Sunday, September 09, 2007

True or False?

From the comments:
  • My son goes to a public school. He still has not received his free pass to the museum. Trivial? You bet! So I asked a teacher...she side stepped the issue and started talking about demographics, and that kids at our school have been born into an upper middle class...
    I stopped her and said "What your telling me is that the Minority schools received the passes and kids from this school will not be"?

    The look on her face gave me the tacit admission that I was correct.
We will admit that if this is true, we aren't surprised. Not in the least.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can you say RACIAL against whites?

9/08/2007 10:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

more bullshit you can thank the bullshit democrates for.

9/08/2007 11:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

More bullshit don't worry we will always pay full price, so we can give freely to the ones who don't want to go to school or work! Look at tomorrows scum times article about how the public schools are enticing kids to attend with lots of free shit, that really we apy for! WTF?

9/08/2007 11:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They got more than free passes, they also received boatloads of school supplies, pens, pencils, paper, school bags and backpacks, free breakfast and lunch.

Students at most other public schools are given a list of supplies that they each MUST bring to school, a box of kleenex, hand sanitizer, a ream of copy paper, colored pencils, red and black/blue pens and a host of other items.

They also are told to have their parents apply for the free food programs even when they know they won't qualify. I've been told that many of these applications are re-worked so that the school gets extra food, without the parents knowing.

Many of the students are illegal aliens receiving a free education at taxpayer expense, and many are brought in from out of the city and even from Indiana on our east side, driven to and from school with out of state license plates.

The schools in their town do not provide bi-lingual teaching or are too strick on aliens.

Our school system does not even check for residency or do any follow ups.

Shame on us for putting up with these issues, but our mayor makes a big deal every year on packing them in on opening day.

9/08/2007 11:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All of my children go to Norwood Park School, and all received their museum passes, so my guess is that this story is complete and utter BULLSHIT like 90% of the responses I see on this pathetic excuse for a blog.

CPS is abysmal for much of the city, but the elementary schools in the north end of 016 are absolutely top notch. I imagine that has a lot to do with PARENTING, a concept foreign to most of this "entitled" City.

My partner's kids go to Oriole Park and they got their passes too. So much for the troll attempt, nice try though.

Maybe you'd be happier paying $5,000+ a year for your kids to spend half the day learning about religious fairy tales so that you can feel superior to those of us with some common sense. "God" forbid your kids face the real world...

9/08/2007 11:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


It took me 40 years to figure it out but NOW I get it!!

If you are stupid, lazy, and incompetent, you will benefit more from the government.

The same goes for working for the POLICE DEPARTMENT. If you act like a drooling idiot, the bosses will leave you alone. If you show any competency whatsoever, the bosses will use and abuse you. i.e.; Make you do THEIR job.

IT WORKS!!! I have worn the same piss stained uniform pants for 10 months and say stupid things to everyone I see like a blundering idiot. I have been kicked out of all CAPS meetings by the commander and everyone leaves me alone!!

THE BOTTOM LINE… I will have a job for 29 years and a day. The kids going out their busting their asses doing the “right thing” will be suspended, chastised by the media and so called reverends for being white racists and possibly lose their jobs.

“There is no such thing as a FREE LUNCH.” At least that is what they taught us in school at an early age. However, they never realized that puke communist fucks would be running our country one day. NOT ONLY do the lazy, incompetent crack whores that have children out of wedlock get the FREE LUNCH, but so do their bastard offspring that get FREE BREAKFAST AND LUNCH on our hard earned dime at school if they bother to attend said school. – OH, did I forget to mention they also get the free museum pass??

As long as I work in the ghetto, BUST MY ASS? NO MORE!!

9/08/2007 11:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is positively true. So, let's see, I am forced to live here.Because my neighborhood schools suck,I drive my kid 25 mins for drop off and 25 mins to pick up everyday. That's AFTER we applied to the only 3 schools even worthy of our kid remotely close to our house.

All we do is reward unaccountable people in this city. They walk right out their ghetto and there is a new million dollar school, free backpacks, school supplies. When will we provide ass-wipers?

Last time I checked, as a PARENT it is our duty to ensure our child gets an education.

I wanted to throw up when I heard they were now being rewarded for getting their kids to school. Do you know SCC that they are even raffling off vacations and a car? YEP, check it out.

Not even a museum pass at my kids school. Nothing at all.

9/09/2007 12:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

any one in mt greenwood notice the 2/6 tagging.? last i heard a total of nine garages and a new cedar fence on 106 and whipple

9/09/2007 12:12:00 AM  
Blogger rosco said...

Free pass? Typical cheap bastard. You need a tax hike on your property to give the poor a boost in their S.S.I. checks.

9/09/2007 12:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey everyone sending their kids to catholic schools in the city. look at your property tax bill and see how much is going to cps. nice huh thats what we pay for illegals and thugs to fail out of school

9/09/2007 12:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Meanwhile private, mostly catholic schools do twice as much with half the resources. It’s sad we live under additional stigma from media and which catholic hierarchy hasn’t addressed properly is the "Chester the molester thing we got to deal with".

