Friday, March 02, 2007

Posting Early

We're working on a few technical issues. Has anyone noticed comments NOT being published? We're not talking about the regular ones we refuse to publish (overtly offensive garbage, three letter spanish exclamations, one word repeated over and over, Area 2 gun team crap, etc.) We're talking normal everyday comments that aren't seeing the light of day. Our comment counter has been going haywire and we're trying to get Blogger to fix it, but no help yet.

In any case, we're publishing Friday's posts about an hour earlier than usual but we're leaving the post times as normal so everything appears in order. We're also warning of possible light posting over the weekend as a particularly nasty flu bug works it's way through the families. Keep checking back as we'll be making every effort to stay up to date.

Open post in the meantime.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know, I have a problem with all these POs saying this guy or that guy would make a great superintendent because he is a blue shirt or was a blue shirt or thinks like a blue shirt or cares deeply about the blue shirts. You all don't realize, apparently, that superintendent is first and foremost a political appointment. It has very little to do with how much you love your blue shirts or how much they love you. The superintendent is not and never was meant to be an advocate of the police officers. He is appointed by the mayor to a position of Responsibility over the entire police department. As POs, we should be less worried about who our bosses are (something we have absolutely no control over), and we should instead focus on who our representatives are at the FOP. We PAY these folks to be our advocates and they have not done a satisfactory job thusfar. This is something we actually have control over, and it will have a real effect over our future careers. That concludes this test of the emergency broadcast system.

3/02/2007 01:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i work at 35th st and was privy to a tape of Bas Ruttens interview for Supt. I posted it here on youtube:

3/02/2007 02:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Charles,

You wonder why officers just drive around all night and activity has dropped? Why moral and contempt for the Department has hit an all time low? Why new recruits has went from 30,000 applicants to less then 3,000? Why no one bids to fast paced and high crime districts?
Why you say? Because no one wants this job anymore!! The department, city, legislature, and media has made this job unwanted and left police officers who want to be the police with their hands tied. With law suits and suspension time at an all time high why would I? Its completely obvious that you want officers to do police work that may have been acceptable even 10 years ago to bring in numbers, But bosses like you will put those same officers heads on the chopping block to please reverends and the media. What are you gonna do when the courts make a ruling that traffic road side checks are unconstitutional. Or some Harvard statistical study wants to review all the camera footage on street stops? Or how about when officers are held civilly responsible when the judge says no probable cause on an arrest. Mark my words that will happen very soon. Lawyers will be lined up around the block to represent hypes for chance to take your kids college money. Maybe some people are dumb enough to keep doing police work that was done a certain way 10 years ago but not me. Those days are long gone and allot of guys better wise up to the way the department and society are going. All it takes is a couple bull shit pack of lies CR#'s and placement on the new guilty in the departments eye's discipline system to put you in a hole world of shit when your giving your civil lawsuit deposition.

3/02/2007 02:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"and they have not done a satisfactory job thusfar" sez elmo

Boy if that isnt the f*kn understatement of the year!!!!

3/02/2007 07:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


3/02/2007 07:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3/02/2007 02:59:00 AM

To the poster! your right agree with everything! The no balls bosses to the mayor liberals all the way down to us! Why take this job anymore? It was with pride I took this job many years ago and thank God I am now in the KNA club. Old school worked the best now with all this hi-tech crap that no one really cares about our level of respect is in the toilet! All I want now is to protect my family neighborhood collect a pension and PRAY the thing we call a UNION does something to stem the tide of no health care after 2013, and the huge pension shortfalls! If your young educated on this job use that diploma and let the city pay for more education get out of this rat hole city and get a better job!

3/02/2007 08:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3/02/2007 02:59:00 AM


3/02/2007 08:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Elmo, you political hack:

Who do you think is on the other side of the negotiating table from FOP? The bosses. You give me a Superintendent who gives a shit about the POs and you've given me someone who might make a fair deal with the FOP. Daley doesn't really give a fuck about how the department runs so long as the trains are on time. He controls how much money is given out, and it won't be a penny more than he is willing to agree too, no matter who is in charge at FOP.

Oh yeah, as long as you're posting, are you Kevin Janz, John Tierney or Bob Podgorny from the IOU team? I can't see you being Janz because you can spell and know punctuation, so you must be Bob or John.

Good luck (not) on your campaign you sleazy piece of shit.

