Monday, March 05, 2007

Deputy Superintendent's Memo

Ok, we've been reading in the comments for a few days now about this memo from the Patrol Divis.... oops - we mean "Bureau of Patrol" regarding the days of just "getting the keys and just driving around" being over. We'd like to be able to air out this memo and maybe give it some play here on the site, but we can't seem to locate a copy.

We have some of the smartest readers in the world. And some of the goofiest. And we're sure someone somewhere has a copy of this memo or directions on where to find it and can scan it and send to us as .pdf or .jpg file. If, in fact, this memo exists and is as off-the-wall as some of our readers would have us believe from the quotes lifted, we'd like the opportunity to see for ourselves. And if it reaches a certain threshold, we'd like to go to town on it.

Find it people. Tell us where it is or e-mail it to our address in the profile.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great topic...You Rock !!

3/04/2007 10:59:00 PM  
Blogger ssr said...

If you get a chance SCC, send some traffic my way.

3/04/2007 11:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the memo was in districts' c.o. books; don't think it hit the intranet, but since a copy hit the c.o. book, someone could scan it, then send it....

3/05/2007 12:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

fuck him as long as you're on time, answer your calls, back ea other up, and ur uniform is all good then there aint shit they can do to u

3/05/2007 03:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of the total nonsense of the "keys" memo...

Who is the female sergeant on days in 021 that repeatedly denied a "personal" to a P.O. on a detail by continually reassigning the relief officers to jobs pending on the board? Is it true that it got so obvious and out of hand that the tactical lieutenant finally showed up on the detail (unannounced) and personally relieved that officer for a personal?

Could this be the same sergeant that ran up to another officer who caught an offender after a foot chase and immediately berated the officer in front of the prisoner and other officers at the scene for "being too loud" on the radio? Is it true that the sergeant created such a scene that other officers had to pull the prisoner away from the babble of this fool?

Say it isn't so, Joe... Sadly, there are probably 20 or more stories of similar ilk about the "pride and joy" of the 2nd watch.

Is this the same sergeant who repeatedly demonstrates cluelessness to police work, yet appears to excel in harrassment when dealing with the troops (especially the working troops) on a daily basis?

Could this be the same sergeant that single-handedly selected (for the captain) the watch "PPO OF THE YEAR" awardee... a recruit that no one on the watch will work with (officer safety concerns), yet thinks the REAL police is all about writing the most tickets in a month.

Is this the same sergeant who is so despised by her fellow supervisors that two retired earlier than planned, while another left the watch, just to get away from her assinine antics?

Could this be the same sergeant who is so arrogant that she thinks she runs the 2nd watch? Maybe she does if the captain is so lazy, clueless and out of touch with reality that he gives her a free hand to do anything, believing she is the best sergeant in the police department?

Is this the same sergeant that the troops have continually complained about, only to have their complaints ignored? How long will the commander and others continue to turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to what is going on? Anyone monitoring the zone can get an earful daily by just listening to the radio.

Perhaps all of this is due to the sergeant boasting of a "close friendship" with Charles Williams at the roll calls she runs for the absentee captain and any other time she can get an audience?

Does this sergeant represent the future "leadership" of the police department as envisioned by her dear friend, Charles Williams?

Maybe this power-trippy sergeant... the one who is so clueless to reality and thinks so little of her people... the sergeant who was a house mouse at patrol HQ before she was promoted... perhaps she authored the "keys" memo for her close friend, Charles Williams? Hmmm... it almost makes sense.

No doubt, our "pride and joy" is bucking for a future merit boss spot?

Hey Charles... don't believe the crap your dear friends feed you.

Can you spell c-l-a-s-s a-c-t-i-o-n l-a-w-s-u-i-t?

Hear the whistle? The train is coming.

3/05/2007 06:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off topic:
Why fault Gene in 009? TK is a really nice girl. Looks aren't everything. She was a great bike patrol officer too. You guys need to grow up! Hopefully, this affair won't hurt her career.