9/09/2007 12:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get a grip all schools got them, talk to the principle there my need to be a investigation to as what your childs school did with the passes. They all got them so what is wrong with you childs school?

9/09/2007 12:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Figures. They're always in our pocket books. Just like police service. Can't get a beat car to come out to the west side of 022, but the chicken bone domestic 1A job gets a car out right away. That parent should have banged the drum a little louder and demanded that her child get a free pass to the museum as well. Why should they get it and her child not? Sounds like reverse discrimination. Bet you won't find Mary Mitchell writing a piece on this anytime soon...

9/09/2007 01:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is this really surprising?

I just had this conversation with a prisoner yesterday. He made the typical comment of government conspiracy and the privilege of being white. Much to his dismay, and I'll direct this at everyone else that thinks color begets privilege, I explained that being white gives no such benefit. In fact, being Catholic, male, white, and heterosexual in this city is nearly unbearable. Basically my life is worthless... if I was a crack addicted black mother with 10 babies from 10 different baby's daddies, the city would be tripping over themselves to give me a home, food and money. But I'm not. I work, and support myself and children. Everything I have, I paid for, and although my family has been in need of help, we never once received it.

I keep having to remind myself to keep it in perspective: no matter what they get for free, my family will have a far better life then they will ever have. I will tell you guys this, my son will definitely have an advantage over most people. He will grow up in a nice neighborhood. He will go to a good school. He will have money for college. And it has NOTHING TO DO WITH HIS COLOR, it's all because that's what I will provide for him. It's what any parent can provide for their children if they just work hard enough. OMG I just had an epiphany! With hard work you can have anything in this country!

9/09/2007 02:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fun with numbers!

Chicago Tribune says the museum gave out 380,000 passes while there are approx. 420,982 students (as of 05-06) in the system. CPS claims 93% of students attended on the first day. According to these figures, about 91.9% of the entire system consists of minorities.

I agree with the comment, my child didn't get a pass either.

9/09/2007 02:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't get a beat car to come out to the west side of 022

9/09/2007 01:00:00 AM

stop it already

9/09/2007 07:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe you'd be happier paying $5,000+ a year for your kids to spend half the day learning about religious fairy tales so that you can feel superior to those of us with some common sense. "God" forbid your kids face the real world...

My kids go to Catholic School and they know all about the real world asshat. I don't think we are superior to anyone. I wish the Mayor would get his shit together with the CPS. Either you aren't Catholic and don't understand the difference between Public and Private Schools or you can't afford it and have a chip on your shoulder because of it. I too live in 016 on the north end and wouldn't send my kids to any of the public schools. Did you forget where a percentage of the kids in those schools come from? Or are you just ignoring that fact? Don't hate on those of us who work hard to send our kids to private.
PS We pay closer to 9K for tuition.

9/09/2007 07:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How can 91 percent of anything be considered a "minority"?

9/09/2007 09:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Todays Sun-Times has an article, where they are raffling off prizes such as; a car, $1000.00 rent, and many other gifts, for three months of perfect attendance in school. Instead of teaching these kids/parents what RESPONSIBILTY is our officials continue to cater to these non-grateful bustouts.

Remember your priorities begin at home!

9/09/2007 09:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Proud CPS Parent said...
All of my children go to Norwood Park School, and all received their museum passes, so my guess is that this story is complete and utter BULLSHIT like 90% of the responses I see on this pathetic excuse for a blog.

CPS is abysmal for much of the city, but the elementary schools in the north end of 016 are absolutely top notch. I imagine that has a lot to do with PARENTING, a concept foreign to most of this "entitled" City.

My partner's kids go to Oriole Park and they got their passes too. So much for the troll attempt, nice try though.

Maybe you'd be happier paying $5,000+ a year for your kids to spend half the day learning about religious fairy tales so that you can feel superior to those of us with some common sense. "God" forbid your kids face the real world...

9/08/2007 11:40:00 PM

Don't know about this person being a troll but my kids didn't receive the passes either. Not that it matters really. If you go to the museum, you have to deal with all the JO's there with their free passes too.
Read in the paper today about the gifts for perfect attendance during a couple month period this fall. Do you think that will be city wide or just for the so called "underprivileged"?
Also don't know about the other northside schools but my kids school is so fucking old it's almost pathetic. What about a couple new schools up here!!! Let's not talk about overcrowding, ours is. I know Ebinger had to add 4 more mobiles to handle all the kids. It's just a shame.

9/09/2007 10:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nothing wrong with the catholic school system, my kids sure bring home homework that is beyond what the cps schools teach. i'll pay for a great education compared to just a good one anyday. isnt that what giving your child an education is all about. the cps system sucks!!!

9/09/2007 10:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe you'd be happier paying $5,000+ a year for your kids to spend half the day learning about religious fairy tales so that you can feel superior to those of us with some common sense. "God" forbid your kids face the real world...

9/08/2007 11:40:00 PM

I totally agree with you. Public schools on north end are well kept secrets. Full of neighborhood children with parents that are involved. Norwood park school is hard to enter. Teachers take pride and work hard in classes. Get over the old image and check out those schools. BUT, the secret to any education is parental involvement. Cathloic schools are sometimes over rated.