3/02/2007 08:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

when they going to start making sgt's classes from the new list?

3/02/2007 08:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said my brother but get ready for the 2 year wonders or super hero tact guys to call you a dog. I am a dog and proud of it! They aint never fired a dog, so continue being the "real police". Been there done that, now its all about me and my family so thanks for the check city of chicago cause I aint doing squat!

3/02/2007 09:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

" No longer are the days of handing out car keys to police officers to just ride around". He wants to see activity in the DOC
Charles Williams

"Yes sir I will go out there and work hard, and make lots of arrests, and you will tell me I have done a great job, and all will be well. NOT"

As a result of all of your hard work officer, (that we sent you out there to do) you have acquired a few not sustained CR#'s my goodness you are a behavioral problem, Therefore you must not pass go, go directly down and Piss in a cup while lori O shea holds your penis. After that you will be closley monitored for a year. You will not bew able to make money as an acting FTO and you will be denied any transfer. you are a behavior problem. We are only trying to help you OHH ya this "program' is a non discipilinary program and is ment to help you.
Thank You for all of your hard work ass hole.
He He Ha HA
Charles Williams

3/02/2007 11:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeez Elmo (1:08am) thanks for putting light on the situation. If it wasn't for your deep observationary skills I think all of us blue shirts would still be in the dark. -Yours Truly,
Oscar the Grouch

3/02/2007 11:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember...patrol, answer your calls and comeclear right away.

And they cant do a fuckin thing to you. I beg them to try. I will be rich.

3/02/2007 12:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can I ask - does anyone know the starting salary for Sergeant?? Just trying to figure out how our finances will change... Thanks!

3/02/2007 12:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

RE: 3/02/2007 02:59:00 AM

You are 110% correct!!!

I used to work my ass off and was PROUD to be the pro-active working police. But after 2 completely bullshit lawsuits I'm now content to write parking tickets and handle my assigned jobs in a timely manner and that's about all. I don't even bother to write movers anymore because I'm tired of all these goofy judges at traffic court who are apologetic to the shitty drivers and find anyone who wants a trial "not guilty." The women judges are the WORST when it comes to this.

Hey, I've got a mortgage to pay and kids in Catholic school. Who wants to work their ass off for a city that will throw you under the bus at the drop of a hat? I used to... but now I'm done.

3/02/2007 12:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Concerning post about Genie Roy getting caught by Mrs. Genie Roy at their cottage engaging in promiscuous activities with a F/2 who works in the office in 009-the wagers amongst us P.O.s in 009 is that the "home wrecker" is Officer T.K. since she has a history of adulterous activities. HURRY CAPTAIN BEFORE YOU'RE PUT OUT TO PASTURE.

3/02/2007 01:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just got back from vacation. Clicked on Second City Dick, nothing there. Can anyone clue me in?

3/02/2007 01:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about Urkel's new mission based policing? It really doesn't make much sense at all. Just a waste of more paper. I guess that is exactly what we are turning into...paper shufflers. I thought this CAPS bullshit was long gone. It's like we take a half step forward and then take 2 back. We got rid of the stupid humpers and now this is bringing it right back essentually. Boy it is getting harder and harder to go to work everyday. Why anybody with 4yrs of college would actually take this job is beyond me!! Don't say job security because they are trying hardest to make that untrue. Benefits are not as good as people like to believe. If you don't agree then you don't have a family you are trying to support.

3/02/2007 02:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Starting salary for Sgt is about $11,000 over your current step salary. And the option to sell back 200 hours is another $8,000 gross. And the quarterlies are around $1,200 a piece. The uniform remains the same.

3/02/2007 04:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Second City Dick pulled his site with no explanation. Someone probably leaned on him.

3/02/2007 04:22:00 PM  
Blogger SCC said...


Don't recall ever censoring a post of yours. Right now Blogger says we have almost 200 comments in the hopper and we can't access any of them - they seem to build up 5 or 10 a day for the past few weeks. Thanks for the info.

3/02/2007 04:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can I ask - does anyone know the starting salary for Sergeant?? Just trying to figure out how our finances will change... Thanks!


If you are not resourceful to find that out on your own , then you will make a GREAT SGT. You must have a degree, can only do what you were taught. No wonder you want to make SGT. so you can do even less.

