police officer was stabbed and beaten by a group of known gang members early Sunday, police said, and nearly all of the incident was captured on videotape.

The officer had just gotten off work and was leaving a Lincoln Park bar with two friends when they were approached by the group around 4 a.m. in the 2600 block of North Lincoln Avenue, police said.

As the gang members grew more aggressive toward the officer and his friends, the seven-year veteran identified himself as a cop and displayed his weapon, police said.

That did nothing to deter one member of the group, who lunged at the officer with a knife, stabbing him twice, at least once in the upper torso.

When the officer fell, his gun discharged, striking one of the gang members in the abdomen, police said.

One of the others in the group grabbed the officer’s gun and threw it, while the others proceeded to kick, punch and beat the officer, whose friends had fled for help.

In addition to a videotape from a nearby bar, police said several witnesses provided statements about the attack.

The officer, who was recovering from surgery Sunday afternoon, had yet to speak with police.

The person shot was listed in serious but stable condition at Advocate Illinois Masonic Hospital, police said.

Several people of interest are in custody—all known gang members with criminal histories, police said

3/04/2007 09:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd say a swift kick in the balls with steel toed boots would definitely be in for that stupid asshat comment for not knowing da facts!

3/04/2007 09:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the compliment Troop. I'd spend 4 hours directing traffic in the cold for a brother any day. Hope your guy makes a speedy recovery.

3/04/2007 09:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4 am. Lincoln Park. A fight breaks out. Shocking. His fault for continuing to put himself in that situation. All that neighborhood is is $10 drinks and 19-23 year olds looking to fuck or fight. You want to have a few drinks with your buddies? Go to the local watering hole. You want to chase tail all night? Then expect to be hanging around with all the other assholes.

3/04/2007 09:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You 22nd district guys what happened at Beverly park in Beverly?

3/04/2007 10:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

STFU, why do we have to hide in our houses? we are human and like to go out and interact with people just like everyone else, thankfully this officer was smart enough to carry off duty or the story might have had a tragic ending.

3/04/2007 10:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What bar where they coming from? Who where the shit heads and where are they from?

3/04/2007 10:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the incident followed a verbal altercation with some gang bangers....(INSANE DEUCES?) as far as Ive heard is that people were in custody and the p.o. took a pretty good stomping especially to the head....p.o.'s in a coma but no news as far as how severe. PO got cut safe and watch the areas because the gang bangers are coming from everywhere w/ no fear...carry and be safe!

3/04/2007 10:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its"his fault"? Where are young single Coppers suppose to go? In my day I had "Mikes"; there was always someone in there that wanted to meet a Cop.F*ck us for letting that place die!(Mikes is worth a blog of its own).
Whoever said its"his fault" is out of testosterone or your perfectly safe exiting your bars/or steam bath at Belmont/Halsted!

3/04/2007 10:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 9:58pm. Spoken like a true southsider. Enjoy your sausage infested watering holes, you can leave the horny 19-23 year old women to us that live north roosevelt rd. This copper was out with his boys blowing off some steam, it's not his fault. I'm sure you have a stellar backround and never had any drunken altercations. Lets hope one of our own won't have any long term damage instead of belittle him.

3/04/2007 10:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was there last night when this happened and all I can say when the shit hit the fan there was back-up everywhere. Even the bosses that came out were very supportive and class acts!! It was very refreshing to see. I wish "Mike" the best in recovery.

3/04/2007 11:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

RE: 6:40 pm.
Even buying a six pack on the way home is dangerous - remember the incident at the "Pot 'O Gold" at 87 and Ashland in 1999 or 2000? Guy gets off 3rd watch (worked in 005), heads home, stops in for a six pack and walks in on a homicide in progress - big shoot-out, gets shot in the arm, but returns fire and hits one of the armed offenders. Did a fantastic job - everyone on scene did a great job. Just shows you - BE PREPARED.

3/05/2007 12:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Time for you guys in the districts that the insane dueces hang to lay the smack down!

3/05/2007 12:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like MP is going to be alright. He came out of surgery but will take some serious time to heal. Please keep this guy in your thoughts. And to the person who made a statement about "chasing tail", so now we have to stay out of public? The bar MP was at has been a neighborhood hangout since it opened years and years ago, so go F yourself. Too bad the shit bags have found our spots....hang in there MP, you are in our thoughts and prayers!

3/05/2007 01:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. I have several purses.
2. I wear panties, usually with lace.
3. Let some asswad tell me I have to leave my gun in the radio room.
4. The asswad can kiss my lacy, panty-clad ass.
5. You bleeding liberal, presumptive, poor excuse for a human being, shut up, kiss off, and go to New York to help Hilary with her campaign.

3/05/2007 01:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Saw on the news! Drunken off-duty cop stabbed and man shot. Gee, should the guns not be kept locked up in the radio room?

NO.. But drunken department News Affairs goofs (Camden] should be left in their martini glass.

The copper was drunk?? How many sober coppers can hit their target? Give the guy a fuckin' medal for capping the ASSHOLE!

3/05/2007 02:13:00 AM  
Blogger Murphy40Pct said...

God bless the PO, Trooper and their families. Get well soon

08:34-Whoever allowed you to look at their computer and typed those mindless words onto this site for you should be ashamed of themselves. Now go back to being the mindless, drooling, insignificant loser you are.

3/05/2007 03:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

unfortunately this happened to bring this to attention. deja vu not only lets these shitheads in, but encourages it. maybe 019 will start paying attention to this place. not to mention waveland bowl. waveland bowl is now "freaknic" on the weekends. to the 019 po-lice, you claim you want to protect "OUR" neighborhoods, now you have starting points.