9/09/2007 10:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, "Earning my museum pass;"

You are a pathetic excuse for a cop. You dishonor yourself and the uniform that too many people have risked their lives defending, and that too many have given their lives in service too.

"Walk around like a blundering idiot?" From your post, sounds like this isn't too much of a stretch for you...

"Piss-stained uniform?" See comment above about dishonoring the uniform.

You hate the job so much? Here's a suggestion: go find another place where you can earn the salary, pension, and benefits that a worthless sack of crap like you that does no work can.

I'm sure you probably rant and rave about how this Department sucks and everyone - bosses, mayor, other cops, and the community - is responsible for it being shit. Look in the mirror...your attitude sucks.

Go somewhere else in the world and see how long you last with that attitude. The same government that provides "entitlements" and "benefits" to the so-called lazy people you rant about is the same one providing a self-admitted non-working, "drooling-idiot" with a job. Your own personal "entitlement" and "benefit," you hypocritical idiot.

9/09/2007 10:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All sorts of tagging in mt.greenwood(26ers and saints) not just recently seen it in may or june ,check out the lovely sect.8 houses on kedzie about 10734 or 32 and another about 110ish on east side of street, heard about a few more east of kedzie but haven't seen it personally.

9/09/2007 11:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Exactly which schools didn't get passes? It appears that no one will name, names????

9/09/2007 11:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I call BS in boatloads. Both neighbors on either side of me received their passes at Ebinger. Quit stirring the pot for kicks.

9/09/2007 12:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe you'd be happier paying $5,000+ a year for your kids to spend half the day learning about religious fairy tales so that you can feel superior to those of us with some common sense. "God" forbid your kids face the real world...

Wow dude, I see some repressed rage here... Any chance you were an altar boy in your past and got buggered?

9/09/2007 12:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You think you missed your free pass? How about this, many of the inner city schools offered new bikes, computers and other gifts such as one month mortgage or rent to the parents in raffles to the inner city kids who showed up the first day.

DID YOU HEAR ME..... RENT MORTGAGE BIKES COMPUTERS and what did your little kids get.... SCREWED

Oh and the 60 million computer attendance program that didn't work the 1st day and the teachers had to do attendance with paper and pen like the old days....

Don't you think they did that on purpose so the numbers can be greatly enhanced to show a BETTER ATTENDANCE RATE?

Highest in 12 years..Rightttttttt!

You working tax payers... please bend over so we can take everything you have to give to the little kids of these nonworking welfare baby machines.

In any other country.... this style of government is call COMMUNIST.

9/09/2007 12:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you really want or need a pass go to the library and check out the "Museum Pass" they have them for everything, and the best part is that they are free!

9/09/2007 12:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is positively true. So, let's see, I am forced to live here...............ONCE AGAIN, YOU KNEW THIS WHEN YOU TOOK THE JOB. YOU ARE NOT FORCED TO DO ANYTHING, FIND A NEW JOB THAT DOESN'T REQUIRE RESIDENCY...........OR QUIT BITCHING...

9/09/2007 12:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

any one in Garcia ridge notice the 2/6 tagging.? last i heard a total of nine garages and a new cedar fence on 59 and neva

9/09/2007 12:12:00 AM

9/09/2007 01:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All of my children go to Norwood Park School, and all received their museum passes, so my guess is that this story is complete and utter BULLSHIT like 90% of the responses I see on this pathetic excuse for a blog.

CPS is abysmal for much of the city, but the elementary schools in the north end of 016 are absolutely top notch. I imagine that has a lot to do with PARENTING, a concept foreign to most of this "entitled" City.

My partner's kids go to Oriole Park and they got their passes too. So much for the troll attempt, nice try though.

Maybe you'd be happier paying $5,000+ a year for your kids to spend half the day learning about religious fairy tales so that you can feel superior to those of us with some common sense. "God" forbid your kids face the real world...

Ok you ignorant fool, lets see how your kids fair when you have to send them to Taft. You will wish they had the opportunity to read a bible and learn real morals instead of being exposed to teen pregnancy, drugs and gangs. Wait, I am sure your kids will be one of the "select" to get into Northside Prep!!! I am not Catholic and happy to pay 9,000 a year to send my kid to high school. I was a product of the public school system and worked for CPS. I can attest the current high schools have more distractions, obstacles and barriers than most well raised middle class children can cope with.

9/09/2007 01:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

100% attendance is expected next year when parents are given a free set of 22" rims if their kids show up for school!

9/09/2007 01:21:00 PM  
Blogger rosco said...

Just stop by any westside liquor store. You can buy your pass half-price.

9/09/2007 01:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Museum Pass?

I avoid those places with my kids because its like going to the zoo! Your ears are ringing when you leave from all the hoo hah!

They can have our free passes!

9/09/2007 01:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

if that's true, every parent should write and call the newspapers and television news channels about this bullshit. so my kids go to school like they should, stay out of trouble, stay out of jail, have good attendance and have good grades but they can't get rewarded like a little trouble making, that gives a shit about school, kid from the ghetto? just another racist move against white people that the public does nothing about.