3/02/2007 05:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said my brother but get ready for the 2 year wonders or super hero tact guys to call you a dog. I am a dog and proud of it! They aint never fired a dog, so continue being the "real police". Been there done that, now its all about me and my family so thanks for the check city of chicago cause I aint doing squat!

3/02/2007 09:59:00 AM

Maybe the two year wonders will call him a dog, but this tact guy at least is right there with you guys. Company wants missions, contact cards cool I'll give em the minimum, they don't care about what kinda heads are brought in so the easiest to do is for me. Used to like doing police work, now it's a job, go there perform go home!

3/02/2007 05:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Why anybody with 4yrs of college would actually take this job is beyond me!!"

took cuz this is the best fucking job in the world!

3/02/2007 08:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why anybody with 4yrs of college would actually take this job is beyond me!

theres a lot of coppers with masters and 4yr degrees. why isnt there a mass exodus of these officers! let me tell you one thing. shut the fuck up!

3/02/2007 09:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And I almost thought u were going left on us rights. I have had a few minor comments not show up. Off topic now, but how come I have not seen any reports from the Bd. of Elec. regarding how many write in votes were cast for Mayor, etc., and for whom?

3/02/2007 09:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

question for range guys monitoring the blog.

I was at Ray O'herron's looking at the guns that hopefully will be approved, the salesclerk told me there was going to be a three-day 1000 round course to carry any of the new guns. Can that be true?

If so, why?

3/02/2007 09:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey scc you should set up a link to it seems to have potential.

3/02/2007 09:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Oscar the grouch and "Mr. Anonymous": I am nobody. I am not Bob Jim Bill or whoever the hell else you mentioned. I am not a political hack and I have no campaign. I don't have "deep observatory skills." Thanks for the complement on my spelling, though. I really appreciated that. You two can KMA.

3/02/2007 11:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just can't believe all the whiners on this blog...if you didn't think you could change the job...or the wouldn't be here..or on the job.
Why are you whinning ....!!
We do what we do because we wanted to be here ..nobody forced you to sign up. Watchin too much tv.

3/03/2007 02:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was your first mistake listening to Craig and his "wannabees" at Ray OHerrons. Get a life go get laid and quit worrying about what guns we get to carry.

3/03/2007 07:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Why anybody with 4yrs of college would actually take this job is beyond me!

theres a lot of coppers with masters and 4yr degrees. why isnt there a mass exodus of these officers! let me tell you one thing. shut the fuck up!

3/02/2007 09:01:00 PM

>> Guess you took underwater knitting in college or was it beer bust economics! asshole!! to bad you spent all of mommy and daddy's money and took wrong courses! by the way I make more money than you and I never went to college but then high school back in the day is the same as college today!

3/03/2007 08:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I can only wonder if when your little kids ask you about your job you proudly say to them that you are a do nothing doofus, a DOG!

Man, you kids must be so proud of you. What a piece of shit you are

3/03/2007 09:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can I ask - does anyone know the starting salary for Sergeant?? Just trying to figure out how our finances will change... Thanks!


If you are not resourceful to find that out on your own , then you will make a GREAT SGT. You must have a degree, can only do what you were taught. No wonder you want to make SGT. so you can do even less.

3/02/2007 05:21:00 PM

Thanks to the person who did give me an answer! And to explain it you, dumbass - I am not a Sgt. myself, I'm trying to figure something out for someone who may be! I just didn't think I needed to go into those details. I was just trying to help out a cops' wife! So screw you! And I'm guessing you didn't make it then!

3/03/2007 09:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I did notice that one of my posts was missing. I didn't think it was offensice, but perhaps you thought it was. It had to do with the brainwashing of the children in Chicago Public Schools. Get them young and teach them "your way". It was successful when Hitler did it.

3/03/2007 11:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


You are right on the money. Old school worked and the shitheads were kept in check. Now we are getting shot at, being targets of moving suv's and even being followed home and killed. It's a fricking shame...

3/03/2007 12:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who cares

3/03/2007 01:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I can only wonder if when your little kids ask you about your job you proudly say to them that you are a do nothing doofus, a DOG!

Man, you kids must be so proud of you. What a piece of shit you are

3/03/2007 09:09:00 AM

Kids are old enough to know what kind of games this city plays and what a dump this city has become. Like I said been there done that. One day you will realize this city doesnt care about you or want you out there doing work. I had plenty of pride in this job but the powers that be have did everything under the sun to take that away. So yes its all about my family, this is a JOB not my life. I sleep very well knowing Im getting paid for being a Dog, woof woof!

