Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Hints of Bigger Things

The Rezko scandal may yet bring the Obama campaign to its knees. The national media is getting whiffs that all isn't on the up-and-up in Illinois politics and Obama is just another cog in the Chicago Machine. But this article in the Sun Times regarding the latest in Rezko's shady dealings really ought to get bigger play:
  • Four years after a company with ties to indicted political insider Tony Rezko landed a lucrative no-bid Cook County contract, there's no evidence the firm has done any work for the millions of dollars it has made.

    Crucial Communications is a minority-owned subcontractor on AT&T's pact to provide phone services at the county jail. But a recent audit shows the company has not submitted any documents showing what it has done for the more than $2 million it has received, other than help AT&T meet its minority contracting requirement.

Any investigative reporter worth their salt could dig up hundreds, of not thousands, of contracts like this that add untold MILLIONS of dollars to public works contracts, fleece taxpayers and serve only to feather the nests of connected political families and friends.

Example: You run a city Department. You need hundreds of widgets to keep something running. You do the research and find out that the ACME Company can supply you widgets for $1 apiece. Can you go out and buy 500 widgets at $1 per?

Hell no. The company doesn't kick in to the correct politicians or they might not even be based in the state. You have to go to a city approved "vendor" who will order the widgets for $1 per, but then re-sell them to the City at a significant markup - maybe $1.50 apiece or more. Then the vendor will make a "contribution" of some sort to various political entities, maybe $.25 per widget in order to continue being an approved vendor.

It's legalized bribery and it costs the taxpayers millions, maybe even billions over the years. And it isn't over widgets. It's over salt contracts, paper contracts, business equipment leasing, everything that keeps the bureaucracy running. The Hired Truck scandal is merely the most visible face of the hidden cost of doing business with the City.

It's unfortunate that a significant number of these companies, usually based out of a storefront office with an answering machine and no inventory, no supplies and no stock is used simply to increase "minority contracting requirements." Because the number of actual minorities who benefit from any of this sleight-of-hand is pretty much near zero.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

John Daley is toast!. They got him cold.

5/01/2007 12:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

corruption is what makes chicago edgy and sexy. it's like when the yuppie has to walk past bums & dope dealers after leaving his condo in the morning. its just sooo 312!

5/01/2007 07:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yuppies love stepping in human feces and urine while living in their 1 bedroom loft with that 75lb dog and their plasiic bag of dog shit. Now that's living my friends! Like 7:35 said, sooooo 312!

5/01/2007 09:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck Obama. He's dirty as shit like all other politicians. We all know why the liberals like him and ignore his dirty dealings with Tony the thief. I hope they hang John Daley by his balls because they can't get his bro because he's protected. The G will NEVER go after the mayor due to the skeletons in his political closet. Too many big noises backing him through the years. 26th st. crew, Grand Av. crew, not to mention the Cicero crew with Fast Eddie's help.

5/01/2007 09:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was thinking the other day while waiting for the desk Sgt. to approve my arrest report, why do I have so much paper in my hand? The arrest report is now five pages long. Three pages for the case, along with the required notifications two copies please. Three copies of the complaints for a felony. The kicker is a copy of the printout that prooves that this mope doesn't have a warrant of an investigative alert, two more pages. I thought the computerized arrest reports were supposed to reduce the amount of paper, not increase it. That is until I was able to observe the store room with its vast supply of paper. Somebody is making a mint when you mulitiply that 16 page arrest by the 20-30 arrests per 25 districts per day. Not to mention case reports. I am getting a sex change and selling paper to the city. As an Armenian- American I demand my due. Does it count if I am 1/16 Cherokee?

5/01/2007 10:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC STOP YOUR BULLSHIT! Just tell the truth, you want Obama on he's knees because wasn't Tiger Woods enough. Rezko, please, whole damned city and certainly the Daley family has lasted because of the Rezkos of the world.

5/01/2007 11:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As long as we're tipping off special investigators, how about the money paid out in out-of-court settlements for police related BS. Where are those law firms donating money? and to what politicians? What a way to launder cash. How about the politicians that are members of those firms.
Then of course there is the city worker jobs program for all the retarded relatives of other city workers. This city need a strictly enforced anti-nepotism law BADLY! How about for starters, no more than 3 blood relatives on the city payroll at any one time. I guess Richie would have to law off about 150 people immediately.

5/01/2007 12:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Senator Obama was appointed by his fellow Democratic Senators to be the point person on ethics in the United States Senate last year. He demanded that the Republican Senators respond to the ethical concerns that Democrats raised.

Senator Obama fails to respond to the ethical concerns that the Chicago Sun Times raised concerning his dealings with Tony Rezko.

Hypocrisy at work??

5/01/2007 05:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So thats how it works.

Wish I could get a little of that action. Wait ethics statements and all that crap. If I own property other than my house I gotta list it.

5/01/2007 10:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

imagine a card carrying member of the daley crime family as president, the FOP has his web site in the newsletter??
our bargaining power would be shot.
why is the FOP even considering this goof?