9/09/2007 01:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

will you please advise everyone who reads this site, there is no such thing as "reverse discrimination"? discrimination is discrimination, regardless of what color or creed is being discriminated against.

the problem is when we fuss about it on this blog instead of raising hell in the alderman's office. make them earn their keep.

9/09/2007 01:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lets see I am black female, my childs school didn't receive "boatloads" of "free stuff" instead I was given an extensive list of school supplies that I had to purchase including kleenex, pens, paper,3 subject notebooks, TI-84 calculator, etc.
He didn't receive the pass either....but of course this couldn't be true because its "RACIAL" against whites....give me a break. Why don't you just ask your childs school about the passes before you jump to conclusions.

9/09/2007 02:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We Now Have the following WORST, in the Nation, right here in Chitcago, Crook County::

baseball team {Chicago White Sox]
Corrupt politicians
gasoline taxes
Public School System
Highest Tolls
Electricity Costs
Public Transportation System
Mail service
Illegal Alien crime encouraged by our politicians
Auto Insurance prices
Compliments of Who? the DemocRAT Party [except for the White Sox] Reinsdorf and Williams get the blame for that fiasco

9/09/2007 02:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And you wonder why racism is still alive and well.

9/09/2007 03:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Exactly which schools didn't get passes? It appears that no one will name, names????


9/09/2007 05:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The point everyone is trying to make and everyone else fails to see is..... that CPS is for the whole city and what they offer to one school should be offered to all schools. And to the parent who says they have there children in private school and that there getting a great education for 9 grand a year, well you might what to do some homework, had a child in private school from K thru 8th and them put him in the Public high school in the burbs, only to find out that he was behind becasue the private schools arent advanced as they use to be, and had to take extra class's to catch up(the child is a A/B student also).Call the Archdiosies and ask them even all the catholic high schools made calls to grammer schools to tell them to step it up they are behind.

9/09/2007 05:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All of my children go to Norwood Park School, and all received their museum passes, so my guess is that this story is complete and utter BULLSHIT like 90% of the responses I see on this pathetic excuse for a blog.

CPS is abysmal for much of the city, but the elementary schools in the north end of 016 are absolutely top notch. I imagine that has a lot to do with PARENTING, a concept foreign to most of this "entitled" City.

My partner's kids go to Oriole Park and they got their passes too. So much for the troll attempt, nice try though.

Maybe you'd be happier paying $5,000+ a year for your kids to spend half the day learning about religious fairy tales so that you can feel superior to those of us with some common sense. "God" forbid your kids face the real world...


9/09/2007 05:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

who cares about the pass to the dam museum, our contract should get this much attention. Maybe they cant fight for that in our new contract free pass's to all the city museums for the day.

9/09/2007 05:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hale school on the southwest side very few kids got theres pass's either, but then again I didnt send my kid to school the first day to get a pass, he was going either way pass or not.Maybe we should pay the teachers more and tell them to live outside of the city on our tax dollar, go look at teachers salaries, the city pays the best and we get the crappy teachers, granted there are a few great teachers there but not many.

9/09/2007 05:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In all honesty ,giving them musuem passes is like giving them free hockey tickets.

9/09/2007 06:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good for you brother I feel the same, worked in the getto for the last 12year going on 13 at the end of this year and for what punished is all I get shit-head want to beef! on bullshit fook that. they call and call 911 help! the drug dearlers gang blaa blaa but when you chase dude, puts up a fight and you a police officer take the dude down/ emergency take down! here comes the same people who complaint and caleed police first. "why did you hit him and jump on him while he was on the floor". "I'm calling ops write know". well citizens next time dial ops and tell them to get there ass over to the sevice call of gangs on the street selling drugs. see if the come ove. I don't think so... I just dont Know which way to go anymore. inspectors please stop going to busy districts and bothering poliice officers shit i now u see shit "on-view. get out of the car, what you scared.. well get the hell out of getto!

9/09/2007 07:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok you ignorant fool, lets see how your kids fair when you have to send them to Taft. You will wish they had the opportunity to read a bible and learn real morals instead of being exposed to teen pregnancy, drugs and gangs. Wait, I am sure your kids will be one of the "select" to get into Northside Prep!!! I am not Catholic and happy to pay 9,000 a year to send my kid to high school. I was a product of the public school system and worked for CPS. I can attest the current high schools have more distractions, obstacles and barriers than most well raised middle class children can cope with.

9/09/2007 01:17:00 PM

Taft high school has advanced honors classes for 7th and 8th graders. The city employees who can see beyond their own ignorant bias have taken advantage of a excellent and free opportunity. They graduate with high school credit and are eligible for a magnet school, for more free education. This program is color blind. Just apply. Or pay $9,000 and receive avergae catholic education. Many graduates from the honors program go to Payton school, Northside prep and Whitney Young. Instead of believing every rumor check out the school.

9/09/2007 07:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Hale school on the southwest side very few kids got theres pass's either, but then again I didnt send my kid to school the first day to get a pass, he was going either way pass or not.Maybe we should pay the teachers more and tell them to live outside of the city on our tax dollar, go look at teachers salaries, the city pays the best and we get the crappy teachers, granted there are a few great teachers there but not many.

