Saturday, August 11, 2007

And the Front Runner Is?

  • Dick Devine says he won't run for a fourth term as Cook County state's attorney.
So who steps up? Who moves on? What changes are afoot for that office?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look for Commander franklin from the 3rd District to be asked to run. He is that good.

8/11/2007 12:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hopefully and maybe somebody will take his place with some balls and start sentencing these career repeat offenders like they should be. Fuck the over crowded jails. Stop being part of the problem and start being part of the solution.

8/11/2007 03:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here the front runners are:

21st Ward Alderman Howard Brookins
38th Ward Alderman Tom Allen
40th Ward Alderman Pat O'Conner
Cook County Comm. Larry Sufferdin
Cook County Comm. Mike Quigley
Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart
First Ast. ASA Mike Milan
ASA Anita Alvarez

Early pick is Howard Brookins in a potentially crowded white field. Tom Allen will probably will be the pick of the political establishment, but he was a Public Defender and has never worked as an ASA. Pat O'Conner is a viable choice. However, he lost to Jack O'Malley in 1992 for the States Attorney's Office. Also, he has many business interests which may not make it attractive for him to run. Larry Sufferdin is a bright reformer with a Georgetown J.D., but he is a well known Springfield lobbyist. He worked in the PD's office. Mike Quigley is a reformer from the lakefront. His true ambition is to be Cook County Board President. But he has problems, because he has gone back and forth backing Todd Stroger. Further, Quigley's potential candidacy brings Claypool in the mix, because Quigley was Claypool's campaign manager against John Stroger. Tom Dart has baggage because of the way the 19th Ward bosses made him Sheriff. However, he has the political troops and the ability to raise a vast amount of money. Also, he is a former ASA and State Rep. Mike Milan and Anita Alavarez have many of the same problems. They are preceived as Devine insiders. Rumor has it Devine was going to attempt to do the same thing Sheahan did for Dart, which was to wait til the last moment and attempt to have Milan appointed to the nomination by the Democratic establishment. Word leaked out and Milan is done from that angle.

Place your your bets.

Early prediction is the power brokers from the northside and southside will broker a deal that would put Brookins and Dart head to head. Dart truly covets the States Attorney's office. This would set up the guarantee from southside political bosses to make a northsider Sheriff. The one varible that could cause strive is Spkr. Madigan does not love Dart. Under this scenario O'Conner is the early favorite for Sheriff. Also, it sets up a ticket of Todd Stroger and O'Conner for 2010. You heard it first on SCC.

8/11/2007 05:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Peggy Chiampas former ASA, now a judge, would make an OUTSTANDING CCSA

8/11/2007 06:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of the States Attorney's office, I am a Det. relegated to training new Dets. and new Sgts. Nothing in the FOP's contract proposals addressed D2As training new Dets. and Sgts. I have nothing against FTOs getting D2A, but I think Dets. assigned to train the newly promoted officers should get D3 while training the newbees (or at least the 45 minutes a day) FTOs get. FOP Mark, Greg and John are Dets. Guys please help members where you came from.

8/11/2007 07:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I nominate Karen Rowan for State's Attorney. Something she can do, and likely do well.

8/11/2007 10:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The entire Area 3 detective unit is going to replace Dick Devine. They have told us for years if we have a case or not that will go any where so they must be experts. I predict crime (on paper) will then drop 78% once they take office. You thought felony review was bad now ...wait and see

8/11/2007 11:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

did you already forget about
Tony Periaca he's the guy we want

8/11/2007 11:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who cares, Darren will still reject the charges.

8/11/2007 12:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why doesnt he appoint someone in his family to take his place?

8/11/2007 12:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I work in 022 & can verify that Brookins is a race-baiting piece of SHIT!! 022 takes in part of his ward & he was asked by his "peoples" why can't beats be redrawn to get more police in their area. He flat out stated that it was a race issue because the whites in 022 will bitch about losing police because beats such as 2211 would be made bigger so Brainerd could have more P.O.'s. Bt 2211 is HUGE to begin with, with TAXPAYERS & POLICE getting fu&*ed because 1 beat car covers a ridiculously large area. He said it was plain and simple...It was a race issue!! He'd fit right in with Stroger & the rest of the CROOK County crew!