5/01/2007 10:24:00 PM  
Blogger Rich Rostrom said...

"the number of actual minorities who benefit from any of this sleight-of-hand is pretty much near zero."

Not true. Just about anybody who is anybody in the "black leadership" gets plenty of grease from being "minority contractors" or participants. There's no real benefit to blacks in general, but the elite do cash in.

- sez a civilian...

5/02/2007 03:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

couldn't last too much longer without your rhetoric obama hating,race baiting bullshit huh,scc. was wondering what was taking you so long to start back up

5/02/2007 03:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The FOP is considering obama-lama-ding-dong because it was discussed over lunch or the 9th hole with the alderfucks. Look around. See what's going on!

5/02/2007 07:31:00 AM  
Blogger SCC said...

"the number of actual minorities who benefit from any of this sleight-of-hand is pretty much near zero."

Not true. Just about anybody who is anybody in the "black leadership" gets plenty of grease from being "minority contractors" or participants. There's no real benefit to blacks in general, but the elite do cash in.

- sez a civilian...

Our point exactly Rich. Minorities don't benefit - the elite do.

couldn't last too much longer without your rhetoric obama hating,race baiting bullshit huh,scc. was wondering what was taking you so long to start back up

Listen up stroke - because you are truly a stroke of immense proportions - point out the race baiting we've allegedly published? And since when is the truth about Obama being part and parcel of the Illinois/Chicago Machine hating?

We almost feel pity for you. Almost. You think that Jesse Jackson (senior, junior and beer distributor), Obama, Oprah, Chaz Ebert and other like them are actual oppressed minorities when in reality, they are part of the problem, not the solution.

Go play in traffic. You're boring us. We'll continue to publish criticism of whoever we want, regardless of race, color or creed. And if that means pointing out how Obama is a hypocrite of the highest order, so be it.

5/02/2007 08:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I have a store front, a phone with voicemail and some female relatives who could pretend to run a business. Who do I call to get in on the gravy train?

5/02/2007 12:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Im boring you huh! looks to me like I got your attention! im no fan of jesse, im black but i have no respect for that opportunist, so i dont know why you mentioned him and oprah. go ahead and keep up with your secret affactuation with obama its your blog!

5/02/2007 03:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

""Go play in traffic. You're boring us. We'll continue to publish criticism of whoever we want, regardless of race, color or creed. And if that means pointing out how Obama is a hypocrite of the highest order, so be it.""
SCC your a hypocrite, you bash obama but don't bash bush and the rest of the idiots that are detroying this country with their bullshit border polices and wars.I bet Your a gulliani fan huh?? check his cred he is garbage just like the rest. your bias and you know it. the biggest crook in town is on the fifth floor.

5/02/2007 05:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3:11 PM

What does "AFFACTUATION" mean?

5/02/2007 06:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey 10:00

According to Ron Huberman, the department is now paperless. He wouldn't lie to Crains Chicago Business would he? Of course not, Daley would never have given him so many cushy jobs if he were a liar.
I through my briefcase in the garbage and I need to di police work is on a handy dandy flash drive. Thanks Ronnie!

5/02/2007 07:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Barack Obama Bin Laden says---

I'm glad the liberal media will let me slide no matter what. Praise Allah----I mean Thank God. I am going to have all the liberals fooled and Hillary will have to bow down to me also and wear a burqua--which for her wouldn't be a bad look!!!

5/02/2007 08:27:00 PM  
Blogger SCC said...

We don't usually play "Grammar Police" because we happen to be guilty of more than a few missteps. We just have the luxury of being able to go back and correct quite a number of our mistakes following review. But this goof needs to be smacked and playing Grammar Police just makes it easier:

SCC your a hypocrite,

am not! are too! am not! are too! and by the way, it's "you're"

you bash obama but don't bash bush and the rest of the idiots that are detroying this country with their bullshit border polices and wars.

and your (note your/you're) point is? we make no apologies for being republican and supporting conservative causes as we see fit. as to anyone destroying this country, it seems to be holding up pretty well. and you comment on a border policy - could you point it out to us? we seem to have missed any cohesive border policy in the past 30 years or so. thanks.

I bet Your a gulliani fan huh?? check his cred he is garbage just like the rest.

we like rudy for how he handled 9/11 - nothing more. it doesn't make him fit to lead the entire country. we're fans of Fred Thompson - that man is going places.

your bias and you know it.

we're bias? we are bias? ok. if you say so. and once again, it's "you're." remember, if you want to say "you are," you can use "Mr. Apostrophe" to form a contraction and make two words into one!

the biggest crook in town is on the fifth floor.

wow. something we can agree on. and something that actually makes sense.

People - if you take any lesson from the above exchange, please, for the love of god, don't let your friends comment while drunk. or uneducated.

5/02/2007 09:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So now I can't comment while drunk?
How much more restrictive is this blog going to get?

5/11/2007 12:39:00 PM  

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