9/09/2007 05:43:00 PM

Ok I so agree paying our teachers more money. But I looked at the school schedule for the year, my kids have at least 2-3 days off a month except for maybe the last two months of the year. What are they firemen? They have the students roughly5.5-6 hours a day. They get a half hour lunch, 15-20 minute recess, some days gym-library and other classes. So the teacher has the students about 4 hours total. Kinda crazy!!!

9/09/2007 08:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...



9/09/2007 08:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 9/08/2007 11:40:00 PM,

Norwood Park School? Oriole Park, too? You're kidding, right? Keep rationalizing about the Chicago Public Schools because you're an over-extended city worker struggling to pay down a three-hundred thousand dollar mortgage. Your greedy, and myopic and your children will struggle through life with the consequences of the free education you settled for. I'll gladly plunk down the four thousand dollars at a Catholic School. No one has ever been shot in one yet. And I won't have to worry about my daughters going to "rainbow parties" with her classmate Deonte. Oh, and no pictures of Martin Luther King or Malcolm X on the walls, either. And those religious fairy tales? You mean like men should marry women? And we shouldn't execute the aged or the unborn? If you haven't figured it out yet you belong in a public school.

So you have a partner, eh? When you gonna make sergeant, Einstein? Come over to my parish school anytime. You won't need to announce yourself. You and yours will stand out like sore thumbs-just like anyone from Prosser, Simeon, Taft, and Norwood park School.

9/09/2007 09:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To: Oh well, get the hell out of the ghetto---
Take your own advice. Obviously the years of policing the underclass has affected your spelling, grammar, and ability to manufacture a cognitive thought.

9/09/2007 09:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

a friend of mine is a CPS teacher. Their days are not 5-6hours. almost every day he is up till 2am working on lesson plans and grading papers. teachers deserve whatever days they have off and raises.

9/09/2007 09:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Washington Smyser up on 4300 block of North Melvina hasn't gotten any museum passes yet

9/09/2007 10:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard similar stories about children from catholic grammer schools not keeping up in high school.

Its something to think about, Public versus Private K-8.
The Catholic grammer schools will not release how the children tested/schools rated. Some fees paid by parents go to the legal defense fund for pedophile priests, and so on.
Im sure it is dependant on which Catholic school the kids go to, but I have heard similar stories about Christinas and Cajetans out south, where the graduates go to the catholic high school and they are behind the other students. In the same neighborhood there is Mt. Greemwood, Clissold, Sutherland, which I heard decent things. I at least got a year to decide.

9/09/2007 10:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You cant get a car to come to the west end of 022 because of its commander , patty garrity. Hes so worried about the shootings on the east side he dosent give a fuck about the west end. He needs to put more worthless females in his office, the 4 he has is not enough. In fact, the old lady with 10 years on he had in his office has been on the medical for a year so he hid her now on days in the caps office. She came back 3 days and is now back on the medical for another next year until this one runs out. This commander is the most incompetent fuck alive. ALL his watches are short but he always find sweet spots for the honeys.

9/09/2007 10:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To those who want to bash the Catholic schools and who believe that the Chicago Public Schools can do a superior job . . . .
As a supervisor for almost 20 years, I've been able to tell almost immediately which PO's and PPO's are products of the Chicago Public School system. Catholic school kids are clearly better prepared to do this job (greater discipline, courage, academic skills, etc). Any copper who sends his / her kids to the Chicago Public School System is crazy. Most public school teachers don't even send their own kids to the Chicago Public Schools.

9/09/2007 10:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the person who posted at are a total jackass. There are a few good public elementry schools on the northside left. All the problems that happen in the public schools happen in the Catholic schools. You are an ignorant fool if you think the Catholic schools shelter your kids from the drugs, pregnany etc...its just not as prevelent. Its still there......

9/09/2007 10:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You cant get a car to come to the west end of 022 because of its commander , patty garrity.

9/09/2007 10:24:00 PM

Pat Garrity is one of the sharpest commanders around. I knew him as a detective (612), polygraph operator (177), sergeant (002), lieutenant (006) and captain (006). He's an attorney and a policeman's policeman. Obviously, you have him confused with somebody else.

9/09/2007 10:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Norwood Park School? Oriole Park, too? You're kidding, right? Keep rationalizing about the Chicago Public Schools because you're an over-extended city worker struggling to pay down a three-hundred thousand dollar mortgage. Your greedy, and myopic and your children will struggle through life with the consequences of the free education you settled for. I'll gladly plunk down the four thousand dollars at a Catholic School. No one has ever been shot in one yet. And I won't have to worry about my daughters going to "rainbow parties" with her classmate Deonte. Oh, and no pictures of Martin Luther King or Malcolm X on the walls, either. And those religious fairy tales? You mean like men should marry women? And we shouldn't execute the aged or the unborn? If you haven't figured it out yet you belong in a public school.

So you have a partner, eh? When you gonna make sergeant, Einstein? Come over to my parish school anytime. You won't need to announce yourself. You and yours will stand out like sore thumbs-just like anyone from Prosser, Simeon, Taft, and Norwood park School.