8/11/2007 12:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And the Front Runner Is?

Any one w/the complete and total backing of The Runt.
That's your next State's Atty.

Save you blah,blah what if's hypothetical posturing.
If the Mayor gives you the nod you're in.
That's it, end of Story.

8/11/2007 12:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about a P.O. for ASA,why not?

We have many J.D.'s among us.

I nominate P.O. (M.B.) from 017. He has a law degree, he also is a former Army officer. Plus he has worked (not a dog-ass).

I could name at least 1/2 dozen other officer's with similar qualifications.


I mean Tom Dart? Give me a break..he's been Sheriff for what?..10 minutes. Now he wants to be State's Attorney.

Also lets RECALL that asshole Governor(Blagojevich), California did it with Gov. Davis.

Or else, lets just surrender the ASA's office and the CPD to the west-side reverands and "get it over with!"

Oh yea..just watched the Bud Bilikin Parade on WGN. Almost fell get's longer each year. (3 1/2 hours.)

8/11/2007 01:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nope it's gonna be, Tom Dart for States attorney and Pete Dignan for Sheriff. all 19th ward ticket. You will never see the southside give something important to the norhtside willingly

8/11/2007 01:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom Dart or Bob Milan. The powers that be won't let that job leave the 19th ward. Howard Brookins is an ass clown who cannot put two sentences together and has no money. His aldermanic campaign fund is 20k in debt. Brookins has stated publicly that he intends to indict one police officer every day. Dart or Milan. Book It.

8/11/2007 01:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope that Tommy D takes the bait and runs for State's Attorney.

Then he can take his mobbed up alarm-guy and the man-puppets (Sr. and Jr.) with him.

From a long-suffering (27 yrs, 3 months)county policeman; it would be a most pleasant change.

You go Tommy!!! Run Tommy run!!!

Just leave someone (preferably a lawman this time) at the helm of the Sheriff's office.

8/11/2007 01:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dart may want the job, but he is no longer the golden boy of the 19th ward. Since becoming sheriff he has fired some 19th Ward stalwarts, and good people such as Tom Folliard, Joe Griffin and others. He also posed for a picture with John Summerville and Summerville's family which was used as campaign litterature against Rugai. Will be interesting to see if he makes his peace with the southwest side powers that be.

8/11/2007 01:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its a done deal. Dart will be the next SA and cline will be the next Sheriff.

8/11/2007 02:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, does this mean his Merit Sgt Son's skyrocketing career comes to a halt, or does he still get the rest of the Merit Ranks to come?

8/11/2007 03:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pete Dignan for sheriff? What are you smoking? Pete is a good guy and was an excellent copper, but he was heavily involved with Burge. That would certainly come back to haunt him.

8/11/2007 06:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm retired and happily out of the loop.

Who the fuck is Karen Rowan? Someone keeps raising that name for various positions.

Could it be none other than...


8/11/2007 07:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


8/11/2007 08:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of the States Attorney's office, I am a Det. relegated to training new Dets. and new Sgts. Nothing in the FOP's contract proposals addressed D2As training new Dets. and Sgts. I have nothing against FTOs getting D2A, but I think Dets. assigned to train the newly promoted officers should get D3 while training the newbees (or at least the 45 minutes a day) FTOs get. FOP Mark, Greg and John are Dets. Guys please help members where you came from.

** They tried to get higher pay (FTO) status for instructors at the academy for training recruits 8 hours a day. Didn't fly

8/11/2007 08:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lets hope its not Darren or Bob Milan. These two incompetent fools believe they are the best lawyers that ever passed the bar.

I was at a party resently and over heard them talking about why Felony Review is ordered not charge most of the Sex Offender Registration cases they are asked to review.