3/05/2007 10:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I understand that Charles Williams was a merit appointment to lieutenant. What goof nominated him?

3/05/2007 10:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
" No longer are the days of handing out car keys to police officers to just ride around". He wants to see activity in the DOC
Charles Williams

"Yes sir I will go out there and work hard, and make lots of arrests, and you will tell me I have done a great job, and all will be well. NOT"

As a result of all of your hard work officer, (that we sent you out there to do) you have acquired a few not sustained CR#'s my goodness you are a behavioral problem, Therefore you must not pass go, go directly down and Piss in a cup while lori O shea holds your penis. After that you will be closley monitored for a year. You will not bew able to make money as an acting FTO and you will be denied any transfer. you are a behavior problem. We are only trying to help you OHH ya this "program' is a non discipilinary program and is ment to help you.
Thank You for all of your hard work ass hole.
He He Ha HA
Charles Williams

Behavioral Intervention System the brain child of a 17 year IAD guy
Charles Williams

3/05/2007 10:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We were told that we have to wolf pack as a team now and can only work in a designated area. And the sgt has to be with us at all times. Gps and now this, it might be time to go back to the watch and write paper. The days of old are quickly fading into the sunset!!

3/05/2007 11:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hear inspectors are stopping cars asking you what type of "mission" you're on.

3/05/2007 11:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


3/05/2007 11:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was in the c.o. book

3/05/2007 11:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

fuck him as long as you're on time, answer your calls, back ea other up, and ur uniform is all good then there aint shit they can do to u

I was at a sergeant’s training program for a day where WILLIAMS came out and talked to us.

He stated that there was going to be a new efficiency system that was coming out. HOWEVER, he refused to give us any details until he ran it past the FOP/PBPA.

One sergeant asked him: “SO, will the girl that works the desk all the time and gets the coffee still get the best score?” Williams just gave him a dirty look and said, “of course not.” There will be no fair way that officers will be evaluated on the job. If some jag-off boss or sergeant wants to fuck with you, they will with this new efficiency program I’m sure.

Officers should ask at each FOP meeting if the city has presented this new bullshit program yet to them.

IF this Williams is made Supt. I can see morale go in the gutter FAST. He has a way of talking to the 'common street copper' like they are trash. Not very tactful at all.

3/05/2007 11:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Agreed nothing but another overpaid asshole! Like he will have that happen! LOL! we are so undermanned no time for that shit! how about all the gold stars start working 12-16 hours a day for the huge pay day? Is it true cline is leaving for sure in may?

3/05/2007 12:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wait... what is the memo all about, ive been on furlough. someone fill me in on the details..

3/05/2007 02:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3/05/2007 06:20:00 AM

when is enough enough? this bullshit sgt another merit appointee again! this department is stedily being ruined by assclowns like her and the whole command structure! wait till cline leaves then what next? I am happy I am in the KMA club for you just coming on be safe do nothing and be able to collect a nice pension!

3/05/2007 03:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Has anyone heard about the Commander in 003 coming into roll calls and telling the troops that he wants them to rat each other out if they see anyone taking more than a reasonable amount of time on an assignment, uniform irregularities or any other so called rule violations that they see. Now thats just great a whole district full of IAD wanna be's.

3/05/2007 04:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For those of us that don't work the zone that 021 is on, PLEASE tell us her name.

3/05/2007 05:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmmmmmmmmm is she P.S.?

3/05/2007 05:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Event #'s for TAC teams wolf packing. Keep the memo for the lawsuits.

3/05/2007 05:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Speaking of the total nonsense of the "keys" memo...

Who is the female sergeant on days in 021 that repeatedly denied a "personal" to a P.O. on a detail by continually reassigning the relief officers to jobs pending on the board? Is it true that it got so obvious and out of hand that the tactical lieutenant finally showed up on the detail (unannounced) and personally relieved that officer for a personal?

Could this be the same sergeant that ran up to another officer who caught an offender after a foot chase and immediately berated the officer in front of the prisoner and other officers at the scene for "being too loud" on the radio? Is it true that the sergeant created such a scene that other officers had to pull the prisoner away from the babble of this fool?