9/09/2007 09:14:00 PM

Thanks for proving my point about the whole "feeling superior" thing. Awfully defensive, aren't you? I bet your dad could beat up my dad too. ha ha ha ha

See if this makes sense to anyone: I don't have to work side jobs to send my kids to a good school. They are getting a very good education, I'm home to help them ( instead of at a side job or sitting in a tavern until 4am) and I get to save hundreds of dollars a month towards their high school and college future. Guess I'm a real asshole, huh? Yeah...tons of gang problems and shootings at Norwood park. Try inventorying the rocks instead of smoking them. Or at least know what the hell you are talking about.

Pull your elitist, overtly racist head out of your ass before your kids end up just like you.

9/09/2007 10:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We all have priorities. I choose to send my kids to a Catholic school in Park Ridge. My oldest daughter went to Ebinger six years ago and we had to pull her out because she was being mocked for being "To white" and "Not being street enough." Now I see that three of her former classmates from Ebinger Class of 2004 were arrested in the 7200 block of Olcott for attacking an off duty police officer. So you can stick your "great northside public schools" up your ass. Taft getting better is like saying "I'm the tallest midget!!"

9/09/2007 10:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Norwood Park School? Oriole Park, too? You're kidding, right? Keep rationalizing about the Chicago Public Schools because you're an over-extended city worker struggling to pay down a three-hundred thousand dollar mortgage. Your greedy, and myopic and your children will struggle through life with the consequences of the free education you settled for. I'll gladly plunk down the four thousand dollars at a Catholic School. No one has ever been shot in one yet. And I won't have to worry about my daughters going to "rainbow parties" with her classmate Deonte. Oh, and no pictures of Martin Luther King or Malcolm X on the walls, either. And those religious fairy tales? You mean like men should marry women? And we shouldn't execute the aged or the unborn? If you haven't figured it out yet you belong in a public school.

So you have a partner, eh? When you gonna make sergeant, Einstein? Come over to my parish school anytime. You won't need to announce yourself. You and yours will stand out like sore thumbs-just like anyone from Prosser, Simeon, Taft, and Norwood park School.

Great now you morons are arguing about which schools are better, this blog is a joke. For the record, if you opened up a newspaper you would se that Edgebrook and Oriole Park are tops in the city, with Ebinger,Norwood Park, and Wilwood close behind, last time I checked, nobody has been been shot at any schools in the neighborhood. The only kids being bused these days are kids with special needs and that's it.
They also have catechism classes on the weekend so kids can learn their religion. I went to public school most of my childhood, including high school, went on to colege and currently a Sgt. so quit with the b.s. stereotypes and open your eyes.

9/09/2007 11:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go somewhere else in the world and see how long you last with that attitude. The same government that provides "entitlements" and "benefits" to the so-called lazy people you rant about is the same one providing a self-admitted non-working, "drooling-idiot" with a job. Your own personal "entitlement" and "benefit," you hypocritical idiot.

9/09/2007 10:31:00 AM

Let me guess .. you are an Area 3 coward right???

Go fuck yourself glory-boy.. transfer to the ghetto and see how the rest of the department puts up with shit. COWARD ASS LIBERAL.

9/09/2007 11:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

while we are on stereotypes lets cement them...

1. all northsiders are homosexuals.
2. all southsiders are inbred sister fuckers.
3. all westsiders are dogs.
4. all children in the cps are treated equally.
5. all the constant race baiting and pot stirring on the site is getting real old.
6. my dad can beat up your dad.
7. and anyone who still asks where you went to high school and makes a comment on its gayness or athletics, when they have no children in h.s. is mentally still there and or retarded.

9/10/2007 12:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Proud CPS parent:
I'm happy you feel your kids are getting a good education at your cps school. And your right about parenting being the main factor in determining a child's success.
However, I do place great value on religious education and gladly pay $11K+/annually for three kids. My desire is that my children will learn of the deep, rich, Christian heritage of our country and the people who founded it.

"The only foundation for... a republic
is to be laid in Religion.
Without this there can be no virtue,
and without virtue there can be no liberty,
and liberty is the object
and life of all republican governments."
----Dr. Benjamin Rush
signed The Declaration of Independence,
"Father of American Medicine"

9/10/2007 01:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


9/10/2007 01:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My kids go to NW Side public school. Great school. Excellent teachers and a good amount of homework. At least I am getting something for my tax dollars right now. The problem is HS. If they don't get into Northside or maybe Lane it has to be private High School.

9/10/2007 01:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

City's raffling a car off huh? I wonder how long it'll be before it gets impounded for narcotics......

9/10/2007 03:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How do piss stains show on dark blue uniform pants? just wondering

9/10/2007 04:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

went on to colege
9/09/2007 11:08:00 PM


9/10/2007 04:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you. Public schools on north end are well kept secrets. Full of neighborhood children with parents that are involved. Norwood park school is hard to enter. Teachers take pride and work hard in classes. Get over the old image and check out those schools. BUT, the secret to any education is parental involvement. Cathloic schools are sometimes over rated.

9/09/2007 10:12:00 AM


They're not secrets! We all know about them and would sell our soul to the devil to get our kids in there! But, since we didn't buy in that area 5-6 years ago we are stuck applying. If you are Caucasian, you are booted out of the application process pretty much. Because most schools like yours are already filled with Caucasians, so they only take in NON-Caucasians during the application process.
Minorities win all ways.

