Monday, March 05, 2007

Vazquez Update

And it ain't good people.

Two people were in Area 4 for two days last week as "persons of interest," but both were cut loose as of the weekend. One story is that a girlfriend snitched them out. One rumor has them flipping on each other and then lawyering up. Another story has one or both of these scumbags as known stick up men.

The problem as we see it (and we could be completely wrong about it) is that nothing is being told to the troops. This entire incident is like a giant festering sore and no one is saying anything about it. The initial flurry of activity has died out, teams have been released and reassigned to other duties, no one is talking. We aren't getting updates that progress is being made; we aren't getting the word that certain people are being looked at; we haven't even gotten confirmation on a motive. All of this leads to mistrust and speculation and a perception that we can lose an officer and nothing is getting done.

We realize that if there was a reasonably strong case, things would be moving forward publicly. We also know that the dicks might be sitting on info as to identities to stave off possible harassment claims once evidence firms up a bit. There might be a dozen reasons we aren't hearing anything (we've been there before), but that doesn't make it any easier to watch it happening.

We aren't sure if we're going to publish any comments for this post, but at the moment we'll leave it open for people to submit info. We welcome any opinion as to why we should or shouldn't publish info regarding the investigation to the boys and girls out there. If you don't want something posted, say so at the top of your comment. Anything off topic will be deleted regardless. Don't expect anything to be published in this section for at least 24 hours minimum. We will notify everyone of our decision when we make it.



Blogger SCC said...

At the moment, we've recieved 8 comments, none for publication.

We've been told we should pull the post, which ain't happening. We've never posted anything on the main page and taken it down(comments are another matter). We've amended, clarified, corrected, but never pulled down a post.

We've been called childish and asked if we want the dicks running investigations like Congress runs wars - interferrence from above if you will. Guess what? We're already there. This investigation has been interferred with by 35th Street since the beginning.

But you missed the point of our post. We aren't asking for every little detail of the investigation and we admitted there might be a hundred reasons we haven't heard diddly shit on this case. But you know and we know, coppers talk. And the grapevine is what keeps coppers feeling that progress is being made. All we see at ground level is the tact/gang/SOS/TRU teams being reassigned to DOC hotspots with no explanations. That in and of itself is disheartening. Then to hear nothing from higher ups for weeks on end isn't exactly good for morale.

How about a few W/C briefings? How about a few whispers to the teams that "so and so" needs to be picked up? We never said "run it by a committee of 13,000." But 13,000 people doing something for the investigation is better than 13,000 people with their thumbs up their asses getting event numbers in the DOC area.

Bottom line - the post remains up. Comments remain held for publication. We're leaning towards not publishing a single one of them at the moment, but will listen to arguments either way. If you don't want it posted, say so in the first line of your comment. We will dump those after reading.

3/05/2007 05:57:00 AM  
Blogger SCC said...

Well, we're up to almost 40 comments for this post. And as promised those who asked not to be posted, will not be posted.

Neither will any of the others.

There have been a few arguments from POs and Dicks and not a few bosses that the entire post should be removed; others that we should keep the heat on; still others comment on how the case has been run, how it should be run differently and other opinions. None will see the light of day.

We maintain a trust with our readers and you deserve an explanation.

Our purpose in this case isn't to create heat, fan the flames, or throw cold water on anything. Yes, we brought heat on the Hampton sign issue. Yes, we’ve been merciless with the airplane incident. And we’ve pointed out the asinine behavior of certain persons and allowed quite a bit of liberty with other things. We are an outlet – that’s all. If we disappeared tomorrow, there’d be 10 more that’d pop up and the writing would still be going on the walls. Would they be as good? As popular? We’re small potatoes, all kidding aside. 2,500 visits a day? We’re amazed they took the effort to ban us at all.

Summarizing a few of the comments:

Those that are saying that if the case gets fucked up, it'll be SCC's fault are full of shit. An anonymous blog? With readers on 5 continents? Open to the public? Whatever you're smoking, save some for our retirement party.

We had a comment that accuses us of trolling for information so we can ??? trails off into nonsense ranting, so it must be one of our regulars. But he closes with "absolut power corupts absolutly." Hopefully, he was drinking Absolut when he typed that.

Whoever was trying to flatter and shame us at the same time, stating that it would be a poor argument to defend never having pulled a post if this one screwed up the case, we say this: If anyone had any idea the thought, time, mental agony and gut wrenching effort that goes into a truly passionate post, you’d be amazed we put any effort into this thing at all. Yeah, a lot of it is throwaway BS summarizing the events of the day. But the ones that turn out to be our most provocative essays? We rewrite it 4 and 5 times over a few days to make it just perfect. Go back and read our letters to the Supe over the sign issue; our rip job on the lawyers sicced on us by a Sergeant who fucked up on camera; our righteous slapping of the tools at that other “official” blog; our essays up in the top right corner. We bleed blue in those posts.

Upon posting of this comment, we will be deleting the 40 submissions for this entry. Not one word that was sent to us will be typed or uttered aloud by those who are SCC. We keep our trust with our readers. As an aside, this is exactly why we don't have a list of users and instead rely on YOUR patience with our schedule to post comments after screening. Lists are subject to subpoena. Lists have a habit of falling into the wrong hands. Lists are discoverable. Can anyone imagine what would happen if we got some hot info on a certain case and were willing and able to attach an e-mail address or IP address or a name to it? Yeah, so can we, and it is our promise to you that that isn’t going to happen.

Hopefully, this answers some of the criticisms coming our way in the comments and satisfies other questions. The post will remain up and open for further questions, comments, and argument for a short time. But nothing will be posted here except us.

3/05/2007 04:04:00 PM  
Blogger SCC said...

Sigh. Once again, we have to school the ignorant. But before we do that, a few thanks:

Thanks to most of the commentors who have supported our decision to NOT post anything regarding the on going investigation. At the very least, you demonstrate exceptional reading comprehension. At the most, you understand the conflicted feeling most of the people in the Patrol Division are feeling and we appreciate your empathy.

And more thanks to the few guys or gals, especially from Area 4, for sharing their insight. It's good to know there are still some old school Dicks on the job who don't forget what it's like to wear a uniform.

Now to the reading challenged commetator of 9:18 PM. We realize that to all our other readers, this is going to be annoying as you only get to see one side of the conversation, but trust us, you don't want to read this person's comments:

Could you please point out where we demand "people have a right to know"? What do you think we are, the media? We said that there were dozens, if not hundreds of reasons we might be kept in the dark, but that didn't make it any easier to be there.

We don't want to know everything. We don't even want to know anything that we aren't supposed to know. What we do want to know is that SOMETHING is being done - and that isn't happening at all right now.

The rumors you speak of in our opening paragraph are common knowledge. They have been spoken of at roll calls by a Captain, two Lieutenants, numerous Sergeants and they address the offenders, not the investigation, not the family of the victim, not the conduct of the investigation. Get over yourself. Read what was written, not between the lines. The only embarassment here is your reading skills.

We've never claimed to be "one man against the Department" either. We've more accurately claimed to be numerous people against Department abetted stupidity. Nothing posted here could EVER reasonably be admitted into a court of law. Not even in Cook County. The integrity of the investigation does not rise or fall on what is posted on this website. You think we have a million viewers daily that might taint a jury pool? You think any competent (or even an incompetent) defense attorney is going to be looking for errors in the investigation expounded on this website? Come on.

And as to police being able to keep their mouths shut, we've kept our promise here not to publish anything in the comment section for this thread except our responses to ramblings such as yours.

3/05/2007 10:11:00 PM  

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