According to Darren the best Lawyer ever, just ask him, the laws are WRONG and will not be enforced in cook county.

Thus making him a better legal expert than the Illinois Legislature. Now thats prety fuken awsome. We should be glad we have the him.

Darren and Bob are also convinced that all Police Officers are liers. Have you ever noticed that when you call a case in that the ASA spends more time interogating the Officers than the offender or witnesses?

Have you ever noticed that no matter how clear the statute is written and even if your case has met every element of the crime thier interpritation of the statute is completely differant?

I vote for Darren or Bob Milan for CCSA best lawyers that ever lived, like I said just ask them!

Yes, I can vote for both of them. This is still Chicago...

8/11/2007 09:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Speaking of the States Attorney's office, I am a Det. relegated to training new Dets. and new Sgts. Nothing in the FOP's contract proposals addressed D2As training new Dets. and Sgts. I have nothing against FTOs getting D2A, but I think Dets. assigned to train the newly promoted officers should get D3 while training the newbees"

STFU ASSCLOWN STFU!! I'm sure your inbox is just filled to the brim?NOT!!

8/11/2007 10:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Speaking of the States Attorney's office, I am a Det. relegated to training new Dets. and new Sgts. Nothing in the FOP's contract proposals addressed D2As training new Dets. and Sgts. I have nothing against FTOs getting D2A, but I think Dets. assigned to train the newly promoted officers should get D3 while training the newbees (or at least the 45 minutes a day) FTOs get. FOP Mark, Greg and John are Dets. Guys please help members where you came from.

** They tried to get higher pay (FTO) status for instructors at the academy for training recruits 8 hours a day. Didn't fly

B.S. Post

I am one of the Detectives assigned for training and we have not asked for extra pay. I make D2A pay and I should not make more then a fellow Detective. The above poster is trying to start something.

8/11/2007 10:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

good riddence to "little Dick" Devine. Hopefully, the other "little Dick" will follow suit.

8/11/2007 11:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

but I think Dets. assigned to train the newly promoted officers should get D3 while training the newbees

I don't think training a new police officer who has NEVER worked one single day as a police officer can compare to showing a veteran officer - who has had numerous weeks of IST at the academy - the ropes at the detective division. It is routinely done everywhere whenever a new person comes into a unit....
Plus, how often do new detectives get made, and how long is the alleged "training"? one day? one week? what? There is no comparison.

8/11/2007 11:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

if Cline becomes sheriff, he could wear a gunbelt like the old time western cowboys did, with the bullet loops built in and around the belt. He then could concievably carry all the ammunition for the entire Sheriffs Department on his one gun belt alone. Probably about 100,000 rounds of ammo would fit in it.

8/11/2007 11:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Its a done deal. Dart will be the next SA and cline will be the next Sheriff.

8/11/2007 02:16:00 PM

That is hilarious,Cline as Sheriff. Not a chance in hell there,wait until you see what MIGHT be coming Phat Boys way. Best course for him is to repent for past sins and become INVISIBLE.

8/12/2007 09:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is only one guy I believe has the intellect, experience and balls to be the next CCSA. That would be Paul Geiger. The smartest guy you will ever meet.

8/13/2007 07:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"Speaking of the States Attorney's office, I am a Det. relegated to training new Dets. and new Sgts. Nothing in the FOP's contract proposals addressed D2As training new Dets. and Sgts. I have nothing against FTOs getting D2A, but I think Dets. assigned to train the newly promoted officers should get D3 while training the newbees (or at least the 45 minutes a day) FTOs get. FOP Mark, Greg and John are Dets. Guys please help members where you came from."

Response: If you want D3 pay, try passing a sergeants promotion exam. You actually want D3 pay for "working" a 6 1/2 hour day - Monday thru Friday on 2nd watch w/holidays off - in the Academy. You already have a dream spot so quit crying or you may be sent back to an Area where you'll have to do some real detective work. Unbelievable!

8/13/2007 10:57:00 AM  

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