For us, the Catholic schools in the area were $10,000-$12,000 per year and the curriculum was terrible. We applied to a school that is phenomenal, made huge donations, and volunteered to make our family known at this school (before our child even attended there) then when we applied we got in, this is Chicago don‘t forget. But, yes on the Northside, we have like the other poster stated I would say 3-6 great schools.

FYI- if you are a family with a kid that is going to start Kindergarten next year, (Sept 2008) now is the time to start the process. Applications have to be in by December. Make yourself known to the schools that are good enough for your kid, and you will have a pretty good chance. Do not settle on your neighborhood school if it is crap, and do not settle for Catholic School if it is not the best option for you.

The fact that we even have to apply to these schools in the first place burns me up. Because of our residency requirement we should have first dibs on where we would like our child to attend! Forget the lousy $3000 stipend, I would rather have first dibs on an education that fits the need of our child.

9/10/2007 09:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No passes, school supplies, backpacks or Balloons at our Wrigleyville school either.

9/10/2007 09:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Proud Christian
However, I do place great value on religious education and gladly pay $11K+/annually for three kids.
9/10/2007 01:35:00 AM


Are you saying here that you pay $11,000 for ALL your kids? Or per kid $11,000? Just curious and I don't know what part of the city this is. But we just went through the school hell process and there is not one private near us that is less than $9,000 per kid then on top of the $9,000 each parent has a $2,000-$3,000 donation commitment per year. So, I am curious......

Our kid goes to a Northside grammer school in Lakeview that is top notch.It is run like a private. We have already committed to donating at least $3000 this year. Last year we donated about $4500. That is why the school is so good. All the parents pony up to MAKE the school top notch.

9/10/2007 09:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

20 year supervisor i would work with a pubilc school kid before i would a suburban or a catholic rat scared shit of the shitheads,or he thinks he knows it all.just like 70% of the supervisors you know shit.look at this i went to a public school and make as much as you now whos the smart one jackass.

9/10/2007 10:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's easy to pick a school for your kids:

Walk into his/her school and if you see police and or metal detectors RUN RUN RUN with your kids to the nearest private school.

9/10/2007 11:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How do piss stains show on dark blue uniform pants? just wondering

They don't.. They just smell bad after a while. You will still get promoted anyway.

9/10/2007 11:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

proud Christian school parent said...
To Proud CPS parent:
I'm happy you feel your kids are getting a good education at your cps school. And your right about parenting being the main factor in determining a child's success.
However, I do place great value on religious education and gladly pay $11K+/annually for three kids. My desire is that my children will learn of the deep, rich, Christian heritage of our country and the people who founded it.

"The only foundation for... a republic
is to be laid in Religion.
Without this there can be no virtue,
and without virtue there can be no liberty,
and liberty is the object
and life of all republican governments."
----Dr. Benjamin Rush
signed The Declaration of Independence,
"Father of American Medicine"

9/10/2007 01:35:00 AM

While wanting that your children will learn of the deep, rich, Christian heritage of our country and the people who founded it is a great thing. Why must you pay 11K+ annually to acheive this?

Those virtues should be taught by the parents at home, not by a school. If a parent spends one hour sitting down and teaching thier kid a day, that kid will learn more from that one hour than he/she would learn from a month at any school.

Instead of relying on a school to raise your kids with the values you believe in, sit down with your kid and be a real parent.

But I imagine you are like the majority of parents nowadays who rely on schools, day care centers, television and nanny's to raise thier children.

9/10/2007 02:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok you ignorant fool, lets see how your kids fair when you have to send them to Taft. You will wish they had the opportunity to read a bible and learn real morals instead of being exposed to teen pregnancy, drugs and gangs. Wait, I am sure your kids will be one of the "select" to get into Northside Prep!!! I am not Catholic and happy to pay 9,000 a year to send my kid to high school.

go ahead send your kid to Catholic schools,,,,,make sure the little darlings don't run out of "butt patches" while they are getting all of that readi, writin. and arithmetic

9/10/2007 07:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Public school or private does it really matter. It truly depends on each child and parent. You only get out of school what you put into it. So everyone should get off there computers and go help there children with there homework.

9/10/2007 08:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bribe the kids to go to school with tickets to a museum, Bribe the parents to keep them in school with free rent or a car. Whats with the bribes? Oh! I forgot. This is the City of Chicago where Bribes are a way of life.

9/10/2007 09:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No I dont have patty garrity wrong . All those jobs you mentioned he was a meritorious usless prick hiding behind his juice. I also knew him all those years. Hes in the 19th ward irish mafia with the jimmy the drunk knightly's and the cornfields and all the other usless fuck commanders over the years. And yes he is an attorney but remember he went to law school while having sweet spots on this job on company time. Yea, hes a great guy. If you dont know him go in there and ask for something and see what that little four eyed fuck tells you. Ask for something simple like a car at you family members funeral beacuse they were on the job for 20 or 30 years and see what he tells you. A policemans policeman. Fuck off! The sooner this jaggoff retires the better.