Say it isn't so, Joe... Sadly, there are probably 20 or more stories of similar ilk about the "pride and joy" of the 2nd watch.

Is this the same sergeant who repeatedly demonstrates cluelessness to police work, yet appears to excel in harrassment when dealing with the troops (especially the working troops) on a daily basis?

Could this be the same sergeant that single-handedly selected (for the captain) the watch "PPO OF THE YEAR" awardee... a recruit that no one on the watch will work with (officer safety concerns), yet thinks the REAL police is all about writing the most tickets in a month.

Is this the same sergeant who is so despised by her fellow supervisors that two retired earlier than planned, while another left the watch, just to get away from her assinine antics?

Could this be the same sergeant who is so arrogant that she thinks she runs the 2nd watch? Maybe she does if the captain is so lazy, clueless and out of touch with reality that he gives her a free hand to do anything, believing she is the best sergeant in the police department?

Is this the same sergeant that the troops have continually complained about, only to have their complaints ignored? How long will the commander and others continue to turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to what is going on? Anyone monitoring the zone can get an earful daily by just listening to the radio.

Perhaps all of this is due to the sergeant boasting of a "close friendship" with Charles Williams at the roll calls she runs for the absentee captain and any other time she can get an audience?

Does this sergeant represent the future "leadership" of the police department as envisioned by her dear friend, Charles Williams?

Maybe this power-trippy sergeant... the one who is so clueless to reality and thinks so little of her people... the sergeant who was a house mouse at patrol HQ before she was promoted... perhaps she authored the "keys" memo for her close friend, Charles Williams? Hmmm... it almost makes sense.

No doubt, our "pride and joy" is bucking for a future merit boss spot?

Hey Charles... don't believe the crap your dear friends feed you.

Can you spell c-l-a-s-s a-c-t-i-o-n l-a-w-s-u-i-t?

Hear the whistle? The train is coming.

Don't forget how she got a CR on a 021 Tact Sgt and his WHOLE team because they didn't jump to her beck and call. And yes, it is P.S.
Word is none of the other Sgt's can stand her.

3/05/2007 07:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC, why didn't you have an entry regarding the 32 nightclub acquittal? The "victims" stated justice was not done.

3/05/2007 07:34:00 PM  
Blogger TheHatLives said...

Off Topic:

this is how the minority youth view the CPD.

Actually, with the way the Dept Sup feels about Blue Shirts maybe this is on topic.

3/05/2007 09:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

IF this Williams is made Supt. I can see morale go in the gutter FAST. He has a way of talking to the 'common street copper' like they are trash. Not very tactful at all.

3/05/2007 11:50:00 AM

Like it can get much lower for the cops on the street.

Williams has a great contempt for working police, their safety and morale. He talks about how he got his ass beat many times as a kid on the west side and must think it's payback time.

As efficiency grading systems go, there has been greaqt embassasment when people, like when Menzinowski,(sp?) get a glowing 97 or 98 from a supervisor who later become superintendent.

As I type this, I just heard on Channel 7 News that 5 men have bee4n arrested for the knife attack on the officer in Lincoln Park. One was wounded by the officer.

3/05/2007 10:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

IF this Williams is made Supt. I can see morale go in the gutter FAST. He has a way of talking to the 'common street copper' like they are trash. Not very tactful at all.


Deputy Superintendant
Charles Williams

3/06/2007 12:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How come we never run short of manpower where the gold stars are worn.
But we can run short where the silver ones are?

3/06/2007 02:08:00 AM  
Blogger Coldtype said...

fuck him as long as you're on time, answer your calls, back ea other up, and ur uniform is all good then there aint shit they can do to u

3/05/2007 03:23:00 AM

What he said.

3/06/2007 07:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Michael Hoke nominated both Charles Williams and Cynthia White for the rank of lieutenant when he was the ADS in IAD.

A pox on him.