3/03/2007 03:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are happy being a dog? A soulless wimp like you is always ready to let the other guy do his job for him. And then cry and whine endlessly on here about just why you are a peice of shit. Let's face it mutt, it's not the job that made you a dog, you were born one and will die one.

3/03/2007 09:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

......I had plenty of pride in this job but the powers that be have did everything under the sun to take that away. So yes its all about my family, this is a JOB not my life. I sleep very well knowing Im getting paid for being a Dog, woof woof!


3/03/2007 09:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please don't call the do-nothings on this job "dogs" cause I love my four-legged arfs and I don't appreciate you desecrating the canine image.

Remember: Lassie can do more public service in 1/2 hour (ex: saving Timmy from a well or from a child-molesting priest) than any of the do-nothings can do in an 8 hour tour of duty.

3/03/2007 10:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will do what I want to do on this job, I am not a dog.Having said that, there is no way I will do anything that puts any money into the coffers of this corrupt city;no mover,parkers,tows,vehicle impounds,anovs,false alarms,or any ticket of any kind. I will not serve a corrupt system.Nor will I sign any pettiton or vote for any democrat at any time. I will however serve the people where I work,thats why I became a police officer. I have always worked in the wost parts of the city, but even after numerous fights,being shot at,I don't know how many cr's,and numerous civil suits,it's not that part of the job that angers me, it's dealing with the city that pisses me off. I can't bring myself to call anyone a dog on this job no matter what they do or don't do, I know what works for me and I think I do it well and I'm proud of what I do(busting dope dealers)and I love doing it. I like to play my game not their game,so if not generating money for the city makes me a dog too bad,I work for me,my family,and the people who care in my area. I also think that the superintendants position should not be granted at the pleasure of the mayor, it should be an elected position.

3/03/2007 11:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To all the dogs out there: wait until one day your wife or daughter calls 911 in need of the police, and you better hope to God that a dog like you doesn't get the job, making stops for coffee and the ATM machine on the way...Do your job, man. Or, quit and go on SSI, welfare, and LINK. If it wasn't for this job you know you would be just another parasite on the rest of the taxpayers.

3/03/2007 11:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hear the entire b team in 009 is going TRU...what the hell happened?

3/04/2007 12:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I put in many years of hard work and caring. But after all the law suits,cr's, and crap enough is enough! if the young kids coming on want to gun and run it is ok with me! I want to relaz collect a pension soon and move out of this rat hole of corruption asap

3/04/2007 12:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

[Ray Charles could see a pattern here]

NO Offense SCC, That's what this site is all about.....a sounding board, rumor site, rumor-debunking forum, comedy channel, information avenue, [intoxicated and informed] boss-bashing, bitch session with a keyboard!
But ONE thing remains constant..... OUR rights to give our opinions because of those that fought AND DIED for this Liberty!

I only ask one thing from my 'Brothers in Blue' your dedication and appreciation to those that made the 'Ultimate Sacrifice' [on this job] by your attendance and support for the many memorials in May [city-St. Jude, county, state and Washington D.C.] Here's a chance to bond together for an undisputable common cause that allows us to stand out from the rest..........That Thin Blue Line!

3/04/2007 01:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3/03/2007 11:58:00 PM

To your comment I will respond to jobs but will continue to buy my coffee read my paper and write no tickets! I will retire and get my worked for pension, if you obviously a youngster want to work hard go ahead it is your turn, us in the KMA club can relax you have it all covered right? all the young tru and others can do the work for us seniority has its perks and i for one will enjoy it fully!

3/04/2007 10:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like my four legged canines, dont use dogs but use the term "bears". The real ones hibernate, like some coppers, and the football team played like clueless goofs, like some coppers, so the term fits well.

3/04/2007 01:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look up the pay scale idiot, its on automated directives.

3/04/2007 01:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For the person asking the question about the qualifications for the pistols being approved. From what one of the range sgt's told me it will be a 3 day class on your time and you will need 500 rounds of amoo for the course.

3/04/2007 04:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Add on about the new weapons qualifications. Based on the fact the new pistols will be the glock type trigger (no safety, single action type trigger), they want to cover their behinds and know you can handle the weapon and not shoot yourself. Enough coppers do that without this type of firing system.