9/10/2007 09:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

a friend of mine is a CPS teacher. Their days are not 5-6hours. almost every day he is up till 2am working on lesson plans and grading papers. teachers deserve whatever days they have off and raises.

9/09/2007 09:35:00 PM

If your kid is in your friend, the teacher's class, I would pull him out. If it takes your friend until 2am to complete his work he must not be able to read.

9/10/2007 09:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been a teacher for 22 years at a south side catholic school and Im here to tell you that the children whom attended chatholic elementary schools are much more advanced at math, english, social studies, and history when they get to high school then those who attended pulic schools.Its not just chicago public school students its most public school students. This is a fact. They are also 85% more likley to attend and graduate from college and are 90% of the time more successful and goal orientated.

9/10/2007 09:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Basically my life is worthless... if I was a crack addicted black mother with 10 babies from 10 different baby's daddies, the city would be tripping
You probably do smoke crack....maybe you should go to work and tell them you want "gender reassignment" as a black female crack addict and then you could get a house for free...btw..the city is "tripping" OVER THEM SELVES TO STEAL OUR MONEY....GO FITZ!!!!!
are u settled in the new place yet?

9/11/2007 02:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I have been a teacher for 22 years at a south side catholic school and Im here to tell you that the children whom attended chatholic elementary schools are much more advanced at math, english, social studies, and history when they get to high school then those who attended pulic schools.Its not just chicago public school students its most public school students. This is a fact. They are also 85% more likley to attend and graduate from college and are 90% of the time more successful and goal orientated.

Where are you getting these numbers? Is there a study out there that shows 90% of kids that went to catholic schools are more succesful than those that went to public schools?

Just for kicks since this is a CPD site, let's take P.O.'s who are all obviously equally succesful in terms of their career.

Since nowhere near 90% of the P.O.'s went to catholic school that proves your statement wrong at least as far as the CPD goes.

9/11/2007 04:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The best public High School in the City is still Whitney Young HS, right next to our own Chicago Police Academy. Probably one of the 3 top High Schools in the US.

9/11/2007 05:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 09/09/07 10:36:00pm
20 years as a supervisor may have tought you a lot about the police department but not about people.apparently in all your years of experience you fail to grasp one important tool,COMMON SENSE.Where a person goes to school isnt everything.How about how they were raised(its starts at home).How about where they grew up(some street smarts).How about COMMON SENSE.How about wanting to learn how to do this job.Even military background.How about some people just arent meant to be the POLICE.we can go on and on.WTF!!!! One question....ARE YOU AN EXEMPT???
PS:Come on Coppers,go get a library card and then get your free passes......FUCKEM!!!

9/11/2007 09:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are too little and too late Lt. This kind of talk should have been done all along. Its to late now so you can retire and move on with your supervisor I stand behind the troops bullshit! And thats just what it is BULLSHIT.

9/11/2007 09:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pat Garrity is one of the sharpest commanders around. I knew him as a detective (612), polygraph operator (177), sergeant (002), lieutenant (006) and captain (006). He's an attorney and a policeman's policeman. Obviously, you have him confused with somebody else.
Really Pat, would you please stop posting about yourself

9/11/2007 10:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was talking about real job success. A city job is good and has good benefits but it hardly constitutes real success. Take a ride out to the western burbs and look at the homes and the cars in the driveways. These folks are not policeman, fireman, or teachers. They are doctors, lawyers, stock traders, buisness owners, big time investors. Ask how many of them have summer homes and cottages. Im not saying you wont find a few average working joes in the mix out there, there are some who have made good investments or have had money left to them to afford this kind of living. But not many. What Im saying in essence is most of them are successful beyond what you or I would consider successful. Im not even saying all of them went to private schools but I would be willing to bet you the majority of them did.

9/11/2007 02:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of garrity, isnt that asshole going to retire now that his buddy williams is out?

9/11/2007 02:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Catholic schools are overrated and overpriced. Spend time with your kids. Teach them morals and values. Don't leave these important lessons for the school to teach. Save your money for college where it will be needed. My kids attended public schools and have been accepted into top tier universities.

9/11/2007 04:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The majority of people on here bashing the CPS are from the southside. The public schools on the southside are shit, for one reason and that is because of the people living on the other side of the tracks. They are also in your school district. Public schools on the northside are great. Maybe that is why our homes cost upwards of $400K. YOU HAVE TO PAY TO BE IN A GOOD SCHOOL DISTRICT.

9/11/2007 11:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I have been a teacher for 22 years at a south side catholic school and Im here to tell you that the children whom attended chatholic elementary schools are much more advanced at math, english, social studies, and history when they get to high school then those who attended pulic schools.Its not just chicago public school students its most public school students. This is a fact. They are also 85% more likley to attend and graduate from college and are 90% of the time more successful and goal orientated."

9/10/2007 09:46:00 PM

If the catholic K-8 schools are so great, why don't they release their test scores to prove how great they are?

9/12/2007 01:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


9/12/2007 10:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My wife teaches in the public school system in Chicago. We send our children to catholic schools. Don't try to justify why you send your kids to public schools. My childeren are in honors and taking AP classes. Its not the school that makes the student but the student that make the school. Every school has it's own problems.

9/15/2007 04:45:00 PM  

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