3/05/2007 03:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come on SCC...your grammar is normally perfect. Your editor should have caught this one. Is that public school education showing again?

"help us if your the police."

3/05/2007 06:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's just too bad that the copper who was attacked out there in Lincoln ave. didn't shoot MORE of those gangbanging scumbags. Hope he comes out of this ok. Don't go out unarmed. Always be prepared.
And, if it applies, moderate your drinking. Whether armed or not, you can't defend yourself if your abilities are diminished because you're impaired (and no, I'm not accusing the injured PO of being in such a state). God bless all, and stay safe.

3/05/2007 06:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the old SOS would have been sent to find these a-holes and make sure they never thing of doing that again.

This dept is so soft.

3/05/2007 07:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 3/04/2007 08:20:00 PM your FTO was partially correct that saying goes back a long way from the middle sixties. Its 4 Bs, booze,broads,bucks and bullets that could cause you grief.

3/05/2007 08:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Waveland Bowl is politically connected and is owned by very affluent suburbanites. It is one of the most profitable and heavily patronized alleys in the United States. It is not going to shut down. It has been there for years and will continue to operate. It draws patrons from the entire city.

3/05/2007 09:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Leave the gun in the radio room"
I own my gun and I would NEVER leave it in the radio room!
MY gun stays with me at all times.
You must not be the police, asswipe.

3/05/2007 09:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All that neighborhood is is $10 drinks and 19-23 year olds looking to fuck or fight...

Uhh, sign me up! I'm a young guy, in shape & I'm sick of the West Side.

3/05/2007 10:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 4 Mar 07 10:09 p.m.

16 yr old stated she got pulled into a van, driven around, parked near where she got pulled into van, and then was getting fondled when she kicked offender in nuts and fled. Her story is in shreds, however. False report charges look like they are coming shortly. Looking more and more like a late arrival home from a night out with a boyfriend/?????

3/05/2007 10:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to say that this is exactly why we need SCC. I was at work yesterday and not one single mention of this incident in role call, CO book, bosses, nothing. Here we have one of our own stabbed, beaten and shoots another person and this DOESN'T worthy a mention at roll calls, but parking complaints on so and so street does? Come on.
Scc keeps us abreast to whats going on out there that can have real world consequences. I frequent that area often and was always under the assumption that the sh*tbags didn't. Now i know better and will either find a different area to hang out in, or be prepared next time i'm over there. Thank you SCC.

3/05/2007 11:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The more i read this informative the blog the more personally i learn! I have been not carrying my gun to the store,gym etc.. From now on this will be a must have item! years ago people were afraid of police today thanks to the liberals who run this department we have no respect! thanks to the crooks the daleys-degnans-joyces-urkel etc! why is it victor reyes the hdo boss who worked for daley and got many jobs not in jail? I was watching the U.S. attornies announcement that Patrick Collins is leaving but that there was much more to come with the city scandals! Let's hope they put these jerks in prison soon!

3/05/2007 12:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Back in the late 80's, after work, we'd go in Waveland Bowl sometimes (as opposed to sitting in a bar). Went to a few watch parties there, too. Now, the place has gone to hell. It's gangbanger heaven.

I drive past there every night on my way home. From Thursday thru Saturday night, the shit that I see coming and going into that place is insane.

Now that there are milllion dollar house directly behind there, I wonder how long it will be before that place gets shut down.

As for the person who said he saw the news, hey fool, the latest report is that alcohol had nothing to do with the incident.

The P.O. is lucky he had his gun. After he was stabbed, the stabber's buddies proceeded to stomp the P.O. God only knows what would have happened if he'd been unarmed.

3/05/2007 12:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4 am. Lincoln Park. A fight breaks out. Shocking. His fault for continuing to put himself in that situation. All that neighborhood is is $10 drinks and 19-23 year olds looking to fuck or fight. You want to have a few drinks with your buddies? Go to the local watering hole. You want to chase tail all night? Then expect to be hanging around with all the other assholes.


These where not the run of the mill college boys from DePaul. They MFers in a street gang with records. They hate cops and don't care. Now, if the media and liberals don't let the police handle it there way as of now-with old school shake ups and arrests these yuppies will be next. So boo hoo when a 30 year old newlywed gets stabbed.

3/05/2007 01:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You 22nd district guys what happened at Beverly park in Beverly?

3/04/2007 10:09:00 PM

The "victim's" story is unraveling, but of course the media is running with it. There is a "POD" about 100ft. from where she says the van parked by Beverly Pk. The POD shows no white van at ANY TIME this allegedly happened. The "victim" is a student at Julian H.S. and came home very late from school. Very strong suspicion this "kidnap" was concocted to cover her ass.

3/05/2007 02:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here ya go a direct quote from Monique Bond that I found on the latest update from the Trib website.

" The officer was not intoxicated and alcohol was not a factor in the incident", Bond said.

Here's the link: local/chicago/chi-0703050054mar05,1, 1017456.story?coll=chi-newslocalchicago -hed

3/05/2007 02:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
You 22nd district guys what happened at Beverly park in Beverly?

3/04/2007 10:09:00 PM

The "victim's" story is unraveling, but of course the media is running with it. There is a "POD" about 100ft. from where she says the van parked by Beverly Pk. The POD shows no white van at ANY TIME this allegedly happened. The "victim" is a student at Julian H.S. and came home very late from school. Very strong suspicion this "kidnap" was concocted to cover her ass.

