Wednesday, March 07, 2007

John Edwards and Jesus

One term senator and former second banana to John Kerry is running for office and has made the following statement:
  • Democratic presidential hopeful John Edwards says Jesus would be appalled at how the United States has ignored the plight of the suffering, and that he believes children should have private time to pray at school.

    Edwards, in an interview with the Web site, said Jesus would be most upset with the selfishness of Americans and the country's willingness to go to war "when it's not necessary."

    "I think that Jesus would be disappointed in our ignoring the plight of those around us who are suffering and our focus on our own selfish short-term needs," Edwards told the site. "I think he would be appalled, actually."

By the way, this is the new Edwards home currently under construction in North Carolina:

The building sits on 102 acres, covers 28,200 square feet and is valued at over $6 million dollars. It has a basketball court, a squash court, two stages, a pool, a four story tower and a room labeled "John's Lounge."

We'd hope there was a room set aside for Jesus and a few homeless folks, but the home is set back into the woods and invisible from the road. Combined with the "No Trespassing" signs, we'd imagine Jesus would have a hard time finding the place.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

This coming from the same guy who says our healthcare system is beyond repair and wants socialized medicine like in Europe.

Guess who pays for it? The working man. Ever wonder why Europeans with money come to AMERICA to see doctors?

This douchebag made tens of millions of dollars SUING doctors and healthcare practices.

Hey John, every stop to think the reason healthcare is "broken" is due to shark lawyers like you?

Now go get fucked.

3/07/2007 12:48:00 AM  
Blogger Murphy40Pct said...

He is a trial lawyer who made millions off either the real pain or scams of others. A typical liberal, hypocritical fraud.

3/07/2007 03:26:00 AM  
Blogger pathickey said...

Praise Jesus!

3/07/2007 08:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lay off Johnny!!!

I have a dinner date w/him near Belmont & Halsted.
What kind of area is that and how should I dress?

Thanks Officers!!

3/07/2007 09:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

An easy, predictable jab. It's your blog and your forum, so I don't begrudge your right to broadcast this layup.

I guess the rule these days is that if you invoke Jesus, or use Jesus or Christian themes in a speech, you are now required to live like Jesus if you want to be viewed as credible.

But I am sure you'll find plenty of wealth and hypocracy on both sides of the aisle.

3/07/2007 11:57:00 AM  
Blogger SCC said...

Sure we do - Rudy is a thrice married philanderer. McCain is an egomaniacal repressor of free speech. Kennedy, Kerry and the Clintons provide a limitless well of doublespeak and outright lies. Obama is part and parcel of the Illinois combine and Chicago political Machine. Gingrich is buried in baggage and there are tons more. It amuses us.

Then you have Mitt Romney, so far a clean as a whistle Mormon married to the same woman for decades and without any hint of dirt (as we say - at the moment). So what does the media publish? His great great grandfather or such was a polygimist. Which has as much bearing on Romney as the Sharpton/Thurmond issue has on history. Or the Obama's momma's people owning Obama's daddy's people has on the election. It's all crap.

3/07/2007 12:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Without Lawyers you criminals would have nothing. Edwards is a self made man, He earned his money.As soon as you get your ass in a ringer you call the Lawyer, give me a break. However you got your guy Bush the genius, Bankrupting this country yet not a word out off your mean spirited mouths Stop calling yourself the real police, your the two face police.

3/07/2007 12:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


3/07/2007 03:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would say that Jesus would be upset with the status of our nation for other reasons like...Abortion (Murder), Homosexuality (called an abomination to the Lord in the bible). Im sure that more reasons exist but those were the only ones that came to mind.

Isnt that new house being built in a gated community? Fat chance of any Homeless or anyone else getting in there.

3/07/2007 03:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Self made man? Skimming 33% or more from class action suits? Have you seen some of his closing arguments channelling the spirits of dead babies? This jagoff is an ambulance chasing stickup asshole that drives the cost of doing business in America through the roof. And if you read anything besides leftist bullshit, you'd see the deficit is falling and tax revenues are UP.

3/07/2007 04:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope the trees catch on fire and his house gets burn down...with no injuries of course..maybe just burn his tighty whities and wake him up from his liberal views....

3/07/2007 09:05:00 PM  
Blogger TheHatLives said...

I guess the rule these days is that if you invoke Jesus, or use Jesus or Christian themes in a speech, you are now required to live like Jesus if you want to be viewed as credible.

But I am sure you'll find plenty of wealth and hypocracy on both sides of the aisle.

3/07/2007 11:57:00 AM


Yes, If you invoke Jesus to shame people and put yourself on a pedestal you are a hypocrite. The Democratic party has this down to a science.

3/07/2007 09:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another assclown edwards rich trial lawler who would sell his own family out for the dollar!

3/07/2007 11:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey folks. Ever wonder what the candidates who lost their election attempts do with all the money their campaige raised?

They buy lavish estates.

I'm running for mayor of SCC. I'm gonna need about $4 million to start my campaign...any donation to be had out there?

3/07/2007 11:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


3/08/2007 07:33:00 PM  

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