3/06/2007 08:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sent it to you at:
Hope that's right, didn't see an e-mail address anywhere on your profile........

3/06/2007 01:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In 009 I thought it was AM with Gene. Who heard TK?

3/06/2007 01:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rat Williams grew up in the old Odgen Courts in 010. What a pussy look at him. Dont trust him hes the biggest racist in department!!!!!

3/06/2007 03:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First of all the 9th district commander got caught with A.M....NOT T.K.


3/06/2007 05:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The new wolf pack initiative is just another name for sector deployment, beat mission, special attention, you name it. The working beat cop, gang, tactical officers are probably so confused about what and why they are doing things. It is getting ridiculous out here folks and they just keep piling it on.

3/06/2007 06:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

question..does the union have any say, probably not, in who the members would like to see as super..and i cant even fathom how this dept would be if williams was super..and did anyone know him when he was a po..whats his story?

3/06/2007 06:45:00 PM  
Blogger SCC said...

Sent it to you at:
Hope that's right, didn't see an e-mail address anywhere on your profile........

Thanks for pointing out that our profile view had been altered during the switchover. The e-mail address is "" The profile has been updated to show it. re-send please.

3/06/2007 08:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3/06/2007 08:51:00 AM

hoke big blowhard should of been in jail!

3/06/2007 11:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

no more Just Riding Around , Meaning, in - between calls, in-progresses, etc. We used to just call it "patroling" Yes, the inmates are running the asylum.......Glad I made lots of Felony arrests years ago, while "just riding around" and got that all out of my system.

3/07/2007 05:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The one bad sgt. (P.S.) who believes that she is Charles Williams friend is wrong. Someone should call her on her bluff. Because she knows that she is a bad sgt. and no leg to stand on is using the only name she can think of.

3/08/2007 12:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There appears to be more to the "pride and joy" story from 021.

Remember that PO that she kept screwing with who needed a personal? The one who the Tac Lt came to personally relieve?

Rumor has it the poor officer runs into a restaurant to use the facilities only to run into P.S. having lunch with her only friend, the "PPO of the Year." P.S. supposedly yells at her for leaving her post. The PO tells her the Tac Lt told her to go. The officer continues on to the rest room.

Allegedly, before the door even closes, P.S. is now calling the PO on the radio. When the PO answers, P.S. tells the PO to take her personal now. (Now that was a very lame attempt to cover her ass and save face after getting busted by the Tac Lt.) The PO answers up, saying, "What are you talking about... I was just talking to you 15 seconds ago???"

Is there another P.S. story that could top that one?

P.S. is not fooling anyone. The question is, why are the bosses allowing her to continue her shit? What is going to be done about her?

Suggestion: How about a first class ticket to professional counseling services, with free ground transportation included? Throw in a compassionate (for the troops) reassignment to a place where she has minimal contact with others. Maybe her good friend Charles Williams needs a full-time memo writer on his staff?

Obviously, the Captain is clueless and in abstentia. The Tac Lt appears to be sympathetic (probably after the idiot got a C.R. number on a fellow sergeant and one of the Tac teams.)

Where does the Commander stand on this? The word is numerous people have complained to him. So far he has done nothing. He leaves it to the Captain to run his own watch? Hint - hint... The Captain apparently is a big part of the problem. The RANK shouldn't be embarrassed by pointing out just how stupid HE has shown himself to be.

If the Captain is incapable to control and manage his own watch, the Commander should step in and resolve this. 021 has a good Commander. There is no reason he should get a black eye over this shit. Let's hope he does the right thing… and soon. His troops would be thankful.

3/08/2007 03:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't forget how she got a CR on a 021 Tact Sgt and his WHOLE team because they didn't jump to her beck and call. And yes, it is P.S.
Word is none of the other Sgt's can stand her.

3/05/2007 07:34:00 PM

Yes,it's all true,i can confirm...that stupid bitch...HONEST to GOD wanted a shit bag locked up for lying to her!!!swear to GOD truth...what a fucking joke that bitch is!!

3/09/2007 12:18:00 AM  

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