3/05/2007 02:20:00 PM

Julian? She is a 1?

3/05/2007 03:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"A video camera outside a nearby business captured those next frantic seconds, police said. Instead of backing off, the videotape shows one member of the group lunged at the officer with a knife and stabbed him twice, Bond said.

Bond said the wounded officer had been off work only a couple of hours and alcohol was not a factor in the incident.

A police panel reviewed the videotape and interviewed witnesses Sunday, determining the officer acted within guidelines, said Bond.",CST-NWS-stab05.article

What the fuck is wrong with you assholes who automatically started blaming the guy. He is a victim here, and did everything right. Go fuck yourselves.

3/05/2007 03:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


3/05/2007 04:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Time for some "Old School" take the gloves off! We are the biggest gang in the city this is our destiny to take care of each other! flood the gang spots with tru,sos,tact, and whatever else we can throw at them!

3/05/2007 04:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The bangers are Insane Deuces from the 17th district. Same group that shot the marine at cicero and addison.

3/05/2007 05:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow!! let's hope that the officer doesn't read these comments. He would would be disappointed that his OWN brothers in blue don't have his back. SHAME ON YOU.THIS DEPT IS A GOING TO SHIT !!!

3/05/2007 05:49:00 PM  
Blogger leomemorial said...

>>>The more i read this informative the blog the more personally i learn! I have been not carrying my gun to the store,gym etc..

I've been w/friends that are cops, and they carry their gun all the damn time. Sure enough, you get some a**holes @ a convenience store, restaurant, etc that start trouble or something is going down.

BE safe at all times.

3/05/2007 06:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

officers should hold themselves to a higher standard than normal citizens. not meaning that they should walk around like they are superior but instead lead by example. this officer was not doing that but just the opisite. it is clear if they disarm a man and take the gun and through it across the street then they had no intentions of killing him. also it is only safe for us to belive he was drinking. the cpd uses .04% as a guide line of being intoxicated for a man 170lbs that would mean around a beer and a half. to tell me the officer didn't have that much to drink in a hours time is very hard to belive. Also if these guys were all active gang members why didn't they take the gun? this is clear of what happened and sure those guys were probably drinking and had a chip on they're shoulder but it also appaers that the officer did to. do you think if the officer would have reached for his cell phone instead of his gun he could have ended it in a easier manner instead he pulled his gun the guys clearly from ruff backgrounds reacted the way they're "training" taught them to defend themselves. now I'm not saying anyone is inocent here what I'm saying is all parties are equally guilty.

3/05/2007 06:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Julian? She is a 1?

3/05/2007 03:34:00 PM

YES! Lives on 99th St. & about Talman

3/05/2007 07:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


3/05/2007 07:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3/05/2007 06:29:00 PM

U shold go bak to skool and lernt to right and spel.

You need to go to a city college and take a class before you start playing detective.
God I pray you are not the police...

3/05/2007 08:28:00 PM  
Blogger ispeeved said...

CPD- Thanks for your support and assistance with our Trooper involved in the accident. Our prayers go out to CPD and your injured officer.

3/05/2007 08:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3/05/2007 07:49:00 PM

First off, blow us. Yes 019 has goofs working in it. But don't lump us all together. I have worked in 019 for the past 10 years and have never, f#cked with another cop, their families or their vehicles. As far as do nothings, yes there are quite a few KMA's in my district, and they are not aggressive, but you show your lack of experience by mistaking the lack of being aggressive and the ability to take action when it is needed. 019 had a pocket of Insane Deuces (Hamlin Park), they are now all but dead, a few actually dead, some locked up, some got sick of being "harassed" by the police and moved away (those police being the dogs of 019). Don't fear when I get back to work I will make it my mission to go out and make the few remaining Deuces in 019 lives a living hell. Just a friendly reminder not to judge everyone together.

3/05/2007 09:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

TO 6:29PM


3/05/2007 09:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just saw the mugshots of the 4 assholes that weren't shot on the 10pm news. Looks more like the KGB,Albanian mob, or the Belmont & Central Insane Perogies. Dueces? Its lookin like Jefferson Park is going to have some problems soon. My "cracker" ass expected some different looking dudes!!!!!!!!

3/05/2007 10:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Julian? She is a 1?

3/05/2007 03:34:00 PM

YES! Lives on 99th St. & about Talman

3/05/2007 07:24:00 PM

99 and Talman would be Evergreen Park.

3/05/2007 10:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off duty? Do not bother annocing your office! They don't care anyway...

3/05/2007 11:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

019 district has no workers other than adolpho garcia. It is up for grabs

3/05/2007 11:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

officers should hold themselves to a higher standard than normal citizens. not meaning that they should walk around like they are superior but instead lead by example. this officer was not doing that but just the opisite. it is clear if they disarm a man and take the gun and through it across the street then they had no intentions of killing him. also it is only safe for us to belive he was drinking. the cpd uses .04% as a guide line of being intoxicated for a man 170lbs that would mean around a beer and a half. to tell me the officer didn't have that much to drink in a hours time is very hard to belive. Also if these guys were all active gang members why didn't they take the gun? this is clear of what happened and sure those guys were probably drinking and had a chip on they're shoulder but it also appaers that the officer did to. do you think if the officer would have reached for his cell phone instead of his gun he could have ended it in a easier manner instead he pulled his gun the guys clearly from ruff backgrounds reacted the way they're "training" taught them to defend themselves. now I'm not saying anyone is inocent here what I'm saying is all parties are equally guilty.

