Friday, September 07, 2007

The City That Works!

  • Most Chicago Public Schools teachers resorted to old-fashioned paper and pencil to take attendance Wednesday, but CPS officials were hopeful a new $60 million computer system would allow them to go "paperless'' in the next few days.

    A shutdown of electronic attendance-taking in 21 of 24 areas of the city on the second day of school gave the new IMPACT computer system room to complete key tasks like enrolling students and creating high school schedules, officials said.

Anyone else think that the "paper-and-pencil" system is going to show a miraculous increase in attendance figures that will somehow surpass the previous year totals by a few percentage points, thereby increasing the amount of Federal Aid that will be directed into the sinkhole that is the Chicago Public School system?

Who said that Daley wouldn't manage to squeeze a few extra dollars out of the Federal government?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, weren't we supposed to be paperless by now too? I'm surprised that we aren't allowed to code out more jobs (to avoid reported incident)to decrease crime numbers overall.....

9/07/2007 02:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We were going paperless, now we need 7 copies of everything, more and more paper! daley is stealing so much from the fed, but again he is the monarch and can take whatever he wants and no one will ever catch him! That is umtil Laskis promised book comes out with 3+ chapters on daley and his crew!

9/07/2007 07:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The computers will be stolen and used for drug money.

9/07/2007 01:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You mean "The City That Werks!"

9/07/2007 11:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its funny that while the CPD continues to face numerous alligations of beating people while off-duty and the constant double guessing when they have to shoot a criminal that someone would be so bold to call the CPS schools a "sinkhole"! No wonder people view the City of Chicago Departments with such negativity when they continue to bash each other reather than stick up for one another. Instead of blaming the systems for failing, start look in at real cause. Like in CPS the large number of parents who careless if their children recieve an education or even attend. Half of them made their children attend for the free rewards offered by CPS. It is a shame. And for the CPD the good cops are overshaddowed by the idiots who don't know how to act like proper human beings.

9/08/2007 03:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

idiots is right. not only are there people who behave improperly between shifts, how about the one's who act like assholes while at work? i have one question...why if we are all adults, can't we act like adults? some people on this job are 50 going on 12. grow up guys, get a life outside this job and you'll be so much happier. cuz the rest of us dont give a fuck about your poor attitudes. just let us go to work and come home, quit picking on people just because you think you can. it's really childish and immature.

9/08/2007 06:20:00 PM  

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