3/04/2007 04:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Please don't call the do-nothings on this job "dogs" cause I love my four-legged arfs and I don't appreciate you desecrating the canine image.

And don't call the 2 legged pieces of shit we try to lock up "dogs" really is an insult to our furry little friends!

3/04/2007 08:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe the Commander of my District would cheat on his wife and pork a chick who has more dents in her fat ass than Oprah!!!!This cat really has the eye for the young broads. Hope it was worth it to her. Along with her ruined reputation I hope she gets promoted meritoriously.

3/05/2007 12:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Leave her alone! She is not a home wrecker. She isn't the one wearing brass rank either. Roy should have known to keep it in is pants. He's an exempt rank. Don't blame a female PO for his bad decision.
She is visibly distraught about all of this bs. She may have caused a divorce and is feeling horrible. Why is it when a male boss has sex with a female po he's a stud, but she's a home wrecking whore? It's unfair to only attack the female about the cottage. He should have been wiser.
She was going to be promoted regardless of her transgressions with Roy.

3/05/2007 10:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's as much her fault as it is his, she is a homewrecker, she knew he was married and had gold starts in here eyes, tough shit, take what you have coming.

3/05/2007 03:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She was going to be promoted regardless of her transgressions with Roy.
The operative word here being "was".

3/06/2007 02:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


3/06/2007 05:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know I'll probably get alot of crap for this but I have seen a trend in the pst 10-15 years about the change in this job. It seem to start once coppers stopped rotating shifts. When there was rotating shifts, the camaraderie of the job was wonderful. You were on a watch because you felt like you were with friends. Plus the bond you had with the people you worked with was close. You had people with numerous years on the job, some with so-so time and the young guys. You learned alot from working with this cross section of knowledge. Then caps came along and straight watches were formed. Yuo lost that cross section of knowledge and people with knowledge went on mostly days and the young guys went on either mids or 3rd watch. That seemed to be the beginning of the end. Now you have guys with 1 and 2 years teaching the guys that are brand new. The guys with 3 years and under never were able to learn from the guys that had the years and wisdom on the job. That seems to be much of the problem here. Cops want to work and get some good arrests but have no clue what to do with them. I'm not saying they are clueless, but this job entails so much, their is no one to guide you anymore who has the experience. Plus all the bosses do is belittle you for not doing the right thing instead of helping you. At least years ago bosses cared for the coppers and guided them, now they are clueless themselves. I'm not saying every cop you worked with in years past knew everything, but everybody had some type of experience that they past on to you. Some cops knew gun arrests, some knew drug arrests, some were great tracking down hot car, etc. But now that multitude of experience is gone and you cannot find it in your the copps on your watch. Caps was about as shit as an idea as there ever was. It ruined the department, it stopped rotating watches and it stopped the camaraderie this department had. todays cops have no idea what the camaraderie was like back then. It is truly sad this department will never be like that again and have the knowledge it once did.

3/06/2007 06:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you sound jealous of the "worthless whore". what happened you big pussy, she turn you down or something? the only worthless whore out there is you, now do yourself a favor and try to have some class. try, i know it might be impossible, but at least try.....

3/06/2007 09:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HOt news here! Someone's gotta look into this! It could be legit!

Casa Central's Foster Care Department is in bed with local politicians, the crook county office of the guardian ad litem, and has an operation going whereby they actively seek out vulnerable families whose cases they are handling on behalf of DCFS, make false allegations and have parental rights terminated so that hispanic families can get foster children.

It works in a way that allows the agency, DCFS, and the guardian ad litem's office to gain more federal money. Casa Central was recently audited by DCFS and the O.I.G. is involved in an ongoing investigation.

There is word that they may even have some inside help in the State's Attorney's office to proceed with cases already open, as well as screening in cases.

Two individuals were recently fired from the agency, and one resigned. The first termination was the agency director, the next termination was a secretary who had her hand in the agency funds, and the third who left did so because she was scared shitless.

The agency is getting public funding from the pockets of working citizens via the state and the feds. The public should know what's happening.

3/06/2007 05:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

At least the dept had enough sense to deny for the third time a merit promotion to a non deserving sgt who is too lazy and arrogant to study for an exam Once in a lifetime they get it right and this time they did. I guess he did not have what it takes the dept is MUCH better off

3/08/2007 09:34:00 AM  

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