liberal fuck go fuck yourself

3/05/2007 11:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What the F$%^ is going on in this cesspool? I expect that kind of shit in the district I work in (Dirty South) but up north? For F#$%SAKE! It's like the 20's and 30's again, except we can't handle business like we used to.....this world is on a moral downward spiral. Criminal=Victim, Copper=Offender, my disgust has no proper terms for actual description. My only weak hope is that the pendulum will eventually swing back in the other direction, but the Frenchmen who run this city, state and country will more likely than not ever have the testicular fortitude to actually address the ideas of wrong and right properly. Even in the Middle East, Hammurabi's Code (first written law/eye for an eye) exists in a modified form. It's sad when the third world countries I've deployed to have a more proactive form of law enforcement than we do.....enlightened my ass! 3 types of people in this world: Wolves, Sheep, and Sheepdogs (the guardians of the flock, us) with the sheep letting the wolves cull the flock. What a waste! Despite my rant, I'll stack my arrests to those who will tell me to quit any day of the week. I'll continue to police as aggressively as I can with the intent that if for no other reason, my blue family, my green family, and my blood family deserve that much for suffering for me and with me. I can only do that with the hopes that others will still continue with me. To the PO who was stabbed, from what little we all know, you did the best you could with what you had. To those of us who will become wrath upon those who deserve it, I'm with you to the end. To those of you who will sit back, in this dark time, FUCK YOU! You should quit. If we cannot unite to defend ourselves, none of us deserve to be called the POLICE. Hate me if you want, mother-fuck me if you want, come see me if you want, I'll still be in the ghetto.

003rd District Copper

3/05/2007 11:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm far from a liberal and have been confronted by a whole lot of gang bangers in the alley or on the street before let me tell you something you are police officers not super heros or cowboys learn from his mistakes because i'm sure his problems just begun you expect me to belive that 6 gang bangers stabbed and beat a man after he idetified himself as a police officer i don't know where you come from but where i grew up gang bangers scattered when they hear of a cop of any sort I know you don't belive this cop is completely innocent by the way who heard him say he was a cop

3/05/2007 11:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it is clear if they disarm a man and take the gun and through it across the street then they had no intentions of killing him.

3/05/2007 06:29:00 PM
You are an idiot. If you have 10 guys coming after you and surrounding you, what are you going to do? Thank god he had his gun. He was grabbed from behind in a bearhug and then stabbed twice. He then got a shot off but his gun didnt eject the spent shell. He was disarmed and knocked to the ground where he was pummeled by the group. His gun was pointed at his head by one of the assholes. They didn't just take it from him and throw it away. The only reason he wasn't killed was because of the spent shell still in the chamber. He didn't go looking for trouble, the group of insane douches targeted him. In my opinion he showed more restraint than I would have. He repeatedly identified himself as an officer while he continued to back away from the group. They attacked him like a group of cowardly savages.

And by the way, if he had been intoxicated, THAT would be the main story. That would be front page news. There is no way to hide that stuff.

Also if these guys were all active gang members why didn't they take the gun?
CPD showed up too quick and they didn't want to get caught with a gun in their possession especially one that was just taken from a fellow CPD officer. Can you say convicted felon with stolen firearm?
do you think if the officer would have reached for his cell phone instead of his gun he could have ended it in a easier manner instead he pulled his gun the guys clearly from ruff backgrounds reacted the way they're "training" taught them to defend themselves.

This shows what an asshat you are....He (The Officer) was being ATTACKED!!! Is he politely supposed to ask them to stop for a second while he makes a phone call? And defend themselves???? They were the aggressors using 10-1 odds showing what cowards they really were. They can only act as a mob. You catch one of them in a 1-1 situation, they will act like the scared pussies they really are. I commend this officer for not running from these worthless pieces of shit. He did the best he could in that situation.

3/06/2007 12:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those Inane dickheads are Dickinson Park jag off's. The same crew that ran with the asshole that got charged with the Marine's murder last week. Thank god MP will recover and a hearty F-u to the critics. Hope a situation never comes up in your life. Stay safe brothers and sisters....Do se i t lo ook like i give a fook.

3/06/2007 12:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God Bless both seriously injured officers. My prayers are with them. The moment that the off-duty PO announced his office, he may as well as had a uniform on. That is the intention of announcing your office. It means clearly and loudly that you are the POLICE. Maybe someone with a better knowledge than I of computers could set up a website to follow these cases, agg. asslts of POs and Troopers etc, to their completion. Some of us oldtimers with time on our hands could go to court if bodies are needed to fill the seats when working officers can't be there.

3/06/2007 12:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
officers should hold themselves to a higher standard than normal citizens. not meaning that they should walk around like they are superior but instead lead by example. this officer was not doing that but just the opisite. it is clear if they disarm a man and take the gun and through it across the street then they had no intentions of killing him. also it is only safe for us to belive he was drinking. the cpd uses .04% as a guide line of being intoxicated for a man 170lbs that would mean around a beer and a half. to tell me the officer didn't have that much to drink in a hours time is very hard to belive. Also if these guys were all active gang members why didn't they take the gun? this is clear of what happened and sure those guys were probably drinking and had a chip on they're shoulder but it also appaers that the officer did to. do you think if the officer would have reached for his cell phone instead of his gun he could have ended it in a easier manner instead he pulled his gun the guys clearly from ruff backgrounds reacted the way they're "training" taught them to defend themselves. now I'm not saying anyone is inocent here what I'm saying is all parties are equally guilty.

3/05/2007 06:29:00 PM

you sir,are a worthless piece of monkey shit....asshole,when you are out numbered 6-1 and beaten/kicked about the head,you dont need a gun to kill a person,just the blows will do the job numb nuts!i say lets take your monkey ass outside or inside if you prefer.and we kick the living shit out of you! DICK HEAD!

3/06/2007 12:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reach for his cell phones.... you are retarded!
Grab a six pack and go are stupid.
We are people first and foremost, this job is not our lives. I will not become a hermit and live my life 8 hours at a time. I will go where I want to go, do what I want to do and where I want to do it. I carry my gun everywhere and will use it. I carry everywhere because I know that instictually I will act first when help is needed. NO ONE goes looking for trouble but I am not going to restrict myself for fear of encountering a problem. So what if he was in a bar I have encountered situations in target, at the car wash, shit just driving down the street. There are a lot of assholes out there, we don't have a magic eight ball that tells us who these jagoffs are until they get in our faces and have to be dealt with.
One more thing if your going to carry your gun also carry handcuffs.
Yes I hate gang bangers and as always they are my mission everyday and now they will be my very special attention until I get sick of locking them up or I retire. Go get em officers they have fucked with one of use one to many times.

God bless the officer he is in my prayers and I hope he recovers quickly.

3/06/2007 01:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

the old SOS would have been sent to find these a-holes and make sure they never thing of doing that again.

This dept is so soft.

3/05/2007 07:18:00 AM

3/06/2007 01:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The more i read this informative the blog the more personally i learn! I have been not carrying my gun to the store,gym etc.. From now on this will be a must have item! years ago people were afraid of police today thanks to the liberals who run this department we have no respect! thanks to the crooks the daleys-degnans-joyces-urkel etc! why is it victor reyes the hdo boss who worked for daley and got many jobs not in jail? I was watching the U.S. attornies announcement that Patrick Collins is leaving but that there was much more to come with the city scandals! Let's hope they put these jerks in prison soon!


nobody has any respect for the police anymore !!!!!!
And it comes from our own bosses
their the ones towing our police car while on duty..

what do you really expect a citzen to think when they see a police car getting towed...they laugh their asses off and thats were the lack of respect starts

just my two cents

stay safe
shoot first and ask questions later

3/06/2007 01:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3/05/2007 06:29:00 PM

Dude, Please invest in a spell checker and grammar checker. Obviously your liberal education went to waste. Oh! and Fuck You.

3/06/2007 01:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come on SCC...your grammar is normally perfect. Your editor should have caught this one. Is that public school education showing again?

"help us if your the police."


It's called a typo, help you who probably went to public school as well. Give it up, SCC speands so much time on this and you are going to ding him for forgetting an apostrophe and the letter E??? what is your problem? Oh look--I did not capitalize the letter W in the word What. Don't forget to correct me too. Get a life. Start a grammar police blog.

3/06/2007 08:21:00 AM  
Blogger Have it Better Than Most said...

TO: Anonymous said...
I'm far from a liberal and have been confronted by a whole lot of gang bangers in the alley or on the street before let me tell you something you are police officers not super heros or cowboys learn from his mistakes because i'm sure his problems just begun you expect me to belive that 6 gang bangers stabbed and beat a man after he idetified himself as a police officer i don't know where you come from but where i grew up gang bangers scattered when they hear of a cop of any sort I know you don't belive this cop is completely innocent by the way who heard him say he was a cop

3/05/2007 11:31:00 PM
Your far from liberal title is getting alot closer than you think...You don't say where you grew up or when, but one thing is definite....The police are not feared or respected like they used to be....If they fight you when in uniform what makes you think that off duty that they will respect you more...Wake up

3/06/2007 09:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The officer did what he had to do to survive. He is a survivor! He is alive and able to share his experience with his fellow officers to prevent a recurrence. Life is about experience. Life is not fair. God Bless him and his family.
I work with one of his closest friends on Afternoons in 009 and I can tell you without a doubt the actions of the gang bangers have not nor will go unnoticed.
Although I do not know MP, I have known people who did not survive similar attacks. The above poster is right about the blows to the head and torso alone could have ended his life. The knife attack just added terror to the insanity and savagery of the ambush.
As a correctional officer for IDOC and a military combat veteran I assure you I have seen the evils that men can do to one another.
My brothers and sisters in 009 are my immediate police family and my extended family are YOU who serve the streets elsewhere in CPD.
I believe firmly in the Thin Blue Line and watching over my fellow officer. My years of Army service taught me all about camaraderie and taking care of each other. I have been honored to have commanded young soldiers who answered their nation's call. I have learned through trial and error that an individual's success or failure is based on will power. I always try to extend that knowledge to the new recruits beginning their CPD careers in 009. Even when you depart 009, I remember who you are and how you backed people up.
Bottom line is the world is a dangerous place-especially for those who enforce the laws. Quit your Monday morning quaterbacking on this senseless crime. Quit trying to justify the enemy's tactics. We already lost one of our own to crime this year... Let's reflect on that a moment. All that matters is that MP survived and can live to fight another day.
Back each other up no matter what and remember why you chose to become a police officer! For many of us, it is a calling. The calling runs deep and it cannot be quenched.
To police officer MP- Godspeed in your recovery. Remember depression is going to set in no matter who you are. It happens to all of us. Thank you for your servitude.
To my 009 3rd Watch family-hang tough and we'll pull through all nonsense together!
Added note* Hey B team! Don't forget where you came from. You once pushed a beat car as well....
-009 proud

3/06/2007 10:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is NO law that you have to identify yourself as the police. I don't care if that copper was drunk as hogans goat, what gives these gangbangers a right to surround him and fuck with him. A shame he couldn't have shot them all. I do have something negative to say about it tho'. Why did he wait so long to fire up those assholes.

3/06/2007 11:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm far from a liberal and have been confronted by a whole lot of gang bangers in the alley or on the street before let me tell you something you are police officers not super heros or cowboys learn from his mistakes because i'm sure his problems just begun you expect me to belive that 6 gang bangers stabbed and beat a man after he idetified himself as a police officer i don't know where you come from but where i grew up gang bangers scattered when they hear of a cop of any sort I know you don't belive this cop is completely innocent by the way who heard him say he was a cop

I thought Fantasy Island was taken off the air a long time ago......Apparently this person still lives there!

3/06/2007 11:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm far from a liberal and have been confronted by a whole lot of gang bangers in the alley or on the street before let me tell you something you are police officers not super heros or cowboys learn from his mistakes because i'm sure his problems just begun you expect me to belive that 6 gang bangers stabbed and beat a man after he idetified himself as a police officer i don't know where you come from but where i grew up gang bangers scattered when they hear of a cop of any sort I know you don't belive this cop is completely innocent by the way who heard him say he was a cop

Why would 6 gang bangers approach an off duty officer after he announced himself?????

1. THEY DON'T GIVE A FUCK YOUR THE POLICE! (more so if they are all juiced up)
2. 6 against 1...pretty good odds to get over on a cop!

3/06/2007 11:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

officers should hold themselves to a higher standard than normal citizens. not meaning that they should walk around like they are superior but instead lead by example. this officer was not doing that but just the opisite. it is clear if they disarm a man and take the gun and through it across the street then they had no intentions of killing him. also it is only safe for us to belive he was drinking. the cpd uses .04% as a guide line of being intoxicated for a man 170lbs that would mean around a beer and a half. to tell me the officer didn't have that much to drink in a hours time is very hard to belive. Also if these guys were all active gang members why didn't they take the gun? this is clear of what happened and sure those guys were probably drinking and had a chip on they're shoulder but it also appaers that the officer did to. do you think if the officer would have reached for his cell phone instead of his gun he could have ended it in a easier manner instead he pulled his gun the guys clearly from ruff backgrounds reacted the way they're "training" taught them to defend themselves. now I'm not saying anyone is inocent here what I'm saying is all parties are equally guilty.


Can I pull a knife on you? You have a second to think. Not a paragragh of literature to respond with.

Only a sheltered fool whose been protected his whole life has the attitude to express that there are other ways to handle a violent situation.

Cell phone, what are you talking about. ok let me dial while you stab me. They didn't mean to kill him, the officers in the hospital. And is lucky his gun jammed.

You hate cops. I hope four gangbangers surround you. Will you call the police with a cell phone? Just take that chip on your shoulder off.

If the cops brought street justice on the gangs-you'd defend the gangs becuase you envy cops and are a pussy.

3/06/2007 12:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

all i have to say is, when i woke up and turned on the news today...i see Mayor Daley making March 6th, Jennifer Hudson Day...She got presented with a plague and all of her shithead neighbors were there to support her....Are you F@#$%^&* kidding me? Have we ever had a day named after the brave working coppers that have died or fought for this city everyday? What a f@#$%^ joke!!!!

3/06/2007 01:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


3/06/2007 03:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"you expect me to belive that 6 gang bangers stabbed and beat a man after he idetified himself as a police officer i don't know where you come from but where i grew up gang bangers scattered when they hear of a cop of any sort"

3/05/2007 11:31:00 PM

you are a fucking retard.

3/06/2007 05:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard that the gangbangers are from 016 and if this is true why dosen't the Dept. realize that 016 is starting to turn for the worse?

3/06/2007 05:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was at the hospital today and actually spoke to the officer. The assholes were kicked out of the bar for reasons that in no way are associated with the officer. The officer was with a couple of non-police friends and when they left the bar, they were confronted. The officer announced his office and pulled his gun, keeping it at his side. Once he announced his office, ALL of the shitheads focused on him and began to hit him. The officer was grabbed from behind, and then stabbed. He was able to get off one shot before being knocked out. His friends were held back by knife point. The shithead then grabbed the officers gun and when a second knife was pulled, the shitheads heard the sirens and fled, throwing the officers gun into the park/lawn across the street. And to top it off the bar's bouncer was video taping the incident, which said tape is now in Det's hands. And the officer is feeling and looking better. He had several life threatening injuries but looks like he will be ok. Note to SCC-post any or all of the comment. If you feel any part of this will hurt the case, delete it. Also, the bar should be fucked with, Deja Vu. They were heard on the tape saying not to call the police. They finally called after the fight had started.

3/06/2007 06:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As far as "Mike" [CPD] is progressing.....

He was able to sit up, speak absent some of the tubes that were inserted in the orifices in his body.

The swelling,[head] while evident, has subsided a bit.

His memory of the incident was remarkable, despite the beating and the bangers, in custody, were all charged with Attempt Murder.

Thanks to all those that were concerned and continue to keep Mike and our brother "Trooper" in your thoughts and prayers.

Tan or Blue...we're all behind you

3/06/2007 07:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the below poster...


Have it Better Than Most (I guess) said...

Thanks for your insightful babble.
To my brothers in blue, remember to keep your friends CLOSE and your enemies CLOSER!!!!!



3/06/2007 10:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"you expect me to belive that 6 gang bangers stabbed and beat a man after he idetified himself as a police officer i don't know where you come from but where i grew up gang bangers scattered when they hear of a cop of any sort"


3/06/2007 10:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where do the shitheads live? Where do the Dueces hang out?

Do they live by Dickerson parK? Where ? What House? WHat address?

3/06/2007 10:47:00 PM  
Blogger Coldtype said...

If the situation requires deadly force--as this one clearly did--you don't necessarily need to waste valuble time "announcing your office". Open fire!

Their first indication that you are the police should be as they fade to black. It is essential that our younger officers grasp this and soon. There is nothing written that states we must first wait to be attacked before responding--particularly when facing a numerically superior foe. Remember, hesitation is death.

PS. It helps your case to shoot more than one aggressor in this situation (especially if all are unarmed) for obvious reasons.

Stay safe.

3/06/2007 10:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11:10:00AM I realize the officer didn't HAVE to identify himself, but the fact is that he did and that makes the charges and the penalties to the offenders more severe. Instead of worrying about 15yr old gangbangers inane comments on this SCC post we need to be about the business of making sure that now that these offenders are in custody they are properly charged and no deals are made 10-14-18 months down the line to reduce the charges from agg batt/PO to agg/batt. It makes a big difference.

3/06/2007 11:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe anyone would sit here and put out a hateful post about a young woman who received a golden globe award AND an Oscar in her first ever motion picture debut. A woman from Chicago. And she chose to share that special moment with this City. With kids from her High School. With some of her teachers. With her family.
Sure, a few politicians also made a day out of it to push their mugs on the TV cameras, but so what? This city has a lot to be proud of. Jennifer Hudson is quite a performer. An accomplished singer, and now, actress. From Chicago! And someone wants to bash her because she's enoying the fruits of her talent with her hometown. And she gets compared to what? The City never put together a Cop appreciation day?
Come on and say what you really want to. Jeez. Some of our brethren in blue just hate to see anyone of color enjoy a little success. WHAT DID SHE EVER DO TO YOU? She's not on drugs, grew up in the church, and so far, no lewd pictures, babies out of wedlock, etc. Some of our "public servant" brethren need to take a serious look at themselves, because some of you have some real issues. And I have no doubt it comes out in your daily tours of duty through some of our neighborhoods.

3/06/2007 11:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3/05/2007 06:29:00 PM

go home and screw your dog. it's so easy for you, the asshole, to sit in judgement on your pedestal in your glass house. i left home without my gun the first day i was eligible to carry it (the day after i got my star). some ass at 65th and cicero approached my car at the red light and started bullshit with me, and no, i have NOTHING on my car that says PO-LICE. i haven't left home without it since. i refuse to miss the opportunity to shoot the head off some mother fucker that wants to hurt me and mine. go to the range people...and when it comes down to it, shoot to kill.
and this WAS addressed in our roll call, 006 3rd watch, thank you to our Lt. who reminds us to take care of what needs to be taken care of.

3/07/2007 12:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen...... YOU are why 009 is such a cool place to work. Thanks.

3/07/2007 12:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is NO law that you have to identify yourself as the police. I don't care if that copper was drunk as hogans goat, what gives these gangbangers a right to surround him and fuck with him. A shame he couldn't have shot them all. I do have something negative to say about it tho'. Why did he wait so long to fire up those assholes.

Maybe because of:

Lawsuits, the sun-times front page article stating he shot 6 alter boys, the city not backing him up, Daley ingnoring him, Being fired, are they gangbangers going to leave, he's not a killer, was his buddy in the way, where a crowd of people on the street.

The point is scumbags don't give a shit and know already if they want to kill you as a PO. An officer has all that crap running in his head.

The media and liberals have prevented PO from protecting themselves, now the police should allow the liberals to feel a crime wave of their failed ideas and policies to come home and roost in their Lincoln Park & Downtown.

3/07/2007 02:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm far from a liberal and have been confronted by a whole lot of gang bangers in the alley or on the street before let me tell you something you are police officers not super heros or cowboys learn from his mistakes because i'm sure his problems just begun you expect me to belive that 6 gang bangers stabbed and beat a man after he idetified himself as a police officer i don't know where you come from but where i grew up gang bangers scattered when they hear of a cop of any sort I know you don't belive this cop is completely innocent by the way who heard him say he was a cop

I don't know where you are from but these jagoffs could care less when you tell them you are the police, especially when they are in numbers. Nobody is afraid of the police anymore like they used to be, they only comply most of the time because they don't want to be locked up and inconvenienced or risk there car or money be taken.

3/07/2007 08:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The nice thing is the whole incident is on video tape, his gun did stovepipe, they took it from him and put it to his head but it wouldn't fire so they threw it and beat and kicked him senseless.

3/07/2007 08:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! I cannot say I have a calling that cannot be quenched, but I do feel your sense of professionalism. Wish there were more like you in CPD. Stay safe.

-015 copper

3/07/2007 08:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen! To post 10:35am
I'm glad SCC banned the use of your stupid nickname. You are class act all the way. Glad you got my back! Give 'em hell ya crazy mothafucka!!!!

Afternoons in 009

3/07/2007 08:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting. I thought 009 was made up of primadonna coppers who didn't give a fuck about anyone else? Guess I was wrong.

Englewood Ranger

3/07/2007 09:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


3/07/2007 04:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe anyone would sit here and put out a hateful post about a young woman who received a golden globe award AND an Oscar in her first ever motion picture debut. A woman from Chicago. And she chose to share that special moment with this City. With kids from her High School. With some of her teachers. With her family.
Sure, a few politicians also made a day out of it to push their mugs on the TV cameras, but so what? This city has a lot to be proud of. Jennifer Hudson is quite a performer. An accomplished singer, and now, actress. From Chicago! And someone wants to bash her because she's enoying the fruits of her talent with her hometown. And she gets compared to what? The City never put together a Cop appreciation day?
Come on and say what you really want to. Jeez. Some of our brethren in blue just hate to see anyone of color enjoy a little success. WHAT DID SHE EVER DO TO YOU? She's not on drugs, grew up in the church, and so far, no lewd pictures, babies out of wedlock, etc. Some of our "public servant" brethren need to take a serious look at themselves, because some of you have some real issues. And I have no doubt it comes out in your daily tours of duty through some of our neighborhoods.

I agree, it shows with some proper parenting, you can make it out of the hood. I am proud she's from Chicago, this is a law abiding black person from a law abiding black family, not the nonsense were so used to seeing, congrads to her and continued success, she has a hell of a voice!

3/08/2007 08:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


3/08/2007 08:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I can't believe anyone would sit here and put out a hateful post about a young woman who received a golden globe award AND an Oscar in her first ever motion picture debut. A woman from Chicago. And she chose to share that special moment with this City. With kids from her High School. With some of her teachers. With her family.
Sure, a few politicians also made a day out of it to push their mugs on the TV cameras, but so what? This city has a lot to be proud of. Jennifer Hudson is quite a performer. An accomplished singer, and now, actress. From Chicago! And someone wants to bash her because she's enoying the fruits of her talent with her hometown. And she gets compared to what? The City never put together a Cop appreciation day?
Come on and say what you really want to. Jeez. Some of our brethren in blue just hate to see anyone of color enjoy a little success. WHAT DID SHE EVER DO TO YOU? She's not on drugs, grew up in the church, and so far, no lewd pictures, babies out of wedlock, etc. Some of our "public servant" brethren need to take a serious look at themselves, because some of you have some real issues. And I have no doubt it comes out in your daily tours of duty through some of our neighborhoods.

I agree, it shows with some proper parenting, you can make it out of the hood. I am proud she's from Chicago, this is a law abiding black person from a law abiding black family, not the nonsense were so used to seeing, congrads to her and continued success, she has a hell of a voice!

You are right, ALL people should be treated the same. What do you think would happen if there was a Miss White America? Or an Ivory magazine, like there is an Ebony magazine. I hope you stick up for all kinds, not just color, because if you don't , then you my friend are as ignorant as the people you are complaining about.

3/08/2007 09:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thats all its ever about is color, color, color!!! quit with the race card already.... there have been plenty of successful people from white...if jennifer hudson were white...i would've said the same thing, that she doesnt deserve her own day...but in your ignorant eyes you think she deserves it because she is black and because she grew up in englewood....say what you really point is...there should be a day for us...risking our lives everyday....keep your dog ass in the ghetto...i know who im going to see throughout my tour of duty at work...and its not you, til check off.

3/08/2007 11:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
officers should hold themselves to a higher standard than normal citizens. not meaning that they should walk around like they are superior but instead lead by example. this officer was not doing that but just the opisite. it is clear if they disarm a man and take the gun and through it across the street then they had no intentions of killing him. also it is only safe for us to belive he was drinking. the cpd uses .04% as a guide line of being intoxicated for a man 170lbs that would mean around a beer and a half. to tell me the officer didn't have that much to drink in a hours time is very hard to belive. Also if these guys were all active gang members why didn't they take the gun? this is clear of what happened and sure those guys were probably drinking and had a chip on they're shoulder but it also appaers that the officer did to. do you think if the officer would have reached for his cell phone instead of his gun he could have ended it in a easier manner instead he pulled his gun the guys clearly from ruff backgrounds reacted the way they're "training" taught them to defend themselves. now I'm not saying anyone is inocent here what I'm saying is all parties are equally guilty.

3/05/2007 06:29:00 PM

You liberal piece of shit are obviously NOT THE POLICE. Cunts like you should stay off this POLICE BLOG. And next time you get confronted by several shit heads intent on kicking your pansy ass maybe you can reach for your mascara case or your lipstick instead of your cell phone to call the police. I'm sure your girlfriend has bigger balls than you, maybe she can defend your stupid, ignorant ass. Maybe next time you get stabbed with a rambo knife we will assume the offender had no intention of killing you and let him go home.

3/09/2007 01:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To educate the ignorant regarding the 019 district officers, that police officer is alive because of the 19th district officers that arrived on the scene. Not to mention arrested all the offenders as well. And as far as the comment of "messing with off duty coppers", I've saved more than one of their asses! So if you have a problem with the 19th District come forward and speak your mind, 2 yr. wonder.

3/10/2007 02:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FYI, there are LOTS of "law abiding" black people out there.
Unfortunately, rarely do white officers come in contact with them.
Some of you live very close to them, and yet you never speak or wave to them when you come and go out of your homes. Many of their homes are in better condition than yours. Many of their lawns are better cared for. Of course, you sit back and wonder how they can "afford" to live near you, and NOT work 4 jobs to do it. If they drive a nicer car AND live in your neighborhood, you assume he/she is into drugs. But of course, you don't know, and you never will, as your black neighbors can easily read from your facial expressions that you have no intention of tearing down walls that inhibit communication. And so it goes, your unwanted neighbors will keep to themselves, while you and the rest of the neighborhood will speak ill of them at the monthly block club meetings. Pathetic.

3/11/2007 04:40:00 PM  

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